The Last Grimm_Red's Hood

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The Last Grimm_Red's Hood Page 16

by H. L. Wampler

  Chapter Thirty-six

  I went straight to bed when we got home. I didn’t want to talk to my mom or eat. I was so mad that my stomach was in knots. I lay in my bed and cried. The girl who had been my best friend for ten years had abandoned me. For once in our lives, she was jealous of me. The girl who was perfect in nearly every way had a serious jealous streak, and she couldn’t handle it. Connor came in a short time after I did and stripped down to his boxer briefs. He crawled into bed, and held me while I cried.

  “Are you sure you want to move in with me? Especially if it means losing your friend.”

  “If she can’t be happy for me and is going to insult me, I don’t need her in my life. I want to be with you. I want to spend as much time with you as possible. I love you.”

  “As long as it’s what you want.”

  “It is,” I finally had the chance to reassure him for once.

  I drifted off to a restless sleep. Nightmares involving wolves, Anna and, death invaded my subconscious. I couldn’t differentiate between the enemies. The wolf wanted my throat, but she wanted my heart. I felt so trapped. And in each different dream I had that night, Connor was my savior. He always showed up at the right time, and swept me away to safety. He was always bandaging my wounds. Maybe that’s why I needed him. Maybe he was supposed to bandage me both emotionally and possibly physically.

  I woke with a start in the early hours of the morning. Connor lay snoring softly under the mound of blankets I kept on my bed. The chill in my room reminded me that I hadn’t turned on my heater the night before. One bad thing about really old houses was that there was no central heating. Space heaters, the fire place, and radiators kept us warm. I hit the button on the heater to warm up the room for when Connor woke up, and I headed down to start some coffee. I felt horrible. I didn’t want to lose Anna as a friend, but it was painfully clear just how she saw me, and what she thought of me. The girl couldn’t even be happy that I was finally happy. It sucked her parents were suffocating her, but that was her problem to deal with. She had to put her foot down with them and finally be an adult. I was.

  “You okay, honey?” I turned and saw mom with her fleece blanket wrapped around her frail body standing in the doorway.


  “What happened?” she sat at the table and took the mug I handed her.

  “Anna and I aren’t friends anymore.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Her true colors finally came out. She doesn’t think I’m good enough for Connor and thinks he should be with her.”


  I just nodded my head.

  “What do you think.”

  “I think he’s too good to be true, but he loves me. And I love him.”

  Mom smiled and stared into her mug, “That’s how it happened with your father.”

  “How what happened?”

  “Falling in love with him. It was so fast. We had met and within a few weeks, I moved in here with him.”

  “You did?”

  “I did. And within two years we were married. I was twenty when we tied the knot. Another year later you were here, and he was gone.”

  “I’m sorry, mom.”

  “Don’t be. You did nothing wrong. I understand now why he left, and it just hurts now knowing he’s somewhere, dead. I’ll never be able to bury my husband, and you never got to know your father.”

  “Connor wants me to move in with him,” I whispered.

  “I know,” she said.

  “You do?”

  “He asked my permission last night.”

  “He did?”

  “He did.”

  “What did you say?” I asked.

  “You’re an adult now. It’s your decision. Just make sure it’s the right one.”

  I smiled at her, “I love you, mom.”

  “I love you to, sweetie.”

  “If I do move in with him…”

  “Don’t worry about me. I figure it’s about time I start leaving this house. Maybe I’ll even plant some flowers this spring.”


  “Why not? Maybe I’ll throw a big party for shits and giggles,” she smiled.


  “I’ll work up to that. One small step at a time, honey.”

  “I’m proud of you, mom.”

  “I’m the one who should be sorry.”

  “No, I can’t even imagine how hard it was. All these years never knowing…don’t apologize.”

  She stood and hugged me, then with her mug retreated to the office, “I’m not reading today. I’m looking for some new clothes. I think it’s time to retire the sweats and ratty ponytail.”

