Knowledge Quickening (The Nememiah Chronicles Book 2)

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Knowledge Quickening (The Nememiah Chronicles Book 2) Page 11

by D. S. Williams

  Now he spoke in English and I watched, mesmerized, as he performed an elaborate maneuver with the blade, passing it towards the four cardinal points. He gripped Lyell's right hand and Lyell stared steadfastly into my eyes as the blade cut deeply into the fleshy skin below his thumb. Blood flowed freely and Phelan held Lyell's hand over the bowl until it was half-full. He released his grip on Lyell's hand and Jerome handed Lyell some cotton gauze to stem the flow of blood. I risked a peek at Lucas and Marianne who both watched the blood in the bowl with steely determination. Marianne caught my eye and managed a faint smile. Nick and Ben had positioned themselves on either side of Lucas and they were focused on him, not on the ceremony being performed.

  Phelan turned to me and with the same incantation, gripped my hand firmly. I squeezed my eyes shut, the pain sharp as the knife cut deeply into my skin. I was shaking, my knees quivering and my skin clammy, but I managed to stay upright, taking the cotton gauze from Jerome gratefully and pressing it to my palm.

  Phelan mixed the blood together with the blade of the knife, and then lifted the dripping blade into the air. “The Tremaine Pack recognized Lyell Tremaine as blood brother to the Tine Kiss. Their blood is combined and the blood bond will forever leave them indebted to one another.” He touched the bloody blade to Lyell's forehead, touching the right, the left and the center of his tanned and lined skin.

  He turned to me. “The Tine Kiss recognizes Charlotte Duncan as blood sister to the Tremaine Pack. Their blood is combined and their blood bond will forever leave them indebted to one another.” He touched the blade against my forehead, performing the same precise movements and I felt the sticky blood running warmly down my skin.

  Phelan turned his attention to the assembled group. “Let all here bear witness to the joining of Lyell Tremaine and Charlotte Duncan as blood brother and sister. They will serve one another, protect each other and the pact will result in death for anyone breaking their promise given here tonight in blood.”

  He placed the knife on top of the bowl and Lyell spoke. “I thank you, Charlotte, for performing the blood pact with me. I consider you now my sister, pack member, friend of the pack. We will protect you, fight with you, and recognize you as a member of the Tremaine pack.”

  “Thank you.”

  Lyell turned to Lucas. “The pact is complete. We are friends of the Tine Kiss and will assist you if the need arises.”

  Lucas nodded, visibly struggling to draw his gaze away from the blood in the bowl. “I welcome your offer of assistance, and recognize you as friends of the Tine Kiss. You will be given help and assistance whenever you require it.”

  Lyell relaxed his solemn stance and turned to me. “I would suggest you sit down and have that hand attended to. Charlotte, it's been a pleasure to meet you and we'll come to your aid if you are in need of our help.” He pulled me into a hug and when he released me, Jerome caught my arm and guided me to a chair. I sank into it gratefully and Nick began to wipe my forehead with a damp towel to remove the blood.

  Lucas was at my side in an instant, kneeling beside me to hug me against him.

  “Lucas, the blood…” I said tiredly. Despite the gauze against my palm, the coppery scent of blood was prevalent in the room and even I could smell it.

  “It's alright, Charlotte,” Lucas promised softly, releasing me to let Nick continue wiping at my forehead. “I've coped with it.” The effort it had taken was obvious however, his forehead was creased with exertion and his fangs extended over his bottom lip.

  “Will you require stitches, Lyell?” Jerome asked gruffly as he rummaged through his bag.

  “No, I'll be fine. We will take our leave.”

  One by one, the Tremaine Pack said their goodbyes and Conal leaned over to gather me in a tender hug. “I'll be in touch,” he whispered against my ear and Lucas stiffened with unconcealed fury. Conal handed me a small brown bottle. “Use this on your injuries, it will reduce the scarring.”

  I stared at him suspiciously. “You're giving me a jar of… saliva?”

  Conal grinned wickedly. “There you go, thinking like a human again. This is a secret herbal remedy, given to members of the Tremaine Pack to heal wounds. Rub it on twice a day. It will help those bruises too. And this is my number – call me, anytime.” He handed me a business card.

