The Hemlock Forest

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The Hemlock Forest Page 3

by C. R. Cummings

  “We are back, but this may be the last time for me. Skyler gat away from us on the way here. She went and cut the talisman off herself, giving herself a bad cut on her neck. We spent a couple of nights at the hospital and Milton had to make up a story about camping on the beach and her falling on the rocks in the dark.

  They not be believing us, and took our Skyler away. That mean woman, with the squinty eyes and big words, said my little girl was this Schizophrenic. She found the file on her, my man didn’t get it back last time. I do not like this word for what my child is. It’s a mean word, a nasty word, to explain something that no normal mortal can explain.

  The woman was almost happy, as she told us that our beautiful daughter was paranoid, with delusions about things talking to her and touching her. She rambled on about how Skyler had told her the forest was after her, that her little daughter was really a weird creature and had to be killed. She laughed worryingly, when she relayed to us all the things Skyler had told her. ‘Delusions of Grandeur’, she called it, when she said that Skyler had said she had powerful magic and would get them all. And the woman has taken her away, locked her up in some big fancy place where doctors are sure they can fix her.

  Oh my poor baby...if that woman only knew the truth.

  We could do nothing but return to the beach and search for the talisman. It was nowhere to be seen. It had been close to a week since we could return, and Milton thinks it to be somewhere buried in the sand, or washed away by the tide. He done said he couldn’t ‘feel’ it, so he supposes it to be gone for good, but has asked the Uncles to look for it.

  There is no thing we can do ‘cept give her one of ours...when we can get her back. Milton wanted to take his off, but I put my foot down. He had to be able to come and let the folk in so the forest can live...and bring Polly.”

  “I had him take mine. I wonten need it. I am done tired and with this life. My man has promised me that now I can stay in one place soon. He done promised that we will find a nice place to live and just cope best we can. It is time for Polly to be told. I do not want to do it. I did like her as a child. Am I a bad mother that I’ve done given up on Skyler? Our friends tell me I’m not, a shifted child is difficult for any person, but it is hard to believe I am not the one at fault.

  We have come back with the babe, that she can grow for a time. The fairies do love her so. Milton thinks he can get our daughter back soon and we will go on, he will bring Polly by himself and start to teach her, start to unweave the glamor veil he done put on her. We think it best I leave the stories that the fairies have given me here, along with me notes. May be the day will come that my girls can read them and know how much we done loved them. We’s done our best as we knew how.”

  Oh so many years have passed since we had last come here to the forest. I closed the journal and felt tears starting to form in my eyes. It was hard to write this…in the old way of speaking, but that’s what Polly needed to see. I had to lead her to the right place and even though I was getting ahead of history knew I needed to write it now. It was hard to know everything and play dumb with my man and the girls. I sat there crying alone in the cabin. Milton was out roaming the forest with Polly. I had watched them leave, knowing what I needed to do. We would be leaving soon, back to Alainn so Milton could seek out the Order, to help get Skyler released from that place.

  I sat there and let the tears fall until there were no more, then washed my face and went out to find them. I could be strong; I needed to be strong for them. There was such a need to tell someone, or at least write down what had happened to my friend Elisbeth, but I couldn’t. Nowhere in the future was the story told, not in my memories anyway. It wasn’t my story to tell, but it hurt so much. I missed her...and hated Eddie, Milton’s new best friend. I hated that man with every breath I took and could tell no one what I knew.


  “No, you can’t make me! There’s no way I’m going back there!” Skyler screamed at Milton, her face contorted in anger.

  “We must, I must and you must! It will heal you. Don’t you want to be better? It will make the bad things go away for a time. It is who we are now Skyler, we don’t have a choice. We must go back so you and the little one can live.” Milton pleaded with her, shouted at her, and then pleaded again.

