Collision (Delta Protectors Book 1)

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Collision (Delta Protectors Book 1) Page 7

by Kayla Myles

  “Like I said, I want to let loose. I want to take my mind off that crazy stalker and have some fun. I think a little clubbing would do just the trick,” she explained, and I gaped at her.

  “You can’t be serious,” I told her, and she rolled her eyes.

  “Please, Jason. I need this,” she begged. “You can come with me, if it makes you happy,” she offered, and I narrowed my eyes at her.

  “Of course I’m going to come with you. That’s practically a no brainer at this point,” I said.

  “Whatever! Just please don’t keep me locked up here in the house with all of these thoughts, Jason. I need to leave and clear my head, okay?”

  I sighed and relented.

  “But you have to promise not to get too crazy,” I told her, and she smiled before nodding.

  “I promise.”

  Yeah, right. So that was why she was downing those shots like a fucking champ.

  I told her to take it easy, God damn it. Why doesn’t she fucking ever listen?

  I watched her with a stony face as she proceeded to grind her ass to all the guys that got close to her, raising her glass in the air and banging her head to the beat of the music and making her hair fly all over the place.

  For the record, she probably meant to keep her promise with me if it hadn’t been for that trampy Kate Deveraux chick she bumped into upon arriving here. The woman had grade A bitch written all over her as she looked at Veronica from the top of her head to the tips of her toes and back again with a pissed as hell look on her face. She slapped her platinum blonde hair away from her shoulder and crossed her hands over her chest, her mouth splitting into a devilish grin that I could tell did not mean anything good.

  The bitch practically baited Veronica, talking about the attempted kidnapping at the premiere and calling her a sheltered little orphan who wouldn’t know what a real party looked like even if it hit her in the face.

  Veronica, never one to back down on a challenge, took the bait and started drinking and partying like crazy. And alas, this.

  I kept telling her to stick with me, but she pushed me away every single time, telling me to mind my own business. Whenever I walked over to her side, she’d find a way to scurry away and then I’m back to looking for her everywhere in this hot and cramped space. This was why I gave up trying to get near her and settled with staying a few feet away from her, the distance enough to allow me to observe her and cover the gap if trouble arose.

  For her sake, I hoped nothing happens.

  I heard the sound of giggling nearby and I turned my head to see Kate and a couple of women laughing as the former raised her camera in front of her, pointed in Veronica’s direction. I clenched my fists as I realized they were fucking taking a video of Veronica making a fool out of herself and took it upon myself to stop it. I walked over and placed my hand over the phone, making Kate and her friends look up at me in surprise. I glared at her, my jaw tense as I held on to the phone tighter and Kate’s cheeks reddened and she let go of her phone. I made quick work of deleting the video before tossing her phone back at her, making her squeak as she almost didn’t catch it.

  “Don’t do it again,” I threatened, and she pouted at me.

  “Fine! I won’t,” she snarled. “Let’s go girls,” she called before turning around and walking away.

  I turned back to my place and felt the blood leave my face as I watched Veronica, drunk off her ass and struggling to keep upright, fall over one of the males flirting with her, holding her head. I saw the guy sweeping the hair from her neck and about to kiss that spot so I dove through the crowd that was dancing between us. I grabbed Veronica’s arm, pulling her from the guy’s arms while pushing him back hard.

  I looked over at Veronica worriedly and she blinked slowly.

  “I don’t feel so good,” she murmured, and I rolled my eyes.

  “We’re going home,” I said. I crouched down and wrapped my arms around her knees before slinging her over my shoulder. I didn’t even care if we looked ridiculous. All I wanted was to get out of this place and get her back home.

  I went into the parking lot and opened the door to the car, settling Veronica in on the passenger seat and fastening her seat belt for her. I walked over to the driver’s seat and checked on Veronica one last time before starting the car and driving off.

  Veronica kept muttering in her sleep and I struggled to contain my anger, my fingers wrapping tightly around the steering wheel as I focused on the road. I wanted to wake her up so I could yell at her for doing something so stupid and for jeopardizing her own safety. I wanted to scream at her for always pushing me away instead of letting me take care of her and help ease her pain. I wanted—

  I wanted to stop thinking about her like this because it wasn’t right.

  I stopped at a red light and pinched the bridge of my nose to keep myself calm. I shouldn’t be like this towards Veronica. She’s the job, the job I have to complete until that sick bastard is placed in a slammer. And once I’m done, I was going to pack my bags and get out of her life, clean and simple.

  But it wasn’t so simple anymore. Somewhere along the way, I was starting to see things about her that I liked and admired, despite the constant bitching and arguing we did.

  It was so messed up.


  He waited patiently, carrying the bouquet of flowers in his arms like he would a small, precious baby. He was standing right outside the convenience store a few blocks over, the perfect vantage point to the gates of his beloved’s mansion.

  He had chosen each bud carefully and he knew Veronica was going to love it.

  He had seen a car get out a couple of hours ago so he was waiting until his beloved came back home so he could hand deliver his present personally.