  “Thank you. For… everything.”

  “No probs.” He held his hand out to Lucas, and after a moment's hesitation, Lucas took it. “Look after her, bloodsucker.”

  “I will,” Lucas agreed solemnly.

  The Tremaine werewolves left the room and I leaned back against the chair, while Jerome treated the cut on my hand. When he lifted the gauze, blood poured from the cut and Lucas recoiled, stepping back from the sight.

  “Go,” I urged him.

  “I can control it,” Lucas said determinedly, his mouth set in a grim line.

  “Lucas, I don't have the strength to argue with you. And after everything I've been through, I don't think I can face a bite,” I said tiredly.

  Lucas pressed a kiss to my forehead and left the room quickly, with an apologetic backwards glance from the door. Marianne murmured an apology and left, Ben on her heels.

  “Nick, could you get rid of the blood and the bowl? I have some cleaning spirits here.” He handed a bottle to Nick and turned back to me. “Now, let's look at this hand. Don't know why the hell I have a job at the hospital, it seems you keep me busy enough as your full time medical practitioner nowadays…”

  Chapter 14: Home

  We flew back to Montana the following day. Although Jerome grumbled about wanting me to rest for another day or two, I longed to get back to Puckhaber, wanted to leave New Orleans behind. It held no happy memories and I wanted to return to the safety and security I knew in Puckhaber Falls.

  Ben booked flights back to Billings and I settled onto the first flight available with Lucas sitting on one side of me, Ben on the other. Lucas kept his arms around me and I slept against his chest for the entire flight home.

  We disembarked in Billings and I was aware of the curious glances from the other passengers. With a badly bruised face, the heavy bandage around my hand where Jerome had stitched up the knife wound, and the bruises and healing injuries on my arms and chest, I looked as if I'd been in a car accident.

  William and Gwynn met us in the terminal and Gwynn held me in her arms for a long hug.

  “I'm so pleased you're safe,” Gwynn said softly. She looked into my eyes; her own filled with warmth and affection. “We were so worried.”

  Ben and Jerome's car had been left in the long-term park at the airport when they'd flown to New Orleans and William and Gwynn had driven up to Billings in their cars, giving us plenty of room for the trip back to Puckhaber Falls. Ben, Marianne, Striker, Nick and Rafe piled into Ben's car, while William and Gwynn would be driving home with the rest of Nick's Pack. Jerome had set off on his own, preferring his own company on the long drive. Lucas and I would be travelling home in Gwynn's beautiful white sports car and Lucas unlocked the doors, helping me settle into the luxurious leather passenger seat before he slipped in the other side.

  “We could have taken a couple of people in here,” I suggested wearily.

  Lucas reversed smoothly from the parking spot and steered the car into the thoroughfare of the high-rise car park. “I think they believe you and I might like some time alone.”


  Lucas reached across and laid his hand on my thigh, squeezing gently. “Have I told you today how much I love you?”

  “No, I don't think so.”

  “I love you,” he said tenderly, glancing across to smile. He rubbed the back of his fingers across my bruised cheek, his actions exquisitely gentle.

  “I love you, too.”

  Lucas stopped to pay the parking fee and I watched with amusement as the female attendant nearly fell of her stool when she caught sight of him. She fumbled with the cash Lucas handed her, stumbling over her tongue as she counted out change and
handed it back.

  I leaned back against the headrest, a tiny smile playing on my lips. “You really aren't fair.”

  Lucas looked at me in confusion. “What?”

  “You are so handsome; women can't help but get tongue-tied around you.”

  Lucas shook his head in disbelief. “I haven't noticed you being tongue-tied, love.”

  “I was, when I first met you,” I admitted, my eyes heavy again as Lucas pulled into the freeway traffic. “You overwhelmed me.”

  “As you did me, my love,” Lucas responded softly. “You overwhelmed me with your magic. Maybe Lyell Tremaine was correct, perhaps you are a witch and you have me under your spell.”

  “Oh, ha, ha.” I laid my hand on Lucas's thigh and he looked mildly surprised. “Is that okay?” I asked.