  “It’s all a lie. You are a mean, hateful old man. That thing is not mine. You and mom did something to me...I know you did. I did not have a baby, I would have remembered. That lady in the parking lot asked about my little girl. I don’t know where you got her from, but I won’t be part of your lies and I will not go back to that disgusting forest!” She spat with loathing.

  “I’m sorry darling that we have to tell people that. But it’s the best story, the only story we could think of.” He replied in a low even tone, as if uncomfortable.

  “It’s a lie...all lies. Horrible, repulsive lies. You and mom are whacked. You keep trying to tell everyone that I’m the one not right in my head. But why don’t you tell them about the fairies and weird things you see. Huh? Why don’t you do that? I bet they would lock you up! They would! I’m going to tell them...tell everyone what nut jobs you are. I’m going to tell them about the thing you keep calling a girl. It’s not! It does things, it’s the one that brings the monsters to attack me, and you don’t even care! You love it more than me. You are evil, hateful, freaks! I detest you!”

  “Now Skyler, don’t you be speaking of Polly that way. She’s a joy. You know that and we only be wanting what is good for you.” I said, going over to her and trying to hug her. Skyler pushed me away with revulsion and glared at both of us.

  “No! You just want to lock me up again with those things. Or hurt me again with the needles and this thing you did to me...” she screamed as she pulled up her shirt and pointed at the small pucker of skin. “You did this to me! You put something inside me, I know you did. I can feel it and the things keep telling me to cut it out...and I may. I’ll cut it out and you’ll see, I’ll tell everyone what you did. I hate you!” she hissed at us.

  “Skyler we had to. You kept taking it off. Last time you lost it. You aren’t protected from them unless you have it. You gave us no choice. Your mother gave up her protection for you. Don’t you realize that? She did it for you!” Milton asked as he started to cry, the tears running down his face to drip off unheeded.

  Skyler scowled at us, then turned abruptly and starting to sprint out of the room, running straight into Polly. She dropped her little cup and it bounded across the room. She hurried after it, reaching down to pick it up when Skyler did the unthinkable. She kneed Polly squarely in the face. The blood started to flow from her nose. Polly stood there in shock, not crying, but her eyes wide from fright.

  Skyler started to laugh uncontrollably and looked up at us with pure hatred. “Look, the thing doesn’t even feel pain, it’s not normal.”

  I could only shake my head at her. I couldn’t take much more…knowing what I knew. Reaching out to Polly I gathered her up in my arms, her pink blood staining my shirt and new apron. As I left the room I heard the door slam and thanked the heavens that she had left.

  As I cleaned Polly up Milton came in and told me his plan. I could only nod. Knowing the future was one thing, but when it collided with reality it was hard. I got the little one washed up and went to pack for their short trip. He would be gone with her only a short time. It would be enough. I needed to write down what I had seen last night in my dreams.

  I waved goodbye as they pulled out of the driveway in the old truck until they were out of sight. I had a stack of new notebooks and I needed to write this down and get it to Winnie as soon as possible. Going back in to the house I gathered up some pens and a notebook and got to it. The words flowed as I copied once more from my mind’s eye.

  “I set myself to write this log as we find ourselves in constant companionship with folk we know nothing of. It has been many a year and we have developed many a kind friend within the family in all the realms. This notion of realm
s was once hard to wrap my mind around, however now I wonder how others live without the knowledge.

  Our home is Alainn, The Beautiful Land. – This is the mortal realm, where mortals live, work, play, sleep and go about their mortal lives. It is Earth and all the planets and any area of knowledge to the normal man.

  The folk are from Firinn, The Real Land. – This is the fey realm. It is just as large and unending as Alainn, but does not have other planets. It is one plain, long and wide and unending which had openings into yet another realm.

  The middle realm is Meadhan or The Middle. These are delightful little pockets of space set in Alainn, unseen, veiled, but quite nice for the most part. Meadhans and Firinn are connected by doorways. The folk can live quite nicely in any realm, but have a need to pass through into Meadhan and thus into Alainn quite often. This need is not unlike the need a mortal has to draw a breath, the folk need to draw and expel their magic.

