Lucky (No Prisoners MC Book 4)

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Lucky (No Prisoners MC Book 4) Page 10

by Lilly Atlas

  An hour and many handshakes later, Kori stepped outside into the warm Vegas afternoon with a new sense of purpose. She’d really enjoyed her first three weeks in Las Vegas, relaxing, coming to terms with her mom’s death, learning about her father, spending every spare second of Lucky’s time with him. But the days were spent alone and bored in Rebel’s house or Lucky’s apartment.

  It seemed like she was in no rush to leave. So that meant it was time to get a job. And an apartment. But job first.

  Lucky was turning out to be everything she’d ever hoped for in a boyfriend minus the MC status. He was attentive without being smothering, supportive, intelligent, easy to talk to, and the sex was off the charts.

  There were just two problems. Something seemed to be amiss between Lucky and his club and it was becoming difficult to ignore. As the weeks went on, the tension in him was increasing. He was moody, and seemed to have the weight of the world on his shoulders. But only when it came to the club. And in particular, when it came to anything involving Rebel or Savage.

  Sure, Rebel was still on a mission to hook her and Savage up, but she avoided the VP at all costs. Rebel had to get bored with the fruitless effort soon. Didn’t he? She’d downplayed it and kept Rebel’s efforts from Lucky as much as possible. He didn’t need to know every time Savage accidentally showed up somewhere she was or joined in on dinner with her and Rebel. Lucky didn’t need to know how Rebel talked about Savage like he as some kind of golden boy. She had less than no interest in the man and didn’t give him or Rebel a single sign indicating otherwise.

  Maybe Lucky had figured it out anyway and it was affecting his relationship with his pres and VP. Something about it just didn’t sit right. Lucky wasn’t insecure. He was strong, confident…hell, he was arrogant. And the past few days Rebel seemed to have a bug up his ass about Lucky as well. Maybe the two had a falling out neither was willing to discuss with her.

  And that led her to the second issue, the internal one. Despite the fun they had, and all Lucky’s good qualities, he was a biker and every now and then the little voice in her head reminded her of that and warned her to keep her heart guarded. Not that it was working.

  She was falling deep and hard for the man, despite her internal misgivings.

  Her phone started ringing and she dug through her purse until she located it. Lucky.

  “Hey, hon,” she said.

  “You didn’t call.”

  Kori rolled her eyes. “Lucky, I stepped out of the interview exactly thirty-two seconds ago. I’m not even in my car yet.” As she spoke, she rummaged for her keys and clicked the car doors open.

  “Wow, long interview. I’m guessing that’s a good sign.” The warm affection in his voice made her smile. “And sorry, I just want to make sure you’re safe.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be safe? It’s the middle of the day. Anyway, the interview couldn’t have gone better.” Ugh, the car was stifling. She rolled down the windows as she fired up the engine and blasted the air conditioning. “They said to expect an email with an offer letter tomorrow.”

  “Oh, baby, that’s fantastic. They’d be stupid not to hire you. We need to celebrate. I’ll be done in an hour and I’ll swing by Rebel’s to pick you up. Sound good?”

  A few drinks. Time with Lucky. Yeah, that sounded damn good. “Sounds perfect.”

  “See you in a bit, angel.”

  “Bye, Lucky.”

  “Oh, wait,” he cut in before she hit end. “Wear something short and sexy. We’ll take your car.”

  She’d give him sexy, all right. “Goodbye, Lucky.”

  A deep chuckle was the last thing she heard before she ended the call.

  His support meant everything to her. Her mother’s husband lost his shit one time when her mom said she wanted to get a job. Somehow, he saw it as a personal affront, like he wasn’t man enough to provide for her when really, she just needed something else in her life. Something for herself. Something besides the club to round her out. Most of the guys she knew from the other club were that way.

  Lucky was different than any biker she’d ever met. His reputation as a player wasn’t any kind of secret, but for the past three weeks, he hadn’t so much as glanced at another female. Now in the grand scheme of things, three weeks was a drop in the bucket. She’d be lying if she didn’t admit her doubt about his ability to be faithful for any great length of time.

  Women came on to him every time they were at the clubhouse and he was polite, but quite firm in his refusal. So far, everything was as advertised. Why then was there was a feeling in her gut that they were on a runaway train careening straight toward the end of a cliff?

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Come on, baby. Tell me what I want to hear.” Lucky pumped into her from behind with a stroke so unhurried and controlled it was bound to drive her crazy. Combined with the fact that he held her hips immobile so she couldn’t alter the pace or push back into him, she had to be going out of her mind.

  The scrap of leather she’d called a skirt was bunched around her waist, baring the smooth globes of her ass to him. He had instructed her to wear something sexy, and she sure took the request to heart. For a few moments, he worried they wouldn’t make it to the bar without pulling over somewhere so he could fuck her silly. Somehow, he’d managed a thin thread of control. She accomplished something today and deserved to celebrate.