  I sat at the table. Despite what happened with Anna, I felt relieved and happy. Mom was coming back.

  “Why do you always wake up so early?” Connor complained coming into the kitchen.

  His hair was messy and made him look like a wild man. He had on a pair of sweats and a long sleeved tee shirt that stretched over his muscles. I was beginning to wonder if he purposely bought his shirts one size too small. He was also one of the only people who could make just waking up look sexy.

  “Nice hair.”


  “I couldn’t sleep. Bad dreams.”

  “Ah. You okay?”

  “Yeah, I just had a nice chat with my mother.”

  “You did?”

  “Yeah, she’s coming around finally. And you asked for her permission for me to move in with you?”

  He chuckled a bit, “She told you that did she?”


  “I just wanted to clear it with her first. She is your mom.”

  “Thanks,” I said.

  “For what?”

  “Talking to her.”

  He sat beside me with his coffee, and we drank in silence. When it came time, I headed to the shower to get ready for another day of interning. If this was what becoming an adult was like, I was going to take my time.

  Chapter Thirty-seven

  I was thankful that it was a half-day at work. Belinda had left to go out of town for some meetings up in New York so she was letting us go at noon instead of the usual time. With things piling up on my plate I was starting to have migraines and was so paranoid. It was like the great queen was playing a game of cat and mouse with me. And I was the mouse. I knew the battle was going to happen soon, I just didn’t know how soon. Belinda had left early that morning, so it was just Connor and I getting things done. Even Sasha had the day off. I was thankful for the quiet.

  Work went by slowly. I managed to stay in my office most of the day just working on spreadsheets and other busy things. Instead of going back to my house, Connor and I headed to his apartment. We both wanted to be alone and just make a plan of attack. I didn’t know how we were going to do it. There was nothing to plan. It was more a sit around and wait plan. He began carrying his axe around with him everywhere he went, but then again, so did I. Things seemed to be really be happening quicker.

  I sat in a chair and examined my shoes. They were the same red ones that I wore on the big date.

  “I love those shoes,” he said peeking over his desk.

  “Yeah, they are pretty hot, huh.”

  Connor got up and walked over to me. He leaned against the chair, kissing me. He bent down and scooped me up in his arms. These occasional moments of normalcy were a much needed relief for us. He walked across the living room and deposited me on his sofa.

  “What are you doing, you ridiculous man?”

  “Snuggling,” he said flopping onto the couch beside me.

  “What do I do about, Anna?” I asked while running my fingers through his soft hair.

  “I honestly don’t know. I’ve never had a friend act like her before.”

  “Do you even have friends? You never talk to or about anyone.”

  “Not really. With work and the wolves I’ve never had time to really socialize. It’s going to be weird having free time.”

bsp; “What are you going to do with yourself?” I smiled down at him.

  “Be with you!” he said while burying his face in my stomach.

  “You are so weird,” I laughed.

  “Only with you.”

  My phone started to sing.

  “Grab that?” I asked.

  “It’s your mom.”

  “My mom?” I grabbed the phone off of him and stared at the caller I.D.

  Sure enough, it was my mom.

  “Hello? Abigail?” she whispered in a panicked voice.

  “Mom, what’s wrong?”

  “Where are you?” she whispered.

  “At Connor’s. Why are you whispering?” I asked.

  “I’m hiding in the closet.”

  “Why exactly are you hiding in the closet?”

  Connor sat up and arched his eyebrows at me, I just shrugged my shoulders.

  Has mom finally lost it?

  “There is something here. It’s outside and it sounds big,” she cried.

  “What do you mean something? Did you see it?”

  “No. When it started slamming into the house I ran into the closet.”

  “It’s slamming into the house?” I asked.

  “Yes,” she replied.

  “Did you call the cops?”

  “No, should I?”

  “Well yeah, mom. Which closet are you in?”

  “The downstairs hall closet. I don’t want to get out.”