  “More than okay,” he agreed huskily. He laid his hand over mine and I slept.

  I woke again as Lucas slowed down to enter a small town, the sky was beginning to darken and he'd turned on the headlights. I straightened up, looking around with interest.

  “Are we getting close to home?” I questioned, rubbing my eyes.

  “About forty minutes to go. Actually, now that you're awake, probably closer to an hour and a half. Obviously I will have to slow down,” Lucas admitted wryly.

  “That's because you drive too fast,” I grumbled.

  “I am a very safe driver,” Lucas reassured me, his tone reproachful.

  “Unless you crash. And in case you haven't noticed, I'm breakable.”

  “Remarkably breakable,” he agreed. “And I never crash.”

  I rolled my eyes at him. “Overconfidence is not a good thing.”

  “I've lived for more than one hundred and sixty years. I've earned my confidence.”

  I giggled. “That's the problem with you vampires, you think you've got everything under control, but what about all the other lunatics on the road? You hit me, remember?”

  “Vampire reflexes. I can allow for anything. Except a beautiful young woman stepping out onto the road without looking to see whether it's safe. Despite the fact that I hit you, you're still hanging around.”

  “Of course,” I stated confidently. “You can't get rid of me that easily.”

  “I must admit,” Lucas said, glancing at the rearview mirror. “I'm impressed. You have incredible staying power. Besides hitting you with my car, you've been attacked by a vampire, kidnapped by shape shifters, made a blood pact with werewolves. Most normal people would have run a mile by now.”

  “I'm not most normal people.”

  “Apparently not,” Lucas murmured with a tiny smile.

  We left the town behind and Lucas accelerated smoothly on the quiet road. I peeked at the speedometer and was reasonably satisfied that he wasn't tearing along at a ridiculous pace.

  “I worry about you, you know,” Lucas announced abruptly.

  “Me? Why?”

  He sighed. “What I said in New Orleans was true – I'm not a proper boyfriend.”

  “You're everything I want,” I responded simply. I wondered where this was coming from, he was obviously worried about something and I had no idea what it was.

  “But I am not like other boyfriends you could have chosen. Our relationship is not what would be classified as normal for a young woman to experience at twenty.”

  I turned to look at him, saw the small frown creasing his forehead. “Lucas, what are you trying to say?”

  “I think I should be courting you.”

  I knew my eyes widened and a smile stretched my lips. “Courting me?”

  “Yes. Like real boyfriends do. We should go out to movies, or I should take you dancing. We should have dinner dates.”

  That last suggestion made me giggle. “Dinner dates? That would be thoroughly entertaining. You don't eat.”

  “Alright, perhaps the wrong example,” he admitted with a grin. “I believe I should be giving you all the experiences a young woman of your age should have.”

  “Lucas, I really don't need to be… courted. You already have me forever,” I responded softly.

  He turned to me, squeezing my fingers. “I don't want you to miss out on anything, just because you've chosen to love me. Humor me, my love.”

  I shrugged. “Okay. I will agree to be courted.”

  Chapter 15: Discussions

  I hobbled slowly downstairs, Gwynn's etching tucked under one arm, the ointment from Conal in my other hand. I was rapidly discovering that the longer I sat still, the more painful my body became, with aches and pains developing everywhere from the beatings I'd taken.

  Lucas appeared at my side in a blur, Rowena following closely behind. Rowena reached out to take the painting and the ointment. “Here, let me take that,” she offered.

  “Let me carry you, my love. You look like you're in pain.”

  I shook my head. “I'm better off walking. The movement helps loosen everything up.”

  “I swear,” Lucas said grimly, taking a gentle grip on my arm to help me down the stairs, “if Conal hadn't killed Armstrong, I would have torn him apart with my bare hands.”

  When we reached the bottom of the stairs, Rowena handed me the painting and I limped slowly into the living room. I'd spent the past couple of hours upstairs, enjoying a hot shower and trying to make sense of the mountains of clothing Marianne and Acenith kept purchasing for me. After sleeping for most of the day, I was wide-awake, even though it was late in the evening. Another reason to enjoy living with vampires, I'd mused, as I prepared to come downstairs – no problem finding company in the middle of the night.

