Free Falling

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Free Falling Page 68

by Kirsty Moseley

Page 68

  Author: Kirsty Moseley

  He laughed and set me back down on my feet, keeping one arm around my waist. “I’m working. I wanted to surprise you. And the beard is for the shoot,” he answered my questions in turn, grinning from ear to ear.

  My mouth dropped open in shock. They were filming a movie in and around our college at the moment and had been for the last couple of months. Apparently it was about a college professor who gets into trouble when he witnesses a murder of one of the students. They’d paid our college a lot of money to use the campus, and a lot of us even had roles as extras as we roamed the halls.

  I looked around quickly now. Cameras, both handheld and mounted, were strewn everywhere. People sat around in wooden chairs eating and drinking food from the static caravan thing that was parked there. When they first arrived there had been a huge buzz about it all, but the novelty had worn off of it now, so it was more of an inconvenience to the students because it meant we couldn’t just cut across the middle of town to get to college, we had to take a longer route, and we had to be quiet all the time while the cameras were rolling. Apparently they were scheduled to do another month of shooting here at least before they moved off to another location. The film crew had been on campus for the past two months, and in that time we’d been fortunate enough to meet both Hugh Jackman and Charlize Theron. That had made Georgia’s year.

  “You’re working? Here? On this movie?” I gasped, looking at him proudly. He hadn’t mentioned anything about this at all. He’d told me he was trying desperately to get a part that he wanted, but he didn’t say it was for this one.

  He nodded. “Yep. You’re looking at Hugh’s body double and the lead stuntman for the movie,” he boasted, smirking at me.

  I let out a little squeal as I jumped on the spot. So far in his career he’d never been lead stuntman, only part of a team of them. “Zach, that’s great!” I chirped, throwing myself at him for another hug. His beard scratched my cheek as I squeezed him tightly. “Though I’m not too sure about the hair and make-up,” I added, fingering the back of his hair as I pulled back slightly. The hair felt weird, wiry, and I realised then that it was a wig.

  He chuckled and nodded, rubbing along his jawline and turning his nose up. “I look like an old man, huh?” he mused.

  “And you’re wearing contacts,” I observed, seeing that his eyes were blue instead of the usual chocolate brown. I preferred the brown if I was honest. Zach had lovely warm eyes and the contacts masked that.

  “Yeah. They irritate like a son of a bitch,” he muttered, blinking a couple of times.

  I grinned, turning to look at Georgia as she touched my back. “It’s nice to see you in person, Zach,” she greeted. She’d spoken to him a couple of times when she’d been in my room when we’d skyped, but they’d never officially met. She turned to me and smiled apologetically. “We should get to class. ”

  I frowned, turning back to Zach. I didn’t want to go to class; I wanted to catch up with him. “Maybe I could skip and we could hang out?” I offered.

  “Are you asking me out, Maisie?” he gasped, faking shock and putting his hand over his heart.

  I laughed, feeling heat flood my face as I slapped his shoulder. “No!” I protested. “And you don’t date anyway, so what’s the point?” I added smugly. Zach still hadn’t been out with anyone since I moved away. My talk with him on the day I left had obviously had no effect at all. He was just as single as I was.

  He shrugged casually. “The only reason I haven’t dated anyone for the last year and a half is because the only girl I’ve ever been interested in doesn’t look at me in that way. I got friend zoned to the max. It doesn’t help that she moved halfway across the country so I barely get to see her. Plus, she’s not ready to date anyone yet after all the shit she went through,” he replied. His head cocked to the side as he looked at me through the coloured contacts.

  I shifted on my feet uncomfortably, dropping my eyes to the floor, not knowing what to say to the revelations. Zach likes me, for real? Or is he joking? I gulped and forced my eyes up to meet his. “I… I…” I stuttered, shaking my head. I wasn’t really sure how to feel about my newfound knowledge. On the one hand, dating wasn’t something I had ever considered, especially not dating Zach. But now that he’d said the words the idea of having someone there for me, of being part of something special, I missed that. And it wasn’t as if I wasn’t attracted to Zach, because I was, of course I was. He was handsome, funny, witty and thoughtful. But I wasn’t sure I was ready for anything more, with anyone, let alone a friend that I held dear to me.

  He smiled sadly. “You should go to class. I have a scene to shoot anyway. Maybe we could meet up for coffee after you’re done? Catch up? By then I’ll have this ridiculous get up off,” he suggested, scratching up under the side of his wig and tugging on the lapel of his jacket. “Can’t do anything about the facial hair though for a while, that’s mine unfortunately and I have to keep it until they finish shooting,” he added.

  I chuckled awkwardly. “I actually don’t mind the facial hair. In a weird way it kind of suits you,” I admitted, smiling. I wasn’t a beard kind of girl, but he actually pulled it off. “And I’d love to catch up. ” It was weird seeing him again in person. He was taller than I remembered, broader across the shoulders, like he’d maybe built a lot of muscle for the part of something. “How long do I have you for?” I asked, silently praying he wasn’t going to disappear out of my life too quickly.

  He raised a teasing eyebrow as a smirk slipped onto his face. “How long do you want me for?” he answered. I rolled my eyes and pushed on his shoulder playfully. He chuckled. “A month. I’m here for a month. ”

  My heart leapt at that knowledge. A whole month of hanging out with Zach. It sounded fantastic. “Yeah? That’s great!” I chirped, grinning from ear to ear. “I’ve missed you,” I admitted, dragging my eyes over his features that I recognised, his straight nose and his full pink lips.

  A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “I’ve missed you too,” he replied. He brought his hand up, holding out the single red rose that I’d noticed earlier but not paid any attention to. “Happy valentine’s day,” he said softly, bending and planting a lingering kiss on my cheek.

  His lips felt oddly beautiful on my skin. I closed my eyes, turning my head an inch towards his as my arm snaked up around his neck, clamping him to me. The hardness of his chest pressed against mine made my heart start to flutter and the hair on my scalp prickle with sensation. My breath caught in my throat as something I hadn’t felt for a long time settled in the pit of my stomach. He pulled his mouth away from my cheek. His breath blew down my neck, and I suppressed a little shiver at the sensations that were invading my system.

  More confused than I had been in a long time, I pulled back, looking into his now blue eyes. “Thanks for the rose,” I whispered, chewing on my lip.

  “You’re welcome. ” He stepped back, letting his arms drop from my waist as he nodded over his shoulder. “I’d better get back, the crew will be wondering where I am. I’ll meet you here at what time?” he asked.

  “Three?” I suggested, shrugging.

  He nodded, smiling that cocky smile that I remembered so well. “It’s a date,” he confirmed. Before I could protest and say anything about it not really being a date, he turned and jogged across the campus, effortlessly leaping the wooden barrier that cordoned off the film set, and was out of sight within seconds. I stood there, unable to move as I watched the last place that I’d seen Zachary Anderson. Suddenly I realised what that feeling was that I’d felt when he’d kissed my cheek. The feeling was so alien after so long that I hadn’t recognised it at first, but now I knew, and I wasn’t sure how to deal with that knowledge. The feeling had been longing, need, happiness and contentment.

  I could feel a blush forming, creeping up my neck and slowly filling my whole face as I looked down at the rose that I held in my hand
. My lips twitched with a smile as I brought it to my nose, inhaling the sweet aroma. A month was a long time but, seeing him now, it didn’t seem nearly long enough.


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