  “Good, don’t. We’re on our way.”

  “How long will you be?” she asked.

  “With the way Connor drives, half an hour. Don’t open the doors or windows. I have an idea what it is, and it wants me. Just stay in that closet.”

  “Hurry up, Abigail,” she cried.

  I tossed the phone in my purse and jumped up.

  “What’s wrong?” Connor asked propping himself up.

  “Something is at my mom’s.”


  “She says it sounds big, and she is hiding in the hall closet.”

  “The closet?”

  “It’s my mom. Normal people would head to the basement, she goes to a closet and hides behind coats.”

  He grabbed his keys, and we were out the door.


  She wasn’t kidding when she said something big was outside the house. When we pulled up there were at least twenty wolves standing right against the tree line. The massively huge silver wolf and a smaller brindle wolf were circling the house, occasionally throwing their full weight against it. Amazingly it was making the entire house shake.

  “Hey! Stop that!” I shouted.

  “Go back,” the silver wolf barked to the smaller wolf.

  The brindle wolf nodded its head and ran back to the rest of the pack.

  “Why are you terrorizing my mother?”

  “I knew it would get you here.”

  “Really? So you just tormented my damned mother for an hour just because?”

  “Why not? I do like playing with my food before eating it,” a deep, throaty laugh escaped from his snout.

  “You’re unbelievable,” I said.

  “What’s wrong, girl? Not prepared?”

  “I’m about as prepared as I’ll ever be really. I mean come on, you’ve had how long to get that big and become as formidable as you are. I’ve had all of a month. That’s fair,” I muttered.

  “Nobody ever told you life isn’t fair?”

  “You’re mine, wolf!” Connor shouted stepping in front of me.

  “Oh, it’s the little hunts boy all grown up.”

  “Don’t forget who gave you that scar.”

  “A lucky blow, boy. If it hadn’t been for your father, I would have eaten you up first.”

  I could see the pain hit Connor like a ton of bricks. He stopped talking and I could swear the wolf was smiling. I grabbed his hand and squeezed.

  “What’s this? The Grimm is in love with the huntsman?”

  I dropped Connor’s hand and took a few steps forward. The wolf backed up a bit toward the tree line. I took a few more steps forward, slowly getting closer to the porch. The wolf kept backing up. Once he was far enough away, I sprinted for the front door, Connor was right behind me.

  “Mom!” I screamed running down the hallway.

  “In here,” she cried.

  I flung open the door, and saw my mother sitting in a corner behind some coats. She had clothes on. Real clothes, not sweats. Her purple sweater and black leggings brought out the shine in her blonde hair and the creaminess of her skin. Tears were streaming down her cheeks.

  “I was so scared.”

  I dropped to my knees and wrapped her in a hug, “I know, mom. I’m sorry I wasn’t here. We didn’t think they’d attack yet. Are you hurt?”

  “No, they never came in and I never went out,” she sobbed into my shoulder.

  “This isn’t happening anymore. I’m not letting those wolves and that queen terrorize my mother.”

  I stood up, helping my mom get up, and led her upstairs to her bedroom. She sat on her bed and stared out the window. We could all see the wolves sitting, lined up around the yard. They were a great deal smaller than the silver wolf. He sat in front of them, just watching the house. He was waiting for me. I could see those golden eyes all the way across the expansive yard. He wanted my blood.

  “You can’t go out there!” mom cried grabbing my hands.

  “I have to, mom. I’m the only one who can send that thing back.”

  “Don’t leave me like your father did,” she sobbed.

  “I’m not going to. He’s not going to hurt me.”

  “I’ll be with her, Elaine,” Connor put his strong hand on her shoulder.

  She seemed to relax at his touch.

  “You keep my baby safe,” she said looking into his face.

  “I will.”

  We turned, and left my mom sitting on the bed, staring out the window at the wolves that lined the property.

  “I have to go upstairs and get something first,” I said running to the attic door.

