Deadly Darkness

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Deadly Darkness Page 7

by Victoria Zak

  Adaira stood and looked around at the crevasses embedded deep within the rock walls. She was at the end of the cave, he had to be nearby. “Rafe,”

  she called. Where are ye?

  She stood and wandered to the other side of the pool to get a better look at a giant rock above the pool. It wasn’t very high, but high enough that she couldn’t climb it. As she got closer, she noticed Rafe lying on his back with his hands folded behind his head.

  “Come down. We need to talk.”

  Rafe didn’t answer.

  And he had the nerve to call her stubborn. “Rafe, dinnae be a grumpy auld goat. Come down.”

  He didn’t respond.

  Adaira placed her hands on her hips. She didn’t appreciate being ignored, then again, she deserved it. But that was beside the point, Rafe was coming down off that rock one way or another. She looked across the pool. On the lower side of the rock, opposite of Rafe, water spilled into the pool, giving Adaira an idea. Mayhap a swim would encourage the wolf off the rock. The water was indeed enticing.

  She undressed slowly, keeping an eye on Rafe, waiting for him to notice what she was doing. Completely naked, she stood with her hands on her hips.

  “I’m no’ wearing any clothes.”

  She heard a low, deep growl, but he didn’t look at her. Fine, have it yer

  way. Adaira stepped into the pool. It was exactly how she’d imagined it, warm and soothing. She walked out until the water covered her chest. She looked up at Rafe. Still not a glance. She dipped down, making a splashing noise so Rafe would take notice. She emerged from the water, running her hands down her wet, slick hair. The water licked at the tops of her breasts as she stood. “The water is warm. Come join me.”

  The growl grew louder. Adaira smiled, her plan was working, or was it?

  Rafe hadn’t moved off that damned rock. Adaira swam closer to his perch. “I promise to bite,” she teased.

  His stubbornness was frustrating. She couldn’t stand it. Adaira splashed him. “Ye can no’ stay mad at me forever.”

  He still ignored her.

  She swam to the waterfall. Upping the stakes, Adaira positioned herself under the spray. It was shallower in this part of the pool, so when she stood, her upper body was exposed. The cold air hit her skin and her nipples hardened. She turned, facing Rafe as she seductively rubbed her arms and neck. “Ye dinnae know what ye’re missing, Wolf.” She continued to run her hands up and down her body. “And to think I came here to apologize. I must be daft.”

  She heard the splash, then felt the warmth of his naked body behind her.

  He cupped her breasts and rolled her pebbled nipples between his fingers, giving them a light squeeze. The sting shot straight to her core. “It took ye long enough.”

  He nuzzled her hair and inhaled. “Ye have something for me? An apology?”

  The deep rumble of his voice reminded her of who she was dealing with

  —a wolf. Adaira turned around and took a step back so she could think clearly. “Aye.” She gazed into his silver eyes. “I dinnae mean to accuse ye of such an act. And I should have never given ye a tongue lashing about yer pack’s laws. I…I.” She couldn’t continue. Admitting she’d been wrong, saying it out loud, and realizing she’d hurt someone she cared for dearly, broke her heart. A tear, something that didn’t happen too often, slid down her cheek.

  Rafe gently wiped it away. “Say what’s on yer mind, lass.”

  Adaira sucked in a shaky breath. “’Tis no’ easy for me to love. ‘Tis easier for me to push ye away than deal with the pain. For so long, I’ve had to protect meself. The queen made me do unthinkable things and the only way I

  could live with meself was to harden me heart. I’m sorry, Rafe. I’m no’

  capable of the love ye seek from me.”

  “I think ye’re wrong. Yer heart brought ye here. If ye didn’t care, ye wouldn’t have come looking for me.”

  His words gave her pause, for he was right. “And after everything I’ve done to ye…I dinnae deserve ye.”

  “Adaira, ye’re wrong. Ye do deserve love.”

  “Nay, no’ after the things I’ve done.” She shook her head.

  He cupped her face. “Look at me. The past is the past. I’m still burying mine, but together we can get through it.”

  “Seren told me about yer wife and child. I’m so sorry.”

  Rafe lowered his hands. A grim expression spread across his face. “Seren never knows when to keep her mouth shut.”

