Electric Moon

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Electric Moon Page 29

by Stacey Brutger

  He reached past, never taking his gaze from hers. When he straightened, he held her letter opener in his hand. He laid the edge right below his collarbone. The gold shimmering against his skin startled her out of her daze. “What are you doing?”

  “Making the bite easier on you.” Without giving her a change to protest, he sliced the metal across his upper chest. The edge wasn’t sharp, and he had to force it to pierce his skin.

  She sucked in a harsh breath, watching a trickle of blood lazily trail down his torso. He didn’t so much as flinch. When she made no move toward him, he cupped the back of her head and pulled her closer.

  He bent his knees until they were on eye-level. “You are what I want.”

  The seductiveness of his voice and body lured her closer. She shivered at the heat of him, her skin stinging as his warmth soaked into the coldness that seemed to be so much a part of her now. She placed her hands on his chest, marveling at the texture of man. Her fingers brushed across the line of chest hair, allowing herself to be drawn forward of her own accord.

  The first taste of him exploded through her. Jackson sucked in a breath, his body trembled, his arms banding around her, inviting her to take more. Instead of being repulsed, his blood tasted of power.

  Like she’d gulped vodka straight from the bottle, heat burned along her cold body. A brush of fur rubbed against her mind, and she saw the stunning yellow eyes of his wolf peer back at her. When the heat hit her center, the darkness there unfurled, and the creature all but licked her lips.

  Her nails dug into Jackson’s shoulders to prevent her prey from escaping. Raven tried to shake the creature’s grip on her mind, but she wouldn’t be dismissed. Talons sank into her chest in retaliation for fighting back. After what felt like eons, the creature released its hold.

  Raven jerked back, horrified to find herself cradled on Jackson’s lap, her knees pressed on either side of his hips like some lover’s embrace. Like she hadn’t just tried to kill him. He sat with his head tipped back, the long column of his throat exposed in surrender.

  That was until she got a look at his face and the very pleased with himself smile. His obvious pleasure eased some of her terror, allowed her mind to settle enough to organize her chaotic thoughts. Raven trembled, hating that her legs wouldn’t hold her. Hated the way she couldn’t run away from what happened. “Is it always like that?”

  Jackson ran a hand down her arm, tangling his fingers with hers. “Not like that. Never like that.”

  He made it sound like a good thing. The fool. “I could’ve killed you.”

  Jackson only shook his head. “Your beasts knew me. They’ve accepted me before. You wouldn’t have hurt me.”

  Raven didn’t hold back this time and smacked him. “I can’t feel my beasts anymore. All there is left is that thing. I felt its hunger. It could’ve killed you before I would’ve been able to stop it.”

  When she scrambled away from him, Jackson straightened and sighed as if she ruined the special moment for him. “It’s the way of being an alpha. To be claimed, we lay ourselves bare and wait judgment. A few cases of death occur each year. We know the risks going into it.”

  Raven backed away. “I didn’t.”

  He stood, his jeans riding low on his hips. Dried blood was still smeared on his chest. Her teeth marks on his skin mocked her. She curled her fingers into fists to resist reaching for him and confirm for herself that he was all right. As if he craved her contact, too, he grabbed her wrist and flattened her palm over the recent wound. He shuddered as if her touch, alone, stole his breathe.

  “Usually the exchange is made by the alpha male. He holds the pack. The bite heals in a few days as the bonds form.”

  “But not mine. You will always bear my mark.” She hated the pleasure that spun through her at the announcement.

  He brushed the back of her hand with his fingers when she would’ve spoken.

  “This mark claims my status as your mate. It gives me equal status as Taggert and Durant.” He took a fortifying breath as if preparing himself for a difficult conversation. “There are things you need to know about female alphas. There are less than a handful of females in the world strong enough to hold their own pack. The bonds between them and their pack are different. There is no way for a female to take blood without her enzymes binding them together. Their bite is a sign of possession deeper than any claiming.”

