Blood Proxy

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Blood Proxy Page 4

by Viola Grace

  She ate in sullen misery, but as soon as her body was full she slept. She didn't hear him come back in two hours, but she did wake regretfully as he brought her a hot meal for dinner. She showered, changed the sheets and went back to bed.

  Sometime in the night he joined her, his warm flesh sliding against hers. But this time he simply held her and let her resume her rest.

  The next day, they set a pattern. Breakfast in the mornings, the blood sharing after, a light workout for Eleanor, which consisted of chopping wood to increase her stamina, lunch, a feeding from Herun, either a light combat lesson or Eleanor was free to practice dance to keep her supple. Dinner was now a family event, all of them sitting down to discuss tactics and the formalities of the challenge.

  Eleanor was beginning to be upset however at what took place next. Nothing. After that first day, her only sexual contact with Herun was when he fed her, or closed her wrist for her. She had tried to ask him about it, but he only said that it wasn't time.

  She had tried begging, seducing, and finally jumping him as he came out of the shower. Nothing worked. He simply peeled her hands from his body and held her close, saying that it wasn't time. She couldn't even sneak attack him in bed. He wrapped himself around her before they slept and he never shifted.

  She tried to ask Naccar and ended up turning away in disgust as he laughed until tears flowed from his eyes.

  It was her against the Vimpyr males, and they were winning.

  Her combat training had improved to the point where she could trade off and take on additional opponents, and her stamina allowed her to start teaching a dance class in the new village on odd afternoons.

  Eleanor got to know the women of the colony, their urge for a new life and the drive to pursue it. They also considered the combat training that their brothers and sons were getting as full payment for sharing resources and properties.

  She started them slow with some formal Entex measures. A single drum needed for most of those dances. They excelled and she progressed through Azon promenades, Avari group dances, and finally Selna fan dances.

  Those were the most gruelling. The dances combined with the movements of hands holding and flipping the fans in a flirtatious manner was a skill that most of them would never gain precision at, but the very gestures that made the basics of the motions could be adapted to seducing almost any species.

  One of the Selna who was learning the dances for the first time brought with her a set of Vilar fans. They were micro thin metal fan that had often been used for defence by certain groups of Companions.

  It was with gratitude and amazement that she was given these fans in appreciation for the lessons. As the Selna said, "I have no need to defend myself to the death. For you, it just may be an option."

  The days melted away from her as she kept to her schedule and made friends, participated --with her men-- in social events in her little community and her life had a nice and predictable pattern.

  A data burst from an incoming ship caught her household by surprise.

  When she got in from one of her dance classes she saw the flickering light the console. She triggered the encoded message with her encryption key. "A priority one message from the Empress of the Haldis Imperium."

  She keyed in her access codes and the message began. "Hiya, Eleanor. Your ride is on the way."

  "I have been kept apprised of your progress, and with the two weeks of travel ahead of you, he will arrive in enough time to make his case and present the challenge." The glow of pregnancy rode heavily on Amy's features, her ivory hair twisted into a coronet. The tiara that had been fastened to the braids was probably of sufficient value to buy a small moon.

  "You will be escorted by guards from the Imperium to Vimpyr. From there they will watch over you to the palace in the capital and keep you safe until the challenge is over. If Naccar wins, I can have the Companion guild extend your contract so that you can stay on as his advisor if you wish, or should he lose, they will remove you before your own life can be taken."

  "I know that this is not what you want to hear, but there it is. Someone is not leaving that challenge alive, and you need to prepare for that."

  "The transport that I have arranged will be arriving in six hours. Good luck and stay safe." She gave a formal nod and the screen winked out.

  "Shit." She sat down heavily and rubbed her eyes. Alright, better get things moving.

  She went outside and found the hard working men taking a break. "So, this is why our store of juice keeps dropping." Sprawled over the bare ground that had been stomped bald by fighting feet over the course of months was every young male that could spare the time from their duties to come and spar.

  They were all sitting and had cool glasses of the diluted pod juice that passed for a strange type of lemonade to Eleanor's palate.

  She hated to disrupt this domestic bliss. "Herun, Naccar, I just got a message. It's time to go." Her hands opened in helplessness and they simply stared at her for a moment. They both looked so stunned that she wanted to take it back.

  Naccar looked close to tears. His friends here had become a touchstone for his life, they supported his physical changes and accepted it as normal. He had ceased to drink her blood two weeks ago, and he was now a man in every respect. Women of the colony followed him with their eyes, sighing at his pale skin and silky black hair.

  Herun looked ready for battle. His eyes went flat and he stood and made his regrets to the males around him, asking them to pass along the message of their departure. Hands were shaken and it was two sombre Vimpyrs that went into the house to collect their things.

  She prepped her own clothing and few new possessions before meeting them in the main room. "Are you ready for this, Naccar?"

  "One thing this planet has taught me is that everyone deserves an equal voice. No matter their race or gender."

  Herun nodded. "It's an excellent start, and though I have no right to say it, I am proud of you."

