The Dragon's Mate (Elemental Dragons Book 1)

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The Dragon's Mate (Elemental Dragons Book 1) Page 118

by Emilia Hartley

  “You’ve been struggling, huh?”

  She nodded, opening her eyes to see Dan's sympathetic face. "I thought you were dead, and that they'd killed you in cold blood. I didn't realize…." Savannah shook her head. "I care about these shifters, Dan. And about Jo too, even though she's not a shifter. I want to stay a part of this pack. I don’t want to go back to Lucas.” It would mean finding a new place to live in town, somewhere safe, but she could do that. Now that she had a job, there was no reason to keep living at Lucas’ old place.

  Dan grinned broadly. “Then it’s settled. We’re staying. Both of us.”

  A wave of relief washed over Savannah. Dan was alive and he wasn’t going to go back to Lucas. He was going to stay and so was she.

  “We’ll have to tell him.”

  Her stomach dropped. “No, we can’t. It’s too dangerous.”

  “We have to,” Dan insisted. “Lucas has to know, Savannah. If we go together, then there’s no chance he’ll attack us. Not by himself.”

  Savannah shook her head. “I can’t,” she stammered, beginning to panic. “I don’t know when or where I’m going to see him next and – ”

  “Don’t worry, Savannah,” Dan interrupted. “We’ll work this out together. I’m not going to be able to shift for a couple more days anyway.” He tilted his head. “Are you going to tell Tom the truth?”

  Heat crept up her neck and into her cheeks. “I don’t think I can.” The trust they’d built between them would be shattered in an instant. She didn’t want to see the look of betrayal on his face. Better that he didn’t know. Besides, now she’d made her decision, there was no need for the truth to ever come out. They could just carry on as they were.

  “I think you should.”

  She tensed, her muscles jumping underneath her skin. “I can’t, Dan,” she replied, quietly. “I don’t want to talk about this again.”

  Dan, seeing her expression, nodded in understanding. There was more going on between Tom and Savannah than she wanted to admit to, but he understood. “Don’t tell me you’ve picked him for your mate, Savannah!” That just complicated things all the more.

  A low rattle came from her chest, making Dan hold up his hands in defense. "Fine, fine," he muttered, looking away. "We won't talk about Tom."

  Her shoulders slowly relaxed. “Good, thank you.”

  "Just be careful," Dan replied, quietly. "If he's your mate, Savannah, then you can't hide the truth from him forever. Otherwise, you can destroy everything you've built."

  Opening her mouth to reply, Savannah’s ears suddenly pricked up. The sound of Tom’s whistling was getting closer and it sounded like he was coming this way. Shooting Dan a warning look, she turned around in her chair and began to leaf through the documents.


  Giving him a quick smile, Savannah tried to act nonchalant. “Hi. Jo and Nick went out. Something about going to pick up some parts.”

  Tom narrowed his gaze slightly, seeing Dan and Savannah sitting so close. "Everything okay here?"

  “Fine,” she mumbled, bending her head to look closer at one of the documents in her hand. “Dan and I were just chatting.”

  “Getting to know each other a bit better,” Dan said, cheerfully. “I’m looking forward to shifting again soon.”

  Tom nodded, trying to stop his body from tensing. There was something strange going on between Savannah and Dan, but he wasn’t quite sure what it was. Mentally shrugging, he walked over to the coffee machine. “Can I get anyone else a coffee?”

  Ending up pouring them all a fresh cup, Tom heard Dan push himself up from the chair. Muttering something about going to sit outside, Dan left Tom and Savannah alone – although whether that was deliberate, Tom didn’t know.

  “Savannah?” he murmured, putting down her cup of coffee beside her. “Is everything okay?” Brushing her hair away from her neck, he saw her tense.

  “Everything’s fine,” she murmured, catching her breath as he pressed gentle lips to the curve of her neck. “Tom, I –”

  “How about I cook for us tonight?” he interrupted, his voice barely above a whisper as he made his way down towards her collarbone. “And you can stay late.”

  A delicious shiver ran through her, as Savannah closed her eyes and tipped her head back. She couldn’t resist him and, now that she’d made her decision to leave the Northern Wind pack, everything felt right. She was free to make her own choices, and her choice was Tom.

