Strictland Academy

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Strictland Academy Page 11

by Carolyn Faulkner

  The doctor nodded, catching the implication associated with the underlying threat that accompanied her description of 'protective custody' and the fate of his resident.

  "It sounds like they were very close to escaping. How did that happen?" he asked carefully.

  "We have not investigated yet. What are you waiting for? Don't tell me that you have developed some affection for Compton here. I'm sure you are not willing to end up in jail for anyone, especially a pretty little eighteen-year-old virgin whom you have already molested in the name of medicine." Attendant Hazel set her eyes upon him in an open challenge.

  He shook his head adamantly and turned to his first victim, April, who was doing her best to keep her knees together. "Could we scoot her down towards me a bit?" he asked.

  While Attendant Hazel pried the girl’s knees apart and leaned into them to hold them in place, Attendant Angela was up at April's head, holding a fistful of the short, choppy hair as she whispered into her ear. “You thought you were going to get away from me, didn't you, slut? You thought you were never going to have to see your mommy again, that you would never be punished by me, or be put into those humiliating diapers, or have me diddle you in front of all the girls again, right? Mommy is not ready to let you go. No, not for a long, long time, baby girl."

  April clenched her teeth as her head was jerked roughly. Attendant Angela continued her tirade: “You have been such a naughty young lady, and you're going to find out that your first weeks at Strictland were a walk in the park in comparison to how it’s going to be for you from now on. I will also make sure that whomever I chose for your, uh, husband, will be a man who will give you more incentives than I ever can. Proceed, Doctor, and make certain she remembers every second of this examination."

  And on those words, the doctor reached down and began the process of introducing his fat fingers inside April's tight, tiny quim with no lubricant to ease his way. He sighed with remorse as he looked into her eyes. April's eyes pleaded with him, begged him to spare her, reminded him that she had started to hug him after every enema session he performed.

  "What are you waiting for, doctor?"

  "I was just thinking about how much I enjoy hearing the young women whimpering and mewling when I touch them," he said, skimming his finger along her slit.

  "Yes," Attendant Hazel whispered huskily, "it does excite you, doesn't it? You like that the girls have sore red bottoms as they lie naked in front of you. You like watching them flinch as their bottoms come in first contact with the cold table beneath them. And you truly like watching them try to jerk away as your hand grabs hold of a hot swollen, red cheek, while you pleasure them, don't you? And this one ... how many hours have you spent with her body spread wide open before your eyes?"

  "I have lost count," the doctor's voice was raspy as he shifted, recalling a time when his manhood was intact and able to respond. It, like so many others, was a casualty of war. "She always has a particularly hard time taking my fingers because of her tightness, but she is already moist and ready for me to touch her. It seems that she has recently experienced an orgasm—or two."

  "How can you tell?" Attendant Angela demanded. "I had her hours ago, which means someone else has been playing with my property!"

  "The evidence is clear. She is still slick with her juices, and her lips are puffy and her clit swollen." The old man licked his lips. "There are also little bruises on the inside of her thighs that look like hickeys."

  "I want to know who else touched her!!" the woman demanded, in a jealous rage.

  "You'll have to un-gag her and ask," he answered, as he slyly moved his thumb so that it covered her clit, letting it bump up against her nubbin every time he moved his hand in and out of her, pleasuring her as much as he dared before the critical witnesses. It would, at least, make this moment of her life more tolerable.

  "Trust me, I will. Well?"

  “Nothing in there,” he pronounced after a long while of finger fucking her. His fingers, bathed in her juices, moved to her bottom. Even with the multiple rectal exams he and Dr. Wells had conducted prior to each daily enema, she still struggled and fought the two fingers as they advanced inside her as inexorably as they had in her pussy.

  He fucked her ass with his thick fingers, his efforts rewarded with panting and protests. "Clean in there, too,” he said, removing his fingers slowly. "I don't find any contraband of any kind in her. Next."

  Molly made certain not to show any concern or interest in what he did to her, failing to even react as he roughly probed her body. Her lack of response bored him, and the doctor quickly completed the exam. The headmaster had joined them by then and thanked the doctor promptly, before dismissing him.

  As soon as the doctor turned to leave, Molly, having found a way to dislodge her gag, began to scream that he couldn't leave them there, that he had failed his Hippocratic oath to care and protect his patients, and that he was responsible to stop the flesh-peddling that was happening right under his nose. Attendant Hazel clamped her hand over Molly's mouth, nearly cutting off her breath, and bade the doctor goodbye. Molly fought uselessly against the biting grip and watched her last hope for any kind of freedom walk out the door.

  Soundlessly, the two naked and tightly-bound girls were removed to separate cell blocks at the back of the building. Their hands were untied and gags were roughly pulled off before they were shoved inside barren rooms lined with faded yellow walls with no cot, toilet, sink, or windows. Several metal grill plates lined the floors, along with a faucet, a hose, and a ragged yellow towel. A small sign above the faucet read 'Sump Water - Do Not Drink' and was clearly intended to be used to hose down any refuse.

  The sound of the solid door slamming behind them with a loud click of the lock brought about a wall of misery that physical punishment could never do. Time was now at a standstill and both began to wail at the possibility that they might never leave their prison.