  “What could you possibly need up there?”

  “The cloak and book. How else am I supposed to send that evil bastard back to his story?”

  Chapter Thirty-eight

  We stood there and stared at the tree line. The silver wolf walked slowly back to the rest of his pack. I swear he was sauntering back.

  That stupid son of a bitch! He’s going to rue the day that he decided to come here.

  I heard someone gasp in horror behind us.

  “Get in the house, mom.”

  She didn’t move.

  “Now. Go back up to your room!” I yelled at her.

  She looked at me, then at Connor, and scrambled for the front door. My home was under attack. My mom and my love were in danger because of me. I was sick of being terrified. I was sick of having these abominations terrorizing me and eating people. I had enough, and I wasn’t putting up with it any longer.

  “I’m sick of this shit, Connor!” I took a step into the snowy yard, my red pumps sinking into the snow, “If it’s red riding hood they want, fine, it’s fucking red riding hood they get.”

  I swung the cape around, and tied it at my neck. I flipped the hood up, held onto the axe, and grabbed the book off him. The wolves hovered at the edge of the tree line. I could see them prancing in place. They were antsy for blood, and I was finally wearing Red's Hood. A black town car sat running on the opposite side of my yard. I knew the great queen was in there watching.

  If it’s a show the bitch wants, it’s a show the bitch gets.

  “Abigail! Please come back!”

  “No, Connor. This shit ends now!” I screamed.

  “Alright, wolf. You want the last Grimm? You want my blood? Then come. And. Fucking. Get. Me. Pussy,” I screamed across the yard.

  I was surprised by my language. I always knew the words, but never used them.

  I stopped half-way across the field when I heard another ca
r pulling up the driveway. Why would anyone be coming to my house?

  In shear disbelief I couldn’t believe that I saw Anna’s Honda pulling to a stop next to Connor’s BMW. She got out and just looked at us.

  “What’s going on?”

  “What are you doing here?” I shrieked.

  “I felt horrible about what happened last night. I came to apologize. I was wrong. If you love him, go for it.”

  “And you decided to come now?”

  “Yeah, why not?” She looked across the yard, “Are those…wolves…over there?”

  My heart sunk to the pit of my stomach when I saw the red jacket.

  “Are you kidding me!” I pointed to her and screamed, “Connor! Get her out of here!”

  His jaw dropped when he saw Anna’s jacket. He turned and started running at her, but it was too late. A wolf charged from the trees and ran full force at us. I was amazed at how fast it was. The wolf was like a blur of brown streaking across the field. It leapt over me, running for Anna and Connor. I was baffled that the wolf did not attack me. Why did it go after her instead?

  Connor didn’t have enough time to get to her. The wolf threw him into the porch with one swift movement of its massive paw. He smashed into the side of the house with a thud and fell to the ground. He never moved.

  “Connor!” I screamed.

  Poor Anna’s big green eyes grew as wide as tea saucers. She didn’t move from her spot. The fear was plastered on her face, and she didn’t stand a chance. I was frozen where I stood. I couldn’t make it to her, and Connor still wasn’t moving. All I could do was watch as the brown wolf leapt on Anna sending her flying backwards. It was a complete repeat of what happened to Blanche. I saw Anna’s arms and legs scratching at the wolf’s throat. It was pointless; she couldn’t reach anything important through the thick fur. The wolf howled, and then sunk its fangs into her throat.

  “No!” I screamed, compelling my legs to try and run back to my best friend.

  The wolf looked up at me, almost smiling, with blood dripping from the snout. It was the same wolf that attacked Blanche. I jerked my arm back, and chucked the axe at it. I wasn’t expecting to actually hit it, but I did. The axe stuck between the wolf’s eyes. The fur on the body began to retract, and with a series of disgusting bone crunching noises, a naked man lay bleeding and dead in my drive way. I yanked the axe out of his head and turned to Anna. She lay in the snow motionless.


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