Her Highland Laird: Norman Ladies: Book One

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Her Highland Laird: Norman Ladies: Book One Page 8

by Hannah West

“Aye, chief,” the man stuttered backing away as fast as he could.


  Marie was hauled kicking and screaming from the pit by three men, sure they would rape her then slit her throat.

  She was stunned for a moment by the bright lights out of the pit, but the redoubled her effort to break free. One of the men backhanded her causing stars to flare before her eyes.

  Suddenly hands were pulling at her gown yanking it free and Marie screamed at the top of her lungs, clawing anything she could reach.

  Ian would want her to fight, he would want her to win, to be free.

  She bit into the hand that tried to cover her mouth and was suddenly dunked in fridge ice cold water. It took her a few moments of thrashing to realize she was being held down by four people to scrub her clean.

  Marie was allowed a few spluttering breaths in between being dunked under and being roughly scrubbed within an inch of her life. Half drown, her lungs burning, she was pulled from the freezing water to be toweled off.

  Her fingers and toes had gone numb turning greyish purple. She tried to pull herself together but suddenly she felt weak and dizzy.

  The room spun, then tilted before going pitch black.

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Ian was on the brink of going mad. They were riding as hard as they could without killing their horses, but for him it was still not fast enough. Marie was in the hands of those Blackadder bastards and it had been almost five days. He could never forgive himself for leaving her behind. Next time she would go with him, if she was given back to him nothing would part him from her again but death.

  He agonized over what might have befallen her already in their hands, if she was not dead, and he could not conceive that idea, she would be wishing she were. He would even forgive her should she take the only other way out of that place, he would forgive her if she were forced to end her own life. Ian would not wish what had happened to her upon any woman no matter the crime.

  But his Marie was strong and ferrous. She would live and she would be there waiting for him.

  The king and his men weren’t too far off from Ian and his men. If they kept their pace they would be upon the Blackadders in a matter of hours and the sun was already starting to sink in the late evening sky.

  He sent up a prayer that they made it in time. If they didn’t then he would kill every last Blackadder painfully and slowly and rip apart their stolen keep stone by bloody stone.

  Marie’s death would turn him into the feared man the rest of the highlands thought him.

  “Rest easy, Laird,” Duncan shouted to him, “She shall be alive and we shall gut those bastards.”

  Ian saw the murderous look on Duncan’s face and even felt a deadly chill go down his spine. Duncan looked at Marie as he did his own daughter and Ian knew Duncan would do anything for Marie who had been kind to him when all others left him alone out of fear.

  Duncan had done things in his time as a mercenary that he would not speak of and Ian had a feeling he was going to renew some of his old skills this night.

  Ian quickly scanned the faces of his men and saw they mirrored his own. While his people may have yet to take to his wife, his men were fond of her and they would do everything in their power to help their lady.

  Those bastards made the wrong choice in taking her. They had no idea the army that was coming to deal their death blow.


  Marie lay on the cold stone ground barely able to move. Her face was swollen and bruised, she could barely see out of her eyes that were almost swollen shut and she felt the drips of blood slow and turn cold as it dried.

  Blackadder had tried to rape her but when he couldn’t get himself aroused he had taken to beating her, saying it was all her fault. That had been two days ago, now he left her in his rooms until he decided to try again and then give her another beating.

  She ached everywhere and knew somethings were broken. But even as he pain grew and she blacked out from it she was grateful that she had not been raped and that Blackadder would not let anyone else touch her.

  If he had then she would never be able to face Ian again, he would never have forgiven her. She had fought at every turn, at every beating until she couldn’t raise an arm anymore.

  Slowly she curled her fingers into a fist and gasped at the pain that shot down her arm. She thought it might be dislocated, but she needed to get up off the floor. The longer she laid there the more chilled she grew and it was not a good place to be when he came back.

  Last time she had been on the floor he had kicked her in the ribs and something had given way. But even with the pain she was glad she wasn’t wasting away in the pit.

  The creaking of the chambers heavy wood door opening made her tense and closes her eyes praying that it was over quickly. But when footsteps came closer but no blows were landed she turned her face upward.

  She saw the dirty face of a young pregnant woman who leaned down and check the cut across Marie’s brow.

  Confused as to why the woman was here Marie struggled to try and get up. The young woman helped her sit up gently but Marie could not help the breath of pain she sucked in as a stabbing pain shot threw her body that burned.

  “Why are you helping me?” Marie asked out of breath, holding her better arm across her middle.

  “I would have sooner, but the chief and his son are always watching who comes up here. I am Brianna, my lady,” said the young woman and then tried to pull Marie to her feet.

  Marie nearly shrieked at the pain in her should when it was pulled. Brianna made a quick move grabbing her arm and shoving it back into place.

  Biting her lips so she did not scream made her eyes water wildly.

  “Thank you,” Marie breathed after a moment, her arm feeling better. “But why would a Blackadder help me? I am the wife of the Buchanan.”

