Lucky (No Prisoners MC Book 4)

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Lucky (No Prisoners MC Book 4) Page 7

by Lilly Atlas

  It wasn’t tangible. Wasn’t something he could put his finger or even explain. It was a sense, a feeling his life had just changed. Contentment, belonging, possibilities, rightness…pure perfection all flowed through him. There was a connection between them that went far beyond mutual physical pleasure. It was powerful. It was intense.

  It was scary as shit.

  Kori must have felt it too because her eyes widened and a flash of alarm crossed her face before she lowered her eyelids. Unfamiliar and consuming emotions were easier to ignore if she cut the visual connection. It allowed her to concentrate solely on the physical and he wasn’t having any of that shit.

  If he was going to drown in this pool of madness, he was taking her with him.

  “Don’t block me out,” he said. He pulled out to the tip, then flexed his hips and plunged back in, this time with much greater force.

  A startled gasp left her lips and her eyes flew wide open. Blue irises, blurred with pleasure and vulnerability stared up at him.

  “Eyes on me. The whole time.”

  The rhythm he found was fast and hard. He pummeled her with his dick, over and over, drawing harsh cries and moans from her. Each sound was music to his ears. It wasn’t long before he found himself barreling toward a powerful orgasm. “You close, babe?”

  Her eyes remained trained on him, but they seemed unfocused, lost in the pleasure. “Yes, so, so close.”

  Thirty seconds was about all he had left in him. Delaying his orgasm until his partner came was never a challenge. Not until tonight, anyway. He shifted, scooping her legs up until they rested on his shoulders. With the new position, he sank even deeper into her. In just three strokes, Kori began to tremble and her pussy clamped down on him. His name fell from her lips over and over as she came.

  No way could he hold on with her body grabbing him like the tightest fist. He flew over the edge not two seconds after she did. Jesus Christ, he came hard. Harder than he could ever recall.

  True to her word, Kori maintained eye contact with him throughout. Never had he stared into a woman’s eyes as they came, and the experience was just as powerful as the entire encounter had been.

  “I’ll be back in one second,” he said as he dashed off to take care of the condom. When he returned, she was sitting on the edge of the bed scanning the floor for her lost clothing. “You better not be about to tell me you’re leaving.”

  She jumped and looked over her shoulder. “Oh, well, I don’t want to wear out my welcome. You can’t tell me you’re a spend-the-night kinda guy.” Now that the heat of the moment had passed, everything changed. Posture rigid, gaze unsure, she drew the bedsheet up and around her body, covering her nakedness.

  Not happening.

  Although, she had a point. He made it his business to get in, get off, and get out. Now, he wasn’t an asshole, and the woman always enjoyed herself, at least once, but when it was done, it was done. Tonight, however, the idea of Kori leaving left him cold. It was completely crazy, so out of character, even his brothers wouldn’t recognize him, but for tonight he didn’t care. That could be tomorrow’s worry.

  “I wouldn’t have stuck four condoms in my pocket if I only planned on using one.” He laid back on the bed, snagged her by the waist and toppled her down. She landed with a squeak. While she was distracted by the fall, he yanked the sheet away from her and sucked a nipple into his mouth.

  Her squeak turned into a moan and the tension drained out of her muscles.

  “Let’s see. I think we can use one on my kitchen counter because I’m getting hungry again. Then I’d give my left nut to have you ride my cock, so that’s two. Then we can take that last sucker into the shower with us while we clean up.” He winked. “We’ll be pretty dirty by then. What do you say, angel?”

  She studied him with a serious expression. What the hell was going through her mind?

  “Hmm, so that means you aren’t planning on taking me from behind.”

  That was as good as an agreement, and for reasons unknown, his heart soared. “Next time, beautiful. Next time.”

  And there would be a next time. He’d make fuckin’ sure of it.

  Chapter Twelve

  Kori suppressed a giant yawn and squirmed on the barstool. Going from a two-and-a-half-year sex drought to an all-night pleasure fest left her sore in more than a few places. A nice comfy recliner was what she needed right now, not an unforgiving, wooden barstool. But that wasn’t an option.

