Wildfire Creek

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Wildfire Creek Page 13

by Shirleen Davies

  Luke found himself wondering if any of the men he and Dax trusted would make the same decision if they needed money. He ticked off the names in his head—Rude, Ellis, Tat, Johnny, Bull. He couldn’t comprehend any of them making the same choice as Bray.

  Dutch walked up to Gus and extended his hand. “I guess our time here is over. We wish it had ended different.”

  Gus locked his gaze on Dutch. “I didn’t believe any of it, right up until I saw Bob ride up with the cattle. You boys were right.” He accepted Dutch’s hand. “Be assured I’ll let Pinkerton know.”

  The three rode back to town in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. By all standards, the assignment had been a success, yet each felt the sting of the void left at the Salter ranch where no one seemed to come out a winner.

  Dutch planned to stay in Denver until new orders arrived. Tom and Luke would begin their return trip to Big Pine the following morning—Tom to resume his search for those who stole the gold, while Luke rode back to Splendor. Each expected it to be a more treacherous journey than their ride south. Several storms had passed over the mountains since their arrival. They’d also learned of an attack on a new fort under construction in northern Wyoming. They could avoid the fort, but it wouldn’t be as easy to find a way around the snow, and each anticipated the trip to take twice as long.

  They grabbed breakfast before Luke stopped at the telegraph office to send a message to Dax, letting him know of his return. He couldn’t believe how much he looked forward to getting back to his own place, the peace and quiet of the house tucked up against the forest and facing Wildfire Creek. As much as he enjoyed the occasional Pinkerton assignment, the daily routine of ranch life, his family and friends, and the serenity of his home would always be what drew him back.

  Splendor, Montana

  “I understand, Amos. Of course you have to make some changes.” The knot in Ginny’s stomach formed as soon as she arrived at the Rose. Al told her Amos needed to speak with her right away.

  The new saloon had opened two weeks before, drawing considerable attention, enticing customers away from the Rose. Amos had weathered the first Saturday night with less than half the normal business. When the second Saturday came and went with an even larger drop, everyone knew he’d have to do something. The first, and most obvious choice, would be to let Ginny go. After all, the women upstairs could serve drinks, plus provide services she was unwilling to offer.

  “I’m sorry, Ginny. I just don’t have a choice.” Amos held out a small pouch. “There’s enough there to keep you going for a week or so. It’s not much, but…” His voice trailed off.

  She took the pouch, stuffing it into her reticule and then into the pocket of her new, and quite warm, coat—the one which had arrived several weeks before, along with a beautiful wool dress from a store in Big Pine. Even though a note hadn’t been included, no one had to tell her who sent them. At first, she’d been furious, feeling the same sense of indebtedness as when Luke paid Doc Worthington and fronted her missed pay at the Rose. As the days passed and the temperatures dropped, she became grateful for the gift. Suzanne had told her Luke wouldn’t have sent it unless he believed she needed it, and he’d expect nothing from her. Now, weeks later, she kept it close, day and night, sometimes wrapping it around her for warmth at night.

  “Thank you. It’s more than I expected.” Her voice cracked as she offered a weak smile to her former boss. At least she had work at the boardinghouse until she could find another job. She had no idea where, though. The increase in settlers deciding to make Splendor their home made it harder to find work than when she’d first arrived. She turned to leave, then stopped at Amos’ words.

  “If I can, I’ll hire you back.”

  She would’ve thanked him again if her throat hadn’t chosen that moment to close up. All she could do was nod before walking out. Ginny didn’t stop and talk to any of the friends she’d made at the saloon, although all of them watched as she left. She could feel their eyes on her and knew each understood what had happened, thanking God it hadn’t been them.

  When Ginny had walked into the Rose, the sun had already dropped behind the nearby mountains. As she walked out, the night had turned dark, the only light provided by kerosene lamps shining through the occasional window.

