Don't Cheat Me

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Don't Cheat Me Page 15

by Jackie May

  Nick isn’t his normal self right now. He’s in fight mode. He’s radiating some sort of power that I think is meant to strike fear into his prey. It works, because both the werewolf and I start to tremble with terror. Nick’s eyes have changed; his pupils are now vertical slits like a cat’s. His skin is different, too. I can’t see it well in the dark, but it’s glinting in the moonlight as if it’s shiny now. Like it’s made of metal or something. Maybe armor? Or scales?

  “Are you hurt?” he asks. His voice is rough, with a surprising amount of emotion, but it’s also just deeper, more guttural. It’s almost as if he’s having difficulty speaking.

  I shake my head, unable to stop staring. Just what in the hell is Nick Gorgeous? “I’m fine. Just shaken up.”

  He looks me over from head to toe. After deciding to believe me that I’m not injured, he shakes himself out of his fury and seems to transform back into his normal self. It takes him a moment to collect himself. Then he flashes me a roguish grin and nudges the body at his feet with a snort. “Well, he’s not going to be any good for questioning.”

  While Nick secures our only remaining bad guy, I rush to Parker’s side. He’s conscious, but only just. His chest and side are both shredded, and his shoulder has been bitten. His face is green instead of its usual pale coloring, and he’s sweating. I didn’t know vampires could sweat. The poor guy looks awful. “Call Henry,” he croaks, holding out his phone to me. “He should still be close. He can help me.”

  His eyes roll back in his head before Henry picks up.

  “I asked you to talk to her, not buy her dinner!” Henry hisses in lieu of a greeting.


  “Nora?” His tone changes completely at the sound of my voice. “What’s wrong?”

  “We were attacked by werewolves. Parker’s hurt. I think he’s dying. Please come help him.”

  Over the line, I hear him make a screeching turn in his car. “What about you? Are you hurt?”

  “No. I’m fine. Just come help Parker!”

  “I’ll be there in two minutes.”

  Gravel crunches and Nick crouches down beside me, examining Parker’s scratches and the bite. He checks for Parker’s pulse and sighs. “He needs vamp blood. That’s the only thing that will save him now.”

  I blink at Nick. Parker told me not to feed anyone anymore, but I’d feed him again if it meant saving his life. “Only vampire blood? I can’t…?”

  Nick shakes his head. “Werewolf saliva will turn a human, but it’s deadly poison for most underworlders—vampires especially. He needs more vampire blood to strengthen him and flush out the poison. If he doesn’t get some soon, he won’t survive.”

  Henry’s Mercedes pulls back into the parking lot, and I breathe a sigh of relief. This is the only time I’ve ever been—or will ever be—glad to see the vampire. I wave him over and he comes quickly, but his eyes are on me, not Parker. He grabs me by the arms and looks me over from head to toe. “Were you bitten?”

  I wave him off with a huff. “Not me. Parker. Help him.”

  Slowly, reluctantly, Henry turns away from me and crouches next to Parker. While he’s checking Parker’s wounds, Nick pulls me aside. “What the hell happened here?”

  I follow his gaze to the carnage around me and shake my head. “I don’t know. They came out of nowhere. I think I was their target, and Parker was just collateral damage. They planned to turn me, though, not kill me. Well, all of them except the one you got. That guy was ready to tear me to pieces.”

  “Do you recognize any of them?”

  I start to shake my head again, but then stop. I do recognize one of them. I point to one of the guys Parker took down. All three of them have shifted back into their human forms, and one of them has a very familiar face. “That guy was in Skinny’s having dinner when we were. He was teasing me about dating Rook. I think he was trying to piss off Parker and Henry. He left before us. He must have called his buddies for help. But why they’d want to attack us at all, I don’t understand. We didn’t make him mad or anything.”

  Nick sighs. “They were rogues.”


  “Packless werewolves.” Nick points to the guy he killed. “I’ve had trouble with that one before. When rogues attack unprovoked, it usually means they were hired to do it. Rogues often work as mercenaries.”

  My stomach rolls at the implication. Someone hired rogue werewolves to turn me? Or possibly kill me? Why would someone want me dead now? And who would hire wolves to do it?