  The woman scowled, “I am not one of these devils, and may their souls rot. I was taken, much like you, but I have been here for years. I learned quickly what happens to those who try to run away.” She caressed the swell of her belly. “They enjoy their rape games, but once you become pliant they no longer have interest.”

  Pity welled within Marie. Her hope that someone was coming for her had burned to ash. She hoped Ian came for her still but her odds did not look good. If he did come, she might be dead before that happened.

  “Where are you from?” Marie asked trying to distract herself from her thoughts.

  “I am from the Douglas clan. I am the youngest sister of their laird, Ian,” Brianna said after a moment.

  “My husband and your brother are great friends,” Marie said with a weak smile. “But if you are the daughter of and laird and the sister of a laird how did you end up here?”

  Pain flashed over her face and Marie regretted her question. “You don’t have to answer. It is none of my business.”

  “I was betrothed and I had been traveling with my party to my new husband’s home when we were attacked. They killed everyone but me and my maid, but she did not last long with those men. She would rather be dead then be taken by them, so she took her own life, may she rest in peace.” She looked at Marie with hope. “Since you are here and your people know they will come for you. And I was hoping you would take me with you.”

  “Of course I shall take you with me,” Marie vowed, “These bastards deserved to die and Ian will see to that. I will not leave you here.”

  Tear glistened in Brianna’s eyes. “My gratitude will know no bounds.”

  “Save that for when we do get out of here,” Marie said looking around the stone room. “I am unsure of when anyone will be here to recuse me. If I could get a message to someone from my clan, then I could be sure.” She looked to Brianna. “Is there anyone here we can trust?”

  Brianna nodded. “There was a few boys who have been brought here over the years from other clans. Some of them hate it here and might be willing to help if they could be returned home.”

  “I could promise that to them,” Mar
ie said, her ashes of hope turning into burning embers. “Could we get them to take one tonight?”

  “I am sure one of them could sneak away tonight, but I’m not sure how long it would take to get your people the message.”

  “Then let us hope that someone is already looking for me close to here,” Marie softly intoned.

  After helping Marie up and onto the sorry sight of a bed Brianna left at Marie’s urging.

  “Stay close and keep an eye out, but act as if you do not know me. If they knew then they would harm you and your child. I want you safe until we came leave here.” Marie handed her the message and held her hand for a moment to long, needing the comfort. “Let us pray this works.”

  Brianna had doctored Marie’s face, but she knew it was not looking well. “Be safe,” Brianna whispered to her before she left with missive in hand.

  Marie prayed one of the boys made it to one of Buchanans before it was too late. She knew that if she took another bad beating she would not make it. She was already weak and frail and in great pain.

  “Please Ian, please come for me,” Marie whispered as tears flowed from her eyes.

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  “Ian,” Duncan called from outside the tent that he had made base camp out of. He let himself in dragging a pitiful looking lad who was so skinny his bones stuck out.

  “What,” Ian growled coming up to Duncan, narrowing his eyes on the boy.

  “Our scouts from this boy leaving the Blackadder keep. He had a missive from Marie,” Duncan said pushing the boy forward.

  The boy cowered as he lifted a shaking hand out to Ian. In the boy’s palm was a scrap of paper.

  Ian took the paper and read the short note on it, crumbling it in his fist after he was done with yell of fury that made both other jump.

  “Get the men ready, we go for her now!” Ian yelled as he strapped on his sword and rushed from the tent barking orders.

  “She gave us a way in,” Ian said breathless to Duncan when he caught up. “She is alive and has given us a way in.”

  He didn’t realize he had tears falling from his eyes.

  He was going to get her back, she would be his again and then he was going to kill every last Blackadder that stood in his path.


  Marie awoke to someone picking her up and she started to scream as she was hiked over a shoulder and her ribs felt as if she had been slammed into again.

  “Quite,” growled the man who had her, giving her a jostle to be quite. “Blackadder wants you in the great hall and you best mind your fine manners, wench.”

  She sucked in a breath but was quite as they descended the stairs. As soon as they got to the main hall she was dumped to the ground before Blackadder in his finely carved wooden chair.

  Of course the man would have a chair resembling a throne. He did believe himself above all others.

  He stood and looked down at her with disgust in his eyes. He was still dirty and his long stringy hair blended in with his messy beard and he looked as if he had not slept in days.

  Good, Marie thought as she tried to raise herself to a sitting position.

  She hissed in pain as he wrapped a hand in her long hair and yanked on it to make her look up at him.

  “It would seem, my pretty one, that your husband sent men to rescue you, but,” he said gleefully as three men were brought into the room and forced to kneel with a kick to the back of their legs, “they failed.”

  He gave her hair another yank as she looked away from the men. “Look at them,” he hissed.

  When she did he smiled again. “Good girl. Do you know how we caught these men? No? Well we caught them thanks to the boy you had sent with a message. The boy was rewarded quite well for help. It would seem your husband thought you less important than his duty to his king.” He tsked softly and then addressed the kneeling men.

  One of whom was Brock. He looked a little roughened up but otherwise okay from what she could see. But with her eyes almost completely swollen closed her vision was not at its best.

