Death Takes A Trip (Julia Blake Cozy Mystery Book 5)

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Death Takes A Trip (Julia Blake Cozy Mystery Book 5) Page 6

by Larkin, Gillian

  DI Clarke interrupted, “Ms Blake hasn’t actually solved any cases, she’s merely helped us now and again.” His phone beeped. “Excuse me, I have to go but I’ll be in touch. Goodbye. I’ll see myself out.”

  The inspector almost sprinted out of the room, they heard the front door banging a second later.

  Doris tutted. “If he’s damaged my door I’ll be down to that station faster than you can say compensation.”

  Julia turned to Nina who was struggling to get off the sofa. Nina said, “Could you help me up, Julia? I need to go to the bathroom.”

  Julia saw the tears threatening to fall from Nina’s eyes. She helped her up and said, “Do you need any help?”

  Nina gave her a brave smile and said, “No, thank you. I need a bit of time alone.”

  Doris and Julia watched Nina leave the room. As soon as she was gone Doris said, “She’s going to have a cry in the bathroom. She keeps doing that. I haven’t said anything, people need to grieve in privacy sometimes. Well, Julia, what are you going to do about this?”

  “About what?”

  “About Douglas’ murder! You can’t let the police deal with it, I’ve seen a tortoise move quicker. You’ve solved cases before, you can solve this one.”

  “I really shouldn’t get involved,” Julia began. She stopped. She could hear faint sobbing coming from the bathroom. She gave Doris a nod and said, “I’ll do all that I can to find out who murdered Douglas.”

  Chapter 13

  When Julia picked Cain up the following morning he told her that he’d got the address and telephone number of Douglas’ former neighbour, Gloria. He said, “Albert phoned her last night and she’s happy to talk to us.”

  “Great,” Julia said. “We’ve got a busy day though, we won’t be able to see her until we finish work.”

  “Shall I phone her now? She’ll be expecting our call,” Cain offered.

  Julia gave him a grateful smile and then pulled away from the kerb.

  Their day was busy and they barely had time to stop for lunch. At the end of their last job Julia updated Cain on what DI Clarke had told her, Nina and Doris yesterday. She said, “I know I should let the police get on with their investigations but you should have heard the sound of Nina’s crying. It was awful, like her heart is broken, which it probably is. I feel so mad that someone has taken away her happiness.”

  Cain said, “I’m sure you’ll find out who the killer is.”

  “With your help. You will help me, won’t you?”

  Cain grinned. “Of course. Are we going to see Gloria now?”

  Julia picked her cleaning bag and said, “Yes, let’s go.”

  A short while later Julia drove down a quiet road. Modern bungalows lined up neatly at each side of the road. Julia said “These look like the kind of houses built by Adams Construction, they have a similar style to the show house that Dad and I visited.”

  Cain sniffed. “They don’t have big gardens, do they? And look at the windows, a bit on the small side.”

  Julia laughed. “You sound just like Dad.” She stopped the car. “This is the one. I can see a woman looking out of the window, that must be Gloria.”

  Gloria opened the front door as Julia and Cain walked down the path. She had permed grey hair and a friendly smile. “You must be Julia and Cain. Albert’s told me all about you. He’s so impressed with your skills in the garden, Cain.” She waved a hand at her pebble-filled front garden. “That’s one of the things I miss about living here, I used to love pottering around in my garden. Well, I suppose that’s what I get for buying a house that’s low maintenance. Do come in, I’ve got the kettle on.” She patted Cain on the shoulder. “And I’ve made a Victoria sponge for you.”

  When they were settled with tea and cake Julia asked Gloria if she knew about Douglas dying.

  Gloria sighed. “Yes, I’d heard about it. And I’ve heard that he was pushed! Goodness! What is the world coming to?”

  Julia didn’t question how Gloria knew that Douglas had been pushed, she’d learnt a long time ago that local news passed quickly in this town. She said, “Albert told Cain that you used to live next to Douglas.”

