Final Choices

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Final Choices Page 4

by Lydia Parks

  When she stepped into the living room, he stopped and looked at her, grinning his wolfish grin. “Nice.”

  She glanced around.

  “I don’t suppose you want to show me your bedroom?”

  Her eyes snapped to his and she hoped the heat rushing over her didn’t show.

  He shrugged. “Never hurts to ask.”

  Trying for nonchalant, Terra grabbed her purse and slung it over her shoulder. “What do you want for dinner?”

  “Something light, like a salad? I have to watch my figure.” He patted his hard, flat stomach.

  Terra nodded and turned toward the door, deciding she wouldn’t mind watching his figure a little closer, preferably with muscles bulging and blood pumping as his figure covered hers.

  God, she’d never make it through dinner at this rate.

  * * * *

  Nathan woke again feeling oddly unsettled. He’d thought about Iris for much too long before going to bed. Although he couldn’t remember his dreams, he knew they’d been torturous, just as Iris’s existence had been for years after he’d brought her into his world. He’d followed her trail of bodies across continents trying to stop her. In the end, she’d come to him, and he’d had to risk everything in order to bring about her demise.

  Now he found himself worried about Terra, and without any reason or provocation. After pouring himself a drink, he sat down at the table and called her.

  Her phone rang four times before she picked it up. “Hello?” Her breath beat against the mouthpiece.

  “Terra, my sweet, how are you tonight?”

  She hesitated for a long moment. “Fine. What’s up?”

  “I was hoping to invite you to join me this evening, perhaps watch a taped movie.”

  “Oh, um, I’m afraid this isn’t a good time.”

  “Are you all right?”

  She huffed twice. “Yeah, I heard the phone while I was still outside and had to run in to get it.” Silence again. “I’ve got company.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  He heard a man’s voice in the background. “You have a corkscrew?”

  Terra covered the mouthpiece. “Third drawer left of the stove.” Then she removed her hand. “How about I call you later?”

  “Yes.” He smiled. “Please enjoy your visitor.”

  “Thanks,” she said softly.

  He returned the receiver to its cradle and stared at the phone, his smile fading into a frown. Terra hadn’t mentioned a new male friend. In fact, he knew from sharing her blood that there had been no one interesting in her life last week.

  For no reason that he could define, a feeling of dread crept over him and he rose, determined to ascertain that his sweet Terra was safe.

  Chapter Four

  “Not bad.” Terra swirled the wine around in her glass as she drew her feet up under her on the sofa. Austin sat just an arm’s length away—too close to ignore his scent and the gleam in his eyes. Her belly tingled again.

  Austin scowled. “Not bad? For as much as I paid, this wine better be at least good.”

  Terra shrugged. “Okay, it’s very good.”

  His grin returned. “Much better.”

  Their eyes met for a long moment, during which the tingle in her belly spread through her entire torso. She dropped her gaze to her glass. Silence settled over the room, and all she could hear was her own heartbeat. Was it really as loud as it seemed?

  The sofa cushions shifted as Austin leaned forward, placed his glass on the coffee table, then scooted closer to Terra.

  “Have I mentioned that I find you attractive, Detective Ryan?”

  His voice, low and sexy, set her hands to trembling as he took her glass from her and placed it beside his.

  Terra gulped and then, unable to resist any longer, looked into his eyes again. Instantly, she felt as if she were falling into a deep, dark pool. Unable to speak, she nodded.

  The look on his face changed from amused enjoyment to deep, passionate lust in a heartbeat as he slid his arm along the sofa behind her and leaned close.

  She watched his lips part and felt his warm breath on her face, then looked up into his dark eyes again to find him staring at her mouth. He ran one finger slowly across her lips.

  Terra shuddered as her own lust blossomed, and she closed her eyes. Austin’s fingers followed the line of her jaw and then slipped behind her neck and he drew her face up to his. His heated lips met hers in a tentative kiss first, then another as he groaned softly.

