Snow Rises: A Reverse Harem Series (Angels of Shadows Book 1)

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Snow Rises: A Reverse Harem Series (Angels of Shadows Book 1) Page 7

by L. A. Long

  “No, I just want some water. May I?” I motion to the kitchen.

  He snaps his fingers. “Get Caz some water.”

  In a second, Bast hands me a bottle of water

  I look at the warlock. “Are you his slave?”

  Makus smiles. “He’s more a minion.”

  “Seriously?” Bast asks. “We’ve been over this. Partner.”

  “I do have your soul,” Makus says.

  Bast sighs and looks at his watch. “That’s only the sixth time you reminded me of that in the last hour.”

  Makus growls. “You want to renegotiate the terms of our agreement?”

  Bast folds his hands on the table and takes a deep breath. “No.” It’s such a simple word, but Bast definitely wrapped the word in a fuck you expression.

  Makus leans forward and tugs at his ear like he had trouble hearing Bast. “What was that?”

  Bast looks up, and I can tell it takes all his strength not to react. “No,” he says with more emphasis.

  “Good boy.” Makus leans back in his chair. “Didn’t think so.” He looks at me. “You know what that would mean?”

  Bast glances quickly at me. “Yes, I know.”

  I look back and forth between them. “Spill.”

  Makus grins. “What was that Caz?”

  I slam my water bottle down causing water to splash around the table. “Don’t even try that stupid ear thing with me. Truth. Now.”

  Makus closes his eyes. “Damn, I love when you give me an order. The only creature in this entire world that could do that and remain intact.”

  I grab my heart. “I’m so lucky. Now. Truth.”

  Makus’ blue eyes dance, and I try not to be drawn in by him. He’s too handsome for his own good.

  He grins at me. “Thank you, Caz. You’re why I look like this.”

  “So, I’m half-evil and half-good. My soul is literally half and half which is odd.”

  Makus nods. “Forged in hell like me.”

  I look at Bast.“He won’t give your soul back?”

  Makus shakes his head. “Nope.”

  “So that’s why you stay?”

  Makus laughs. “Tell her, Sebastian, why would such a powerful warlock like you stay with me?”

  Bast bows his head and sighs. “I stay because of you.”

  I look at Makus. “You stay because of the demon?”

  Bast looks up quickly. “No. Not Makus. Because of you, Caz. I stay for you.”


  Makus rubs his hands together. “This is so much fun.”

  Bast looks at me as if he’s willing me to remember or at least hope not to be forced to say the words. “Because we’re soul—”

  I jump up. “Don’t say soulmates. I hate that word.”


  “My soul is ripped in two. One side belongs to hell and the other belongs to heaven. How could I be a soulmate to anyone?”

  Makus knocks on the table. “Wait for it.”

  Then it hits me. “I have two soulmates?”

  Makus nods and leans forward. “Want to guess who the other one is?”

  “Not you?”

  Makus laughs. “No. I have no soul. You can have my body though. That’s much more fun than a soul.”

  “Then I don’t need to know.”

  Makus displays his most playful grin. “Come on. Surely you could guess?”

  I nod. “The reaper.”

  Makus smiles. “Yep. He had to tie his soul to the angel because that’s the only way he’d ever be able to see you.”

  I sit back down and look Makus over. “So what are you to me?”

  He grins. “The best you’ve ever had, my soulless one.”

  I roll my eyes. “Please.”

  Makus cocks his head. “Was that a request?”

  I lean closer to him. “What are you to me?” I ask more forcefully.

  Makus taps his finger against the table. He knows he’s pissing me off. He glances up at me, but I don’t back down.

  His grin reappears. “I created you. Half of your soul in hell.” He looks me over with the leery look only he has. “I created exactly what I’ve always wanted. My perfect Caz. So what am I to you?” His eyes become so intense I almost feel the heat of hell.

  “You’re mine, Caz. Forever. Always. I can find you wherever you go. I can read your mind. I know your thoughts. I know what you want, and more importantly I know what scares you. And, yes, you are scared of things, Caz. You. Are. Mine.”

