The Alpha Billionaire's Unexpected Baby: A Billionaire BWWM Pregnancy Romance

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The Alpha Billionaire's Unexpected Baby: A Billionaire BWWM Pregnancy Romance Page 38

by Joanna Jacobs

  “Imagine walking down these steps,” I said to Blake.

  He kept his arm around my shoulders as he spoke, “During the good times it must’ve been a great thing to do. I’d be terrified of being down here when that volcano was erupting. Even the wealthy, with all of their valuables, could not save themselves.”

  “It makes you realize what the important things in life are.”

  “You are one of the important things in my life.”

  I looked to Blake who smiled at me. I felt myself smiling back at him and feeling that rush of knowing how important I was to him. I liked that feeling and hoped that I would never lose it.

  Skipping our way through Italy we traveled by both plane and train. If the place was close enough we’d walk the difference. I liked walking around the area because it allowed me to see Italy and the scenery around me. It was far too easy to lose sight or miss things if we were traveling quickly. There was also something peaceful about walking and talking together.

  On the final day of our trip Blake decided to surprise me and bring me to a place I had not known previously existed.

  Early in the morning we went off to one of Europe’s greatest medieval squares which is known as the Piazza del Campo. The Piazza del Campo is one of the principal public spaces in the historic center of Siena, Tuscany.

  This area was renowned worldwide for its beauty and architectural integrity. Where do I begin with the architecture? There were handsome buildings everywhere around me! Beautiful buildings and roads were all around us as people went by.

  The Palazzo Pubblico held a famous tower that loomed high above us. Long ago, and perhaps even today, the wealthiest families in Siena lived here.

  The translator gave a brief explanation of the races that took place here that lasted little more than ninety seconds. I was told they did this over a thick layer of dirt. One could only imagine how much dirt that would kick up and what it would do to a person.

  “Would you believe I’ve been here but have never stopped to pay attention to it?” Blake asked.

  “Perhaps you never had the right person with you,” I replied. I still had my back to Blake as we spoke. Because of this I could not see what he had planned.

  I did not see him reach into his pocket and pull out a small jewelry box. I did not see him open the box and get down on one knee until I turned around.

  The moment I saw that I gasped. A proposal! Blake was proposing to me of all people! It was all so soon and so sudden!

  I could feel my heart stop for a moment. It really was like the movies when the handsome hero gets down on one knee.

  “Will you marry me Amanda?” Blake asked hopefully. In his hands he held a blue ring box with a diamond engagement ring. I didn’t know if Blake chose a diamond because it was traditional or because he knew it was also my birth stone? At the moment it didn’t really matter as to me it was the most romantic gesture a person could possibly do.

  At first the words hitched in my throat as I struggled to say them. Suddenly I blurted out “Yes! Yes I will!”

  I truly did want to marry him and had never imagined my proposal would go like this.

  Getting up off his knees Blake seized me in a hug and kissed me.

  I felt like the luckiest woman alive.

  Our last day in Italy seemed to go by too quickly for my liking. Before I knew it we were back on a plane and going back to the States. I was still riding a wave of giddiness and practically felt hyper. You know that hyper giddy feeling you get where it feels like you’re going to start climbing up the walls? I was firmly in that camp. I imagine it would only become frightening if my head somehow found a way to do a near complete three hundred and sixty degree turn.

  When we reached home reality began to set in a bit more than I would have liked it to. It was a bit early for us to become engaged. Didn’t most couples wait a year or so before becoming engaged? Were we making the right decision?

  Blake was as happy as a clam sucking sand. I wish I was so easily comforted as I began to wonder these things. What was the right decision? I had never thought my life would turn out like this. I never thought I’d be accepting a marriage proposal so quickly.

  Which then brought us to the question of what about the wedding? Would it also be a quick wedding? When we needed time it never seemed to be around!

  “Permit me to be cliché but I’ve never felt anything so strongly as I do this. Perhaps this is why I trust it,” Blake said.

  “Do all the men in your family ask women to marry them right away?” I joked to try to make myself feel calmer.

  Blake grinned, “No, I’m the first. I suppose I’m a rebel that way.”

  “Oh, a trouble maker then?”

  “Well, I did once take apart my mother’s favorite chair…”

  “Someone sure likes to live dangerously!”

  “I think I was. Auntie did say something about maternal instinct is why mothering figures didn’t eat their young.”

  Despite the joking banter between us I still felt a bit anxious. Our brief conversation made me think about just how little I knew about Blake. We had always had a professional attitude between us and this was all so sudden. I didn’t even know he had real feelings for me until fairly recently!

  There was so much we didn’t know about one another. We didn’t know the other’s values, where we wanted to go in life, children, and other things. We were from two entirely different worlds. Blake could enter mine but it would be more difficult for me to enter his let alone be accepted into the fold.

  The announcement over what movie would be playing on the trip back was heard. At least it was some mindless comedy. I could use some humor that I did not have to think about. It might get my mind off things and put me into a better mind set.

  Blake didn’t seem to be paying much attention to the movie as the wheels were already turning in his head. What he was plotting I couldn’t say, but he was indeed deep in thought. A person could easily be forgiven for thinking he were a statue due to his sitting still, staring off into the distance, as he was deep in thought.