  Adaira’s brows creased. “If we’re going to make things work between us, we need to be honest. If ye want me to confide in ye, ye need to do the same.”

  “Together? Ye and me? No games?”

  Giving Rafe her heart scared her to death. Was she even capable of letting her guard down after years of not trusting anyone? Did she even know how to let him in?

  “Adaira,” Rafe warned.

  Could she live without him?

  Inside, she shuddered as he towered over her with his smoldering gaze on her body. Water dripped from the ends of his long, dark hair and down his bronzed skin. She followed a droplet trail down the rigid muscles of his chest and abdomen with a finger, stopping when she reached his navel. She fisted her hand, fighting the urge to take his length in her hands. Tearing her eyes away from his magnificent form, she met his gaze. Lust burned in his silver eyes, yet he was holding back. She knew what he wanted to hear, but could she say the words and mean it?

  “Why did the gods send me an angel?” she asked. “Me heart is too cold.”

  He didn’t speak.

  “Ye are the only one dark enough to see through the blackness in me heart.” She caressed his whiskered cheek. “I can no’ walk away from ye anymore, Rafe. I love ye.”

  Tears filled his eyes. “Ye have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear those words from ye. One thing that will never falter is my love for ye.” He cupped

  the back of her neck, circling the nape with his thumb.

  The warmth of his touch breathed life back into her cold heart. Aye, she really did love him.

  He pulled her close and dipped his head until his lips brushed against hers. She inhaled, anticipating the kiss. Desire for this man burned away all her resolve. With a ravenous hunger, she claimed his mouth. His hands tangled in her hair as he pulled her in, deepening the kiss. Their tongues swirled together, reigniting an old flame she’d longed to feel again.

  He walked her forward, taking her behind the waterfall. His big body pinned her against the cave wall. The cold rocks bit into her skin, but she didn’t care. She wrapped her arms around his waist, tugging him closer. Her body ached for his touch. The problem was, she didn’t know where she wanted him to begin. “I’ve missed ye, Wolf,” she sighed against his ear.

  “And I, ye.” He nuzzled her neck, awakening another wave of desire as he wrapped her leg around his waist. The need for his touch consumed her as his cock pressed against her womanhood. She needed this man—she needed his hands all over her body.

  As if he’d read her mind, he squeezed her arse cheeks. Adaira moaned, pressing her throbbing core against his hardened length. By the saints, she’d missed this man.

  He slipped his fingers between her folds. Knowing his masterful touch, she bit her bottom lip as he teased her, grazing his finger up and down her hot, wet flesh. “Dinnae stop touching me,” she sighed and rocked her hips forward.

  Rafe growled and glided his finger deep inside her.

  She gasped at the initial sting, then relaxed. He took her to the edge but stopped suddenly, withdrawing his fingers. She cried out, but in one powerful thrust, he buried his cock inside her.

  “By the gods, Adaira…”

  She gripped his shoulders, pressing her fingernails into his flesh as she felt him stretching her. She began to panic as the severity of her decision came crashing down on her. Her body tensed. Push him away…protect yer heart. She didn’t know if she could completely give herself to Rafe. In the past, there was no
threat of getting hurt, it was just sex. Or at least, that’s what she had convinced herself to believe. It was different now. She couldn’t push him away, nor did she want to.

  Could she allow him access to the most vulnerable parts of her heart?

  She had to put an end to this—for good. She pulled back. Rafe threaded his fingers through her hair and raised her head so she had to look at him.

  Tears ran down her cheeks. Her walls came back up—strong as steel.

  “Adaira, stay with me in this moment.”

  “I…I dinnae think I can.”

  “Don’t think…feel.” He kissed her tears away.

  She nodded and sucked in a shaky breath. Feel. She slowly exhaled. She repeated this a few more times, her fears retreating with each breath. Rafe’s gentle touch melted away her doubt in love. She was worthy. She could do this, wanted to.

  She leaned her head back, resting it against the wall. Rafe consumed her mind, body, and soul as they found a pleasurable rhythm. Heat washed over her body. Her legs trembled. She felt weightless. Holy hell, she was going to shatter.