  He couldn’t wait to see the look on her face.

  A couple of minutes later, his waiting rewarded as the same car that left had stopped right at the gate. He smiled widely and tucked the flowers to his chest as he walked towards the car.

  The driver’s window slid down and he stopped in his tracks as he saw it wasn’t his beloved, but a handsome man with dark hair and sharp eyes driving the car. The man keyed something on the camera’s monitor and the gates opened wide for the man to drive his car inside.

  His jaw tightened as he watched the gates closed. How dare his beloved let another man drive her to her house? How dare she stick around with someone like that?

  He threw the bouquet of flowers to the ground and started stomping on the big blooms in anger. When they were all crushed under his feet, he looked at the gates again.

  He was going to make that son of a bitch pay for staying with his beloved.

  He would make sure of it.

  Chapter 13


  I could feel someone carrying me in his arms, but my eyes were too heavy for me to open. The warmth from his chest was soothing and gentle against my cheek and I leaned closer, burying my face against the warmth.

  I could vaguely hear the sound of a door creaking and then the warmth slowly faded as I was laid on top of the mattress. I scrunched up my face from the loss of heat and then the covers were pulled over me, tucking me in. I felt the light touch of his fingertips on my face as he took a stray hair that fell over my nose away to the side.

  I was conscious enough to know it was Jason who carried me all the way here and tucked me in, but I didn’t understand why he was still by my side. I could feel his eyes watching me as I slowly fell back to sleep, but it didn’t feel creepy or weird at all.

  I felt…safe.

  I heard him sigh heavily and then the sound of heavy footsteps echoed on my floor as he walked away. I strained to open my eyes a little and I was able to make out Jason, staring at me with such sad eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” I heard him say and then the door closed softly behind him.

  I couldn’t fight it anymore. My eyelids dropped over my eyes and everything went black.


  It took me j
ust a couple of seconds to realize I was dreaming because I was looking at my old room back in Arizona and there was no way I would step foot in my parent’s house for as long as I lived. I must’ve taken some serious amount of liquor earlier for me to get this trippy.

  I walked out of the room and wondered what was the point of this dream when I spotted a little girl at the other end of the hall with her head in her hands, her shoulders shaking as she sobbed.

  “Hey, are you alright?” I called out to her. She raised her head slowly and I gasped as I realized I was staring at my younger self.

  All too quickly the scene evaporated and I’m watching as the little girl version of me is standing on the center of a stage, the spotlight shining down on her. I tried to come towards her, but a glass box suddenly materializes and caged me inside. I slammed my fists on to the glass, trying to break free but to no avail, and then people started to appear, looking at me with a sneer and treating me like I was an animal in a cage. The paparazzi, the press, the fans, the haters, Kate, even my parents, kept telling me I was worthless, that I was nothing.

  Over and over their voices rang in my ears and I screamed, trying to block them out with my voice.

  I wasn’t worthless! I looked at my younger self, desperate for help but all she did was stand there and look at me with sadness. And then, she was dissolving.

  Let me out!

  Let me out!

  I opened my eyes and got up from the bed, sweat dripping down my forehead and my chest. Jesus H. Christ, what a nightmare. That dream was so awful and vivid that I was actually amazed I had such a powerful imagination.

  I felt a sharp pain suddenly stab my brain and I clutched my head with both hands. Ugh. Another hangover. Every time I woke up with a hangover, I promised myself I would never touch another bottle, but every time, I ended up eating my words. A part of me wanted to blame Jason for letting me drink a lot, but he probably gave up controlling me. I knew I was a real handful. The memories of last night trickled into my brain and it made me groan in embarrassment.

  I felt so sorry for Jason now. He doesn’t deserve the things I put him through.

  Chapter 14


  “So, how’s it going with you? Is Veronica being cooperative?” Chase asked from the other line, and I scoffed.

  “If by cooperative, you mean yelling my ear off and telling me to mind my own goddamn business, then yeah sure. She’s a real team player,” I said sarcastically, making him chuckle.

  “Oh, shit man. I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I thought for sure she’d be a reasonable woman. I mean, she wasn’t at all bad when I met her back then,” he said, making me roll my eyes.

  “Yeah, maybe to you,” I countered.

  “But hey, it can’t get any worse than that, right? She’s bound to come around.”

  “Maybe. I hope it’s sooner rather than later, though. I don’t know how much longer I could take before I snap back and strangle her.” I said, half-joking. Chase chuckled.

  “Ha! Yeah right. You’re probably closer to kissing her than killing her, Jason,” he said.

  “No way. I’m not interested,” I said, shaking my head.

  “Dude, quit trying to fool me. Even better, quit trying to fool yourself, bro. Veronica is one hot broad, and acting like you’re not interested in tapping that is a big fat lie,” he said.

  “If you think I’m going to go ahead and sleep with my client, then you must be out of your damn mind,” I told him, and I could almost picture him rolling his eyes.