  Rebel had called her cell early in the morning with a million apologies for standing her up and they rescheduled for a lunch date. The timing was perfect. She needed an excuse to get away from Lucky. The intensity of what they shared, both emotionally and physically, had her running scared.

  Dinner had been spent coming to grips with the fact that she was crazy attracted to a biker and giving herself permission to indulge in one night with him. By the time they left, she’d been cool with it and prepared to break her rule.

  Then, they’d gotten back to Lucky’s place and everything was blown right out of the water. They connected on a level she’d been searching for her entire adult life, but had never found. Not to mention he talked of next time as though he wasn’t finished with her, as though he wanted to spend time with her.

  Why did he have to be a biker? A sexy, badass, alpha biker named for the ease with which he bedded women. A biker who made her laugh, made her smile, and made her come like the world was ending. A biker was the last thing she wanted or needed.

  Growing up, how many women had she seen shattered by the violence, drugs, and most of all, the infidelity rampant in an MC? Far too many for her to be jumping into bed with the first biker who looked her way. She thought of her mother. Her ol’ man, the asshole, couldn’t keep his dick in his pants if it was minus twenty degrees and he was standing in the middle of a blizzard.

  “Hey, Kori, give me five minutes then we can roll out,” Rebel said.

  Savage stood next to him, arms crossed over an impressive chest. But his eyes, that stared at her with an undisguised hunger, seemed to lack some human element. They were creepy, unsettling, and made her feel like prey. And not in the sexy I’m-about-to-ravage-you way.

  “No problem, I’m not in any kind of rush. Whenever you’re ready to go is fine by me, Rebel.” Calling him Dad didn’t seem right just yet.

  “Thanks, baby girl.”

  Her heart squeezed at the nickname. As far back as she could remember, that’s what her mother had called her, no matter how old she got. To hear it from Rebel’s lips was disturbing, but not necessarily unpleasant. Almost like her mother was there lending her approval of Kori’s choice to seek him out and spend some time in Vegas.

  “Savage can keep you company while I finish taking care of some bullshit.” He glanced between her and Savage and a smile curled his lips. “In fact, Savage, why don’t you join us for lunch?”

  Say no. Say no. She wouldn’t be rude but really didn’t want to spend an extended period of time in his presence. There was just something about him that set off her red flagometer. It had nothing to do with his heavily tattooed arms, neck, hands and probably many other parts she couldn’t see. It had nothing to do with his grim expression, hardened face or slightly crooked nose. Nope, it was those damn cold eyes.

  “I’d love to, Pres. I’ll be here with your little girl when you’re ready to bug out.”

  Rebel slapped Savage’s back then strode in the direction of his office.

  Her hackles rose. Little girl? Really?

  “Mind if I sit here?” He indicated the empty seat next to her.

  What was she supposed to say? Yes, I do mind. Please leave? “It’s all yours.”

  “You look like him, you know?” He rested back against the bar, stretching his far-reaching wingspan along the wooden bar top. If she leaned back herself, she’d pretty much be in his embrace, so she didn’t. Back straight, she remained close to the front of her stool.

  “I thought the same thing when I met him. S
ame eyes and nose.”

  Savage nodded. “Gotta say, though, you’re much better looking.”

  A genuine laugh bubbled out at his comparison of her attractiveness to her bald and bearded father whose face bore the marks of his unhealthy lifestyle. Maybe she’d been wrong in judging this book by its cover. “Well, thanks. I’m a bit relieved you think so.”

  He cupped her right shoulder then stroked his rough fingers down her arm. She jumped then grimaced when her sore lady parts bumped against the stool. Not pleasant.

  “How about after lunch we come back to my room here and I let you suck my dick?”

  Nope, she was dead on in her initial impression. Creep.

  “Uh, yeah, I don’t think so.” Did he really just ask that?

  “I’ll make sure it’s good for you, babe. You’ve got some great tits. Hot ass, too.”

  Her face flamed and her discomfort level rose to red. Mindful of her sore body parts, she slid off the stool and away from his touch. “Look, Savage. I’m kinda seeing someone.” Oh Jesus, why the hell had she said that? She’d basically just claimed Lucky. Not smart.