  There is yet another realm, one no folk would ever wish to find themselves. Ifrinn. Mortals know of this realm and seek to hide from it as much as the folk do. It is called Hell in Alainn, and the demons we be so afraid of, are Eilibear. Any may travel there, but who would want to?

  This all made no sense to me when I found myself a thread in the weave of the folk. And weave they do; they weave the life into all realms, they weave the stories and nightmares and daydreams; they weave the hopes and dreams and the desires of the heart. I have seen that the mortals believe they have no need for the folk, hence they refuse to see them; and the folk think themselves better than the mortals, and yet would have no magic if not for that which the clueless mortals create and give back to the creatures. The weave of life bears all realms, all creatures, and if one was to disappear so would they all.

  My eyes are open and my heart is full – may this writing bring you joy when I am at long last gone to rest. Mar maw”

  I reread what I wrote to make sure I got it right before I continued on.

  “Milton came across the Alltha Order when he had to go on a hunt for Skyler again. We had thought ourselves all alone up until that time. They be a very nice group of feys, very diverse in types and skills. It seems there be a large amount of fey that for one reason or another have decided to make Alainn their permanent home. The Order keeps the peace; helps when there be a problem and generally are there to talk with.

  I find it endearing that they greet each other as Uncle and Aunt, bringing us together as a family. In a life without end, a content family is a necessary thing as our mortal ones do seem to leave us quickly and frequently.

  Uncle Geraint seems to have decided that the 1930’s were the best of times and has stopped his life there. I understand his thought, as Milton does so seem to love the 50’s and 60’s. Milton took to the music of that time and to my dismay will keep that music alive in our home forever.”

  “As the years went on Milton found his place in this Order and he and his new friends found many that were in need of their help. Uncle’s Darby and Afon keep him busy traveling around in between taking Skyler and Polly to our Meadhan. I find that I have made friends myself with many of the Aunts; Elisbeth, Carlian and Winifed are some of my favorites and I was so pleased when Winnie agreed to the post in Marshfield. Many a time when Milton would take the girls I would stay with her in town. Milton called it our girl time, I be so missing it now.

  I would have to admit that Uncles Henson, Eann, Eddie and Traveon are a delight when they visit, even for a short time. I do so wish it was allowed to bring the young ones together, but I do understand the Order’s rules and the reasons behind them. With the care for Skyler and Polly, I find I cannot travel as Milton may, to greet them in person, but I do always send my love.”

  “Druids – The history of these particular fey I find incredible. The most intelligent of all the fey, druids are. A large number were scholars, others following whatever way their particular magic led them. As all fey, they began their life living mainly in Firinn. Out of the clan of druid there developed a line that leaned towards the art of weaponry; their powers and abilities are amazing, although in Firinn there was no use for their brand of magic. The other fey found their magic a disturbing thing for a fey to have. This did not set well with any of the druid clan.

  The druids as a whole migrated to a Meadhan in Scotland, and from there found their way into Alainn. Even the scholars discovered that Alainn held more resources and avenues for their knowledge. The druids branched out over the British Isles, becoming known as the Celtics. More is known about this branch of druids than the warriors, although it is the warriors that have achieved the most balance.

  In the time of weave, the doors of Ifrinn were not yet closed and the Eilibear and their various cousins took to invading Alainn with great abandon. It was during this time that the druid warriors found their Dywels, the magic of the sword, and with it fought back the creatures that threatened to overtake Alainn. As time moved on, the druid warriors became known in all the realms for their strength and range of magics. There are none more renowned for their training, dedication and purity of character, nor feared by those from Ifrinn.

  Others of the Alltha joined with the Warriors, shape shifters of strength and courage that found the good fight with the druids a better use of their skills. Milton tells me that he had seen great bear and wolves fight alongside them all, only at the end of the struggle to return to the shape of a mild fey with twinkling eyes. I would like to see that, as well as the great Dywels that the warriors weld. They are described as glowing swords that erupt from their arms in times of need, or when-ever the Eilibear threaten.