  “I’ve wanted to do this since that first night,” he whispered.

  He took her mouth then in a kiss drenched in raw passion. His tongue demanded immediate access to her mouth and he tasted her, drawing her to him with his arm around her shoulders.

  She raised her hands to his chest and found muscles bulging under his cotton shirt as he lifted her across his lap without releasing her mouth. His tongue swirled wildly around hers, leaving her dizzy.

  Terra gripped his shirt in her fists. His hand slid up her side to find her breast and cover it with heat. She raised herself into his grip.

  He drew her tongue into his mouth, then released it in order to nip her bottom lip. His hand slid under her sweater and she was glad she’d been brave enough to leave the bra behind as his fingers flicked gently at her tightening nipple. Taking her mouth again, he caressed her breast, holding it in his heated palm, squeezing just enough to draw a groan from her in response.

  Before she realized how they’d gotten there, they were stretched out on the sofa, her sweater pushed up out of the way.

  Austin pressed his growing hard-on into her hip with slow, rhythmic movements, and Terra knew she couldn’t resist him. More than anything, she wanted to feel his hot, naked body against hers, to know how his heated, raging erection felt in her hand. She ran her hand over the front of his pants and he jerked, then groaned and pushed harder.

  His hand moved down to the back of her pants and into the waistband of her panties, leaving trails like hot coals on snow. Her lust coalesced to strong pulses of need between her legs and she pushed against him.

  “We’ve got to get out of these clothes,” he said softly, his voice rough and deep.

  “Yes,” she answered.

  As if only waiting for permission, he quickly unsnapped her pants and pushed them and her panties down to her knees.

  Terra kicked them off as she worked on his belt.

  Austin helped, leaning on one elbow and smiling down at her.

  Terra suddenly thought about Nathan, about the excitement of having sex with him, about the pure pleasure he induced when he took her, and she felt a pang of sorrow. The one thing Nathan couldn’t give her was warmth and human frailty. As she wrapped her fingers around Austin’s rock-hard cock, his eyes closed and he let out a sigh. She drew her fingers up and pushed down again, and his sigh grew more audible.

  “Christ, Terra, that’s good,” he purred.

  His hand slid around between her legs and he ran a finger gently over her swelling clit, and she sucked in a quick breath.

  Austin took her mouth again as he pushed her legs apart with one of his, and she stroked him harder. He pressed his muscular thigh into her crotch, and she rubbed shamelessly against it, thrilling to the exquisite pressure.

  He tore his mouth from hers, and held it to the side of her head. “Please, stop moving your hand or I’m going to lose it.”

  She did as he asked, but kept her fingers wrapped around his shaft and felt it harden as she continued to hump him, her response becoming more adamant.

  He nipped the tender skin of her neck and drew his fingernails up the back of her leg, making her buttocks quiver.

  As her climax grew closer, her cunt ached for his attention.

  As if reading her thoughts, he reached between them and ran his hot, wet fingers back and forth across her clit, until her entire body stiffened, and she tightened her grip on his cock and cried out. Her head went back, her legs spread, and her hips shot up with each powerful wa
ve of liquid pleasure.

  “Oh, yes.”

  He kissed her neck, and jaw, and continued stroking her until her pulses slowed and finally stopped, and she collapsed, gasping for air.

  Looking pleased with himself, Austin raised up on one elbow again and gazed down into her eyes as he traced gentle lines along her thighs. “How about we get the rest of these clothes off? I think we have a lot more territory to cover before this date’s over.”

  * * * *

  “Oh, fuck…yes. Harder.”

  Nathan stood in the shadows of the hallway, leaning against the wall, listening to Terra’s voice from inside.

  Her date was equally vocal. “Christ, Terra, you feel too…oh God, I’m…coming.”

  Their grunts and moans rose in unison, timed with their mutual release, loud at first and then softening, slowing.

  The man spoke softly. “Damn. I knew you were a woman of deep passions the moment I saw you, but I had no idea.”