  Hours passed before they heard any other sounds beyond their own voices. Molly, finally coming to her senses, spoke soothingly to the hysterical April. She finally convinced her that someone would eventually notice their absence and that they would be released. Even the State would want an accounting for any absences, so it was just a matter of time. They talked through the thin walls, unable to gauge the number of hours that had passed. The only measure of the time of day was the sparse meals that were slid through slats at the bottom of the door at odd intervals, and the accompanying two bottles of water.

  Numbness began to overcome them as the number of empty water bottles stacked up to total forty-two, reflecting the length of their solitary confinement of over six days. There was no notice when the cell doors were opened and the two girls were wordlessly dragged in the dimming light across the campus to the dining hall. They were positioned against a wall where their wrists were secured over their heads by hooks suspended from the ceiling. Their legs were pulled wide apart by cuffs fitted to their ankles and anchored to the floor with spreader bars, fully immobilizing them.

  A loud commotion grew as the entire population was assembled to witness the punishment prescribed for the runaways. Molly's anxiety grew as, instead of hearing the typical comments or tittering about their positions, the sound of sharply indrawn breaths and quiet exclamations reached her ears. A gathering of nine men of various sizes and ages, led by Headmaster Judas, entered the room and sat silently in a line of straight-back chairs.

  Attendant Hazel stood in front of Molly and April, yelling loudly, “Quiet down, ladies! Headmaster Judas has gathered us here this evening to advise you of a very serious incident that occurred a week ago. You are all to give him your undivided attention."

  The man cleared his throat, “Girls and loyal staff members, I want you to welcome our Board of Directors. Several of these gentlemen are also interested in evaluating some of you as possible mates. They will be observing your behavior and then consulting with your attendants and myself as far as your compatibility."

  He paused to let
his words sink in: "I have invited them here to witness what occurs when someone seeks to destroy our institution. These two young women behind me were caught trying to leave Strictland Academy. The third woman unfortunately incurred severe injuries in a horrendous accident and will not be returning."

  Another round of wordless shocked exclamations rippled through the room. He turned to smile at the hate-filled glower shooting from Molly's eyes.

  "You liar!!" she screamed. Tears poured down her face. "You murderous, goddamned liar!"

  He continued, puffing his chest out. "Now, Miss Petry, how do you ever expect to win the heart of a man with such a terrible disposition and inability to control your manners? Ahhh, unless you want me to place a horse's bit in your mouth, you will remain silent."

  He stepped onto a footstool and ran his eyes over the solemn crowd. "You girls know that you are here with us for a good reason. You know exactly why you, and your mothers, made the choice to come to us. At first, you, no doubt, thought life in school would be much easier in comparison to going to jail or joining the service. It was not easier. However, most of you have thrived in living in an environment that focuses on strict structure, and you have grown under the stern discipline we have in place here. Many of you have turned away from the selfish ambitions and worthless desires of your hearts, and have allowed miraculous changes to take place within you. You are our prizes, the young ladies who are on strong, solid paths to true redemption and have earned the opportunity to be placed with a worthy husband."

  He stood beside the two bound girls, gesturing to them as he continued, “But these two here ... they have failed you. They have defied everything the rest of you have worked so hard to obtain. They are to be shunned and disregarded, for they have brought each of you shame and have demeaned your accomplishments. In order for you to maintain your self-respect and dignity, you must never speak to them, never look at them, and you must never, ever allow them to evade any wrongdoing they commit. Anyone here who disagrees with this necessity will be considered ungrateful, rebellious, and evil."

  He pointed at the crowd, his dark expression showing his pleasure at being regarded with rapt, albeit fearful, attention. "It is for you that we gather here this day. Because of the heinousness of their crimes and their malicious, ungrateful actions, we are going to proceed with something that has never before been done at Strictland Academy. Since their offenses are as much against you as they are against us, the faculty and caretakers here at Strictland are awarding you, their fellow students, the ability to discipline them. Show them how angry, hurt and disappointed you are! Let them know exactly how ashamed you are of their actions. Will you condone their behavior by showing them pity? I say NO!"

  A loud murmur roared through the hollow walls. The sound was nondescript, and it was unsure whether the other inmates were either revolted by the announcement or enthusiastic. Either way, each inmate harbored deep seated resentment and anger about their own situation, and this was the prime opportunity to express that anger physically upon the two captives.

  "Molly, they are going to cripple us," April whimpered.

  "We are worth more to them whole and alive," Molly whispered. "Just close your eyes."

  “It is for that reason,” the Headmaster continued, “that you will be lined up according to the time you have been here, with the newest of you first and those who have been with us the longest last, and the instrument of redemption will be handed off to you by the previous user."

  He held up a large ping-pong paddle with multiple holes drilled into it. "With this paddle, I expect each of you to deliver a single stroke, as hard as you are able. Attendant Hazel? Do you have anything you would like to add?"

  “I do, Headmaster. Thank you." The woman directed her eyes across the room, watching as every girl smirked, "Just a word of caution. Before any of you have the mistaken idea that it would be a blessing to either of these girls if you were lenient with them, you must know you are wrong. They must be taught a valuable lesson, and I know that you will each do your utmost best to ensure that they thoroughly regret their actions against you."