  “Stay with me, my heart’s queen.”

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she held on as her body began to hum with pleasure. The harder he pumped, the more she wanted to surrender.

  “Rafe,” she moaned and felt his body tense. She smiled as he growled, spilling his seed deep inside her.

  He braced his arms against the wall. “Ye take my breath away, lass.”


  RAFE CRADLED his queen in his arms and sat down in the water, resting his back against the cave wall. He could stay here forever as long as Adaira was with him. “If this is a dream, I’ll slay the bastard who wakes me.”

  Adaira giggled. “Aye, the poor bastard.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “Ranger has been banished from the pack until Seren comes home.”

  “I saw.” She kissed his chest.

  “How much did ye see?”

  “Enough. I dinnae feel sorry for him. Seren will be wounded forever.”

  “I want to believe he’s telling the truth. He said he was drunk and not thinking clearly when he groped the barmaid. I’ve warned him time and again he needed to stay away from the ale. God have mercy on his soul if he’s hurt my sister.”

  “I’ll never understand wolf law, but I hope the bastard stays far away from Seren. And I hope she’ll come home soon. I like her.”

  “Adaira Keith openly admitting she likes someone…thought I’d never see the day,” he teased.

  Adaira smacked his chest playfully. “I have me moments.”

  The dark cloud that hovered over Rafe returned. By the evening meal, they would arrive at Dornoch, which meant Adaira was closer to her fate with Cormag. He couldn’t imagine what the bastard had in store for her. He’d seen how the laird dealt with murderers. Hung, drawn, and quartered. To make matters worse, this crime was personal. Cormag would torture Adaira until he felt the vengeance over losing his son had been satisfied. Knowing firsthand

  what it was like to carry such bitterness, Rafe feared the worst. How was he going to protect her?

  A shiver ran down his spine thinking of the ways Cormag would make Adaira pay. He held her close as she played with his chest hair. He trailed his fingertips up and down her arm. Everything he held dear in the world was in his arms. There was no way he could turn her over.

  “My heart, I cannot let ye go to Dornoch.”

  Adaira sat up. “Rafe, I have to go back. ‘Tis the only way to find out what truly happened.”

  “What if ye don’t find anything? Or worse yet, what if ye learn that Leana killed Beathen? Do ye think the laird will grant ye freedom? He’ll lock ye away until he finds Leana and make ye both pay for murdering his son. I cannot deliver the woman I love to her death. Please, Adaira, I beg ye to reconsider.”

  “Yer pack is growing suspicious. If I suddenly escape, they’ll know someone betrayed the pack. The risk is far greater for ye than me. Besides, I can no’ run from Cormag forever. At least if he has me, Leana is safe.”

  “Ye honor yer sisters well.”

  “They are all I have. In a way, I’m at fault for our misfortunes.”

  “Adaira.” He tried to pull her close but she pushed away.

  “Nay, Rafe. There was a part of Doughall ye didnae see. He was terrible to me mother and…” she swallowed. “He wanted a male heir in the worst way. When he’d given up on me mother, he forced me into an arrangement when I was ten and three. He ordered me to bear him a male heir. I was to marry a man of his choosing and conceive a child. He didnae tell me mother.

  I was to keep it secret.”

  “Wait…ye are married?”

  “If ye call living in hell for a year marriage, then aye. The contract was valid for a year. If I gave birth to a son, then after a year and a day, the marriage was legal. If I did no’ bear a son, then I was left with nothing but a tarnished reputation. Doughall cared more about the man I was to marry than his own daughter. Me father didnae want to burden me husband with a barren wife.” Adaira hung her head. “I never want to see the bastard again.”

  “Adaira.” Rafe lifted her head until their eyes met. “Ye’re keeping something more from me. What is it?”

  She took in a deep breath. “Doughall grew tired of me refusing me husband. Eventually, he stepped in and forced me to consummate the

  marriage. The man me father chose was cruel and much older than me. He raped me, broke me down until I submitted. And me father watched the whole thing. I tried to fight him off.” Adaira crossed her arms over her chest.

  Tears welled in her eyes. “But he was too strong.”

  “Bastard,” Rafe growled.