  How would Blake introduce me to his family? It would be far easier to introduce him to mine as they might be more accepting. Every parent wants their child to marry into a good and well off family so there were no worries there. I knew many members of my family wouldn’t care about Blake’s skin color but they might want to know about his financial situation.

  As a kid I always had thought things would be so simple when I became an adult. I was convinced I would have everything figured out. There were times that I wanted to go back to being a kid and thinking that.

  We knew the biggest obstacle would be Blake’s family so we had decided to work on them first. It was rather a divide and conquer plan as if we could beat and even win over the hardest ones the rest of the dominos would fall into place.

  At least that was the plan.

  As Blake’s parents had passed away the next logical step would be to try to win over his brother and sister-in-law first. He could work on the aunts and uncles next.

  I had hoped the wealthy in this family would be more open to receiving a “poor” person into their fold but I was not to be so lucky. I suppose in some ironic way that it was a bit too much to ask.

  The house that belonged to Blake’s family was gigantic. Far bigger than I ever imagined it would be! It was like a mansion that was incredibly advanced and big. In a way it made me miss the simplicity of Italy’s houses. Even the simple ones had more beauty to them than these mansions here. This home was so modern looking it felt more like I was entering a strange world than a home. Even new homes had all their own quirks and odd things that made them unique. This house, however, seemed to be made up so that not one single thing could be out of place. It was so modern and perfect looking it was unsettling.

  If I had to step inside I would be worried about getting lost. The outside was so mechanical looking I wondered and dreaded what the inside looked like. I imagined some sort of
mechanical drawing that had lines leading to everywhere and nowhere at once. I could also remember an artist’s drawings, but I could not recall his name at the moment.

  Standing outside with Blake I turned to him and asked, “Does your family use walkie talkies or other communication services to navigate around this maze of a house?”

  Blake’s face was serious when he answered me, “You have no idea.”

  “You’re kidding me!” I exclaimed.

  “My brother and friends did when we were kids.” He paused, “Dad felt bigger was better and wanted to show off his wealth so he built and built. I think the only house in this country that is more complicated is the Winchester Mystery House.”

  Taking advantage of the change of subject I said, “Would you believe I’ve only been in there once?”

  “Really? I’ve never been but maybe one day. Something or another always got in the way. Let’s go and get it over with.”

  Taking my hand either to keep both of us steady or to keep me from being lost in this maze we walked up the steps and Blake opened the door.

  “Hello! Is anybody home?”

  “Blake! Is that you?” A man’s voice asked.

  “It’s me and I brought my fiancée with me!”

  Fiancée. I hadn’t expected to hear that so soon. It felt like a jolt of surprise but I couldn’t explain why I felt so surprised. I had an entire day to think about it and getting used to the new title.

  “Where is she?” Blake’s brother asked.

  The statement alone made me feel invisible. Would I have been noticed by them if I was wearing nicer clothes or even if I was a different skin color?

  Blake’s mouth pursed into a thin line. “Alex! This is Amanda, my fiancée!”

  “She is?” Alex asked.

  Blake rolled his eyes, “Don’t be stupid! I told you about Amanda!”

  Alex frowned. Reaching over he grabbed his brother by the arm and hissed, “Can I talk to you?”

  Frowning himself Blake quietly excused himself. Despite them walking out of the room I could hear the argument between the two of them.

  “She’s not one of us!” Alex hissed.

  “Is it because she’s black?” Blake responded.

  “Don’t be racist! She’s not from the same social circle as we are!”

  “Grandpa was ‘new money’ once!”

  “This is different! You know no one will accept it!”

  “Well, they’re going to have to!”

  As the two brothers argued I began to feel even more and more awkward. I knew it wasn’t my fault but I didn’t want to create this amount of discord among them. At the same time I feared if I said anything it could somehow make things worse.

  I saw a pretty blonde woman and hoped that she would be my ally in this whole debacle. It didn’t take me long to learn she was Alexander’s wife, Melinda, and no more keen on having a “poor person” enter the family than anyone else.

  “Aren’t you a little over dressed for cleaning?” Melinda asked.

  Over dressed? What? Did she just say what I thought she had said? “Beg your pardon?”

  Suddenly Blake’s voice spoke up again, “Where’s she going to stay then? Huh?”

  “We’ll set up a guest room for her,” Alexander said.

  “Her name is Amanda, thank you very much.”

  Melinda looked in the direction of the arguing. “Oh dear, what brought that on?”

  Blake was the first to enter the room followed by Alexander. Neither of them looked particularly happy.

  Blake moved by my side and took my hand in his, “Miranda, this is my fiancée Amanda.”

  Even a blind man would be able to see the shock and then revelation that crossed Miranda’s face. Both to my surprise and then annoyance she did not make any effort to apologize for suggesting that I could be nothing more than “the help.”

  I suppose I should have felt some gratitude that I was being rejected because I did not fit into their world. It didn’t help the stinging feeling nor the anger that I felt.