  She glanced across the street at the new saloon. From the look of it, there must be a hundred lamps burning inside. The sounds of a piano drifted through the doors, almost taunting her, and Ginny found herself drawn toward it. She hadn’t allowed herself a peek inside since they’d finished building. It opened with little fanfare, the owner still a mystery.

  The bartender and several saloon girls, young and alluring, showed up by stage a few days before the first drink was served, stepping onto the dirt street as if they were royalty. Belle and the other girls at the Rose had snickered, telling each other they were much prettier than the new arrivals and doing their best to believe they had nothing to worry about. As the nights passed, more men were drawn toward the lively new addition—all except the men from Redemption’s Edge. They stayed loyal to the Rose.

  Ginny crossed the street, then walked the last few feet to the edge of one of the saloon windows. No one stood outside and she made the decision to take one quick look, then leave. She peered through the sparkling clean glass. All tables were filled, patrons sitting elbow-to-elbow at the bar. The stairs were ornate with red carpet leading to the second floor, and a huge chandelier hung from the high ceiling. She counted six girls, two more than at the Rose, all in glittering dresses of various colors. Ginny recognized most of the men and a sadness washed over her at how easy it had been to leave the Rose behind.

  “May I help you?”

  Ginny jumped at the deep voice behind her. She swung around, a hand to her chest, to face a tall, wide-shouldered man dressed all in black, except for a thin, red ribbon tie under his shirt collar. The patch over his left eye being his most distinguishing characteristic.

  “I…uh…,” she stammered, partly from being caught and partly from the intimidating man before her. She cleared her throat and tried again. “I was just walking past and heard the music.”

  “You’re Miss Sorensen, correct?”

  Her eyes widened in surprise. “How do you know my name?” She took a step back, almost tripping before strong hands reached out to steady her.

  “Careful there.” His deep chuckle held no malice. “I’ve heard your name mentioned by some of the customers. Not many saloons hire a girl who doesn’t work upstairs. I got curious and came by to see for myself, much like you’re doing tonight.”

  “You came by the Rose?”

  “I wasn’t dressed quite like this at the time, but yes, I stopped by to check on what I’d heard, and try to convince Al to come work for me.”

  Al had never mentioned being offered a job. “He obviously turned you down.”

  “Flat. Didn’t even ask how much I’d pay him. So, why are you here, Miss Sorensen?” He stepped a couple of inches closer, crowding her space. For the first time Ginny felt a flicker of unease.

  “No real reason, except curiosity. Well, I’d better get home. It was nice to meet you, Mr…”

  “My apologies for not introducing myself sooner. I’m Nicholas Barnett.” He made a slight bow as he tipped his hat.

  “Do you own the saloon?”

  “It’s called the Dixie Saloon.”

  “You’re from the South?” The name surprised her. His voice held no hint of a southern accent. She’d guessed him to be from New York or Boston.

  He cocked his head, as if deciding whether or not to answer. “My partner is.”

  “I see.” She pulled her coat tighter, feeling her face chill in the cold air. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Barnett.”

  “The pleasure is mine, Miss Sorensen. I hope to see you again.” He stepped back, watching as she made her way toward the boardinghouse, where he already knew she lived with her sister, Mary. Nick had learned quite a bit about the young woman an
d decided he admired her. He had no idea why he hoped she’d never be forced through circumstance to offer services other than serving whiskey or food.

  Ginny shivered at the cold wind, which had picked up as she approached the boardinghouse. She pushed the door open, seeing Suzanne’s brows arch in surprise as she poured coffee for a couple at a table near the front. Ginny shook her head in a slight side-to-side motion and held the palms of her hands out. Suzanne nodded once, letting her know she understood the silent message, then returned to her customers.

  Ginny shrugged off her coat, her mind wandering to thoughts of Nicholas Barnett as she walked down the hall to her and Mary’s room. It had taken a while for her heart to settle down after he’d startled her. Everything about him intimidated and fascinated her. He knew too much and offered little in the way of answers. At least she’d learned the Dixie belonged to him and his partner.