  The leering smile dissolved off his face and his eyes iced over. Obviously, this was not a man used to hearing the word no from women. Not surprising since club whores were ready and willing to drop to their knees for any club member at any time.

  He leaned closer. “Listen, bitch, don’t think that just because you’re the new club princess that you’re anything special. You got a snatch and a purpose just like the rest of ’em.” The look in his eye was…well, it was pretty damn savage, and whatever hunger she had a few minutes ago soured to nausea in her gut.


  Two arms banded around her waist from behind, locking her against a hard chest. A prominent bulge pressed into her lower back and a set of fur rimmed lips landed on her neck.


  How was it that after just one night, she knew him by touch alone? Granted, almost the entire night was spent experiencing said touch, but still. It was too much, too fast, and yet she’d never been more grateful for the interruption.

  She craned her neck and smiled up at him. His face was hard, attention on Savage, but after just a second he looked down at her. Then, he kissed her. The kiss was a bit too hungry, a bit too possessive for a simple greeting. It was more of a claiming, a warning to Savage.

  A bone between two snarling dogs was not what she wanted to be, and she prepared to tell both of them just that. But then Lucky pulled back and looked at her with lust-filled eyes.

  “Hey, angel,” he whispered.

  There was no posturing, no competition, no thoughts of Savage. Just Lucky’s handsome face and her rapidly breathing heart.

  “I have so much shit to do today, but I was useless. Figured I might as well come get a fix before I get back to work.”

  He genuinely sounded like he needed her to get through his morning. Her heart melted into a gooey puddle in her chest. She was swimming in some deep water and needed a life raft.

  A throat cleared and she jumped and swiveled her head back around. Rebel was back and he stared at her and Lucky with one eyebrow raised and hands on his hips.

  Whoops. Busted by Daddy like a fifteen-year-old. She chuckled but no one else seemed amused by the situation. Rebel’s mouth flattened with displeasure, Savage looked like he could murder Lucky with his bare hands, and if the tension in Lucky was any indication, he wasn’t pleased either. Crap. Rebel had told them all to keep away from her, not that it was his right to do so. She and Lucky were consenting adults. If Rebel thought he was going to parent her, he had another think coming. Still, she felt a little guilty for any trouble Lucky might get into over this.

  “So, ah, ready to go, Rebel?” Best idea was probably just to blow it off so everyone could get on with their day.

  “Yeah, I’m ready. You got a lot to do today, don’t you, Lucky? Let’s go, baby girl. You’re on the back of Savage’s bike.”

  Lucky’s arms tightened around her to the point of uncomfortable. Shit. Riding on the back of an MC member’s bike was a huge deal to them. She’d been on the back of Lucky’s last night and the way he was acting now, there was a good chance he’d go for Savage’s throat if she got within ten feet of the other man’s motorcycle.

  “Actually, I have some things to pick up this afternoon, and I’ll need the trunk space. So, I’ll just take my car and meet you at the restaurant.”

  Savage shook his head. “No can do, princess. You heard the boss, you’re riding with me.” The fuck-you-smirk on his face was aimed right at Lucky.

  “Rebel, really, I need a bunch of stuff if I’m going to stay awhile and it will be a pain in the ass if I have to come back here and get my car first. I’ll drive myself.”

  Rebel scratched a hand through his beard before nodding. “Fine. But let’s move. I’m fuckin’ hungry and I need a drink.” He turned and strode out of the club house, Savage hot on his heels.

  Kori faced Lucky but couldn’t make eye contact after that unnerving scene. “I better get going.”

  He kissed her, hard and quick, then growled against her ear. “I’ll be at Rebel’s by four. I want you there, ready to explain what the fuck I walked in on.”

  Yikes. Goodbye fun and sexy Lucky from the previous night. Hello seriously pissed off biker Lucky.

  “I’ll be there. We’ll talk.” She wiggled out of his embrace and jogged after the men.