  “I don’t know, man. I mean, there’s nothing stopping you, anyway. I don’t see any rules against it in our job description,” he said slyly, and I shook my head at his crazy idea.

  “Look, I got to go. I’ll give you an update next week, alright?” I said. I ended the call before Chase could fill me over with another one of his dumbass ideas.

  Someone started knocking on my door and I frowned. Usually when Veronica had another bone to pick with me, she’d just barge right in and start yelling. Granted, it is her house, but there was one time she caught me in the middle of putting my clothes on and she screamed at me, calling me a pervert. Like, damn lady, you’re the rude one here.

  She continued knocking and I pulled the door open, raising my eyebrows at her.

  “Is something wrong?” I asked, watching her curiously as she looked down on the floor and twiddled with her thumbs. I waited for her to say something but when she kept on playing with her fingers silently, I sighed. “Look, if there’s nothing--,”

  “Can I come in?” she asked, raising her head up to look at me. I blinked at her. “Please?” she added, and I scratched the back of my head and stepped to the side so she could enter. She smiled and nodded, walking through.

  I closed the door and crossed my arms over my chest, still wondering what she’s doing here. I saw her shoulders rise up as she took a deep breath before turning around to face me, her eyes filled with determination.

  “Jason,” she said, and I raised one eyebrow.

  “Yes?” I pressed her, getting impatient. My question seemed to have made her lose a little of her bravado but she bit her lip and tried again.

  “Okay, I’m just going to get this out of the way, alright?” she said and then she closed her eyes, screwing shut tightly, that little crows’ feet started appearing at the corners. And then she said the words I never thought I’d hear her say. “I’m sorry.”

  I blinked at her in disbelief and she opened her eyes and waited for me to react. I didn’t and she groaned.

  “Look, I realized I was out of line most of the time--,” Yeah, try all the time, I thought to myself. “—and I know I’ve been a pain in the ass--,” Well, isn’t that the understatement of the year? “—but I realized that now and I just…wanted to say I’m sorry,” she finished, unable to look me in the eye.

  “Okay?” I said, unsure of what to say after her apology. I could tell she was expecting me to say something else, too, because her cheeks puffed up when that was the only thing I said.

  “That’s it?” she asked, and I shrugged.

  “Well, what else did you expect me to say?” I asked her. She waves her arms to the sides and shrugs her shoulders.

  “I don’t know! Maybe a ‘Don’t worry about, Veronica. I wasn’t exactly a nice guy, either. I’m sorry, too,’” she said, and I chuckled. Oh, is this one of those things? Where you get an apology in exchange for another apology? Huh. Women are sly creatures.

  “Would that make you feel better?” I asked her, and she narrowed her eyes at me.

  “I don’t know. What do you think?” she countered, and I sighed, giving in to what she wanted.

  “I’m sorry, too,” I said, and she nodded. “Anything else?” I asked, eager for her to leave my room so I could have some peace and quiet.

  “Um, yes, actually,” she said, nodding and giving me a small smile, her eyes twinkling a bit. “I thought it would be a good idea for us to get to know each other better,” she said, and I tilted my head.

  “Okay. What exactly do you have in mind?” I asked. She placed her index finger beneath her bottom lip as she looked up at the ceiling thoughtfully. After a few moments, she smiled mischievously.

  “How about we go out on a date?” she asked. My eyes widened.



  I pulled at the collar of my shirt nervously, roaming my eyes around the area to make sure no one was looking at us. Veronica was completely unconcerned, taking a large bite out of her Big Mac as she sat across from me. She moaned, her eyes closed and licking her lips as she savored her food, making me grin at how silly she looked. She opened her eyes and pouted as she caught me staring, my food untouched.

  “Hey, stop being so nervous!” she scolded me, stealing a fry from my tray. “It’s going to be fine. I’m in disguise, see? No one’s going to recognize me looking like this,” she said, gesturing towards her look proudly.

  My eyes scanned her huge square-rimmed glasse
s, her Britney Spears hat and denim jacket, and I chuckled. She looked equal parts ridiculous and cute, and I had to hand it to her for being so confident that she was so unrecognizable.

  “What?” she asked, wondering why I was laughing and I shook my head. I didn’t want to burst her bubble. Instead, I said something else.

  “You look nice.”

  She blinked, clearly not expecting me to say that at all. Her cheeks blushed a pretty pink, making me want to brush the tip of my finger on her face.

  “You know, of all the places you could have brought me out to eat, I never would’ve thought you’d pick McDonalds,” I told her. She narrowed her eyes and raised one eyebrow at me.

  “Let me guess: you thought I was some prissy little actress who thought fast food was beneath her and would only choose to eat in fine dining restaurants?” she said, and I grimaced, her assumption spot on. She shrugged and took another bite of her Big Mac. “It’s okay. I don’t blame you. I’ve never exactly acted like I wasn’t. But that’s all it is, Jason. It’s an act. It’s an image I choose to portray,” she explained. I furrowed my eyebrows, not understanding.


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