The Dragon's Mate (Elemental Dragons Book 1)

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The Dragon's Mate (Elemental Dragons Book 1) Page 106

by Emilia Hartley

  “Then Chinese sounds good,” she replied, hiding her smile. “I’ll just order something different from last night.” She paused, looking up at him. “What about Tom?”

  “What about him?”

  “Should we order for him? I don’t want him to feel left out.”

  “You’re too kind, thinking about him,” Nick replied, a trace of anger in his voice. “He can fend for himself.” He’s probably out hunting already.

  Jo lifted her shoulders. “I’ll get him something anyway, even if he doesn’t want it. We can just drop it by on our way back, can’t we?”

  "Sure." Hoping his brother wouldn't be rude, Nick forced himself to relax. He needed to just enjoy the time he had with Jo. The Northern Wind pack wouldn't be back anytime soon, and Tom would get over things soon enough.

  “Are you sure this isn’t about me?” Jo asked, cautiously. “I can tell that Tom doesn’t really like me being here.”

  Nick’s mouth twisted for a moment. “It’s not that, Jo. He’s just concerned about you, to be honest. He thinks it’s too dangerous for you to be out here.” All of that was true, at least, just not for the reasons Jo thought.

  “You mean, with the bears?”


  “Why was he so angry with you, then?”

  Nick rubbed her ankles, turning his face away. “I told him that I didn’t think the bears would come near the cabin. They’ve not been seen around here for a long time, so I insisted that you’d be safe.”

  “And I was.”

  “Not safe enough, though,” he replied, quickly. “Tom was angry with me for not taking him seriously.”

  “He thought they’d be back?”

  Nick nodded. “I’m sorry about what happened, Jo.”

  She shook her head. "It's hardly your fault, Nick. It's not like you're able to tell when wild bears are going to decide to attack your cabin, right? Besides, I'm absolutely fine. Just a bit shaken up, that's all."

  He wanted to tell her that it was his fault, but knew he couldn't say anything.

  “And you are going to stay here tonight still, aren’t’ you?” she asked, quietly. “Or is Tom not happy about that either?”

  “Oh, Tom’s fine about that,” Nick lied, trying to smile. “He just needed to get a few things off his chest. I’ll be back over to the mechanic’s tomorrow. He won’t mind.”

  “I suppose you are just waiting for that part to arrive,” Jo replied.

  “Exactly, and it’ll be a couple of days still,” he finished.

  “So a good enough excuse to stay here, then,” she grinned, her eyes dancing.

  He grinned. “And for getting another Chinese.”

  “But I’m paying this time,” Jo insisted, finishing her coffee. “Just let me go and get dressed and then we can go.”

  Nick wanted to ask her if she needed help with that but kept his mouth firmly closed. If anything was to happen between them, he would follow her lead, instead of taking the initiative.

  “I’ll be waiting,” he said, lightly, his eyes following her as she climbed the stairs.


  Jo leaned on the counter, looking up at the menu. “What would Tom like?”

  Tom would like a raw steak, Nick thought to himself, hiding his grin. “Probably Chow Mein.”

  “Good choice,” she quipped, grinning. “I’ll get that too.”

  “Sweet and sour for me,” Nick said, looking at her. She looked more relaxed now, her face calmer now that the tension and stress had disappeared completely. She looked brighter, almost. Maybe talking about Brian had helped.

  “Will you stop watching me,” she said, out of the corner of her mouth. “I’m trying to order here.”

  Crooking an eyebrow, he tipped his head and lazily let his gaze run down the length of her body. “I can’t help it,” he murmured, making her blush.

  “I thought you said this was a bad idea.”

  He shrugged, enjoying the flush of heat in her face. “Perhaps I’ve changed my mind.”

  His words sent a thrill up her spine, bringing a rush of heat to her core. Licking her lips, she tried to focus on ordering the food.

  A growl of pleasure rattled in Nick’s chest, instantly able to detect her excitement. Let’s just get back to the cabin, he told the bear, a grin spreading across his face. He could wait until then.

