Dying for Dinner Rolls

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Dying for Dinner Rolls Page 2

by Lois Lavrisa

  “Misfits? That’s why we didn’t let you name the group. You’d come up with some lame name. Not as clever as mine: ‘The Chubby Chicks Club.’” Annie Mae took a bite of cracker.

  “Still don’t get that, considering we’re not all chicks, nor are we all chubby.” José squeezed a lemon slice into his glass.

  “Hey, I’m both chubby and a chick. Plus, I love the alliteration.” Annie Mae took a sip of tea.

  “Me too. I think our name is fun.” I plopped a chunk of cheese into my mouth. “Although, maybe not so much the chubby part, since today a customer thought I was pregnant.”

  “Don’t mind them. You look great. I can’t imagine having children, let alone four like you did.” Bezu glanced at her long, thin, manicured fingers.

  We all gathered a few times a month around Bezu’s dining room table in her three-story Georgian house on Forsyth Park. When General Oglethorpe founded the city of Savannah, Bezu’s family, the Gordons, owned half of it. After the Great Depression, a recession, and some unlucky gambling, all that remained of the family fortune was the timeworn mansion.

  In the center of the dining room sat a mahogany table with eight matching, high-back, carved chairs. An antique sideboard and a china cabinet were on opposite walls. The washed-out heart pine floors were covered with a thick, dark oriental rug. From the twelve-foot ceiling, a dusty, three-tiered crystal chandelier hung over the center of the table.

  “I love you all. I can’t imagine not having you in my life. Especially after my dad…” I swallowed as I held back a tear. They’d brought me so much support and comfort after my dad was killed.

  “Yes, darling, we’ve been together for good times and bad. Thankfully, way more good.” Bezu reached over and held my hand.

  Through the dining room window, the late-afternoon sun shone on Bezu, making her blond hair and pale skin almost translucent. She smelled of rosewater.

  “Here’s to more good times.” Annie Mae lifted her glass in a toast.

  We all followed suit and clinked our glasses together.

  Just then, the door opened, and a short, Asian man walked past the dining room, humming what sounded like the Bruno Mars’s song “Locked out of Heaven.” He made his way up the stairs.

  José jumped out of his chair, his hand on his hip over his gun. “Do you know him?”

  “Calm down.” Bezu ran over to José. “Don’t shoot the poor man.”

  José slowly sat down, still eyeing the stairwell.

  “Who is he?” I asked Bezu.

  “Um. He’s a relative.” Bezu looked at the ceiling. “Mr. Phong. He’s visiting me for a spell.”

  “He doesn’t look like any relative of yours,” Annie Mae said. “I mean, your whole family is born and bred Deep South. He’s Eastern. Far East.”

  Bezu fidgeted with her pearl necklace. “He’s the brother-in-law of my second cousin twice removed.”

  “Why do you call him Mr. Phong?” José asked. “After all, he is a relative. Sort of.”

  Then we heard footsteps again, and Mr. Phong appeared in the doorway.

  Bezu walked over to him and put her hand on his shoulder. “Mr. Phong, I’d like you to meet José, Annie Mae, and Cat. They are dear friends of mine.”

  “Hey, I just met you, and me is crazy, but call my number maybe.” Mr. Phong smiled, showing crooked white teeth. His thin black hair fell on his slightly wrinkled forehead. I figured that he was in his late sixties. His brown tweed suit looked one size too big for him. He nodded his head like a bobblehead toy.

  “What the heck?” Annie Mae looked appalled. “I’m not giving a stranger my number.”

  I interrupted Annie Mae. “Pleasure meeting you, Mr. Phong.”

  “Hey.” José nodded his head toward Mr. Phong.

  “Why does he want my number?” Annie Mae asked Bezu.

  “He doesn’t. He’s learning English by listening to music. Mainly pop songs. That was sort of the lyrics to Carly Rae Jepson’s song.” Bezu quickly guided Mr. Phong to the door as he sang Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance.”

  When Bezu returned, Annie Mae said, “You sure have had a lot of relatives visit lately. And they stay such a long time.”

  “Everyone and anyone who is remotely related to me finds out I live in this gorgeous city and have a big house to stay in, and, well, you know how that goes.” Bezu sat down.