  Two goals for the afternoon. First, survive a lunch with her new father and his leering lackey. And second, survive an interrogation by an angry biker she alternately wanted to fuck and run from. Should prove to be a day full of fun and games.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “So, you and Lucky, huh?” Rebel asked after two beers and a diet cola had been delivered to their table in the small, family run diner.

  He didn’t waste any time. Looked like they weren’t going to let that elephant stomp around the room for very long.

  “Well, uh, I guess so. I’m not exactly sure what it is yet, so no point in talking about it.” She traced drops of condensation down her glass and kept her gaze averted. One look in her eyes and they’d know she was fibbing. They’d know last night had knocked her on her ass and she hadn’t quite righted herself yet.

  “Hmm.” Rebel drank from his bottle then leaned back in his chair. “Not sure he’s the best fit for you, baby girl.”

  Was he for real? Pretty much the only thing Rebel knew about her was that she was his surprise daughter. He didn’t even know her birthday let alone what kind of man that was right for her. Not that she disagreed. Lucky definitely wasn’t for her, but there was something up Rebel’s sleeve.

  “Really? Why’s that?” The iced tea left a bitter taste in her mouth as she waited for an answer she didn’t want to hear.

  Rebel shrugged. “He’s just not one of my best men. Bit of a slacker, not a great producer. I’d be over the moon if you wanted to be an ol’ lady, but I can think of a few better men than Lucky.”

  She swallowed a rancid sip and tried to think of a response. Rebel was full of shit, she was sure of it. For some reason, he didn’t want her with Lucky and seemed to be forcing Savage, who’d been quiet through the exchange, upon her.

  Before she had a chance to open her mouth, Rebel spoke again. “Just saying, I think you should aim a little higher on the food chain.” He cast a look at Savage and the pieces clicked into place.

  Savage was being groomed to take over the club at some point. If she was his ol’ lady by the time Rebel stepped down, he probably thought he’d still have some control. MC politics. And there was why she tried so hard to stay away all these years. Now, one week into this Vegas trip, she was in lust with a biker and smack in the middle of a mess. Great.

  “You know what? I’d much rather use this time to get to know each other better. We can save the discussion of my love life for another day.”

  Rebel grunted but seemed satisfied with her request. Luckily, the perky young
waitress arrived with their lunch. After placing their meals on the table, she stuck out her chest and fluttered her eyes at Savage.

  He made no move to disguise the way he zeroed in on her breasts. The girl couldn’t have been older than eighteen. Savage had to be twice her age. Lovely. If this was how he acted when he was trying to win her over, Kori couldn’t even imagine how he’d treat an actual girlfriend.

  “Anything else I can get you? Anything at all?” Her voice was high pitched, whiney.

  Oh please. Kori mentally rolled her eyes.

  “We’re good, sweetheart.” Savage winked before digging into his fries.

  Kori’s appetite had fled an hour ago, but she forced a bite of her burger. Conversation eventually turned to the get-to-know-you questions and answers that were much more comfortable. Rebel learned her birthday, where she went to school, what she did for a living, and he asked a surprising number of questions about her mother as well.

  In return, she learned he never married, had no other children—that he knew of—and the club was his life. Savage remained mostly quiet through the meal throwing winks her way every time Rebel sang his praises, which ended up being quite frequently.

  Savage was his right-hand man. Savage kept the club running smoothly. Savage would make an amazing president one day. Savage was respected by all club members. Pretty much the only thing Rebel didn’t mention was what kind of lover Savage was. Kori could pretty much guess that one for herself.

  They lingered for about two hours before Rebel needed to get back to the clubhouse. He gave Savage a few chores and both men zoomed off on their bikes in the opposite direction she planned to take.

  It was two o’clock when she returned to Rebel’s house. That gave her two hours of peace before she had to deal with Lucky. Rebel’s liquor cabinet beckoned her and she poured herself a healthy glass of scotch. Sure, it was early, but it was a Saturday and she wasn’t planning to drive anywhere for the rest of the day. Why not imbibe?

  Maybe it would help calm the whirling in her mind that began the moment Lucky picked her up last night and only seemed to stop when she was on the verge of coming.


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