  Gloria put her cup down and smiled fondly. “Yes, I moved next to Douglas and Val years ago with my husband, Len. He died a while back. We were all young then! Full of life and hope. Val was so happy for me every time I got pregnant, I’ve got three children, but I could see the sadness in her eyes. She hid her disappointment well. She and Douglas weren’t blessed with children but that didn’t stop them spoiling my three! You’ve seen the woods behind their house?”

  Cain nodded. “It’s like a forest.”

  Doris laughed. “That’s what my children used to say! They loved playing in there. We had hours and hours of fun, me, Len and the children, and Douglas and Val. Can you imagine the adventures my children had in there?”

  Cain nodded. “I can, it’s awesome.”

  “My children always wanted a pet but I didn’t. I had enough on my plate coping with them. But then Val started to adopt cats from the local cat centre. Oh! My children loved that! The cats loved being in the woods, and my children loved finding them, they said they were going on safari! I don’t think Douglas was keen on the cats but he put up with them for Val’s sake. When my children left home, Val kept adopting more cats. It seemed to me that they were helping to keep her sadness at bay.”

  Gloria shook her head at the memories.

  Julia said, “It sounds like you were good neighbours. Why did you leave the street?”

  Gloria picked up her cup and had a small sip before continuing. “Val died, and then my Len died shortly after. I felt like someone had switched a light off inside of me. I’m sure that Douglas felt the same. My house had once been filled with noise and laughter, and then it was only me. I couldn’t cope with the memories. Then an angel appeared, he was called Alexander Adams.”

  Julia shared a look with Cain, she wasn’t sure she’d call Alexander Adams an angel.

  Gloria continued, “He knocked at my door one day and told me he was hoping to build a new estate on our street. I invited him in and he showed me the plans for the new houses. I’m not too keen on new houses but they did look nice, all modern conveniences and that sort of thing. He asked me if I’d be open to selling my house. He made it clear that he’d be knocking my house down. I was shocked at first but then I considered the alternative. I could move on, or I could stay in my house like a ghost, wandering from room to room and living on the memories of times gone past. I knew what my Len would have wanted me to do. Mr Adams offered me a wonderful price, more than the house was worth I’m sure. He even offered to help me with the removal costs.”

  Julia gestured to the room they were now in. “Is this one of his houses?”

  Gloria nodded. “It is. They’d just been built when Mr Adams came to my door. I was offered first choice. He said I could choose my own colour scheme for the house. I thought this house was a bit poky when I first came to see it but I’ve got used to it now. I love it. Mr Adams arranged for all the removal of my things, he even arranged a storage unit for those things that I can’t bear to get rid of yet. He’s a lovely man, I’m so glad that he knocked on my door that day.” She looked at Cain and added, “Have another slice of cake, there’s plenty.”

  “What about Douglas?” Julia asked. “Why do you think he didn’t want to sell his house?”

  Gloria shook her head sadly. “He wasn’t ready to let Val go. I kept in touch with him after I left but he was never the same. I think he felt like I’d betrayed him by moving away. He must have been so lonely, living in that big house on his own, with just one cat for company.”

  Julia said, “He must have been very lonely. You should have seen him in the last week though, he was like a different man.”

  Gloria nodded. “I’d heard that he’d met someone, a film star? Oh, what’s her name?”

  “Nina Sapphire,” Cain said. “I’ve seen some of her films.”

nbsp; “That name rings a bell. I’m glad Douglas found love again, even if it was for a short time.” Gloria put her cup down. “I’ve heard that you’re looking into Douglas’ death. Have I helped you at all?”

  “I’m not sure. I have my suspicions that Alexander Adams is involved in Douglas’ death somehow. But you’ve given me a different view of him now. I thought he might have used stronger tactics to get you to sell your house, that maybe he even threatened you.”

  “No, he never did that. He was a gentleman.”

  Julia sighed. “Right, I don’t know where to turn now.”

  Gloria pressed her lips together and gave her a knowing look. She said, “I haven’t told you about my other neighbour, Stan. He lived at the other side of Douglas.” She folded her arms. “Stan was forced out of his home.”

  “By Alexander Adams?” Julia asked hopefully.

  Gloria shook her head. “No, by his son, Kirk Adams. He’s a nasty piece of work. If anyone is capable of murder, it’s him.”