  “You’re talking about mating.” This conversation made her nervous. Raven didn’t want to hear more, but her feet refused to budge.

  “It’s considered a great honor to be chosen. Most display their scars with pride. But you need to know that there are other ways for an alpha female to claim a male into her pack without the mating bonds.

  “You can select one or two mated male to hold the bonds of the pack for you. It’s dangerous. The bonds aren’t nearly as strong as in other packs. You’ll have to periodically take blood from them to keep the connections stable. If anything happens to these males, you could lose your pack.”

  “Why the hell did no one tell me sooner?” Betrayal frosted along her skin, the cold burrowing into her soul. She stared at the fresh wound on his chest, horrified what she’d done. And no matter how hard she battled herself, the creature was pleased at the turn of events.

  Jackson would be forever hers.

  He ran a hand through his hair, never once taking his eyes from hers. “Because I’m a selfish bastard. Also, because the pack will be stronger if you claim the best of us directly.”

  “Then why tell me now?”

  “So no one can take advantage of you.”

  Another horrible thought crossed her mind. “Do the others know?”

  “Doubtful. Female alphas aren’t known for sharing their secrets. Vivian did extensive research, but she never developed enough ability to hold a pack. Once she realized that, she settled on Kevin as second best. I was able to access her research.”

  “Why would you take this choice away from me?” She couldn’t remain in the same room with her hurt so close to bubbling over.

  “I did what I had to do.”

  “Did you?” Raven stopped with her hand on the knob, her shoulders straight and brittle. One more betrayal and she would crack.

  “The mating bond was the only thing that would tie us together permanently. I wouldn’t survive another separation from you.”

  Raven shook her head, surprised that she could sense the truth to his words. Another reminder that the benefits of the mating bond went both ways. He honestly believed what he said. She glanced at him over her shoulder. “You could have tried asking.”

  With that, she escaped outside. Jamie, Randolph, Taggert and Neil stood off to the side. Scotts and his two members were waiting ten feet away. She didn’t say a word to Scotts on his choice of men, not when she had her own army.

  All three men appeared older, dressed in plain clothes. From the way they held themselves, experienced in combat and knew how to protect themselves. They were also armed to the gills. She could see no less than five weapons on them, so she would guess there were at least that amount still hidden.

  The shifters were a stark contrast. No one was armed.

  They were the weapons.

  And better equipped than the humans could ever be.

  No one spoke, the tension enough to drown a person. Too much time has been wasted already. “Let’s head out.”

  Taggert and Neil took the lead. As they neared the forest, a roar reverberated in the air. One of the cops whirled, pulling his gun, staring at the darkness around the house. “What the hell was that?”

  Raven gave a little smile. “That would be our send off.”

  She could tell the instant the soldier spotted London in his animal form. The man stared blankly down at his gun then holstered it when he realized a bullet would only piss the animal off. “A fucking bear.”

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Once Neil led them to the small clearing, everyone milled about waiting for Tag
gert to pick up the scent. He stood next to a tree, his body perfectly still as only a shifter could. He closed his eyes, sorting through the many trails. Shadows danced across the forest floor in the moonlight. If it wasn’t for the absolute silence around them, the area would be almost peaceful.

  One of the officers spoke, mirroring her thoughts. “Why isn’t there any sound?”

  Jackson answered, not looking at the officer as he searched the area for any hint of trouble. “You’re in an area where large predators hunt. Everything has either been killed or moved to safer territory.”

  “You’re just lucky we haven’t decided to run as a pack and hunt more challenging game.” Jamie smiled, his teeth gleaming in the pale light, making his meaning clear.

  The officer swallowed, but Raven would give him credit for not flinching. Scotts picked his men well, one’s who wouldn’t be spooked into reacting first. She just hoped it didn’t get them killed.