  “Humph.” Annie Mae raised an eyebrow.

  “So what’s going on with your family, Cat?” José stretched his long legs and clasped his hands behind his head, showing off well-developed muscles.

  “Before I forget, as part of their senior high school project, Timmy and Teddy want to job-shadow you. They think it’ll be cool to hang around a cop all day.” I shifted forward in my chair.

  “I’ll get that set up. I just need to clear it with my boss.” José took a swig of tea. “I think they’ll have a blast.”

  “I hope they don’t, considering you work on the bomb squad.” Annie Mae chortled.

  “Yeah, no explosions. Promise, José? Or you’ll have to answer to me.” I hoped it sounded more like a demand than a request. As a forty-year-old mom, I looked exhausted all the time rather than formidable. I doubted anyone took me too seriously, least of all José.

  He put his hands up. “No guarantees.”

  “Before I forget, how was your date with Tadcu? I mean, my grandfather,” I asked Annie Mae.

  “You had a date?” José high-fived Annie Mae.

  “Not that I kiss and tell, but he’s such a gentleman. And so romantic, too. He gave me an apple. Flowers are so passé.” Annie Mae cleared her throat. “We had an absolutely lovely time. That’s all I’m saying about that.”

  The door opened with a creak, and a gust of muggy air blew in as Lucy walked through the door. Her trademark red lipstick matched her flushed cheeks. “Gracious Almighty Lord. The humidity is killing me.” She set a round glass container down on the table, removing the lid to reveal an apple pie.

  We said our hellos as Lucy got situated. As usual, when we got together, we did a potluck. This time, Bezu had made a roast with vegetables, José had brought a tossed spring salad, Annie Mae had contributed macaroni and cheese, and I’d supplied two bottles of wine.

  “Now that we’re all here, let me see about dinner.” Bezu rose.

  “Let me help.” Annie Mae followed Bezu into the kitchen.

  José’s phone rang. He excused himself and stepped outside, leaving Lucy and me together.

  “You’re not pregnant, are you?” Lucy asked.


  “There.” Lucy motioned toward my midsection. “Muffin top or baby?”

  “You’re the second person today who thought that.” That was it. Even though I’d changed my shirt, my pooch must have still been visible. Maybe I needed to lose a few pounds. At dinner, I’d load up on salad rather than the pie, of which I already wanted two slices. “Not pregnant, maybe a little muffin top.”

  “Thank goodness you’re not because you have the Noah’s ark of uteruses. You’d end up with another set of twins on top of the two sets you already have. Speaking of the kids, school ends soon. Do they have plans for summer?” Lucy asked as she plopped into a chair.

  “Nina and Nancy start a summer program at Savannah Children’s Theater.”

  “I lost track, how old are they now?”


  “Wow. Time goes by quickly.” Lucy shook her head. “And it’s your boys’ last year of high school, and then they’re off to college.”

  “Don’t remind me. I’m losing half my kids.”

  “You’re not, really. I’m sure they’ll come home a lot.”

  “I sure hope so.”

  “What are their summer plans?”

  “They decided they didn’t want to work at the family business. Instead, Timmy is working at Leonardo’s ice cream shop, and Teddy cuts grass. They’re pooling their money to get a car because they’re under the impression that they’re the only eighteen-ye
ar-olds in the universe who don’t have one.”

  I paused before asking, “How is Bert’s retirement going?”

  Lucy poured herself a glass of tea, then took a linen napkin and dabbed at the perspiration on her forehead. “Right now, we’re battling our backyard neighbors, the Nesmiths.”

  “About what?” I asked.

  “Ina said we cut the roots of the hackberry tree that borders our property. It was the plumber, not us, who cut them. Now, she’s afraid it’ll die and fall on her house. The whole situation is a mess and getting very hostile.” Lucy sighed and shrugged her shoulders. “But it’s better that he focus his energies on that than chasing me around the house.”

  “Chasing you?”

  “Oh, yeah. I don’t know what possessed him, but all of a sudden he’s working out and taking Viagra. After he pops one, I tell you what, it’s hard getting away from him.” Lucy raised an eyebrow and leaned in. “Really hard.”