  Taking the bag of food, Jo paid quickly and they left the Chinese restaurant. They’d walked from the mechanics into town, but there had been no sign of Tom. “Do you think he’ll be there when we get back?”

  Nick shrugged, taking the bag from her. “Maybe.” He had no idea where his brother could have gone, but right now, he didn’t care.

  “Aren’t you worried?”

  “Nope.” Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, Nick felt her shake. “Cold?”

  She nodded. “A little bit. I should have worn my warmer coat.” The wind had picked up since they’d left and now she wished she’d brought her hat.

  Putting the bag down, Nick shrugged out of his jacket. “Here, have mine.”

  Staring at him, Jo shook her head. “I couldn’t! You’re just wearing a t-shirt under that.”

  He grinned at her. “I’ll be fine. Besides, it gives me an excuse to show you how much of a man I am.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh, eventually taking the jacket and wrapping herself in it. It was far too big but she felt warmer at once. “You don’t even look cold,” she commented, as he strode directly into the wind.

  He shrugged. “I’m used to it.”

  Rolling her eyes, she caught up with him and together, they walked back towards the mechanics.

  Shaking her head, Jo came out from the back room. “He’s not here.” Handing Nick back his jacket, she grinned up at him. “Not even goosebumps! You’ve convinced me that you’re a real manly man now.”

  He chuckled, taking it back from her. “Glad to hear it.” At least she’s not suspicious.

  “Should I just leave Tom’s food here?”

  “Yeah,” Nick commented, sniffing a few times. “He’ll probably be back soon.” Tom’s car was still gone and he couldn’t smell any recent scents of him.

  “I hope you’re not catching a cold,” Jo called, walking into the back room again. “I’ll just put his food in here.”

  “Okay.” Grimacing, Nick leaned on the counter and waited, telling himself to be more careful.

  Jo emerged, smiling. "I'm just going to write him a note, so he knows where the food is."

  Nick glanced at her. “You’re being far too kind to him.”

  “Really?” She frowned, looking up at him. “Why?”

  Realizing he couldn't really tell her the truth, Nick sighed. "Ignore me, I'm just being a bad-tempered brother!"

  She laughed, finishing writing her note. “Do you guys often argue?”

  He tilted his head, as though thinking about it. “Sometimes. Not too often. We usually just fight it out, if we do.”

  “Not literally I hope!” she quipped.

  Trying to laugh, Nick glanced over at her as he walked to the door. “Obviously not.” A slight niggle of worry bothered him, wondering where on earth Tom had gone. Jo’s car was still sat waiting for the part to arrive, and Tom had promised he’d be finishing the lights today. From what he could see, one was still broken.

  "Okay," Jo said, walking after him. "I guess we should get back before the food gets cold."

  He tried not to listen to the invitation in her voice, but couldn’t help it. His smile widened, his arm snaking around her waist and pulling her against him so hard, he lifted her off her feet.

  "Careful!" Jo laughed, steadying herself as he put her down. "I know you're…hungry but let’s at least wait until we're back at the cabin!"

  A low growl came from his throat as he looked down at her, his dark eyes gleaming. “I should just about manage that,” he muttered, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

  She giggled, following him to the car and climbing i
n next to him. Clearly, food wasn't the first thing on his mind.

  “Hi,” Tom called, getting out of his car. “Are you the driver?”

  The old truck driver frowned at him, sticking his hands in his pockets. “Who are you?”

  “I’m Tom,” he explained, quickly. “I’m from the car mechanics in Woodhaven. I need my parcel.”

  The man’s expression cleared. “Oh, yeah. Someone called me about you. Found the part already, let me just get it for you.”

  Tom let out a breath. “Thank you.” Guilt twisted in his gut as he took the densely wrapped parcel from the truck driver. “Much appreciated.”

  “You just driving back?”

  “Yeah,” Tom said, not really wanting to talk. “Got a good few hours of driving ahead of me!”

  “You must really be needing that part,” the driver commented, just as Tom turned away. “Some sort of emergency or something?”

  Tom smiled tightly. “Just a rush job,” he replied, beginning to walk back to his car. “Thank you for this. Take care.”