  Milton tells of cords of fire that ensnare the Eilibear and bind them back to Ifrinn. T’is a great power these druids have to go head to head with demons, even to the point of seeking them out to keep the mortals and fey safe. The druids’ travels take them far and wide in search of the very dangers the rest of us run and hide from. What great adventures they must have, though tis a pity there not be females of their kind.

  Milton does tell of how each druid is sired by a joining of a druid and a fey that compliments and completes the druid’s own magic. It is a long quest to find the ‘one’ and many spend their weave of time alone and only the fighting the great battles to keep them warm at night, as it is rare for the right mate to be found. That being said, the birth of a druid child is a rare and wondrous thing. I have seen pictures of the new child and understand why Rōber and Elisbeth are so proud of their son.”

  I found myself silently crying as I write. I miss Elisbeth so very much. The writings pour out of me, bits of knowledge that I really did have and others that my dreams had given to me. I did not read over the rest when I was finished, only wrote a quick note to Winnie so she would know what to do. I tied the notebook up with a ribbon, put it in a cardboard box and labeled it for my last remaining friend.

  Looking up at the clock I could see it was almost morning. I had written through the night non-stop. Milton would be back soon with our little Polly and the spell of forgetfulness will have been woven upon her. It was necessary for the days to come. If I still believed in my Father in Heaven after all I knew I would pray that he would keep her safe.

  I dug through the house until I found the right amount of stamps to mail the thing, then went out into the cold morning and put it in the mail box. It was done. With my feet still wet from the morning dew I crawled into bed and allowed the dreams to come. I hated this one…my death. No one should know the hour and place of one’s own death, not even a fey. I saw a shift in the memories, a change I needed to make. One last time I needed to travel to the Hemlock forest and change Polly’s name to her fey one in all my writings. I hated to do that and argued with the dream to no avail.

  So be it…one last time I finally agreed and sunk gratefully into a deep restful sleep with the melody of one of Del Shannon’s famous songs, Run Away, playing softly in my mind. Run my sweet Polly, run.

  The End

  Find “Run, Run, Run Away�

  The full story of the Hemlock Forest.

  Run, Run, Run Away” :by C.R. Cummings

  “16 year old Ivy has made up her mind. Dealing with life after the death of her Grandparents and having to live with her psycho, druggie mother, is no life at all. She decides that running away is better than going into foster care, and takes off to live alone at her Grand-dad’s isolated cabin, deep in the forests of Oregon.

  Getting there wasn’t the scary part, nor was being alone. What was scary was the discovery of her Grandma’s journals hidden in the cabin, along with her own true identity... Thrown head first into an alternate reality, Ivy finds herself dealing with fairies, druids, boggarts, and magic; along with the onset of powers that had been long locked away from her.

  Two young men are very willing to help her figure it all out; but which can she trust? The incredibly gorgeous fey with the misty violet eyes, who insists on calling her ‘my lady’? ..Or the exotic, dreadlock-sporting hunk that can’t seem to stop following her?

  Whichever it is, Ivy is finding that running away from home is more than she ever bargained for.”

  Look for other books by C.R. Cummings;

  “The Evensongs Trilogy”

  “Quest of the Evensongs” ~ Book 1 – The Evensongs Trilogy

  “Overnight Vila's simple life is shattered when she falls into a swirling pool and wakes to find herself alone. Sounds vibrate around her, screaming, pleading; Help us Vila! Find the ones with knowledge! Without much choice she is propelled into this perilous quest filled with magic, power and the unknown.

  Shul, a renegade Scribe from the Palace of the Blue Robes fights to keep the little ones in his care hidden from the ones that would have them killed. Forced to return, they conceal themselves deep within the Palace.


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