  I come back from my thoughts when Henry hisses loudly. He’s glaring at me with red eyes. “Why do I smell you on him?”

  Um…because he kissed me, I think. But no way am I telling Henry that. He’d shit a brick.


  I don’t like being yelled at and snap back. “It’s none of your damn business why!”

  He growls at this and places his hands on Parker’s head. I wince. I’d forgotten he could just look at Parker’s memories if he wanted. His eyes stay open, but they gloss over and go unfocused as he sifts through the night’s events in Parker’s mind. When he gets to our totally hot and disastrous kiss, he stiffens, snarls, and then digs his fingers into the wound on Parker’s side. Parker wakes with a jolt and screams in pain.

  “Henry!” I rush over and try to stop Henry from hurting Parker, but he’s too strong for me. I kneel beside him and yank on his arm. “What are you doing?”

  “Killing him,” Henry growls. “Slowly and painfully.”

  His claws are extended, and he’s deepening the wound in Parker’s side. I pull again on his arm and am unable to move it even a millimeter. “Henry, stop! Please!”

  “He deserves it,” Henry says, but he pulls his hand back and frowns at me.

  Parker quickly sinks back into unconsciousness. I’m actually relieved by that. His cries of pain are not something I will forget anytime soon.

  “He saved my life, Henry,” I murmur.

  Henry replies just as softly. “He kissed you.”

  “That’s not a reason to kill him.”

  “He betrayed me.” Henry sounds devastated by that. He stands up and looks down at Parker with sad eyes. “I warned him. He has wanted you from the very first night he brought you to me, but I claimed you. You were supposed to be mine.”

  “And what I want doesn’t matter?” I scoff.

  Henry meets my eyes with a solid gaze. “It should not matter to him. I am his master. He is supposed to obey me with unwavering loyalty.”

  His gaze falls to Parker again. His remorse shocks me. Parker’s actions have genuinely crushed him. “He was my best vampire,” he murmurs. “My favorite.” Shaking his head, he looks at me and his expression turns bitter. “For you, I won’t kill him, Nora, but his life is in your hands now.” He starts heading back to his car, wiping his hands with a handkerchief he pulls from the pocket of his suit. “Let him know, if he wakes up, that he is dead to me. He is no longer a member of my clan.”

  I jump to my feet. I’m actually thrilled that Parker is out of Henry’s clan—though he’ll probably be upset by that—but I can’t believe Henry is just walking away. “You’re just going to let him die?”

  Henry shakes his head. “He has hurt me deeply, Nora. I will not save a traitor. I will not kill him, but I won’t spare his life, either.” His bitter smile turns scornful and hateful. “Good luck saving him in time. He’s got maybe minutes left.”

  With that, he sends a quick glare to the disapproving Nick and heads for his car. Tears of anger well in my eyes as I follow him. “You selfish bastard!” I scream as I kick his stupid tires.

  Henry sighs at my immaturity. “Do call me if you ever need anything. Perhaps you’ll give me a chance once Parker is out of the picture.”

  The nerve of the man! Riled with rage, I kick his side passenger door, leaving a dent that is going to cost him a pretty penny to fix. “Never, you asshole!”

  Henry makes his displeased, pinched sour-lemon face and
says, “Good-bye, Nora,” as he climbs into his car. Hopefully it’s the last time I ever have to see him. I flip him the bird as he drives off and then rush to Parker’s side. His heartbeat is so faint.

  “Help will be here in ten minutes,” Nick tells me, crouching down beside me. “The FUA has a few vampire friends in other clans besides Henry’s.”

  I shake my head. “Parker doesn’t have that long, and you know it.”

  I look into Nick’s eyes, and his face falls. “I’m sorry, Nora. I wish there was more I could do.”

  “You’re not a vampire, are you?” I ask jokingly, trying to cover a sniffle with a laugh. It doesn’t work.

  Nick manages a small smile. “If I was, I’d have fed him already.”

  “Then, what are you?”

  The question pops from my mouth without thought. I have no tact when I’m distressed. Nick chuckles and puts his arm around me. “Nothing that can help him right now,” he says quietly. “I’m sorry.”