  When she turned, it was to find Randolph studying her. He was too quiet, his silent presence freaking her out. The only good thing about the situation was if he decided to take her down, he would take a direct approach.

  He’d want the challenge of a fair fight.

  “Do you ever wonder why the rogues chose this area?”

  “What do you mean?”

  Randolph tsked and gave her a pitying look. “Haven’t you even suspected that they were drawn here because of you? Your gift is a magnet for paranormals.”

  Raven clamped her jaw tight until her muscles ached. She would not let him goad her into giving away any information.

  “I mean no harm.” Randolph immediately backed down and lifted his hands to show he was harmless.

  Her lack of response seemed to disappoint him, and she realized that he was trying to engage her in conversation.

  Trying to befriend her.

  The thought frightened the crap out of her.

  “Why did you really come tonight?”

  Randolph appeared surprised by the question, like the answer was obvious. “You intrigue me.”

  His curiosity was so not a good thing.

  “Your gift is almost the opposite of mine. You can give all that wonderful energy you absorb to help others survive, while I must take. I wonder what would happen if we joined our energy. What more we could become.”

  Raven knew and the results had nearly killed her. He could never find out that their combined power could bring the dead back to life. Even if she somehow survived the procedure, which was doubtful, the damage would be extensive and irreversible.

  “I don’t know about you, but I’m not willing to test that theory. I doubt that either one of us would fare well if our gifts were destroyed.”

  “I found something.”

  Raven nearly sagged in relief at Taggert’s words. Although Randolph accepted her summation at face value, she didn’t make the mistake to think the subject had been dropped.

  “They went this way.”


  “You’re sure?”

  Scotts and Raven spoke together.

  “There is a main path where more than one scent leads off in the same direction.”

  They took off, Taggert leading a leisurely pace. Well, for a shifter anyway. She wasn’t in too bad of shape, clumsy in comparison to the shifters...nearly human. Until you saw how far the police force lagged behind.

  A vicious snarl echoed in the trees. A slither of fear snaked down her spine, sending icy chills through her body. The enraged sound did not come from any animal remotely sane.

  The shifters halted instantly, crouched and ready to spring into action, while the cops pulled their guns.

  Then she heard links of chain, metal clanging against metal.

  “There.” She smelled the blood first, sensed him more than saw him.

  Jackson grabbed her arm. “That’s close enough. An injured animal can inflict a lot of harm without being aware of what they’re doing.”

  But she stopped hearing him when she got a look at the big black wolf that barreled toward her. She straightened abruptly, something about his shape so familiar that her breath caught.

  The wolf didn’t slow his charge. If anything, he picked up speed. The thick chain clamped around his neck pulled his feet right out from under him. He slammed into the ground with a thud that reverberated under her feet. He laid stunned, his chest bellowed for air of one completely exhausted. “Dominic?”

  The world dropped out from around her to see her friend so cruelly captured and left tied to a tree to die. She had no doubt that he wasn’t meant to survive, three partial bodies that weren’t quite hidden in the foliage around the base of the tree were proof.

  A rustling came from one of the still forms. She stared, her mouth agape, as a naked form pushed up from the ground. Muscles rippled across the lean male back. Dirt and leaves rolled off his body to reveal deeply etched wounds scored down his spine.

  Chains, clamped around his throat, clanked as the man moved.

  Horror darkened her mind when Raven realized the two chains could overlap just enough that they could tear into each other if they worked at it.

  When the man turned, the wolf lunged. Even though he was out of reach, the man flinched and fell on his ass.

  That’s when she got a good look at his face. “Griffin?”

  Bloodshot eyes met hers as he lifted his head. He slowly wrapped the chain around his fists, preparing to defend himself.

  In the trees above their heads were two bright red bows. The bastard had left Dominic and Griffin like presents for her to find.

  “Raven, don’t. They’re drugged.”

  Raven rounded on Jackson and shoved at his chest, nearly sending him sprawling. “I can’t just leave them here. Damn it to hell, anyway. I ordered them out here.”