  “I'm sorry it's late, Gwynn,” I said, handing her the wrapped parcel, “I wanted to give it to you on your birthday, to express my thanks for your accepting me staying here.”

  Gwynn ripped the paper from the gift and for the longest time, stared at the charcoal portrait of her mother. So long, in fact, that I began to feel nervous, wondering if she liked it at all. When she looked up, the expression on her face spoke volumes. “Charlotte… I honestly don't know what to say. Thank you isn't enough to express how wonderful this is.”

  “When did you draw it, Lott?” Striker questioned, taking the charcoal from Gwynn to study it himself. “I didn't see you working on it.”

  “I wanted to keep it secret,” I admitted. “I did a few minutes here and there while everyone was preparing for the wedding. I got it framed when I had Marianne's portrait done.” I grinned wryly at Marianne and she smiled happily back at me. “Of course, Marianne chose that particular moment for her psychic ability to work, so she knew about it, but she kept it secret.”

  “I absolutely adore it,” Gwynn announced, standing up gracefully to wrap me in a hug.

  “I'm so pleased,” I responded happily.

  “Did you need some ointment rubbed on?” Rowena questioned when everybody finished admiring the sketch.

  I made a face. “I can't reach my back. Would you mind?”

  “Of course not. Let's slip into the kitchen for some privacy.”

  I followed Rowena through to the kitchen and drew my t-shirt up over my head so Rowena could rub the ointment into my skin.

  There was a heavy silence for a few moments. “Oh, Charlotte, how terrible,” Rowena said quietly.

  “What?” Confused for a moment, I suddenly recalled the dark, plum-colored bruises I'd noticed when I stepped from the shower. Two days after my rescue, the bruises were really coming out, the majority of the skin on my back discolored. “Oh, the bruising.”

  “What's wrong?” Ben appeared in the doorway, followed closely by Lucas.

  “Have you seen her back?” Rowena demanded, her hazel eyes flashing angrily. “Did you see exactly what that creature did to her?”

  I flushed crimson as Ben and Lucas examined my back. This was the closest to naked Lucas had ever seen me and I was embarrassed. To his credit, Lucas took it calmly enough, although I could see the fury in his eyes as he surveyed the discolored skin.

  “They are certain
ly very pronounced,” Ben agreed mildly. “There appears to be more bruising on your left side than your right, Charlotte.”

  I thought about it for a second before realizing why. “The night you rescued me, Armstrong had lost his temper when I wouldn't tell him what he wanted to know. He punched me in the stomach and when I fell, he kicked me. They'll be worse on the left side; because that was the side I was laying on.”

  Lucas growled ferociously. The sound was definitely not human. Ben touched my skin delicately, probing the dark bruises. “I am amazed nothing is broken, but Jerome assures me there isn't.”

  “Can't anything be done to heal them?”

  “I'm afraid not, Rowena. The medical profession has no cure for bruising. I'm sure the ointment Conal gave Charlotte will do far more good than anything else,” Ben murmured.

  “I'll apply it for Charlotte,” Lucas offered quietly.

  “We'll leave you to it,” Ben agreed. I saw him place his hand on Lucas's shoulder reassuringly. “She'll be fine, Lucas. Charlotte will recover from this.” He took Rowena's hand and drew her through to the living room.

  “Come over here in the light,” Lucas commanded. He put the ointment on the counter and I turned so my back was towards him. I was anxious about him seeing so much of me naked and there was a charged tension in the air, as if we were both holding our breath.

  He ran his cool hand over the bruising on my back, following the marks with the tips of his fingers before he reached for my bra. “May I undo this?” he asked softly.

  I nodded, certain the need for ointment had moved us into new, far more dangerous territory. Lucas gripped the slip of material around my back and deftly undid the clasps.

  He reached for the ointment, lightly rubbing it onto my skin, following the contours of my back to ensure it was evenly covered. His touch was delicate, his fingers rubbing the ointment into my skin tenderly. “Tell me if I'm hurting you.”


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