  Blake’s voice cut into the awkward silence, “Well then, I’m going to go show Amanda to her room.”

  At the time I would’ve preferred to stay in a hotel room.

  I know they would have preferred that too.

  “Coming here so soon might’ve been a mistake,” I said to Blake once we were out of hearing range.

  “They’ll have to adjust to it,” Blake answered.

  “Perhaps you should’ve given them some warning.”

  “No amount of warning would’ve done any good. They wanted me to marry a woman who came from money but the heart wants what the heart wants.”

  I paused as we walked up neatly painted stairs. Why they had been painted white and not allowed to let the natural uniqueness of the hardwood show was beyond me.

  “Are you sure I shouldn’t go to a hotel?” I asked.

  Blake looked to me, “You’re our guest. Guests don’t have to stay in hotels. Besides, we have planning that we need to do.”

  I had forgotten about the wedding due to the displeasure of Blake’s family. I had the feeling it would be just my family attending the dress fitting and everything that went with it.

  “How soon are we planning on getting married?” I asked.

  “Soon,” Blake answered.

  “How soon is soon? I have to get a dress we need a cake and—”

  Blake smiled patiently at me. “Don’t worry about it. We’ll find a way to make it all work out. Tomorrow you can get your Aunt and sister to help you pick out a dress.”

  The spiteful part of me wanted to get a dress at a second hand shop just to rub it in the faces of Blake’s brother and sister-in-law. I knew not all wealthy people were so snobby and judgmental but the temptation was just so overwhelming.

  “They’re going to judge and let them. The only people they’re hurting are themselves,” Blake said.

  I wish I was as easily convinced. In-laws could easily wreak havoc with relationships and I knew they could do so just as easily. Blake was bound and determined that nothing bad would happen so I did my best to stay positive for him.

  The next morning my Auntie came to pick me up to go dress shopping. I had made arrangements to meet them elsewhere so they could not be scrutinized by Blake’s family.

  “So when do we meet this Blake?” Auntie asked.

  “Soon, I hope.”

  “Trouble in paradise?” My sister guessed.

  “It’s trouble with the in-laws. They’re incredibly judgmental and don’t like it that I’m not one of them.”

  “It’s their loss. At least you two will be away from them.”

  I paused, “You two don’t disapprove?”

  Aunt stopped me before I could say something else, “You’re my daughter and I want you to be happy. Having a son-in-law will take some getting used to but that doesn’t change who you are.”

  For the first time in what felt like a long time I threw my arms around Aunt and hugged her tightly. Having someone’s support meant so much to me.

  After a few minutes my sister spoke up, “How about dress shopping?”

  “The dresses here are so expensive I was thinking about the second hand shop. I’m sure there’s plenty of pretty dresses available there for a cheaper price.”

  “Practical to the end.”

  “I’m only going to be wearing it once so I don’t want to spend close to a million dollars on a dress I’m only going to be wearing to the wedding.”

  “I repeat, practical to the end.”

  “You’d do the same thing.”

  “You win this round.”

  Aunt laughed, “Come on girls!”

  The first thrift store we came across was an attractive one. It had been an old building that was converted and updated. It was also huge which I liked. I suppose part of me was stubborn that I refused to accept Blake’s money on buying my wedding dress. Some of it was due to my pride and the rest was due to the fact I feared his
family would hold that little fact over my head for the rest of their lives. I could already imagine the comments about needing a “hand out.”

  Money was not the only reason I chose a thrift store to go shopping in. Not only did I like them but every wedding dress needed alterations which would have been very expensive. Getting a dress at a shop like this would’ve saved me a lot of money in alterations as Aunt could do them. Sometimes being thrifty was a good thing to be!

  I was right about finding a pretty dress at the second hand store! It was a modern piece but done to look vintage. It had pretty lacy and beaded straps which suited me just fine. I understood why people liked the strapless look but it wasn’t for me. I would’ve been too worried about the dress sliding down and think I would’ve spent more time tugging at for fear of it falling. If I wasn’t going to be accepted before I was bound to be rejected forever for a wardrobe malfunction!

  I also liked the fact the dress was a light ivory color. A white dress could indeed be pretty but unless your teeth and eyeballs were perfectly white it was not going to look flattering. I didn’t want my eyes to look red nor my teeth look yellow.

  “Here I am!” I told them when I stepped out of the dressing room. “I’m a little tall for the skirt but I like it that I can’t trip over the skirt.”

  “I love it!” Aunt said.

  My sister nodded in agreement before asking, “What about the veil?”

  “I was thinking a birdcage veil. I like the look of them.”

  After a few more words of encouragement were exchanged I went back into the changing room and changed back into my street clothes.

  I liked being able to wear the wedding dress of my choosing. I was able to pay for it in cash and it was mine! Not even Blake’s family could take that away from me.

  That night Blake joked that he wanted to see the dress but I refused to let him see it. I had placed the dress in a large dry cleaning bag and then neatly folded it into a sturdy box. It wasn’t the best way to store it but it would have to do until I could find a better way.

  I also didn’t want to admit it to Blake but I didn’t trust his brother or sister-in-law not to do something that could potentially damage the dress.


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