  Jackson wrapped her in his grip, and she hit him again. It did nothing to alleviate the guilt. “They’ve been here the whole of last night, killing to survive, and I didn’t even know it.”

  “You have to focus on what’s important.” Jackson bent until they were eye-level. “They’re still alive.”

  The words were a balm to the nerves simmering so close to the surface that her skin felt ready to crack.

  “Get me out of these fucking chains.”

  Raven whirled at the raspy voice to see Griffin leaned heavily against a tree as he fought the effects of the drugs.

  “No way in hell.” Scotts strode forward as if to put a stop to her thoughts. “Look at those bodies. We can’t just let them free to come after us or someone else.”

  “The drugs are wearing off.” Then Griffin stared down Scotts. “And human, you have much more to worry about than just us.”

  He stopped any further conversation by turning toward her, sensing she had the command to do what he wanted. “I’ll be a liability to you right now, but I can take Dominic and Jamie with me to prevent more of the weaker rogues from getting slaughtered. We can cover your back.”

  “Release him.” Randolph spoke, his voice bored. “We need to keep moving.”

  Raven didn’t believe Randolph’s indifference for a second. A fire heated his cold green eyes as he recognized Griffin. Randolph saw him as a challenge, a branded rogue strong enough to escape death for years. Griffin was the closest thing to a prince that the shifter kingdom could boast.

  A prize to be hunt.

  “Head toward the ranger station. Five miles northwest.” He lifted a hand to touch the collar, frowned and dropped his arm. “Circle the ridge. If you head too far north, you will run across his little playground.

  “He’s managed to put the drug in dart form. If you’re tagged, it will drop you on the spot. Most don’t survive the increased dosage.” He curled his hand into the chain that dangled from his neck. “Be careful. This man honestly believes that all shifters should be freed from the oppression of the pack. Nothing will change his mind. If you get in his way, he will have you eliminated and completely believe it was the best decision.”r />
  Chapter Thirty-three

  The moon had crested in the sky, the pale rays making those around her glow. If it was silent before, it was more so now. From one step to the next, the sound just shut off.

  With each tree she passed, she expected to see the station house take shape out of the darkness. Taggert stopped as if he slammed into a wall.

  “I lost the scent.”

  “What do you mean? How can you just lose the scent?” Scotts marched ahead, slightly out of breath at the pace they’d maintained.

  “I can’t smell anything over the dead bodies.”

  That shut down Scott’s outrage. “Where?”

  Taggert pointed north. “From the stench, I would guess more than one, and they’ve been there for a while.”

  They climbed the ridge single file. When they reached the summit, a gaping hole revealed a mass grave spread out below them, like the earth couldn’t contain the horror and spit out the bodies. Raven peeked over the edge and a gust of air slammed the perfume of death right in her face. Her stomach lurched.

  There were at least thirty bodies in various stages of decay, tossed over the ledge and left them to tumble the twenty feet into the pit below.

  “God help us all.” A slight tremor shook Scotts’ voice. One of the cops backed away without looking, and she couldn’t blame him.

  A sound came from behind.

  Raven whirled, but too late. She took the hit low to her hip that launched her and her attacker into the air over the chasm.

  Gravity took hold.

  She twisted to land on top, but the grip on her was too strong to escape. She plowed into the pile of decomposed corpses. The bodies shifted beneath her weight. Bone snapped, the shards scraping her body. With each move, splinters pierced her skin like a swarm of bees. For a panicked moment, she feared she’d brought the corpses back to life. Cold flesh clawed at her like the dead were trying to pull her in the grave.

  Raven stumbled to her feet to escape the gasping hands. And found a large bone had pierced her thigh, sticking out at an odd angle. It wasn’t her own. She carefully pulled on it, gritting her teeth to keep from screaming. The large bone slurped from the wound as it finally slid free.


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