My Ex's Wedding: A Fake Boyfriend Romance

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My Ex's Wedding: A Fake Boyfriend Romance Page 14

by Annabelle Costa

  “She is great.” That part isn’t a lie, at least. Nellie is great. But she’s not my girlfriend, and she never will be. “Really, really great.” Okay, now I’m laying it on too thick. Better scale back. “You know, it’s fine.”

  “I’m so glad you found someone to take care of you,” she adds.

  Take care of me? What the hell?

  I glare at Isabelle. “Nellie doesn’t take care of me. She’s not my fucking nurse.”

  Two identical pink circles form on her cheeks. “Oh, I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure you didn’t.”

  She lowers her eyes. “Please, I don’t want to fight, Alex.”

  I don’t want to fight either. I didn’t come all this way to spar with Isabelle. I came here to save her from making the worst mistake of her life. If she gets up and leaves, I won’t have another chance like this. I’ll have blown it. Again.

  “I’m sorry,” I say. “I don’t want to fight either.” I take as deep a breath as my weak diaphragm will allow. “The truth is, there’s something important I need to talk to you about.”

  I look up at Isabelle, expecting her to scrunch her light brown eyebrows together in concern. But instead, she’s looking at something behind me. Something from outside of Coffee Bean. I don’t know what it is though, because I can’t turn my neck.

  And then she waves.

  “Isabelle?” I say. I’m tempted to back up my chair to try to see what’s behind me, but a one-hundred-eighty degree turn is going to take more maneuvering than Coffee Bean will allow. I hate this place.

  “It’s Parker!” Her face lights up. Damn, she really likes him. I can’t believe it. “He must have gotten out of the conference early. Would you mind if he joined us?”

  Is she kidding me? Fuck. I thought I had some time to break the news to her, but it turns out I don’t. It’s now or never.

  “Isabelle,” I say urgently.

  She’s barely looking at me anymore. “Uh huh.”

  “Listen to me, okay?”

  She tears her eyes away from the door to meet mine. “What is it?”

  Christ, this is hard. “Listen…”

  “Alex? What’s wrong?”

  “Isabelle,” I say quietly. “Parker is cheating on you. You can’t marry him.”

  Isabelle’s mouth falls open and all the color drains out of her face. I want to explain myself to her. I want to persuade her I’m telling the truth—I’m not just a delusional ex-boyfriend.

  But then it’s too late. Because a bell jingles behind me as the door to Coffee Bean swings open and that familiar voice booms out, “Izzy! Did you miss me?”

  Chapter 23


  Parker Ashmont.

  Parker fucking Ashmont.

  I haven’t heard his voice in four years, but somehow, I have no problem recognizing it. He’s usually the loudest guy in any room, and he talks like he knows more than any of us. I was one of the few people who used to call him on his bullshit—most people didn’t have the guts. But I was never afraid of guys like Parker. That asshole was all talk.

  “Hey!” Parker’s voice carries across the Coffee Bean from wherever he’s standing. “Giant wheelchair! That’s gotta be Alex Warner!”

  And then he’s in my line of sight, standing right in front of me. I haven’t seen the guy in four years, but he hasn’t changed much in that time. Same broad shoulders, same blond hair, clipped slightly shorter than it was last time I saw him, maybe a couple of extra lines on his face, but who’s counting?

  His hand drops onto my shoulder, one of the few places I can still feel. I want to tell him to get his hand the fuck off me, but I bite my tongue.

  “I can’t believe it’s you, man!” Parker says. “Shit, it’s been a long time, hasn’t it?”

  I tear my eyes away from Isabelle, who is still looking shell-shocked, and force a smile. “Yeah, it has.”

  Parker takes his hand off my shoulder and drops into the seat next to Isabelle. He swings one arm around her shoulders, and maybe it’s my imagination, but she seems to flinch. He plants a big, sloppy kiss on her cheek. “You two having fun catching up?”

  “Uh huh,” Isabelle manages.

  Parker swings his attention back in my direction. “I swear to God, Alex, I never thought you’d show up here in a million years. I told Izzy you were messing with her when you said you wanted to come.”

  “Well, here I am,” I say.