  "You have every right. If it wasn't for you, I would not have survived the blood sharing." They eyed each other for a long moment, and then embraced in a masculine manner. It was that manly hug that brought out the silliness in her. Eleanor giggled, snorting and bending over in her amusement.

  She shrieked with giggles as they each grabbed her in a bone-cracking hug, then handed her off and let the other one have a go. Back and forth she was hugged until tears came to her eyes. "Ok. I give up. You can have your man-hugs, I won't laugh…just let me catch my breath."

  She was tossed onto on of the couches and Herun took up a position next to her, her hand lightly gripped in his. "We were sharing a serious moment of masculine appreciation."

  She leaned her head against his shoulder. "I know. But like it or not, we have indeed become a type of family, and I am proud of Naccar as well."

  Naccar grinned at her and quipped, "Thanks, Mom."

  Herun laughed as she threw a pillow at him and he calmly batted it away from his face before it struck.

  They spent the rest of their wait answering the door and accepting farewell gifts. Their house was full of well-wishers when the small Imperial shuttle landed in the field beyond their home. During their wait they had gotten into the ultra violet suits and as soon as they passed the mist layer they were glad of it.

  Knowing what stress and tension awaited her, she relaxed and let the rays play over her suit, her body acknowledged that a light burn was not the worst thing that would happen to her in the next few weeks.

  Chapter Seven

  The voyage back to Vimpyr was relatively uneventful. At first the Imperial guardsmen were taken aback by having a woman train with them, but after the first two sparring partners that she ousted, she was allowed to stay.

  One of the guardsmen was named Xalli, and he handed her a package and message from Amanda. It contained a note of encouragement and two specially made Vilar fans that she practiced with in private.

  They continued to eat together in the mess hall of the ship,
a habit of months not to be destroyed by fear of separation. Herun was often to be found in long talks with the Imperial guardsmen, and Naccar trained almost constantly, only resting when fatigue took him over. Eleanor focused on her dance and agility while maintaining her strength. They grew quiet as they approached the planet where their fates and the fate of an entire species would be decided.

  She was also almost desperate for Herun's touch. He still fed her as she needed it, but no more intimate contact then that. She was bewildered and not a little rejected by his lack of interest.

  Naccar merely laughed and told her not to worry about it, giving her a hug to still her agitated fussing. The only good point to that exchange was that she saw the stress of the upcoming battle lifted from him for a moment as he laughed at her.

  * * * *

  Planet fall was uneventful. The shuttle was far superior to the one she had used for her most recent trip down and she hardly felt a thing. No bumps, few shakes and a tiny thump as they landed.

  "Prince Naccar, we are here to take you into custody. Please come with us." The voice shouted into the interior of the shuttle as the door opened. They looked at each other and smiled as the Imperial guard took their positions around them, and together they moved down the walk way to face the royal guard.

  Naccar strode forward and looked down his nose at the guards that had betrayed his father by not avenging his murder and in fact, supporting the usurper.

  "I am here to issue a challenge to the usurper Murron. In trial by combat I shall prove my right to the throne of my fathers." He stood with his sword at his side and his head held high.

  The Royal guard looked at each other in confusion. Where was the boy that had run from their world? This man could not possibly be that boy.

  "I am Naccar Hala as my DNA will confirm. We will now proceed to the great chamber in the palace and I will announce my challenge to that coward Murron." With two of the Imperial guard in front of them and four behind, they strode through the town outlying the palace. A murmur of surprise from the members of the population that they passed. Their little parade was causing quite a stir.

  The royal guard was forced to run ahead of them to keep up which severely dented their authority with the townspeople who laughed at their attempts to keep up with the Imperial stride.

  The doors to the audience chamber swung wide at their approach. A member of the Royal guard ran forward to alert the king to his guests.

  They were all dressed in their formal clothing and armour. Herun was dressed in a ruby red version of his regular guardsmen armour. Naccar's armour was more elaborate, denoting his status as king. It was Eleanor's clothing that had caused her some problems. Her robes concealed a leather fight bodice and a set of leather trousers with a leather draping from hip to hip and falling to the floor for decorum. It was designed to give her elegance of movement and easy concealment under the Companion robes that she was wearing.

  Her Vilar fans were tucked into the jewelled sash that she wore for support around her middle. She really hoped she wouldn't need them. Her hair had been lightened by a groomer on the ship, removing the obvious mark of her transformation. Her teeth she would simply have to hide by keeping her mouth shut. An impossible task, but she would try.

  She followed in Naccar's wake her feet silent in the boots that had been provided with the costume. They were dancer's boots. Designed for maximum mobility. She felt the smooth stone under her feet shift and the doors swung closed behind them.

  At the head of the room, under the Hala coat of arms was Murron. He was sprawled in the throne, and judging by the terrified woman kneeling in front of him, he had decided to take over his uncle's vicious habits.

  The Imperial guard cleared a path for them and with a twist of their arms and an extension of blades, space for the challenge was created.

  "Murron, step forward and accept this challenge from your rightful king!" Naccar took the center of the circle and waited for Murron to answer.

  "You are not Naccar, he was still to grow into the body of a man. He was a mewling child."