  No matter how much I want to, I can’t break my connection to Makus. He’s mesmerizing. Sometimes in a good way. Right now, in a very scary as all shit way.

  Bast tenses beside me.

  Makus looks at Bast. “And if you want to be with him. You have to be with me.”

  I glare at him. “Is it the same with Ren and Syn?”

  Makus nods. “The sanctimonious angel created the half of your soul that is pure and good and holy. If you want to be with that pathetic reaper, you have to be with the angel as well.”

  “How sad.”

  Makus stares at me and narrows his eyes. “What makes you say that?”

  “You could have anyone, but you had to create me in some hell lab. Poor, Makus. No friends of your own?”

  Makus catches his breath. “I know what you’re trying to do.”

  I raise my eyebrow. “Doubtful.”

  I wait for him to slam his fist against the table or jump up or grab me, but his anger slowly turns to a smile. “I love this back and forth we have, Caz.” He glances behind him and motions to the kitchen counter. “It’s right there. So close. I can hear you now. You beg me to stop. Beg me not to stop.”

  “What if I don’t choose?”

  Makus’ grin expands. “Then I’ll choose for you, and I never lose.” He slams his hand down on Bast’s shoulder. “And I know my faithful minion won’t ever leave you with me all alone so he’ll do anything I want. He’s done everything I want.”

  I curl up my lip. “That was inappropriately creepy.”

  “It was meant to be.” Makus squeezes his lips together but smiles anyway.

  I close my eyes because I can’t look into Bast’s eyes. I’m afraid I’ll lose it. “Let me guess, I’m immortal, can’t die, can’t be killed, can’t kill myself?”

  Makus nods.

  I notice Bast moves his hand closer to mine like he wants more than anything to touch me. Makus notices as well. “You know the rules, warlock. You try to touch her, and I get to touch her first.” He leans closer. “By the time I’m done with her, she won’t want or need you to touch her.”

  I can’t help my thoughts. I envision me grabbing Makus by the throat and squeezing until he’s long past dead. I want to punch him. Kick him. Make him bleed. If he even bleeds.

  Makus grins at me. “Oh, Caz. You could try that, but I’m faster and stronger and I will punish you in ways your mind can’t even contemplate right now.” He leans closer. “Or I’ll find some pure souled human you seem to be obsessed with saving and make you watch what I do to them. Are we clear?”

  I don’t like being at his mercy, so I force myself to stare at him and will my heart to stop beating so fast.

  His eyes narrow as he studies me. “We are going to have such fun. You are intoxicating. And the way you try to challenge me … it’s better than that time in New Mexico when you truly defied me.”

  Bast shifts in his chair. The look in his eyes is a mixture of pain, remorse and resignation.

  I look down at his arm. “When’s the job?”

  Bast shakes his head. “We don’t have one yet.”

  Makus shakes his head. “So anxious to be away from us? Don’t you want to know what I did to you in New Mexico?”

  I jump up quickly. “I’m assuming this shitbox has a bathroom?”

  Makus laughs and points behind me. “Don’t be too long. You wouldn’t want to be trapped with me in such a small space.”

  Chapter 11

  I find the b
athroom, close the door, and sit down with my back to the door. How the hell is this actually happening?

  “Should I remind you again about the half of your soul that belongs to me?” Makus screeches out.

  I put my hands over my ears hoping to block out his voice, but I hear him laughing.

  “You have another thirty seconds, and then I’m coming in.” Makus yells. “And Caz, you can take that however you want.”

  I jump up and run water. I throw some on my face and wash my hands. This time, I make sure I don’t even glance at my own reflection. It’s useless. I won’t get any answers from looking into my own eyes. I take a deep breath before I open the door.

  Makus is lounging on the sofa. His shirt is gone. I look around, and it’s on the back of the chair at the table. He pats the couch next to him. He looks down at his chest. “Like what you see? Sit here.”

  I sit down on the chair opposite and at the farthest away from him.

  He laughs. “You’re going to make me work for it, aren’t you? Believe me, you’re worth it. So am I.”