  When Brock noticed it was her he let out a roar of anger, struggling to be free only to earn a boot to the face.

  Marie protested and got back handed for her cheek.

  “Silence,” Blackadder roared and used her hair to drag her with him across the floor toward the men.

  “Release her,” roared Brock as he strained against his bonds.

  “You want me to release her then? Fine,” Blackadder agreed letting go of her hair so she felt hard to the ground. But then he pulled back and kicked her in her injured side.

  “Argh,” she cried, tasting the bitter metal of blood in her mouth.

  “You bloody bastard! Fight me, only a coward hit a woman,” Brock paused just for a moment then sneered, “From the look of her you don’t have the bullocks to fight a man like me.”

  Blackadder rushed forward and landed a punch to Brock’s gut.

  Marie laid on the ground trying to catch her breath.

  Brock, you dolt, don’t anger the man, Marie thought as she rolled onto her uninjured side with another cry of pain.

  Marie watched as the chief waved his men away from Brock and unbound him.

  “You want a fight young lad,” taunted Blackadder, “then fight.”

  The men circled one another, drawing whatever weapon they had on hand. Marie looked around her and noticed none of the men paid her any mind. She looked toward the entrance that led toward the kitchens and noticed Brianna peeking around the archway.

  Marie prayed no one noticed her. Any of the men would punish her for looking when she should be working. These men needed no cause to punish those weaker than themselves.

  Marie shook her head when Brianna moved to come to her and she stopped, but it was too late on of the man had noticed her and went toward her.

  Marie had to save her and the babe. She knew that if the man hit her and Brianna fell that worse would happen.

  Fighting through the pain Marie pushed herself up until she was on teetering feet. She spied a jeweled dagger next to Blackadders throne chair and grabbed it as she made her way over to the man. She tried to be quite and quick, but she could barely walk in a straight line.

  As she neared the man grabbed ahold of Brianna and pulled her close. Brianna let out a cry of pain as her arm was twisted and Marie raised the dagger in her shaking hand. In the blink of an eye Marie swung the dagger in with all her might and it found its mark in the crease between the man’s neck and shoulder.

  Brianna was release as he swung around with a howl of pain and Marie swung the dagger one more time finding it home in his neck with a sickening squish.

  A hand suddenly connected with Marie’s cheek sending her flying into the stone wall as the wood doors to the hall splintered open and men brandishing weapons filled the room. She hit the wall like a stone, blinding pain spreading across her skull just before she fell to the ground like a rag doll.

  She sat there dazed as men fought man and dying wails met war cries. She thought she saw Ian come upon Blackadder and Brock baring his sword in brilliant fury.

  Surprising Blackadder Ian slashed out and got him across the face, but Blackadder had been expecting it and lashed out on his own. The fight grew intense and soon it looked as if Ian was in trouble.

  Looking around her hoping to find the knife she had used, she was sure she could throw it like Jack had thought her and find her mark, giving Ian just enough time to kill the man. But she could not see the knife, what she did see however was the cross bow of the man that she had killed.

  So making up her mind she crawled for it. Light headed she felt almost out of her body and Marie realized it was from losing to much blood and being injured to the extent she was.

  Marie figured she was dying, but if she could save Ian from dying at the hands of the wretched man then she had truly won.

  So she picked up the cross bow and sat herself back against the table’s leg for support. Loading the single bolt home she lifted the heavy w
ood contraption to her eye and tried to focus her fuzzy vision. She weaved slightly and her hands trembled as tears stung the back of her eyes.

  She found a clear shot and pulled the trigger releasing the metal tipped wood bolt. The cross bow fell from her hands as her body relaxed, going cold. She smiled sadly and wished she had been with Ian one more time.

  The last thing she saw was Blackadder stumble after giving a short scream then fell backwards to the ground as the world grew grey then faded to a bright white.

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Ian watched from the doorway as Brianna held his wife’s hand in hers and hummed a pretty song. Marie’s beautiful face was still healing but she looked almost normal.

  She had been there hell with the Blackadder’s, she had managed to save Brianna’s life by killing a man who would have hurt her and she had even managed to kill Blackadder with a cross bolt to save him before succumbing to her injuries. She had been so badly injured that she had almost died, but it had been almost a month since then and she had not woken up.

  The village healer did not hold out much hope that Marie would awake. The healer had discovered many injuries to her head cause by hard blunt blows. The damage do by those they could only tell if she woke up. But the healer suggested keeping her under constant watch and using healing herbs.

  Ian watched as little by little as his beautiful wife became more frail, her pale face becoming white. He had been by her side, never leaving the first few days, but when he realized she was not going to wake his heart broke and he had asked Brianna to stay with her.

  Brianna had been by Marie’s side when they found her. He remembered Brianna as a bright and bonny little girl, not as this hardened young woman. He liked her brother and thought her dead after her wedding party had gone missing and then turned up massacred. The last place he would have thought her to be would be in the hands of the Blackadders and with child no less.


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