  I felt myself blush. She wasn’t afraid to say anything, and I liked that about her. “I wonder why he’s doing all that.”

  “I’m not sure. Do you think he’s having an affair? There was a credit charge at Levy’s jewelers. Maybe it’s a surprise gift for me?” Lucy turned her palms up. “Sometimes he disappears for hours at a time with no notice. Then other times, he’s underfoot and very affectionate with me. Weird, huh?”

  “Yeah.” In the back of my mind, I did wonder about Bert cheating on Lucy but pushed that thought out. After all, Bert was a paunchy, middle-aged, somewhat nerdy retired accountant. Not exactly playboy material.

  “Anyway, his friend James Cohen owns a lake house in North Carolina. Bert is spending a few days there, so I know he’ll just be with James and two other guys. Since he’s out of my hair, I’ve redone my sitting room from top to bottom.”

  “One day I’d love for you to redo my master bedroom. I think it’s been the same for twenty years. Kids, their toys, and fingerprints have been the only additions to the décor.”

  “I’d love to. Oh, and by the way, don’t let me forget to give these to Annie Mae.” Lucy pulled a paper bag from her purse and set it on the table. “She loves peaches, and the Red and White had a big sale on them.”

  “The Sunshine Market has peaches.” I smiled.

  “Of course, if I were on that side of town today, I would’ve gone to your store instead.”

  “I know. I’m just teasing you.”

  “And when I’m at the Red and White, the Blue Belle Antique Shoppe is just down the street, so I always stop in there, too. Just today, I found some great things.”

  “Like what?”

  “A cute vase, which looks old, came in a grab-bag-type box called a mystery box. It’s simply gorgeous and works perfectly with the new color scheme in the sitting room.”

  “What colors did you go with?”

  “Modern cool colors with an eclectic touch.” Lucy adjusted her magenta-rimmed glasses, which matched her billowy blouse. Her chestnut hair was twisted in a loose chignon bun, with a few strands of gray hanging around her face. “Here’s a picture I took of the room this morning.”

  She turned her cell phone toward me. The walls were decorated with picture frames holding black-and-white photos. A white leather sofa with turquoise-and-tan throw pillows sat atop a block-print rug. A gorgeous blue-and-white vase with yellow roses, a stack of books, and a few other tasteful knickknacks adorned the white, shabby chic square coffee table.

  “Very artsy,” I said.

  “I’m telling you, after all these years decorating clients’ homes, it sure is nice to finally have time to focus on my own.” Lucy stirred Splenda into her iced tea.

  “I bet.” Then I noticed a large bandage wrapped around her right hand. “What happened?”

  She put her phone back in her purse. “Burned myself taking out the pie. It’s no big deal, really, other than now it’s a little difficult to grab things with it. It’s fine. I dabbed a little aloe on it.”


  “Oh, before I forget, that same box with the vase ended up containing five adorable dinner plates. Anyway, one of the plates was wrapped in the newspaper crossword puzzle page. Some of the spaces were filled in with the words ‘Your next’ in purple ink. This was not only misspelled, but also not the correct answer to fourteen down.”

  It felt like a metal wrecking ball collided with my stomach. “Do you think the message was meant for you?”

  “No way. I have no enemies. Besides, everything was already wrapped in the box before I even bought it. So it’s not like anyone even knew that I’d be the one buying the box.” Lucy shook her head. “Just saying, it may have nothing to do with that night, but I knew you’d want to know.”

  “Thanks.” Was it pure coincidence or another clue to help solve my dad’s murder? My gut twisted as a chill ran down my spine.

  “I brought it here.” Lucy pulled the paper out of her large, quilted handbag and gave it to me. “Should we show José?”

  I held the paper as though it were dusted with arsenic. It was dated a week ago. My insides twisted. Could the same person who’d killed my father have done the crossword?

  As if on cue, José entered the room. “Sorry, I had to take that call.”

  We brought José up to speed on our conversation. I handed him the newspaper.

  “Cat, I know why this worries you.” José looked me in the eye. “I’ll make a few calls and see what I can find out.”

  “Thanks.” I felt my eyes well up.

  José put his hand on my shoulder. “You know I’ll help you for as long as it takes to find an answer that’ll give you closure.”