  She tossed her coat on the bed, then walked to the kitchen where Mary sat at the table. She ruffled her sister’s hair and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek as Suzanne came in from the dining area.

  “What can I do?” she asked, humbled at the hectic pace Suzanne kept up each day until the last customer walked out the door.

  “Grab four plates and add potatoes and vegetables.” Suzanne sliced thick pieces of roast and set one on each plate Ginny held out to her. “They’re for the four people at the corner window.”

  Ginny made quick work of delivering the meals, then returned to the kitchen as Suzanne cut six pieces of pie.

  “I get them ready early as most of my supper customers order it.”

  The routine continued for another hour until Suzanne locked the front door. She poured a cup of coffee and took a seat next to Mary, watching as Ginny dried the last plate.

  “Tell me what happened tonight.”

  “Amos decided he could no longer afford me.” She sat on the other side of Mary and folded her hands in her lap. “He gave me a week’s worth of pay, which he didn’t have to do.”

  “Well, it’s something anyway. The new saloon must be having a big impact on his business.”

  “You should see how few men come in now that the Dixie is open.”

  Ginny needed to bring up the subject which most worried her. “I know you don’t have enough work to use me more than you already do. I’ll start looking for another job right away.”

  Suzanne took a deep breath, wishing her situation were different than Amos’. “I wish I did have enough work to pay you cash. Suppers are still busy around here, but since the other restaurant opened, my breakfast and dinner customers have dropped quite a bit. The new place serves a variety of meals, and I just offer one choice for dinner and one for supper. I don’t think I can manage adding more, and I can’t afford to hire anyone to help.”

  Her situation had been perfect. Ginny worked for room and board. The cash she made came from Amos, which now meant there’d be nothing available to pay for the doctor, clothes, or the house she hoped to buy someday.

  “There must be some way to make the change. I’d be happy to help you add more menu items until I find another job.”

  “Let me think about it.”

  Ginny sat forward and set her arms on the table. “I met the owner tonight.”

  Suzanne cocked an eyebrow. “Of the Dixie Saloon?”

  “Yes. Have you met him?”

  “I heard the owner hadn’t come to town. There’s a manager who arrived before the saloon opened. Tall, wears a black hat, has an eye patch. A little rough-looking.”

  Ginny smiled at the description. “That’s him. His name is Nicholas Barnett. When I asked about the saloon’s name, he said his partner is from the South.”

  Suzanne thought over this information. Being from the South would leave out Tolbert as a partner, or anyone else she would have guessed. “How did you meet him?”

  Ginny stroked Mary’s hair as her sister placed her arms on the table and lowered her head. She glanced up at Suzanne, still a little embarrassed at being caught peering into the Dixie. “I heard the music from their piano as I left the Rose and decided to look through one of the windows. The saloon was full, not even any space at the bar. I didn’t hear him come up behind me.”

  “So tell me what you thought of him.”

  “I’m not sure, we didn’t talk too long. He seemed curious about me, although he already knew my name and that I worked for Amos.” Ginny thought a moment, trying to decide her feelings about the man. “He’s somewhat intimidating.”

  “I saw him in the bank, meeting with Horace Clausen, but didn’t actually meet him. He appeared to be about the same age as King Tolbert.”

  “You may be right.” Ginny stifled a yawn. She hadn’t realized how exhausted she felt. “I’d better put Mary to bed.”

  “Goodnight, Ginny.” Suzanne poured another cup of coffee, not yet ready for sleep, even though her body protested the long hours. Over the years, since her husband and daughter died in a massive snowstorm, she found peace could only be achieved by working long hours. She pushed herself until exhaustion took over, leaving little time for the nightmares. Besides the boardinghouse, her one other solace had come from Ginny and Mary.