  He narrows his eyes, looking me over more carefully. I’ve seen very few of my old coworkers from Coleman since my injury, and the way he’s looking at me makes me grateful for this. I see him looking at my immobile legs in the footplate, the straps holding my body in the chair, my arms lying quietly on either side of me, and finally, at the sip and puff controls.

  “That’s some machine you got there, Warner,” Parker says. “How fast does that thing fly?”

  “Five miles per hour,” I say.

  He nods. “Not bad.”

  My wheelchair is technically capable of going five miles an hour, but my controls set the default maximum speed at two-and-a-half miles per hour, so that’s the fastest I ever go. I had a few minor collisions (mostly with inanimate objects), and I got nervous when I was going much faster than that. It’s not a bad speed—slower than a brisk walk, that’s for sure, but it’s the right speed to keep pace with my elderly parents when I’m out with them. I do sometimes notice Doug slows down to keep pace with me, and so did Nellie, but that’s fine. It’s not like I’m ever in a hurry.

  “How does it work?” Parker asks. “Are those the controls by your face?” Without asking, he grabs the sip and puff tube with his hand. What the hell is wrong with him? I have to put that tube in my mouth, and now he’s gotten his greasy fingers all over it. “Do you bite it or something?”

  “I blow in it to move forward,” I explain.

  Thankfully, he lets go of the control, but he’s twisted it to the side. I’m not entirely certain I’ll be able to reach it anymore. I want to check, but I don’t want Parker and Isabelle to watch me flailing around, attempting to grab the tube with my mouth. I’ll deal with it when they leave, when Nellie is back here to help me.

  Parker is studying my face in a way that makes me uncomfortable. “I heard you’re living with your parents. That must be rough.”

  “It’s fine,” I mumble.

  He lets out a guffaw. “Bullshit. If I had to live with my parents, I’d be going batshit crazy.”

  “It’s fine,” I say again. “My parents are nice.”

  “Yeah, well.” He shrugs. “If you ever feel like you need to get away, gimme a call. We’ll go get drinks.”

  “Thanks,” I say. I have no intention of ever calling him and he knows it.

  “Or Izzy.” Parker nudges Isabelle. “I bet she’d be happy to drive out to Long Island and hang with you. Right, Izzy?”

  “Sure,” Isabelle says weakly. I remember how much she hated it when he called her “Izzy,” and here they are, about to get married, and he’s still doing it. Is it possible she’s changed her mind?

  Parker tips back in his seat, just staring at me. It’s rude. It’s fucking rude. Who stares at someone like that? I’m not a freak in a circus. If he hadn’t moved my controls, I’d be backing myself out of here. But the more I look at the controls, the more convinced I am that it’s out of my reach. I’m stuck.

  “You know, Warner,” Parker says, “I really admire you.”

  I don’t like where this is going. “Yeah?”

  “Oh yeah.” He nods vigorously. “If that happened to me—if I couldn’t move my body like you, I honestly don’t think I’d be able to go on. I’d have gone to one of those euthanasia centers.”

  “I don’t think they have those in this country,” I mutter.

  “Well, I would have gone to Amsterdam or wherever the fuck they are,” he says. “I’m just saying, I wouldn’t have been able to cope. But look at you.” He flashes me a smile that shows all h
is perfect, white teeth. “You’re out in public, took a plane to fucking Vegas, going about your life in that bigass chair. I admire you the hell out of you.”

  It’s the classic Parker backhanded compliment. I admire you, because if I were in your shoes, I would wish I were dead. I look at Isabelle, who recognizes how incredibly insulting her “sweet and sensitive” Parker is being, but she doesn’t say anything. No surprise there.

  I want to tell him where he can shove it, but no. I need to be civil. Not until I’ve done what I need to do here.

  Not until he and Isabelle are over.

  “I’m sure you’d get used to it,” I say. “Just like I have.”

  “No,” he says firmly. “I couldn’t do it. You got real cojones, Alex. I mean it.” He laughs. “Even if you can’t feel your cojones anymore.”

  My face burns—that was too far. “Fuck you, Parker,” I spit at him.

  He laughs harder. “Don’t be so goddamn sensitive. I’m just messing around with you.”