  She chuckled and panted for air.

  Nathan heard them kiss and laugh together as lovers do, and he closed his eyes, wishing for humanity for the first time in many years.

  “Let’s try something else,” her date said.

  “I’m willing to try anything that doesn’t involve my handcuffs.”

  He laughed. “We’ll save those for later. Turn around.”

  “Turn around, you bastard! Get away from her.”

  Thrown into the past, Nathan stared at Alexandra, trying to understand what had just transpired, then looked at the brown-eyed teenaged boy whose entire body shook with anger. “What…?”

  “I said, get away from her, you monster!”

  Alexandra reached out. “Eric, what have you done?”

  “Don’t you see what he is?” the boy screamed.

  Nathan’s vision began to blur and he staggered to the wall beside the woman he’d just brought to a second beautiful climax. She watched him, her mouth open, her voice strangled now to silence. His eyes must be blood red, and she stared at his fangs. There could be no doubt now about what he was.

  “He would have killed you.”

  Nathan continued to watch the horror grow in Alexandra’s face as he felt his existence slipping away. The image of her swam before him and his legs weakened. “No,” he whispered, “I wouldn’t have hurt you.”

  This was it—he felt the beast straining against the leash, demanding justice and struggling to survive. Flattening one hand against the wall to steady himself, he reached back, gripped the stake, and yanked it hard, dislodging it all at once.

  Nathan fell to his knees as the pain seared every inch of his body like white-hot coals, and his vision failed completely. He had only a few precious seconds left.

  The beast rose in him, vicious and bent on revenge. “But you are another matter,” he heard his own voice say.

  With inhuman strength, he jumped to his feet. Following the scent of warm, sweet blood, he flew to the source, raised the boy off his feet with one arm around his chest, and sank his fangs into the slender neck. The boy screamed and struggled, but he was no match for the beast…

  “That’s it,” Terra’s date said, his voice low. “Just a little higher.”

  “Oh, God…it’s so…deep,” Terra said, gasping.

  “Oh, yeah…deep,” he groaned.

  “Yes, oh, yes…” Terra cried out again with joyous release.

  Nathan opened his eyes and found himself sitting on the floor.

  A door opened across the hall and a white-haired woman stopped mid-step, staring at Nathan.

  As Terra’s date reached a noisy climax, the headboard slamming against the wall, the woman’s gaze shifted to Terra’s apartment door and her eyebrows raised slowly in surprised understanding. She stepped quickly back into her apartment and slammed her door.

  Nathan sighed, wondering why he seemed determined to torture himself by listening to Terra’s sexual encounter. He had no doubt that she was safe, so his mission had been accomplished.

  Still, he felt uneasy.

  “Are you a ghost here to haunt me?” he whispered into the empty hallway. “Alexandra? Or is it Eric?”

  There was no answer.

  Nathan pushed himself to his feet.

  “Damn you all to hell.”

  * * * *

  Just before dawn, Nathan’s phone rang.

  On his way to his dungeon, he stopped and listened. It rang again.

  He rarely had calls; he’d given his number to only one person. And at five o’clock in the morning, it wouldn’t be a sales call or survey. Terra wanted to speak to him.

  Nathan flew to the phone and raised the receiver. “Hello?”

  He heard a heavy breath on the other end, and the beating of a strong heart, but no voice.

  “Who is this?”

  “I know what you are,” the man on the other end said.

  Nathan didn’t recognize the voice. “I beg your pardon.”

  “And I know about your special friend. You better stay close to her or you’ll find her as lifeless as you are.”

  The phone connection ended with a click. Nathan held the receiver out and stared at it.

  Cold crept into his bones like a killing frost. Someone planned to harm Terra, if Nathan let him. But, who?

  Ghosts didn’t use telephones, did they?

  Nathan frowned. Ghosts weren’t real. They couldn’t be.

  No, this was a very real human threatening the life of his sweet Terra.