  For a while, between the time Abigail Tolbert’s mother died and King sent her away to school, he’d allow his daughter to visit Suzanne in her kitchen. Abby’s departure to the school back east had created another void in her life. With Ginny losing her job at the Wild Rose, something told Suzanne she should begin emotionally preparing for another change.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “I’m afraid she’s not improving. At least not enough to resume her duties at the ranch.” Uncle Charles sat in the kitchen with Rachel and Hank after examining Bernice. As always, the doctor had presented a positive front to his patient, although he saw the doubt in her eyes. The illness had taken a tremendous toll on the older woman.

  Rachel filled cups with coffee and took a seat. She’d been afraid of this ever since his last visit. At least Bernice hadn’t gotten any worse.

  “Is there anything more I can do?” Hank asked, wrapping both of his calloused hands around the warm cup.

  “You’re doing all you can. I’ve no doubt she’ll improve given time and rest. I just don’t believe she’ll ever be able to handle the same workload as before.” He looked at Rachel. “I’d suggest you start looking for a replacement, unless you plan to handle all the duties here, as well as your work at the clinic.”

  “Dax and I have discussed it, and decided to try and find someone from town. Are you aware of anyone who may be looking?”

  “Well, now, I did hear a rumor that Amos had to let Ginny go.”

  Rachel’s eyes widened at the news. “Did Ginny tell you that?”

  “No. I had breakfast at the boardinghouse before coming out here. Suzanne mentioned it.”

  “She’d be perfect, except I know Ginny trades her work at the boardinghouse for room and meals. I doubt Suzanne would want to let her go.”

  “I think it would be wise for you to speak with Suzanne. From what I gather, the new restaurant has cut into her breakfast and dinner business, even though her rooms are filled most nights. The boarders eat there, but many of her regular customers are switching between her and the new place. Having another room available might help her out.”

  Rachel’s mind raced at the news. Ginny would be ideal, except for one factor…Luke.

  “I’ll speak with Dax tonight, and if he agrees, I’ll talk to Suzanne right away. I don’t want to approach Ginny until I know Suzanne can afford to lose her.”

  “I think you may be making too much of it, Dax. Why would Luke object to Ginny taking over Bernice’s job? She’s a hard worker, and according to Suzanne, a good cook.” Rachel couldn’t believe her husband’s negative reaction on approaching Ginny. Everyone knew how much Amos appreciated having her at the Rose and what a good job she did for Suzanne.

  “I’m telling you, Luke will have stronger objections than what you’re hearing fro
m me.” Dax thought the idea of hiring Ginny both perfect and insane. He turned to Hank, who’d been listening to him and Rachel going back and forth on the idea. “What do you think?”

  “Well, I don’t know Ginny, so it’s hard to answer. From what I’ve heard, she’d do a good job, and I believe she and Bernice would get along just fine. Of course, Luke did have powerful objections to bringing your friends to his new house, Rachel. I doubt his thoughts have changed.”

  “Yes, but I asked about visiting his home, not about her working here at the ranch. Besides, he’s the one who said we should hire the person we think best. He said it should be our decision since he no longer lives here.” She refused to back down, her instincts shouting she’d found the perfect solution to their problem. She focused her attention on Dax. “He’ll only be around her if he stops by for supper—”

  “And when we meet in the study, and when he stops by in the mornings or during the day, and—”

  “Fine. I understand you believe Luke wants nothing to do with her, and perhaps you’re right. My concern is finding someone who can handle all Bernice’s work and is used to sharing space in a busy house.” She pushed an errant strand of hair from her face, then crossed her arms. “Do either of you have a better suggestion?”

  “Isn’t there anyone older who’d be interested? Someone who won’t turn the men’s heads?” Dax asked.

  Rachel dropped her hands to her sides and lowered herself into a nearby chair. “I don’t know. Perhaps. Do you honestly believe Ginny’s presence here will disrupt the work?”

  Dax stood, then walked over to sit next to Rachel, taking her hand in his. “It’s Luke I’m concerned about. I’ve never known him to intentionally put distance between himself and a woman, which he’s doing with Ginny. It tells me he either can’t stand her, or he’s fighting how he feels about her. Which do you think it is?”


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