  Three drinks later and she was whispering filthy promises in his ear while he dragged her back out to the car. His hands had been itching to stroke her ass as she bent over for him in that skirt, and the reality didn’t disappoint.

  “Luuucky,” she whined.

  There it was. “Yeah? You need something?” As she growled, he chuckled and glided one hand from her hip to her breast. With a firm touch, just how she liked it, he pinched a nipple and a long shudder ran through her.

  It was a novel experience, knowing a woman well enough and long enough to learn exactly what her body craved. Kori was putty in his hands and he found that he loved knowing exactly what he had to do to make her moan, or curse, or beg for more.

  “You know what I need. You’re killing me. I need to come. Now!” She tried to grind her hips on him, but it was useless. He held her pelvis still, buried deep inside her, unmoving. She was effectively trapped.

  Her hands clung to the top of his headboard, and she couldn’t let go without face-planting to the mattress. That meant she couldn’t touch herself, couldn’t coax the process along.

  “You can come, baby. I’ll make you come until the roof blows off this place. You just have to say it. Just one little word.” Using the same torturous leisurely stroke he’d entered her with, he pulled out until just the tip remained inside her warmth.

  It was a dangerous game. Her pussy squeezed the head of his cock like she was trying desperately to draw him back in. His dick was practically screaming at him to slam into her, but he held back.

  There was something he needed from her before he could give in to the mind-altering pleasure he found every time they fucked. It was important to keep his wits about him until she gave him what he wanted.

  She groaned. “Lucky, this is coercion. It’s not how you get people to do things. And it would never hold up in a court of law.”

  He laughed, hard, and his condom-covered dick slipped further inside her. They both gasped. “You a lawyer now, angel?” She’d gone on the pill but hadn’t been on it long enough to ditch the rubbers.

  He swiped a thumb across her clit. Not enough to get her off, but enough to make her crazy.

  “Fuck! Lucky.” She slapped the headboard. “This is so unfair.”

  “Come on, baby. You know you want to move in here with me. You’re here every night anyway. It would be stupid to pay rent on your own place when you’ll be here anyway.”

  He returned both hands to her hips and started up a lazy, unsatisfying rhythm.

  In. Out. In. Out.

  Teasing thrusts that would keep her near the edge but never let her

  “We’ve only been dating three weeks.” Her voice grew ragged, strained. “This is crazy. People don’t move in together after just three weeks.”

  It was crazy. But he didn’t care. She’d invaded every part of his life and embedded herself so far under his skin he couldn’t remember what it was like before. And didn’t want to remember. He wanted what they had to last, to grow. “Fuck people,” he said. “I’m thirty-fucking-four and I’ve been around enough to know that I want you.” He gave her one hard thrust and she cried out. “You’re mine, Kori. You know it. Just admit it and move the fuck in here with me.”

  She didn’t respond so he licked a trail from the base of her spine to her neck. The salty essence of Kori flooded his senses threatening the thin grip on his sanity.

  When she shivered, he gently bit the slope of her neck. “I’m scared,” she whispered, so low he almost missed it.

  Ahh, so that was the resistance. An unfamiliar warmth flooded his chest. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to move in with him, but she had reservations. Who could blame her?

  Hell, he was scared too. But his fear stemmed more from the chance of her leaving than staying. Who would have ever thought he’d be convincing a woman to live with him. Not anyone who knew him. Things changed. He was certain, to his bones, that he wanted this woman in his life. Any doubts or intrusive thoughts were overshadowed by his physical and emotional desire for her.

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” he whispered against her ear, drawing another shiver from her.

  “You can’t promise that.” Her voice was small, worried.

  “I can promise I won’t fuck you over. Won’t fuck around on you. I’ll fuck you,” he said and smiled when she laughed. “I’ll fuck you every chance I get, but I will not betray you, Kori.” They’d talked a few times about her mother’s relationship with her ol’ man. About Kori’s fear of being cheated on and how it spurred her attempt at distancing herself from bikers. About the disrespect women involved with MCs were often treated with. He hoped he’d shown her over the past few weeks how different it would be with him. He never wanted to see anything hurt her, let alone be the one to cause her pain or heartache.

  She was quiet again and he dropped his head to her shoulder. Her back was warm and dotted with perspiration. They’d been at this for a while.

  Shit. It wasn’t going to happen. She wasn’t convinced of his ability to commit and remain faithful. For the first time in his life, he regretted his past and reputation. Maybe she was right to. Could he really commit? Just because his heart and his head were saying he could now didn’t mean it would last.

  No. He could do it. He wasn’t sure it would last for the rest of their lives. It had only been a few weeks. But he was sure he wanted it, wanted her, for as long as he could have her.