  “You’re a good man, José. Let me give you some sugar.”

  He leaned down to meet me as I gave him a peck on the cheek.

  “Still doesn’t do anything for me, but thanks.” José smirked.

  I pointed to the paper in his hand. “Maybe this is finally the break I need.”

  Lucy held up her tea glass. “Here’s to you finding an answer, and here’s to me finding ways to keep sane while Bert’s retired.”

  “Cheers.” I clinked my glass to hers.

  Bezu entered the dining room, Annie Mae at her heels. “Pardon my interruption, but I’m afraid dinner is a little delayed. My oven has been acting up. I underestimated the time it takes to cook the vegetables. They still need about a half hour.”

  Annie Mae set down a glass bowl full of salad on the table. “Have some salad while we wait.”

  Bezu placed two bottles of dressing and wood tongs next to the salad.

  “Before I forget, these are for you, Annie Mae.” Lucy offered Annie Mae the bag of peaches.

  “Thank you. You’re always so thoughtful.” Annie Mae held the bag. “I hope that you didn’t go out of your way to get these.”

  “Nope,” Lucy said.

  “I’ve been busier than a moth in a mitten.” Bezu began to pace. “I thought I had some fresh bread to serve with our meal, but I can’t find it. I feel like the most incompetent hostess.”

  “I told her we don’t need any bread, but you know how Bezu gets when she’s stuck on a thought.” Annie Mae turned up her hands.

  “I have some fresh dinner rolls I just got today. Let me scamper home and get them.” Lucy stood and slung her purse over her shoulder. “I’ll be back in a few minutes. By then, supper will be ready.”

  “No, don’t bother yourself,” Annie Mae said.

  “Yes, please don’t,” Bezu added.

  “I absolutely insist.” Lucy walked to the door. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

  Bezu gave in. “That is so very kind of you.”

  “I’ll go with you,” José offered.

  “Me too,” I put in.

  Lucy held her keys in her hand. “No. No. Don’t be silly. I’ll be back in a flash.” Lucy blew us air-kisses and left.

  “What a sweetie, huh?” Bezu uncorked a bottle of red wine.

  “She’s one of a kind, that’s for sur
e.” I hoped that the crossword puzzle Lucy found was also one of a kind and not related to anyone else’s death. Yet, the hairs on my arms stood on end.

  Chapter 3

  Thirty minutes passed, and Lucy had not returned. We tried phoning her several times, but the calls went directly to her voice mail.

  I looked at my cell. Still no missed calls or texts from Lucy. The crossword puzzle with purple ink really bothered me. Paranoia drenched my thoughts to the point where I had to do something. “I need to go to Lucy’s house.”

  “Cat, she probably got caught up in something and forgot about the time.” Annie Mae put her hand up. “And dinner is ready.”

  “I’m sure she’ll be here any minute.” Bezu fidgeted with her pearl necklace. “However, it’s unlike Lucy not to answer her phone.”

  Looking out the window at Forsyth Park, I hoped to see Lucy heading up the walkway. A few joggers ran by, followed by a couple pushing a baby in a stroller. “I have to see what’s going on and if she’s okay.”

  Annie Mae huffed. “You’re being fearful for no reason.”

  “Maybe.” I turned on my heels. “But I’m going to her house.”

  “I’ll come, too.” José stood. “I need to stretch my legs anyway.”

  “What about dinner?” Annie Mae asked.

  “It’s not good manners to eat without everyone here. I’m joining y’all, too,” Bezu said.

  “You’re going to find her in the middle of a project she got caught up in and lost track of time. You know how she sees something out of place, and next thing you know, she’s redecorated the whole room.” Annie Mae made a circular motion with her finger.

  “If that’s the case, then we can speed her along and get her back here so we can have dinner.” I grabbed my purse, feeling a little sick to my stomach. I worried enough for a hundred people. Yet I didn’t know how to stop my spiraling thoughts filled with doom.

  “Fine, then. I’ll go as well, since Bezu said we can’t eat without Lucy.” Annie Mae stood.

  Bezu turned off the oven, and Annie Mae put the salad back in the refrigerator. José wrote a note and put it on the front door, just in case Lucy showed at the house.


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