  “When I returned to me bedchamber, Leana saw the bruises on me face, but I never told her what happened. I didnae have to. She sensed what was going on and desperately wanted Doughall to pay for hurting her family. She took the blood oath with the fae queen because of me. If I had only stopped her, none of this would have happened.”

  “He’s still alive?” Rafe prayed the man was, because he wanted to kill him for hurting Adaira.

  “Aye. I mean, I think so.”

  “Which is it?”

  “Why all the questions? I said the marriage is over. I dinnae care if the man breathes or no’.”

  “I do.” He cupped her face. “Now I understand why ye stood up for Seren. Seeing her like that must have brought back horrible memories. But know one thing, lass, none of this is yer fault.” He wrapped her in his arms, wishing he could take her pain away. Aye, if he’d known this side of Doughall, he would have cut the laird’s ballocks off and fed them to the pigs, along with the man who dared touch his queen.

  “Now ye understand why I must go back. I must prove Leana is innocent.

  ‘Tis the only way I know how to protect her. I need to find her and bring her home before she turns to the queen for help again.”

  Rafe exhaled. “Aye, lass, I understand. I wish there was another way.”

  “I’ll be in good hands. Ye’ll be there to protect me.”

  “Aye, I’d risk my life for ye.”

  “And I love ye for that.” Adaira pulled him down so she could kiss him.

  “I can handle Cormag. He does no’ frighten me. He claims land that belongs to me. He has forgotten I’m the true laird of Clan Keith. He’s picked a battle with the wrong lass.”

  Rafe grinned. “’Tis time for Dornoch’s queen to come home and claim her throne.”

  Rafe was jerked out of the moment when he sensed someone was watching them. The intruder cleared his throat.

  Teg was standing with his arms folded across his chest. “Brother,” Teg

  greeted, then nodded to Adaira. “I see I’ve caught ye at a bad time.”

  Quickly, Rafe stood with Adaira. She covered her breasts and hid behind Rafe. “Teg.”

  “Surprised to see me?”

  Rafe was speechless. What was running through his brother’s mind right
now seeing him naked with Adaira?

  “Ye should cover yer tracks better,” Teg warned. “I could smell ye from the beach.”

  “Tegwyn, I can explain. Let me dress and we can talk.”

  “I’ll wait outside.” Rafe caught Teg’s disapproving glare as he turned and headed out of the cave.

  “Shite.” Rafe hopped out of the water and quickly began to dress. Adaira followed.

  “I’m so sorry. Will he tell the rest of the pack?” Adaira asked as she yanked her dress over her wet body.

  Rafe cupped her face. “Don’t worry.”

  “Dinnae worry? Rafe, if Teg tells anyone, ye’ll be banished like Ranger.”

  “I know my brother. Everything will be fine.” He kissed her. “Go sit by the fire. I’ll be back soon.” He turned to leave, but Adaira grabbed his arm.

  “Come back to me, Wolf.”

  The urge to throw her over his shoulder and claim her again was a fleeting thought. He had business to settle with his brother. Rafe kissed her cheek and walked away.

  “Is she worth it?” Teg was leaning against the outside of the cave, chewing on a blade of dead grass. “Is she?”

  Rafe walked over to his brother. “I can explain.”

  “No,” Tegwyn exclaimed. “I’ve had enough of living in the shadows of the Mad Dog. I’m not about to live through that hell again. Ye told me Adaira and ye were over. Christ, Rafe, ye’ve been protecting the Keith sisters all along, haven’t ye?”

  Rafe grabbed Teg by his tunic and gave him a firm shake. Brother or not, he’d not let anyone threaten his future with Adaira. Especially after today, the lass loved him. “This has nothing to do with ye. Adaira and her sisters need my help.”

  “But we serve Laird Cormag, or have ye forgotten?”

  “I know damned well who I serve. I’ve taken grave measures to make sure the pack will not be held responsible for my actions. If ye keep yer

  mouth shut, no one will know. I cannot turn my back on the woman I love.”

  “Ye’re turning yer back on the pack. Please,” Teg pleaded. “I cannot go through life without ye. If the pack finds out ye’ve betrayed their trust, they will rip ye limb-from-limb. We’re family. The woman isn’t worth the risk.”


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