The Barn (Carter Sisters Series #2)

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The Barn (Carter Sisters Series #2) Page 11

by Morgan Dawson

  "Eight and a half."

  I smile, reaching to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

  "You're just so smart for your age. You’re smarter than some adults. And in this case, you’re smarter than me. You saw beauty in something so ordinary and many people wouldn't see it. Promise me you'll stay like this. Don't change who you are, because you're perfect."

  She wraps her arms around me and I hug her back. She giggles. "I love you, Ms. Carter."

  "I love you too, Mae." I reply, not hesitating at all.

  Now back home, I sit in my rocking chair, studying the rock Mae had given me.

  "What’s that?" Pa asks, looking up from his carvings.

  I smile. "It's the ‘hope’ rock."

  He chuckles. "The what?"

  "The ‘hope’ rock. One of my students gave it to me, saying they found this the same day they met me, and apparently I brought hope to her. Now, she's giving it to me."

  Pa smiles, still scraping the wood with his knife. "How sweet. I'm sure those students look up to you."

  It's quiet in the house while I think to myself. Eventually, I look up again. "Isn't it wonderful how children see beauty in anything? It doesn't have to be worth any money to be considered treasured."

  "Yes. Yes, it is." Pa pauses his carvings and looks up at me. "So, do you know what you are going to use the money for?"

  I smile, looking down at the hope rock now in my hand. "Yes. I have a few ideas, but I haven’t decided for sure. All I know is I want it to bring some hope to the other children."

  He doesn't answer, but goes back to his carvings. It's quiet in the house. Genevieve, Lydia and Hazel have gone to wash clothes and collect water.

  The only sound is the sound of pa scraping the chunk of wood and the sound of birds singing near our window.

  I look down again at the little ‘hope’ rock. Something I now value and wouldn't trade for the world. Today, I’d not only taught the children of Riverbend, but a child had taught me. This is one of the reasons I love teaching. Children have much different views of the world and what happens. Even if it's only a small, grey rock with a scratch on it called 'The Hope Rock'.

  I link my arm with August’s as we walk in the direction of the barn, which is still incomplete.

  We walk past it and he lets out a long breath. I give him a smile, looking up at him. "What's wrong August?"

  He looks down, smiling a clearly fake smile. "Nothing."

  I sigh, kicking at a rock on the ground. "Please, tell me."

  He doesn't say anything for a while and the only sound is the ground beneath our feet as we walk. He clears his throat. "It's just that, I know you love being a teacher in Riverbend."

  I tilt my head slightly, my eyebrows furrowed. "And that's bothering you?"

  He chuckles, smiling at me. "No, that's not what's bothering me."

  "Then what is?"

  He looks down again. "Teachers cannot be married."

  "I already know that, August." I laugh as he looks up at me again. Then a thought comes to me and I stop in my tracks. "Wait. Are you wanting to marry me?"

  He chuckles, smiling at me. "Well, not right away, but I'm hoping someday to marry. And that someone will hopefully be you."

  I feel lost for words. I've known that he loves me, and I love him too, but I've never been able to imagine having someone actually want to marry me.

  "Well, August. Whenever you're ready, don't feel like you're taking me from something I love, because I love you even more." I smile, looking up into his eyes.

  He laughs, taking my hand. "Well, I'm glad."

  "Me too." I reply, realizing I truly was.


  "Oh, August." I let out a long breath as I stand in front of the house he'd secretly been building with some of the men over the past month. It’s beautiful, with brown wood siding and a large front porch.

  August and I've been married for a little over a week now. He waited until the school term was over, and it's now harvest time. The students are off school until winter when the harvest is over.

  Our wedding ceremony was small, but nice all the same. It was held in the church the men had finished, and my family and all the people of Riverbend had attended. Ever since being introduced to this town, I've felt like I have so many friends.

  August built this house in Riverbend, and now he can still work for the town helping to construct the buildings as it grows, and I can visit with the children.

  He leads me in the door and I can't stop smiling. The inside is beautiful—unfurnished but beautiful all the same.

  "I hate to ruin this beautiful moment, but if I could speak to you for a moment Ms... I mean Mrs. Wilson.” The mayor is standing in the doorway.

  I look to August, who smiles before I reply. "Yes?"

  "Well, I know you're married now and this means-"

  I stop him from continuing. "I know. I'm not allowed to teach anymore, but I do thank you for allowing me to teach last term. It was something I'll remember forever."

  August gives a sad smile as he takes my hand. I know he feels guilty, when he really shouldn’t.

  The mayor tilts his head, smiling. "I'm glad you say that because I'm going to propose an offer to you."

  "And what's that?" I ask, walking closer to the door where he stands.

  He lets out a breath. "If you'd be willing to, I'd like to ask for you to continue being our town's teacher."

  I bring both of my hands to my mouth. "Really?"

  "I don't need every child moping around town. We don't have anyone else, and the parents voted for you to be allowed to continue teaching. Of course, this being said, anytime you wish to step down, you may do so."

  I grin, looking up at the mayor. "Thank you so much. You don't know how happy this makes me."

  He nods and steps back. "Well, I'll be pleased to tell the children their favorite teacher is staying. Good day."

  August shuts the door and smiles at me, holding his arms open. I laugh as he pulls me into a hug. "Oh, August. This is wonderful."

  "I'm really happy for you, Adeline. I know how much you love the children and teaching."

  I step back, walking to the counter on the opposite side of the room. After taking the small rock out of the basket, I set it down on the counter gently.

  "Why have you put a rock on the counter?" August chuckles, walking over to where I’m standing.

  I smile, looking up at him, then back to the grey rock. "It's the ‘hope’ rock and it brings hope to people. It will not be going anywhere any time soon."

  He laughs. "How does it bring hope?"

  "Through a child's ability to see hope in only a small rock." I smile.

  "Does it work?"

  I laugh, running a finger down the rock’s smooth surface. "It sure does."

  A little while later there is a knock on the door and I make my way to open the door slowly. Standing on the doorstep is Mae and Pearl.

  "Oh, come in girls." I laugh, motioning for them to come inside.

  Mae wraps her arms around me and giggles. "The mayor said you’ll still be teaching. Is that true?"

  I laugh. "It is."

  Pearl's face lights up, a huge smile on her face. I open my other arm, pulling her beside me. "You girls are wonderful. You know that?"

  Pearl giggles. "Ms. Carter? When does school start again?"

  I smile, pulling back from the girls who look up at me with bright eyes. "Actually, now my name is Mrs. Wilson. And after harvest, but you'll still be able to come visit whenever you like. You tell the other children that too, won't you?"

  "Okay Ms... I mean Mrs. Wilson.” Pearl laughs.

  And like that, as I stand in my new home, with August laughing and two of my students beaming at me, I realize everything has turned out. Pa and I are once again close, I'm married to the sweetest man on Earth, I'm still able to teach the wonderful children of Riverbend and I know from them, I'll learn many more valuable lessons.

  And through these lesso
ns, I know I’ll walk out looking at everything in a much different perspective.

  Perhaps a better one.

  About the Author

  Morgan Dawson is the thirteen year old daughter of western romance author Kay P. Dawson.

  * * *

  She has always loved to read, saying some day she would write a book of her own. The Barn is her second book, (you can get the first book in the series, The Wagon, by clicking the link below…) and she has more books planned for the series.

  Click Here to Get Your Copy of The Wagon on Amazon…


  Copyright © 2017 by Morgan Dawson

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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