  I slouch down, fold my arms over my chest and close my eyes. I feel the RV move a bit as someone - I’m assuming Bast - sits down on the other chair. I don’t open my eyes.

  “Yes, it is the warlock,” Makus says. “But there’s still plenty of space for me to cozy up to you. Just say the word. I know how much you want me.”

  I don’t answer him.

  “Come on, Caz. I’ve been good. I haven’t touched you.”

  I still don’t answer him.

  It’s almost like I can see his sadistic grin. Am I actually ‘seeing’ it or is that his normal expression I’ve seen a million times?

  “Both,” he blurts. “Come on, Caz. I’ll let you read my mind again. It would be educational about what I’m going to do to you.” He waits, but I don’t take the bait.

  “I’ve been such a good boy.”

  I open my eyes quickly. I know I shouldn’t because that will just give him what he wants. “You’ve threatened me. Said I was yours like I’m part of the furniture. So, no you haven’t been good.”

  Bast stifles a laugh which Makus notices. “Something you wish to share with the rest of the class, warlock?”

  Bast shakes his head. He glances at me and grins. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  I frown and wish I could remember everything. Is he actually my soulmate?

  Bast nods. “I am, and it will come back to you when you’ve made your choice.”

  “Well, that sucks. So unfair. I won’t know until I choose, but how can I choose until I know?”

  Bast moves closer to me. “I’ll help in any way I can, but you have to—”

  Makus balls up his fist, and Bast immediately starts coughing up blood.

  “What the hell?” I look at Makus. “Why? Stop.”

  The demon bends his head this way and that. “Make me.”

  I move closer to Bast careful to still keep some distance, but his coughing becomes more violent. “He can’t breathe. Stop.”

  Makus shrugs. “Touch him and I’ll stop.”

  Bast immediately starts to move away from me but can’t.

  Makus’ fist tightens. “You try to move an inch, and I’ll take those pretty eyes of yours she’s so fond of.”

  I move closer to Bast.

  He puts up his hand to stop me, but immediately his hand is forced back down.

  I glare at Makus. “I touch him and what happens?”

  “Then you save him, and he’s fine.”


  Makus grins. “I get to kiss you.”

  I flinch. “Why?”

  He opens his mouth as if he’s in shock. “Because you touched him, silly thing.” He waits for me, but I just stare at him. He tightens his fist again, and Bast grabs his throat as more blood is coughed up.

  I close my eyes and shake my head. “One kiss. I mean it, demon. You get handsy, and I’ll start ripping at jangly bits.”

  Makus nods. “One kiss. But I get to choose—”

  “On the lips.”

  “Fine.” Makus sighs. “On the lips. Almost had you there.”

  I touch Bast, and he’s immediately cured. Before I can even register what’s happening, Makus’ lips cover mine. My mind goes blank. I don’t know if he’s putting me under a spell or what, but I can’t think of anything but the kiss. And it’s a good kiss no matter how much I hoped it would be some slobbery mess of an icky demon breath awkward debacle. He lingers and keeps kissing me. Entire generations are born, live and die while he kisses me.

  I don’t know how a demon who has been hinting, insinuating, and outright threatening me can be a good … scratch that … great kisser without ripping my face or lips to bits. He’s actually gentle. Sort of. Assertive, but gentle. And he is true to his word. Other than his lips, he doesn’t touch me. I don’t know if he’s hovering, but his hands don’t explore.

  After what seems like a half hour, he slowly leans back. His eyes merge black and red, and his skin is flush. He stumbles back like he’s drunk and falls back to the couch.

  Bast looks at me. “Are you alright?”

  “Are you?”

  He nods.

  Makus slouches on the couch. “Closest to heaven I’ll ever get.”

  Bast looks at me like he wants to kiss me.

  “You kiss her, warlock, and I’ll get another turn.”

  “Hey, I’m not a ferris wheel, dipshit.”

  Makus laughs. “True that.”

  “She only touched my shoulder,” Bast says. “You got to kiss her.”

  Makus waves his hand around. “You can hold her hand.”

  “Not good enough.”