  Chapter 14

  “I didn’t know that Alexander had a son,” Julia said. She thought back to her Internet search, had his son been mentioned anywhere?

  Gloria tutted. “I’m glad he’s no son of mine. I don’t think Mr Adams knows what his son is like, parents are often blind to their children’s faults.”

  “Does Kirk work for his father?” Cain asked.

  Gloria unfolded her arms. “He does, but the last I heard, Mr Adams had made him a partner. Whether that was his decision, or he was browbeaten by Kirk, I don’t know. Kirk Adams is a nasty go-getter who is ruthless and calculating. He doesn’t care about anyone’s feelings, probably because he has no feelings of his own. He never came to my house, I suspect that’s because I agreed to sell my house immediately. But Stan had dealings with Kirk. All the houses on Douglas’ street were different, Stan had one of the smaller ones. He was a confirmed bachelor but he wasn’t often on his own! I’d seen many different women staying over at his house. He was approached by Alexander Adams but he refused to sell, said he was happy living in his house. From what Stan told me, Alexander Adams was okay with that and told Stan to get in touch if he ever changed his mind.”

  “That’s what he told Douglas too,” Julia added. “We met Alexander Adams the other day. He’s building houses at the other side of Douglas’ land.”

  “So I’ve heard,” Gloria said. “Anyway, Stan told me that someone had been in his garden. He’d spotted footprints, well, they were more like boot prints really. He showed me them. The prints were right under Stan’s windows, it was like someone had been looking through his windows.” Gloria shivered. “Then that Kirk Adams started harassing Stan. He’d turn up on his doorstep and go on about selling his house, and how much happier Stan would be in a smaller house. Kirk Adams is a big lad and I could tell that Stan felt intimidated. Kirk even approached Stan’s lady friends as they waited for their taxis on a morning. It wasn’t long before they stopped coming to his house. Then the window breaking began.”

  Julia gasped. “No! That’s what happened to Douglas. A rock was thrown through his kitchen window.”

  Gloria nodded wisely. “That sounds like the work of Kirk Adams. Stan confronted Kirk. He denied everything, of course. Stan went to the police but they said they couldn’t help unless he had hard evidence, whatever that means. Poor Stan, he turned from a confident man to a nervous wreck. He’d barely leave his house, and when he did he seemed to be looking over his shoulder as if expecting to be attacked at any moment. It was all that Kirk Adams’ fault.”

  “Didn’t Stan tell Alexander Adams?” Julia said.

  “He did. But Mr Adams said his son would never do anything like that.”

  Julia thought about Alexander Adams’ face when she mentioned a rock being thrown through Douglas’ window. He never batted an eyelid. Surely he must have remembered Stan’s allegations against his son? Alexander Adams was good at covering up his emotions. Perhaps he knows full well what his son is up to.

  Gloria said, “Stan did sell his house eventually. I saw him at the market one Saturday afternoon before he’d agreed to sell. I tried to talk to him but he kept insisting he had to get home. That Saturday night as I was drawing my curtains I saw Kirk Adams’ van parked outside Stan’s house. I saw him get out of the van and walk down Stan’s path. I knew it was Kirk because he’s got an arrogant swagger. I was worried about Stan so I called round to see him the following morning. He wasn’t inside. I tried again for a few days but he never answered the door. A week later I saw Alexander Adams and a few of his workmen taking measurements inside Stan’s front garden. I asked him what was going on. He told me that Stan had sold his house and had already moved out.”

  Julia was afraid to ask her next question. “Did you ever see Stan again?”

  Gloria shook her head. “I asked around town but it was like he’d disappeared into thin air.”

  Cain said, “Or he was murdered.”

  Gloria tutted. “No, I don’t think that happened, it couldn’t have.”

  Cain said, “But you said earlier that Kirk Adams would be capable of murder.”

  “But I …” Gloria’s eyes widened. “Oh! What if you’re right? I never thought of that! Poor Stan, his dead body could be lying undiscovered somewhere! Shall we tell the police?”

  Julia shook her head. “We don’t have any evidence. Do you think Kirk forced him to sell? Do you think his dad knows about it?”