  The driver nodded, watching Tom for a moment longer before turning around and walking away.

  The long drive home was uneventful, even though Tom felt worse and worse with every mile that passed. Shifters didn’t go near humans, but for whatever reason, Nick was attracted to Jo. He shook his head, clenching his teeth. It wasn’t that he didn’t like Jo, it was that he was afraid for his brother. Shifters mated with shifters. That was how it worked. Jo wouldn’t give him what he was looking for, what he was needing. Bear shifters needed cubs, not fragile baby humans who had no strength of their own. Neither of them had ever spoken about mates or setting up their own families, but there were rules about that sort of thing that had been drummed into them both. Shifters are with shifters, he repeated to himself. Humans are with humans. We don’t mix. Got it? “Got it,” he said, aloud, remembering the way his dad had told him the same thing over and over. What was Nick doing?

  Pulling into the mechanics, Tom got out of the car and stretched. His muscles needed movement, his whole body needed a run. Looking about, Tom couldn’t see anyone and, sniffing the air, couldn’t smell anyone either. Stretching again, he let his muscles lengthen, his bones extend until he was standing on his hind legs, fully bear.

  Dropping to the ground, Tom let out a long, low roar, knowing that Nick would hear it. It was a roar of frustration, and it felt good to let the bear growl. Lengthening his stride, Tom crashed into the forest, enjoying every moment.

  Nick froze, his ears almost pricking up as he heard a roar. It was Tom's roar, he'd recognized it immediately.

  “Is everything okay?” Jo glanced up, seeing Nick standing still with a strange look on his face. “Nick?” When he didn’t respond, she walked over to him, lightly touching his bare arm.

  Nick sprang to life immediately, turning around to face her. His lips were pulled back into a feral snarl, his eyebrows pulled together so tightly, he looked like a wild animal. Jumping back in fright, Jo stared at him in surprise. “Nick,” she said, finally. “Is everything okay? You look….strange.”

  The bear wasn't going to go to sleep this time. Tom was calling for him, telling him to come out and meet him and Nick couldn't refuse. The bear was almost being driven from his body, his brother's roars forcing him to tense, ready for the change. His throat rattled, his lip slowly curling. "I need to go," he said, through clenched teeth. "I can hear a bear. I won't be long."

  “But Nick –”

  He didn’t even wait for her to finish, stomping to the door and throwing it open so hard that it rattled on its hinges.

  “Just be careful,” she whispered.

  Nick caught his brother's scent even before he changed, his anger practically ripping the bear from his skin. He’d barely had time to take his clothes off and drop them by the cabin. Snarling, he ran into the woods, following his nose until he found his brother.

  What are you doing?

  Tom snorted, his breath frosting in the cold.

  Showing you it’s dangerous.

  Nick snarled, rattling his teeth. You don’t need to.

  Yes, I do.

  No, Nick growled, moving closer. You don’t.

  They were going to fight. They always did. It was their way of working things out when words just wouldn't do. His teeth snapped together, just as Tom charged.

  What seemed like an hour later, both Nick and Tom were left exhausted, sweat streaming from their bodies. Neither of them were satisfied, but they couldn't take any more. There had been no blood drawn, but Nick could tell that he would have plenty of bruises to show for it.

  Are you going back?

  Nick turned around and made his way back out through the trees, ignoring his brother.

  I’ve warned you, Nick!

  Leave me alone. Walking into the gloom, Nick turned his back on Tom and walked back towards the cabin – and to Jo.

  Tom snorted, pain tearing through him as he changed back into his human skin. Nick hadn’t listened, despite the beating he’d taken, and there was nothing more Tom could do. Mating with a human was both dangerous and stupid, but Nick was determined to be with her anyway. Walking back towards his car, Tom pulled out the parcel from the trunk and walked into the office.

  He needed food. Yes, he could have gone hunting but that would just have taken more time and he needed to get on with Jo’s car. Wondering what he had left in the refrigerator, Tom stopped and sniffed.