  I want to punch him. I want to do it so bad, it’s amazing to look down at my right hand and see it hasn’t moved at all. It seems like the anger I have for Parker should surpass any sort of spinal cord injury. This seems like the miracle moment in the Hallmark movie where the guy all the doctors swore was paralyzed forever somehow leaps out of his wheelchair and punches the bad guy square in his perfect, Aquiline nose.

  But no. I’m still paralyzed. I’m not going to punch Parker in the nose. Not in this lifetime.

  “Parker,” Isabelle says before I can tell her fiancé where he can shove it, “we should probably get going soon. We’re meeting everyone at the karaoke bar at six.”

  “We’ve got time.” He waves his hand. “Alex, you ought to come. Karaoke. Lots of hot girls there. Some of them can probably even be bought. Wink, wink.”

  “Actually,” I say tightly, “I’ve got a girlfriend.”

  Maybe it wasn’t a mistake to tell Isabelle that Nellie was my girlfriend. In any case, I already did it—may as well use it.

  “No kidding!” Parker grins at me. “Warner, you dog. You still get around, don’t you?”

  “She’s really sweet,” Isabelle says quickly. “I met her when I got here.”

  “Sweet, huh?” His grin broadens. “And when do I get to meet this sweet girlfriend of yours?”

  Never. I don’t want Parker to ever lay his eyes on Nellie. And if I can persuade Isabelle she’s making a mistake before the wedding, he won’t have to.

  Chapter 24


  I should probably get back to Coffee Bean.

  It’s been about forty-five minutes. Is that long enough for Alex to tell Isabelle she’s making a mistake and for her to tell him as kindly as she can that she’s still going ahead with the wedding? Because honestly, there’s no chance he’s talking her out of it. She’s getting married in two days. She’s not going to call it off. No way. He’s deluded.

  Anyway, I’m heading over there. I’ve already lost ten dollars at video poker.

  When I get to Coffee Bean, I immediately see Alex’s wheelchair through the glass of the door. He’s facing away from the door so I can’t see his face, but I assume he’s the only person in the vicinity in a large power wheelchair with a headrest. And Isabelle is sitting across from him, an uncomfortable expression on her face. And sitting next to Isabelle, with his hand slung around her narrow shoulders, is…

  Parker Ashmont. Chief Douchebag

  Why the hell does Chief Douchebag have his arm around Isabelle?

  Oh no.

  Oh no.

  I search my brain, trying to remember if Alex ever told me the name of Isabelle’s fiancé. Unlike him, I have a good memory for names. But nothing is coming to me. I don’t think he ever told me his name. All he said was that it was an asshole i-banker who’s been cheating on Isabelle.

  Oh my God, Isabelle is engaged to Parker.


  I stand a few paces away from Coffee Bean, unable to move. I can’t believe this. The guy who grabbed my boob and got me fired is the groom. I want to turn around and walk in the other direction. I can’t face Parker. I never want to see the guy again.

  Did Alex know Parker was the one who got me fired? Is that why he never mentioned the groom’s name? Doug knew it, so it makes sense Alex would know too.

  That jerk.

  I should storm off. That’s what I should do. I won’t leave Vegas, but I’ll let Alex sweat a bit. Make him find his own way back to the damn room. He can call his lying brother to come help him open the door. That will teach him a lesson.


  Or better yet, I can tell Isabelle I’m not really his girlfriend.

  That will really teach him.

  I finally make up my mind and push my way through the door to Coffee Bean. I stride over to the table where the three of them are chatting. When Alex sees me, a look of such utter relief and happiness comes over his face, my resolve falters. But no, he lied to me. That is not cool. God knows what other surprises are in store for me.

  “Wednesday?” Parker blinks a few times in surprise when he sees me. “What are you doing here?”

  My stomach turns. I thought I’d never have to hear Chief Douchebag call me “Wednesday” ever again. I’m going to make Alex pay for this one.

  “This is Alex’s girlfriend,” Isabelle says brightly.

  “Actually,” I begin. “I’m not—”

  “Wednesday is Alex’s girlfriend?” Parker interrupts me.