  I look back and forth at them. “Fuckheads, I’m sitting right here. I’m not on auction.”

  Bast leans towards Makus. “You made me choke. You would have killed me if she didn’t touch me, so I get to kiss her without anything else from you.”

  Makus reels from the kiss. I don’t know why, but he waves his hand again. “Fine. Kiss her, and I won’t require anything else from her at this time.”

  Bast grins at me.

  “Seriously? You think I’ll want to kiss you after that little negotiation?”

  Bast nods.

  Dammit. He’s right. Every gorgeous inch of him is right. Why can’t I control myself around him?

  He leans in and gently kisses me, but his urgency grows as he devours me.

  Like Makus, Bast’s kiss is hypnotic. It’s like I could kiss him forever and never get enough of him. He’s dangerous but safe. He’s scary and totally hot at the same time. A wicked combination. My body screams for him.

  I want to touch him. I want him to touch me, but I know that would require more negotiation and paperwork and maybe even get lawyers involved. We can’t have that.

  When I don’t think Bast will stop the kiss, I lean back. I stop it only because I don’t want it to stop. It scares me how much I’m drawn to Bast. How his eyes lure me in. How I imagine what his body feels like. What his touch feels like. Am I his? Is he mine? Is that how soulmates work?

  He opens his eyes, and his green eyes soak me in. His smile ruins me. I’m in trouble.

  “Same here, my love.”

  Chapter 12

  Makus stares at me. It reminds me of how I must look when I see right through others. I wait for him to make another deal, but he only flashes me his trademark smirk.

  “Do you wish to negotiate in order to have more of Bast?”

  I hold up my hand to stop him. “I’m fine.”

  Bast puts his fingers to his lips.

  “As good as you remember?” Makus asks.

  Bast looks at me and smiles. “You are mine, Caz.”

  That admission is both exciting and unsettling.

  He leans closer. “And I’m yours. You know that, right?” He waits for me to respond, but I only look at him. “You could tell with that kiss, couldn’t you? I felt it right through to my soul.”

��If you still had your precious soul,” Makus mocks.

  I glance back at Makus.

  Like Bast, Makus’ grin becomes dangerous. With both intensely staring at me, I glance around the RV and cringe. “Why is it so tragic? And dark?”

  Makus laughs. “Choose us, and you can redecorate however you want.”

  I open the lemon yellow curtains beside the table. Since the glass is broken, boarded, and taped, I quickly close the curtains again and peer into the overhead light which has to be two watts max. I point at it. “You need better bulbs.”

  Makus slaps his knee hard and laughs.

  “What did I say?”

  Makus can’t even speak he’s laughing so hard. “Sorry, I thought you said we need better balls. I was going to tell you mine were fine if you wanted to inspect them.”

  I ignore the loon demon. I’m stalling. I know it. They know it. I pretend to be looking at the kitchen. What there is of it. Someone ripped out the tiny microwave leaving only a chewed cord dangling. There’s no stove, and the mini fridge reeks of death. Plus, the kitchen’s green. Lime green for some reason. The cabinets have been painted white. Or at least it was an attempted paint job. The white streaks do little to hide the default brown underneath.

  Makus sighs. “Just ask, Caz.”

  “You said you looked like that …” I motion to him. “For me. What does that mean? What do you really look like? Why did you change? Can you do so at will?” I stop myself. I didn’t realize I had so much corked in.

  Makus jumps up quickly and gets as close as he can to me. I suddenly realize I’m trapped in the tiny kitchen with his hand resting firmly on the kitchen counter.

  He studies his hand and pats the counter. “Care to try it out again? I can assure you it will hold all of our weights at the same time.” He leans even closer. “Warlock tested and demon approved.”

  “About that …” I try to calm myself down because my voice has become tinny. “What would you call me? If I was forged in heaven and hell, what am I? What would you call me?”

  “Mine. That’s what I call you. Or Caz.” He looks down at himself. I follow his gaze to his bare chest and all the necklaces. “You can touch me if you want.”

  I back up. “That would be unwise.”

  His grin alternates between devious and reassuring.


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