  Nick has given up on Parker. The defeat in his voice, fuels my determination. I can’t let Parker die. “Do you have a knife?” I ask.

  I’m not surprised when Nick pulls a knife from his cowboy boot, nor that he hands it over to me without question. I hold it against my wrist. I know I don’t have vampire blood, but any blood makes a vampire stronger, and Parker said my blood was different somehow. Maybe it’s strong enough to help him last until Nick’s vampire backup gets here. It certainly helped him last time he drank it.

  Parker’s warning that I should never feed anyone my blood again runs through my head, but then I look at his pale face. “Screw it.”

  I drag the blade across my skin, wincing at the sting. I cut deep, and red begins to pour from my wrist. I quickly hold my arm over Parker’s mouth, but he’s unconscious, and the drops drip down the side of his face. Nick helps, holding Parker’s mouth open so I can drip the blood down his throat. “Thanks.” I sniffle.

  “You realize this probably won’t work, right? He needs vampire blood to purge the werewolf saliva out.”

  “I know. But maybe it’ll give him the strength to last until we can get him some real help.”

  As the words leave my lips, Parker swallows. I give him several more mouthfuls before pulling my arm back. Nick tears a piece of his T-shirt for me to cover my wrist with. He smirks as he ties it in place for me. “This was a Mötley Crüe T-shirt. That’s got to be good luck somehow.”

  I bark out a surprised laugh and sniffle again. “I’m sure it is. Thanks, Nick.”

  “For you, beautiful, anytime. Oh, and hey! We caught ourselves a werewolf. Once we get him back to the Agency, you want to help me interrogate him?”

  A smile creeps across my face. “Aw, shucks, Gorgeous. You know just what to say to make a girl feel better.”

  Nick laughs, but surprisingly, he’s not the only one. Parker has regained consciousness and chuckles, though it sounds like it hurts him to do so. “Is that what a guy has to offer to get you to like him? I’ve been doing this all wrong.”

  “Parker!” I throw my arms around him, and he groans. “Sorry.” I let him go and sit back. “You’re awake! How is that possible?”

  “It shouldn’t be,” Nick says, gaping at Parker as if he’s some sort of living miracle.

  Parker nods his head toward me. He’s still too pale, but he’s awake. “It’s her blood. It’s so strong.”

  He coughs again and lies back with a groan. His eyes close again, but he’s not unconscious. “I told you never to feed anyone again,” he moans.

  His voice is weak. He doesn’t have much time left, but maybe he has enough now.

  “Your blood is different. If people knew…”

  “Different how?” Nick asks.

  I glare at Parker, though his eyes are still closed and he can’t see me. “You were going to die. And Nick’s not going to say anything.”

  Nick is too busy frowning at me to confirm my trust in him. “How is your blood different?”

  “It’s magical,” Parker says. “It tastes like immortal blood. Like a vampire’s, or one of the stronger fey. Stronger than even yours would be. And it’s highly addictive. I’ll need to be compelled to not crave it.”

  Nick eyes me skeptically. “What are you?”

  I smirk. “I believe I asked you that question first.”

  Nick’s eyes narrow, but his mock irritation doesn’t stick because his lips twitch, and there’s laughter in his voice when he says, “What do you think I am?”

  I easily turn the question on him. “What do you think I am?”

  The playful banter breaks between us as Nick’s gaze becomes thoughtful. “I have no idea. You seem human, but humans don’t have your gifts, and their blood definitely doesn’t have magical or immortal properties. You have to be something else. But what?”

  Parker shakes his head, eyes still closed, and says, “I don’t know, but we need to keep this to ourselves.” He coughs again, and a little trickle of blood drips from the corner of his mouth. “Her blood is like vampire heroin. I’ve never tasted anything like it. If others knew, they’d kill her just to taste her.”

  A dark look crosses Nick’s face. “I’ll end anyone that tries.”

  I’m touched by Nick’s loyalty, though not wholly surprised by it. My curse affects everyone, to some extent. Nick doesn’t seem too horribly influenced, but I have noticed he’s friendlier toward me than to others, and he’s as protective of me as Terrance is.

  He turns his glare on me as if it’s my fault people would want my blood. “Parker’s right. You can’t use your blood anymore. It’s too dangerous. This secret can’t leave the three of us.”