  “Sure,” she whispered, her heart beginning to pound in her chest. “I’d like that.”

  “Great,” Tom growled, his own body already reacting to her. “I can’t wait.”


  Tom waited impatiently for Savannah to come back to the shop. This time, there was no going back, not for either of them. What they’d talked about in the woods had brought them both closer. She was afraid and, as he’d admitted, so was he. There was something exciting and terrifying about having such a strong and deep attraction to another shifter.

  “We’re heading off.”

  “Right,” Tom mumbled, as Nick and Jo began to leave the shop. “See you later.”

  “What about Dan?” Jo asked, hurriedly. “I know you said you were cooking, but were you planning to cook for Dan too?”

  A stone lodged in Tom’s stomach. He’d completely forgotten about Dan.

  “I mean, we could take him up to the cabin for dinner, if you like,” Jo continued, innocently. “But if you’d rather he stayed here then, -”

  “That would be great,” Tom replied, trying to keep his face and voice calm. “Thanks, Jo.”

  “No problem,” she grinned, with a twinkle in her eye. Walking back to the now unlocked room, she began to talk to Dan, leaving Tom and Nick alone.

  “Don’t start,” Tom warned, as Nick opened his mouth.

  Nick snorted. “I wasn’t going to say anything.”

  Tom sighed heavily. “Look, Nick, I can tell what I’m feeling for Savannah is pretty obvious.”

  “Yeah, it is,” Nick agreed. “But I’m happy for you, Tom. When you find your mate, then that’s the best feeling in the world.”

  “My mate?” Tom snorted, shaking his head. “I don’t know if she’s my mate, Nick.”

  Nick lifted one eyebrow. “Is that so? So, how does your bear feel about her, then?”

  Tom didn’t want to answer, knowing his brother was right. His bear was happy whenever she was around. It was more peaceful, almost, as though it knew she was the one shifter that made him feel happier than he’d ever been before.

  “Got it,” Nick grinned, as Jo walked out with Dan limping behind her. “Have fun, Tom!” They walked out, leaving the door open.

  Tom didn’t know what to say. His head was spinning, and he stared after them long after the door closed. Was Savannah his mate? Was that what his bear had been trying to tell him?

  Shaking his head, Tom sank into a seat and put his head in his hands. This was serious. If his bear had found his mate, then Tom knew there would never be anyone else who made his bear complete in the same way. Was that how Nick had felt when he’d finally admitted his feelings for Jo?

  A short time later, Tom sniffed the air, hard. Swirling around him was the scent of cooked steaks, followed by the heady scent of Savannah. She'd showered or something, since the smell of honey and lavender was growing stronger the closer she came. His heart began to thump in anticipation, his hands growing sweaty. He couldn't think straight and, suddenly, Nick’s word were ringing in his mind.

  Savannah walked in, a bag in her hands. Smiling shyly at him, she put the bag on the table and shrugged out of her coat. “Hello,” she murmured, flinging it across a chair. “I brought desert.”

  “I cooked steak,” he replied, trying not to give into his instinct to grab her and take her to the bedroom straight away. “Not that great a cook though.”

  She giggled. “I’m sure it will be great.” She looked away for a moment before catching his eye again. “Are you okay

  He let out one long breath. “Fine, now that you’re here,” he replied, knowing the line was straight out of some cheesy movie. Heat crept into his cheeks, but thankfully, Savannah let out a soft laugh.

  "I'm glad I'm here too," she smiled, thinking that she quite liked the look of the slightly less assured Tom. The slight redness in his face made her smile. She'd been nervous walking up to the shop but in a good way. It was almost in anticipation.

  Tom cleared his throat, trying not to give in to his desire to carry her to his small bedroom straight away. “Hungry?”

  She nodded. “Famished. Are there plates?”

  “In the back room, where Dan is – was,” he corrected. “He’s gone to the cabin for dinner with Jo and Nick.”

  Savannah darted a look at him. “Oh.” It was very apparent that they were alone, and that made her toes curl with excitement. From Tom’s heated looks and the way his eyes ran down her body, she knew exactly what was on his mind. It was on hers too.

  “I’ll get them,” he mumbled, walking past her.