  Gloria leant back in her chair. “I don’t know what to think any more. Would someone really kill Stan, or Douglas, just to get their land?”

  “You should see the asking prices for the new houses,” Julia said. “I think Adams Construction are making a decent profit on them. Maybe Kirk wants to impress his dad by getting people to sell.”

  “Maybe he’s going to kill his dad next and have the company all to himself,” Cain added in a jolly tone.

  Gloria began to fan herself. “Don’t say that! Don’t tell me that a serial killer is on the loose!”

  Julia gave Cain an admonishing look and said, “We don’t know what Kirk is up to yet. Is there anything else you want to tell us? Something that might help?”

  Gloria frowned. “I can’t think of anything else.”

  Julia stood up and gave Gloria one of her business cards. “Please phone me if you can think of anything else that might help us. Thank you for talking to us. I’m sorry if we’ve upset you.”

  Gloria took the card. “Do you think Kirk Adams has been following you? He might know that you’re looking into Douglas’ death. He’ll know that you’ve been to see me!” Her voice rose. “He might try to kill me!”

  “I’m sure that’s not going to happen. I’m going to tell DI Clarke, he’s the investigating officer, what you’ve told me. I’ll tell him that you’re concerned. I haven’t noticed anyone watching me, or following me. I’m so sorry again for upsetting you. Come on, Cain.”

  Cain stood up and smiled at Gloria. “That cake was lovely, thank you.”

  Cain followed Julia to the car. When they got in Julia said, “I know you were only saying what you were thinking, but please try and keep those kind of thoughts to yourself.”

  “I’m sorry, I’m not used to talking to people normally. In prison I had to keep my head down and not speak unless spoken to.”

  Julia gave him a gentle smile. “That’s okay. I keep forgetting you’ve been locked up for the last twelve years. I do think you might be right though, I think Kirk is a possible suspect. I wonder if he paid any visits to Douglas?”

  Julia’s phone rang. It was Doris. “Have you got any further with your investigations? Nina is out of her mind with worry and grief! She won’t stop crying.”

  “I’ve made a bit of headway. Shall I come round?”

  “No, it’s okay. I’ve rallied the girls round to keep her company. Then I’m going to slip a sleeping pill into her hot milk. Much as I love her, she’s giving me a raging headache with all that wailing!”

sp; Julia smiled to herself. “I could come round in the morning to see her.”

  “Not too early,” Doris said. “I might slip her two tablets then I can have a decent sleep too.”

  She rang off abruptly. Julia wasn’t sure that she’d want Doris to look after her in a crisis. Still, her heart was in the right place. Nina was lucky to have her as a friend.

  “Do you want me to come with you tomorrow?” Cain offered.

  Julia looked at him, she could tell that he didn’t really want to go. “Thanks, but you’ve worked hard this week. It’s Saturday tomorrow, have some time to yourself.”

  “If you’re sure?”

  “I’m sure. I’ll pick you up on Monday morning as normal.”

  Julia started the engine and they headed to Cain’s house.

  “Let me know if you need me to do any more investigating,” Cain said as they arrived at his house.

  “I will do. Get out before I change my mind.”

  As Julia drove away she thought about Kirk Adams. She could do with talking to him direct. But one thing at a time. She’d speak to Nina tomorrow, she had a few questions for her.

  Chapter 15

  All thoughts of questioning Nina flew out of her head when she saw the elderly woman the next day. Julia hissed to Doris, “How many sleeping pills did you give her? She looks half-dead!”

  Doris sniffed. “I only gave her a couple. They’re those herbal kinds, not the strong stuff that you have to ask for.” She looked over at Nina who was lying on the sofa. “She does look rough though. She hasn’t even brushed her hair.”

  Julia walked over to Nina and lowered herself so that she was on eye level with her. “Hello, Nina. How are you today?”

  Nina blinked. “I’m not sure. I don’t feel too well to be honest. It’s like my mind is active but my body has given up.”

  “I know that feeling,” Julia said with a smile. “I went to see one of Douglas’ old neighbours yesterday. Shall I tell you what she told me?”


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