  I bristle. “If it can help the people I care about, then I’m willing to take the risk. And I won’t keep it from Terrance or Ollie. Terrance would kill me if I kept a secret from him that puts me in danger, and Oliver might be able to help me figure out the mystery.”

  Both men are glaring at me, when Nick’s backup finally arrives. Parker sighs, and Nick gives me a curt nod. “Fine, but no one else. We’ll talk more about this later.”


  A heavy silence falls between us as Nick and I back away to let the vampire help Parker. We walk back to Parker’s car—where Nick has shoved the handcuffed werewolf in the back seat. The wolf’s eyes lock on me, as if he’s trying to figure me out. You and me both, buddy.

  I stare right back, refusing to let him intimidate me. Honestly, I’m more freaked out by the fact that I brought his buddy down with some kind of magic than I am upset over the attack.

  After a few minutes, Parker is back on his feet. He looks like death warmed over, but he’s up and moving around. Damn. Now, that’s some healing power. I’m so happy to see him alive and sort of well that I throw my arms around him. Parker is shocked by the hug but quickly returns it and doesn’t let go right away. I let him hold me for a second, because he feels safe and I’m so tired of people trying to kill me.

  The moment he runs his hand over my head and down my back, caressing my hair, I catch his thoughts. She feels so perfect. I could hold her like this forever. It’s both sweet and frightening at the same time, so I break the hug and step back. I can’t stand his loving gaze on me with so much hope in his eyes, so I turn my back on him and grab my arms to hug myself.

  “Oh, Nora…” Parker brushes off my back with a sigh. “I hate to tell you this, but you’ve ruined your new coat.”

  “Figures.” Glancing over my shoulder, I can just make out some tears in the fabric made from glass and werewolf claws. “Speaking of bad news…” I hesitate a second before passing him Henry’s message. “Henry saw you kiss me in your memories. He freaked.”

  Parker winces. “I knew it must have been something like that.” He leans back against the side of the car and trains his attention on the FUA crew, which is now cleaning up the dead werewolf bodies and putting them in the back of a large van. “He’s severed the sire connection,” he says quietly. “I’m no longer part of
his clan.”

  I was happy about that a few minutes ago, but seeing the disappointment on Parker’s face, I feel bad for getting him kicked out of his home. I want to comfort him, so I place my hand on his arm. “I’m sorry.”

  When he moves to cover my hand with his, I quickly pull back. I really don’t want to be inside his head at the moment. Parker flinches at the rejection but quickly shoves his emotions away and gives me a small smile. “Don’t worry about me, Nora. There are other clans I can pledge to if I wish, or I may just join the FUA. They’ve been trying to recruit me for decades, but I refused to leave my clan for them. My loyalty to Henry was always too great.”

  I lean back against his car as well and watch Nick direct the FUA agents in the cleanup process. He’s rather efficient. “Why would you have to leave Henry to join?”

  “FUA requirements.” Parker shrugs. “Anyone who becomes a member can’t have strong ties to outside clans, covens, or packs. You have to be impartial.”

  I frown. Does that mean Oliver doesn’t have a coven? And Ren doesn’t have a…whatever incubi families are called? “Sounds lonely.”

  Parker shrugs again. “Not necessarily. When you join, the FUA usually becomes your family. It’s made up of a lot of outcasts.”

  The puzzle pieces start to fall into place. “Like a gay incubus, or a sorcerer who won’t use his magic?”

  “Exactly. Or a human girl with psychic powers.” Parker grins. “Don’t tell me they haven’t tried to recruit you, too.”

  I laugh. “They try all the time, but I’d feel horrible quitting on Terrance. Now that I know I’d have to abandon his clan, too, there’s no way it’ll ever happen. I couldn’t do that to him.”

  Parker’s grin falls away. “And that is why I have never joined. I couldn’t leave Henry. But now…”

  Guilt swamps me again. I have to swallow back a lump of emotion. “I’m sorry.”

  Parker turns to face me, leaning against the car on his side instead of his back. His ice blue eyes get intense again as he pierces me with a meaningful gaze. “It’s okay, Nora. It was my choice. I knew there would be consequences for pursuing you.”


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