  Suddenly curious, Savannah followed, pushing open the door. The room was small but comfortable, with a refrigerator and cooker in the corner. At the other end of the room was a television on one side, and a sofa on other. “Is that where Dan slept?”


  She watched as he pulled plates from the shelves and cutlery from the drawer. “Can I help?”

  “Sure, there’s glasses there and some drinks in the refrigerator.”

  Soon, the two of them were sitting opposite each other, each trying to keep their mind on the food and not on each other. Savannah closed her eyes as she ate her steak. “This is amazing,” she murmured. Opening her eyes, she quirked an eyebrow at him. “I thought you said you weren’t a good cook.”

  He laughed. “I can cook steak, I guess.”

  She laughed too, the sound making them both smile at each other.

  “Are you happy here?”

  Savannah looked at him, surprised. “Yeah, I guess so. Don’t I look happy?”

  He shrugged, swallowing a mouthful of food. "You just said you used to walk around a lot, traveling from place to place. I guess I wondered if you were happy here so that you'd stay a while."

  Savannah’s throat clogged with a sudden rush of emotion. “I’m not planning to go anywhere, Tom.”

  Nodding, he gave her a lopsided smile. “That’s good.”

  “Although I will need to find a new place soon.”


  She nodded, her face twisting. “That place is old and dusty. Sometimes it feels like it’s going to fall down around my ears!” Her eyes grew distant as she looked past him. “No, I want a new place. A place I can make my own. Somewhere I can put down roots. Somewhere I can be safe.”

  Tom watched her, with a flicker of concern. Somewhere she could be safe? What did that mean? Worrying that there was something going on she wasn’t telling him, he watched the way her eyes grew distant as she lost herself in thought. “I hope you know I’ll always be here for you, Savannah. You don’t have to be afraid.”

  Startled, she jumped with surprise, before collecting herself. She’d been thinking about life without Lucas, thinking about just how happy she’d away from that pack. The sense of freedom that filled her had made her lose track of the conversation and she was suddenly aware of just how intently Tom was watching her.

  “Sorry,” she mumbled, ducking her head to eat a bit more of her meal. “Lost myself for a minute there.”

  Tom grinned at the pink in her cheeks, before finishing up his own food. Sitting back, he smiled to himself, thinking just how pretty she looked when she was embarrassed.

  Putting down her fork, Savannah shook her head. “I don’t think I could eat another bite,” she said, laughing. “Thank you, Tom. That was amazing.”

  Tom smiled, before his eyes and face grew serious. He’d wanted to be honest with her for a long time and now felt like that moment. “I’m glad you’re here, Savannah.”

  She looked at him, feeling her chest begin to constrict with emotion. “I’m glad I’m here too, Tom. Being here with you is….” Frowning, she struggled to find the words to give clarity to her emotions. “It feels right, you know?”

  Tom nodded, finding that he completely agreed. “My bear would agree too,” he replied, with a slightly wry smile.

  Savannah gave him a slight smile. "I need to know that this is serious between us, Tom. I don't want to start something that you're just looking at as one-time thing."

  "Definitely not a one-time thing," he muttered, but the confusion on Savannah's face made him stop his joking. Leaning forward, he took her hand across the table. "Savannah, I feel the same. I don't want this to be a one-off. I'm not that kind of guy. I'm looking for a long term relationship and, if you're going to be staying here, then that's the only reason I'd be open to taking this further. I don't do flings."

  The sincerity in his eyes made her sigh with relief, although her gut tightened as she remembered just how much she was keeping from him. “Okay,” she breathed, electricity shooting up her arm as his fingers began to run across the back of her hand.

  “Okay,” Tom repeated, suddenly nervous. There was a table between them and he didn’t really know how to make a move. He’d been honest when he’d said he didn’t do this sort of thing, and the sudden darkening of her eyes was making lightbulbs go off in his head.

  Savannah looked up at him. “So, are you going to kiss me or what?” she asked, quietly.

  He grinned at her, getting up. “No, I’m not,” he replied, as her mouth dropped open. “Not unless you can catch me.”