  Alex has a deep crease between his brows. “You two know each other?” He looks up at me, his gray eyes narrowed. “How do you know each other?”

  Wow, I almost made a terrible mistake.

  Alex had no idea I knew Parker. It’s clear from looking at his face—nobody is that good an actor. Now that I think about it, if he’d known, he probably would have used that information to keep me from coming on the trip, considering he didn’t want me here in the first place. Doug’s the liar.

  “Parker’s the one who got me fired,” I say. I look directly into Isabelle’s pretty blue eyes. “He grabbed my boob while I was waiting on his table.”

  Alex’s mouth falls open. “Parker’s the guy who got your fired?”

  It gives me no small amount of pleasure that Alex and Isabelle are looking at him with equal expressions of anger and disgust. Hey, maybe I’ll be the one to break up the wedding.

  But no, Parker is way too smooth to take the heat for this. He flashes that grin of his at his fiancée. “Look, Izzy, everyone is making such a big deal out of this.” He shakes his head. “All I did was brush against her chest, and suddenly, she’s pouring a huge glass of beer over my head. Don’t you think that was an overreaction?”

  “You grabbed my boob and squeezed!” I practically shout at him. A few people turn to look at us. Well, good. I don’t mind a scene.

  Parker turns his attention in my direction, apparently deciding he might be able to placate me. “Look, Wednesday, I’m sorry you interpreted it that way—”

  Oh, no fucking way. He’s doing the non-apology apology.

  “No, Parker,” Alex snaps at him before I can give him an earful. “Don’t tell her you’re sorry she interpreted it that way. Tell her you’re sorry you did it.”

  There’s a hard look in Alex’s eyes that I’ve never seen before. He might not have the ability to take a swing at Parker anymore, but it’s clear there’s some unspoken threat behind his words. I wouldn’t want to cross a guy looking at me like that. And from the way Parker is shifting in his seat, it’s obvious he feels the same way.

  “Fine,” Parker says. “I’m sorry I grabbed your tit, Wednesday.”

  “No,” Alex says. The intensity in his gray eyes makes my chest flutter. “Call her by her real name. Nellie.”

  “Jesus Christ,” Parker mutters. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry, Nellie.”

  I look at Alex. His face relaxes and he winks at me so fast, I almost miss it. I can’t even believe it—he got
Parker to apologize. Damn, this boy has skills. Maybe he can get me my job back.

  Isabelle looks up at me with a pained smile. “I’m afraid Parker and I have to leave in a minute. We’re meeting some friends.”

  “What a shame,” I say, without bothering to hide the sarcasm in my voice.

  Now that he’s managed to spit out an apology, Parker is back to being his old charming self again. He’s smooth, that one. I can see how he managed to sucker a girl like Isabelle into marrying him. She’s pretty, but I’m willing to bet there isn’t much going on upstairs. “You two should join us,” he says. “We’re going to do karaoke!” He says “karaoke” with what almost sounds like a Spanish accent.

  “I don’t think so,” I say.

  “Aw, come on.” His grin widens. “I apologized, right? I had no idea you were Warner’s girlfriend. If I knew, I would never have joked around with you that way.” He sees the hesitation on my face and adds, “Look, the first round of drinks are on me.”

  I glance over at Alex. His eyes are pinned on Isabelle. “No, thanks.”

  Parker looks like he’s going to say something more, but then he shrugs. “Your loss. We’ll be there at six, if you change your mind.”

  “Got it,” I say. Now get out.

  I don’t start breathing normally again until Parker and Isabelle have gone out the door. I watch them to make sure they’re gone, and it’s hard to miss the lecherous look Parker gives me just before the door jingles closed. Ugh.

  “I can’t believe he’s the guy who got your fired,” Alex mutters. “Just when I can’t possibly think any less of him…”

  “Well, it’s not like any of his buddies at the table stood up for me,” I say. “Including your brother.”

  Alex sucks in a breath. “Jesus. That’s how you met Doug…”

  I nod. “Yeah, and it would have been nice if he had warned me…”

  He’s quiet for a moment. Eventually, a smile spreads across his lips. “I can’t believe you dumped beer all over his head. That must have been awesome.”


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