  "I am Naccar, and the blood of a Terran will turn even the most callow of youths in a matter of days." He stood and opened his arms to indicate sincerity. "Test me. I am Naccar Hala, and the challenge will be answered now."

  "Fetch a physician, a scanner and the guardian stones." He smirked at Naccar, then looked behind him. "Oh, look, the whore and the coward who sought refuge with a child."

  They didn't answer him, merely stood there and waited for the scanners to be brought. Eleanor had patience, and obviously so did Herun as he stood next to her and waited.

  The five minutes caused a buzz in the courtiers that were clustered around. Speculation of who Naccar actually was, were the most popular. A scanner was brought forth and Naccar offered his pinkie for the testing. One quick stab and the machine began to work.

  "This person is identified as Naccar Hala. There can be no argument." The technician took his equipment and left.

  The guardian stones were placed around the circumference of the ring that had been formed, a thirty foot diameter circle had been cleared in the great room.

  "You accept the challenge?" Naccar needed confirmation for the official challenge.

  "I do. You will die this day, cousin, and your whore and Commander will be killed after you." He shrugged off his cloak and sent for his breast plate.

  The Imperial guard stepped between them as they faced each other in the circle. He held out one of the guardian stones, and each opponent pricked their fingers and attached the blood to the stone. The guard explained the rules of combat. The sword fight would continue until one opponent would be disarmed, unable to continue, surrendered, or dead. No weapons other than the blades would be allowed. The stones would keep out anyone not involved in the fight.

  He backed away and activated the stones, a glowing ring flaring out around them, and creating a barrier of energy that none could cross.

  "Begin!" At his barked command Naccar drew his weapon, a sword and dagger, and braced for the rush of his cousin's attack. It was not long in coming.

  It set the pattern for the clash, Murron would charge and Naccar would feint and deliver a slash that would have his opponent bleeding in a matter of instances.

  Naccar was by far the superior swordsman, but he attempted to give Murron the time to come to that realization.

  Forty five minutes of watching the battle had her sweating from her position on the side lines. The only thing that kept her attention was a male behind Murron who was shifting from foot to foot as if waiting for a signal.

  That signal was obvious when Murron called out, "Loman! Get in here."

  The assembly gasped as the man that she had been watching stepped across the barrier which could only mean one thing. He was a blood relative of Murron.

  Naccar was now in a two against one fight, and Loman was a much better fighter than his relative. He needed help and she had to get it to him.

  With a trembling hand she pushed against the barrier, and as soon as she felt it give she made her way into the circle and took on Loman while Naccar concentrated on the rapidly weakening Murron.

  She removed the two fans she was wearing and hoped that her practice was going to pay off. She deflected the first thrust that he aimed at her, snapping open one fan and flipping the blade aside. The fans had been made of a variety of alloys that rendered them stronger than most blades and sharper as well.

  She used the lithe manner of dance to evade his blades, blocking some moves with her forearm, and others with the flat of the fan. When he finally threw his arms wide and lunged at her with madness in his eyes, she opened the fans, crossed them and let him come to her.

  She ducked and shifted inside his guard, raised her hands and separated them viciously. In the process, she also took off Loman's head. His body stood for a moment, then fell back as it lacked the control to keep it standing.

  With the fans dripping blood she turned to see how her so
n was doing. Naccar had his opponent on the ground and was demanding that he yield. Murron glared up at him sullenly and declared that he would never yield the throne to Chars' little bastard. As Naccar pondered what to do next, Murron decided for him.

  From the top of his boot he pulled another blade and shoved it into Naccar's abdomen. Blood welled and dripped down Naccar's body, but Murron would never see it. The instant that he lunged Naccar had slashed his throat.

  "Long live Naccar Hala! Long live the new king!" The shout rang out and all that Eleanor saw was Naccar buckling to his knees and she rushed to him.

  He had pulled the dagger from his gut, but she saw the barbs that ran along either side. He had severe internal damage and he would not live long enough to reign if something was not done that instant.

  Herun stood over them with his eyes stricken.

  "Does this count as an emergency?"

  "It most certainly does. Give him your wrist. It is acceptable in this situation." Herun guided her left wrist to Naccar's mouth. "Drink, Naccar, it will heal you."

  When his teeth bit into her wrist she winced. This was nothing like the sensual sharing that she had with Herun. She felt the blood being drawn from her and into her son, and she had never felt more maternal. If he could repair his body with blood from hers, she would open all her veins.

  The Imperial guard had taken up protective positions as Naccar fed, and as she felt the wounds on her wrist close, Naccar sat up.

  He accepted help to his feet from Herun. With the wound closing rapidly and the blood drying on his thigh he took the throne.

  "I hereby accept the outcome of the trial by combat. Both Murron and his blood proxy Loman were defeated." He looked to Herun. "Commander Matias, release the guardsmen that were loyal to my father from their incarceration. And round up all who raised up against the crown in the coup. We will deal with them later."

  "Sire, I do not wish to leave you undefended." Herun looked around at the appalled and hostile faces of what had obviously been supporters of the Murron regime.


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