  “What?” Savannah stared after him as he practically ran to the door, hearing him shift into his bear almost immediately. A roar of delight came from his mouth and Savannah felt her bear respond at once. Pushing herself away from the table, she ran into the open air, and let her bear push through her skin. Tossing her head, she snorted once before sniffing the air and beginning to follow his trail.

  It didn’t take Savannah long to find Tom. It wasn’t as though he was making it difficult, given that he’d run to the lake. A slight growl of distress left her mouth as she remembered what Lucas had done to her here. Tom didn’t know that, of course.

  A sudden splash made her tense, her eyes searching the water. Not a single muscle moved as she looked across the water, finally landing on Tom. He wasn’t in his bear skin any more. He’d done exactly the same as she had last time they’d been here – changed into his human skin and gone swimming in the lake.

  “Are you going to come in?” she heard him call. “The water’s lovely.” It was the same words she’d used the first time they’d been here and she could hear the hint of laughter in his voice.

  Her body snapped back faster than it ever had before, making her gasp with pain. Coming here held good and bad memories. She didn't want to be reminded of Lucas but told herself that being here with Tom would erase that memory. She would replace her dark thoughts with new, bright ones. Trying not to cover herself with her hands, Savannah stood tall in the moonlight and tried to find Tom in the water.

  Her ears pricked up. She could hear something but wasn't quite sure what it was. If she was back in her bear she'd have worked it out straight away. She felt vulnerable, exposed.

  Tom suddenly ripped from the water, his hand reaching out to grab her leg and pull her in. Losing her balance, Savannah toppled in, head first. The shock of cold water pushed all the air from her lungs as she came up spluttering.

  Tom couldn’t help but laugh at her expression, amused that he’d managed to get one over on her. She didn’t see him swimming underneath the water and the element of surprise was too much not to take advantage of.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Savannah spluttered, her face growing hot despite the cool water. “I could have drowned!”

  He rolled his eyes at her, as they both tread water. “Not likely,” he said with a grin. “I�
��ve seen you swim before.”

  The moon shone on the surface of the water, making Tom’s expression clear to see. Savannah’s anger began to drain away as he slowly swam closer to her, his eyes darkening just a fraction. The mischief on his face melted away and changed into something completely different.

  “Come here,” Tom growled, reaching for her.

  With a rush, Savannah threw herself backward and swam as fast as she could. He would have to catch her first.

  Just as her feet hit the bottom, Tom grabbed her from behind, turned her around to face him and placed his lips on hers. Her feet struggled to stay put on the slippery lake floor, but Tom planted his feet and tugged her close. Holding them both steady, he kept one arm wrapped around her waist while the other pushed back her soaking wet hair from her face. His mouth was hot and urgent, his tongue pressing into her mouth with a ferocity that took her breath away. Savannah clung to him, pressing her body as close to him as she could. She needed him in a way she’d never experienced before. She couldn’t explain it, but, in this moment, everything felt right.


  Savannah tried to move, tried to find her own footing, but her hands were tied to Tom’s chest, as though they belonged there. She couldn’t move, even if she wanted to. He was strong enough for the both of them, keeping them both anchored there in the water, holding her as if he would never let her go.

  Tom held Savannah tight, his body ready for her almost at once. He’d been waiting for this, had been needing this, for days but now that it was finally happening, he wanted the world to slow down so that he could take in every single sensation. He knew his kisses were strong and intense, but Savannah wasn’t backing down or shying away. Instead, her tongue was tangling with his, her whole body trembling as she anchored herself to him. The feel of her naked body pushed up against his was making all sorts of explosions go on in his head, while his heart squeezed with some kind of happiness, a happiness he couldn’t quite explain.

  Savannah felt her body begin to tighten like a coiled spring as Tom kissed her. His skin was smooth and soft, but Savannah could feel the rock hard muscles beneath, flexing tight as he held her. Finally able to move her hands, she ran them down over his chest, splaying one hand over his heart. She could feel it beating there, strong and fast. Breaking the kiss, Savannah looked deeply into Tom’s eyes, hearing her own quick breathing. Managing to find her feet, she stepped back a little, forcing him to pull his arm from her waist. Finding it with her free hand, she lifted his own hand to her chest, settling it over her heart. Together, they stood, listening and feeling their heartbeats slowly merge together as one.


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