  She cleared her throat and continued, “But just in case my message doesn't quite strike home with you ladies, I promise that any of you who fail to put forth a good enough effort to crack that paddle across those girls' behinds will end up having it crack across their own. Am I making myself completely understood?"

  “Yes, ma'am,” everyone said in unison.

  “All right, then." Headmaster Judas nodded, "Prefects, line these girls up in order of seniority, and then we will commence this well-deserved punishment. Would any of the Directors care to join in?"

  "I will take the final stroke," one middle-aged man announced. A patch covered his left eye and the corner of his mouth was twisted in a thick scar.

  "The final stroke, Director Borden? There might not be much left for you to enjoy."

  "That is not a concern for me," the graveled voice responded. "I intend to take the little one when this is complete. I am still contemplating the redhead."

  April's screams were muted by the gag that was stuffed into her mouth. There was no escape for the struggling girls as the punishment commenced. One of the newer girls whispered something to them just before she swung.

  “I was the one who betrayed you. Franklin escaped after I left to tell them that you had gone."

  "Evie? Why? Patricia could be dead because of you!" Molly sobbed. No answer was given, as the girl completed her duty and left the line.

  "Where is your savior now, Compton?" Mocking was heard as the bare hall rang out with the sounds of wood meeting flesh over and over, and the pitiful cries of the ones on the receiving end of those efforts. None of the staff took a turn, each standing back and surveying the public humiliation awarded the runaways. They grinned at one another as the inmates left the blistered imprints of the paddle upon the purple flesh.

  Halfway through the line, the imposing figure of Director Borden stepped in and stood before the two sobbing girls. He studied their faces before running his large hands over the swollen, blistered backsides, and then lifted the same hand to lightly touch each of their faces. He glanced at the paddle offered to him.

  "No. I don't want damaged goods. On either of them."

  "The skin has not been broken, you can still ..." Headmaster Judas argued.

  "I said no. I expect my requests be honored. This punishment will end immediately."

  "Of course," the headmaster said, anxiously glancing at the other board members. Each had his arms crossed. The headmaster gulped. "Will you be taking them?"

  "I have not decided. I will be watching. There will be no further corporal punishment until I make my decision. Take them down and sponge them off. Have the physician evaluate them for any significant injuries, Attendant."

  "I assure you, Mr. Borden, there is no ..."

  "Do as you are told, woman." He stared down upon her with a single, dark eye. "And never presume yourself to be my equal."

  Director Borden turned on his heels and silently left the room, followed by the other directors. With an angry hiss, Attendant Hazel ordered the girls be released and cleansed with cold water. She glared up at the observation room and watched as the director's shadow blackened the window. With a growl, she had the girls taken to Dr. Krouse's office.

  “Yes, Hazel. How may I be of service?" His brow crinkled as he glanced at his watch.

  She snapped her fingers and watched the two girls crumple to the floor when they were released. "Ah, Doctor, you're always so accommodating. We're sorry to interrupt your quiet evening, but we would like you to do something for us,” Attendant Hazel asked.

  “What did you have in mind, Attendant?" Doctor Krouse asked, suspiciously.

  "Director Borden seems to be staking a claim to these girls. We are not certain if will just be Compton, but his behavior suggest he might assume the ownership of both. Examine them and assure him that they have not been harmed."

? Oh .... They sustained quite a remarkable paddling, didn't they? At least no skin was broken ...."

  "He interrupted the discipline and put it to a halt. He ordered that they not undergo anymore physical punishment, but we know there are other ways to teach a lesson."

  "What exactly do you have in mind?" He was hesitant. In his book, molestation was one thing, but blatant abuse was another.

  “Well, since we're not interested in staying up all night to look after our charges, they're going to be put back into the rooms downstairs that they occupied last week. However, we are very earnest that they be reminded in some way that they are being disciplined. We were wondering if you might have some suggestions as to how we might inflict a punishment on them through the overnight hours that would still allow us to sleep through the night," Attendant Angela stated, nudging April's ankle away from her foot.

  “I do believe I might be able to offer a fairly safe solution to your dilemma, Attendants." With that, he opened a case he kept in his private office and displayed the contents to the two women. "These are called anal dilators. This should satisfy the director's instructions to avoid further corporal discipline."

  “Aren't those butt plugs?" Attendant Hazel queried, making him want to laugh at her perfect pronunciation.

  “Yes, butt plugs. They come in various sizes, and,” he picked a medium sized one up to show them, “are tapered. They have a flange that will keep a patient quite stretched and even more uncomfortable, without causing any damage. A locking harness will also prevent these darling girls from being able to dislodge the plug on their own."

  “Interesting,” the Attendant agreed. "Do you have any that you might see fit to use on these two?"

  “I believe I do, Attendant. I'm only too happy to contribute to the cause of their redemption,” the old man responded, nervously.

  “I don't know if I'd go quite that far, Doctor. These two are not likely to be redeemed at all. Any more than your Dr. Wells could be. He is no longer in employment here, as you are aware."


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