  Shaking himself free of the shock, he dialed Terra’s number.

  She answered on the third ring, juggling the phone before getting it to her ear. “Yeah?”

  “My dear, please forgive me for calling at such a time.”


  “Are you all right?”


  “Terra, please gather your wits. I’ve had a disturbing phone call. Are you alone?”

  He heard rustling and movement, and then Terra’s voice with more coherence. “Yeah, I’m alone. What kind of phone call?”

  “The person on the other end said that he knew what I was, and that you would be…hurt if I didn’t keep you close.”

  “He said my name?”

  Nathan frowned again. “No, but he clearly meant you.”

  “He used your name?”

  “No, but—“

  “Nathan, come on. It was obviously a prank—some kid playing with the phone.”

  “It was not—“

  “Give me a break. I’ve had a long night.”

  Nathan bristled at the irritation in her voice. “I know exactly what kind of long night you’ve had.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  He huffed in exasperation. “Please, Terra, let’s not argue. I’m simply concerned for your welfare. Promise me you’ll take precautions.”

  There was silence for a moment, as she obviously worked at regaining control of her anger.

  “Don’t worry. I’m just doing a little grocery shopping today, then settling in with the laundry. Okay?”

  Nathan closed his eyes. “Keep watch over your shoulder.”

  “I will. Don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself.”

  “I understand your abilities.” How could he exist without his dear Terra?

  How could he have reached such a point? She was, after all, human. She would grow old and die.

  He would be alone again.

  What was this overtaking him? If he didn’t know better, he’d believe he was feeling melancholy. But melancholy was an emotional state, and he didn’t have human emotions.

  Did he?

  “Look, I’ve gotta get some more sleep. I’ll call you tonight.”

  “Yes,” he said, “please do.”

  She hung up.

  After returning the phone receiver to its cradle, Nathan continued his trek to his bedchamber. The sense of dread seeped from him, replaced by the weariness of sunrise. He hoped Terra understood how serious his concern was, but
he wasn’t sure she did. Perhaps this evening he’d be able to convince her. If nothing else, he’d spend the next few nights at her side. And if she refused to allow him near, he’d be her shadow.

  Nathan bolted the steel door to his bedroom from the inside and made his way easily through the darkness to his bed. He left his clothing on the dresser and stretched out on his bed, enjoying the feel of satin sheets against his skin.

  Once again, he wondered how he’d let Terra get so close. The horror of imagining life without her spread through him slowly, causing an ache he couldn’t control. He thought about the future—watching Terra age, watching disease rob her of youth and vigor, holding her as death stole her from him.

  The alternative was no less unpleasant. He could leave now, tear her from his life as if severing a festering limb. There would be great pain, but the wound would heal. Eventually.

  He tried not to consider the third alternative, but it presented itself on its own. He could take her as his mate.

  Nathan’s eyes snapped open and he stared at the expanse of the ceiling above him. How could he even consider such a thing? The only other time he’d tried, the result had been nothing short of disastrous.

  The night after Iris had nearly drained the life force from him, he’d risen to madness and mayhem. The entire village of Newbury had been thrown into insanity by the death of a dozen of its own in one night. The beast that had done the deed was unlike any other—tearing the throats from its victims and feasting on their blood. Crosses and other signs of protection had been painted on every door, save one.

  The door to the shop—the scene of the first killings—lay open for all to see the walls and floor, red with blood. Listening to horrified whispers at the local tavern, Nathan learned that the shopkeeper and his daughters had been the first to die. The three had been found in the middle of the shop floor, tossed like used matchsticks on top of each other.

  Other victims included the local schoolmaster, a Reverend Goode, three girls, all seventeen years of age, and various villagers who had been unfortunate enough to be out walking after dark.

  Some had seen the beast, and a group milled about in the street, discussing the formation of a search party. Consensus was that the monster appeared as both vicious wolf and beautiful woman—an evil spirit, no doubt. Even the bravest wondered how they would battle such a phantom.


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