  There was a smell of food, as well as of Nick and Jo. Flicking on the lights, he walked to the back room, stopped by the note on the desk. Frowning, he picked it up.

  Tom, it read. We came by but you weren’t around so I picked up takeout for you anyway. Chow Mein. It’s beside the refrigerator. Hope you’re hungry! Jo.

  Dropping his head, Tom was racked with guilt about what he’d done and what he was going to do. Jo was both kind and generous, and if she’d been a shifter, he wouldn’t be worried about his brother at all. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, as though she could hear him. “This isn’t personal.” Picking up the food, he walked back to the office and sat down to eat it. Then he’d get to work on her car.


  Jo paced up and down the cabin, hoping Nick was okay. He’d looked pretty awful before he’d left. Maybe he just really hated bears. His food sat on the table, getting colder by the minute while she’d eaten hers waiting for him to come back. She’d hoped this night might be special for the two of them, but not if he kept on running out like this!

  The door swung open, and Nick walked in looking completely exhausted.

  “Oh my goodness,” Jo exclaimed, running over to him. “Are you okay?”

  “Can you lock the door?” he asked, his chest heaving as he staggered to the sofa.

  Jo nodded, throwing him a concerned look before shutting the door and bolting it tightly.

  “Is everything else locked?”

  Remembering that she’d opened a couple of windows earlier in the day, Jo quickly checked that they were all locked before sitting down next to him. “Are you okay?” she asked again.

  “I’m fine,” he replied, his eyes already closing as he leaned his head back against the top of the sofa, slumping into the cushions. “Just tired.”

  “Did you manage to get rid of them?”


  She paused. “I thought you heard the bears coming back?”

  “Oh, yeah. I did.”

  “Did you chase them away or something?” Jo’s eyes were focused on the way his muscular chest was still heaving, sweat making the material cling to his body.

  "Yeah." Pushing himself up from the sofa, he shook his head at the state he was in. "Think I'm going to take a shower." He didn't say anything else, turning around and heading up the stairs without a backward glance.

  Storming up the stairs to the shower, Nick balled his hands into fists and blew out an angry breath. Tom had really riled him, but the bear was tired now, all the fight gone out of him. Th
rowing off his t-shirt and jeans, he stepped into the hot water, closing the glass door behind him.

  Jo let out a long breath, a wave of want washing over her. She wanted to go with him, wanted to follow him into the water, just to see what he’d do. She’d promised that nothing had to happen between them, but the way he’d been acting towards her made her hopeful. He wanted her, she knew it.

  Throwing herself back on the sofa, Jo leaned her head back and stared at the ceiling, trying not to let the pulsing excitement she felt get any stronger. She could hear the sound of the water running, hear him mutter to himself – and she made a decision. Nick had been the one to tell her that she needed to make changes in her life. He’d said something about her needing to take risks and he was going to be one of the risks she would take. If he rejected her then yes, that would make things completely awkward for the both of them, but she wasn’t going to think about that. Slowly climbing the stairs, Jo stood at the door to the bathroom, taking in a few deep breaths.

  The metal handle sizzled under her hand, her palm sweaty as she turned it and walked in.

  “Jo?” Nick barked, his eyes wide as he tried to cover himself. “What are you doing in here?”

  Not even stopping to take anything except her jeans off, Jo stepped inside the shower, looking up at him. “Joining you.”

  He swallowed, his hands still firmly covering himself. “You can’t be here, Jo.” The bear is still quiet, he realized, as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  "I'll leave if you want me to," she murmured, looking up at him. "Do you want me to, Nick?" Pressing herself fully against him, she waited until his hands slid around her waist, before quirking an eyebrow. "It feels like you want me to stay."

  Nick groaned, unable to help himself as he kissed her, hard. His chest was heaving, every muscle outlined by the water that trickled over them both. Pushing her head to the side, he let his mouth trail fiery kisses down her neck, along her collarbone and back up the other side until he reached her ear.

  A soft noise escaped from her throat as she let her fingers explore every part of him, running gently down his back and back up his chest again. “Aren’t you going to help me take these off?” she whispered, blinking back the water in her eyes.


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