  “What?” Had she just agreed? Holy shit. His heart drummed and his ears buzzed with the possibility of getting what he craved. Still inside her, his cock swelled and threated to explode.

  She spoke louder. “I’ll move in here with you.”

  “Oh, thank fuck.” He didn’t give her an opportunity to say anything else. Sure, it made him a caveman, but the fierce sense of possession that tore through him was overwhelming. She was his, had agreed to live with him, but even that wasn’t enough. He needed to brand her, wanted every cell of her body full of him. Needed the world to know who she belonged to.

  With a victory roar, he pulled out and slammed back into her, fucking her with rough, powerful snaps of his hips.

  “Oh my God,” she cried, her bloodless knuckles clutching the headboard for all she was worth. There was no choice but to cling to it for dear life or he’d probably send her crashing through the wall.

  He was in a frenzy, could think of nothing else but the clasp of her pussy around his cock as he pummeled her again and again. Whimpers flew out of her mouth with every thrust. From the way he grasped her hips as he fucked her, she’d have bruises for sure. But he didn’t care. In fact, he couldn’t wait to see his fingerprints on her creamy skin. Evidence of how insane he’d been for her.

  Her cries grew louder and her body trembled beneath him. She was close. He slid his hands up her soft stomach until he reached her nipples. She detonated with an intense orgasm the moment he pinched them, crying his name out loud.

  He followed milliseconds behind her, the orgasm stealing his ability to breathe. As his body jerked over hers, he sunk his teeth into the same spot he’d nipped just moments ago. This time though, he bit hard enough to leave a mark. It set off a potent aftershock in her and she gasped.

  Now that the sweat was cooling, some of Lucky’s brain power returned and a bit of guilt crept in. He’d been pretty rough with her and while he liked it raw, wild, animalistic, it wasn’t every woman’s thing and they hadn’t discussed it prior. Not to mention the fact that it was over the top, even for him.

  She grew limp and her hands started to slide down the headboard. Before she had the chance to collapse, he slid an arm under her waist and eased her down onto the bed. He turned her in his arms until he could see her face, gauge her reaction.

  “Are you, uh—” He cleared his throat. “You okay?”

  Her eyes were closed but she smiled. “I’m not sure. Am I still alive?”

  Shame hit him hard. “Jesus, Kori, I’m sorry. That was…I was way too rough.”

  Her eyelids popped open, and wide blue eyes stared at him. “Huh?”

  “I completely lost control. I attacked you, fucked you way too hard.” The more he thought about it the worse he felt.

  A satisfied smile graced her lips. “Look, Lucky, I’ll admit it was…vigorous. And I’ll also admit I’ve never been fucked like that before, anywhere near that, really. But, um…” Her face turned a charming shade of pink. “I liked it.”

  It was as though his heart stopped dead in his chest. “What?”

  “It was hot. You owned me, completely dominated me. I couldn’t do anything but take what you wanted to give me. It felt so good. Amazing.”

  It shouldn’t be physically possible after the colossal orgasm two minutes ago, but his cock stirred. “I left bruises on you, baby. Bit you. Hard.”

  The blush on her cheeks deepened. “Am I a freak if I liked that too? Actually, I loved it.”

  Fully hard once again, he groaned. “No, baby, it doesn’t make you weird. It makes you fuckin’ perfect for me.”

  “Good,” she said. “I want to be perfect for you.”

  He ran his hands all over her, couldn’t seem to make himself stop touching her. She could have a little time to rest, but it wouldn’t be long before he needed back inside her sweet heat. Never had he had it so good as he did with Kori. But it was more than just fucking.

  Never in his life had he stuck around for the post-orgasm conversation, cuddling, and sleeping. Never had he called a woman at least once a day for no reason beyond hearing her voice. Never had he planned his schedule around her availability. Never had he wanted to open his eyes each morning to the same beautiful sight.

  The irony of it was, the fact that she spent years trying to avoid bikers was what drew him to her. She knew his world, fit it, could handle it, but wasn’t hardened like many of the women he met through the club. She maintained her softness, her femininity while still being able to challenge him. Most of the girls around the club were so intent on becoming an ol’ lady they’d do and say anything to please a man. Not Kori. Kori had spunk, personality. Kori challenged him to be better. For her. Yet she did it without being bitter. And all of this was before he even delved into how she appealed to him physically. She was like a drug. He finally understood how someone could sell their soul for a fix.

  In fact, there was a good chance he’d already done it. As the weeks passed, he grew angrier with Rebel and Savage for their abuse of the club, but what the hell was he doing about it? Not a goddamn thing. Now that Kori was in his life, he didn’t want to rock the boat. It made him a fuckin’
hypocrite. Condemning those who sold and trafficked drugs while not doing a damn thing to stop it.

  Fucking Rebel.

  And now he was moving the man’s daughter into his apartment.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Kori existed in a heavenly state somewhere between arousal and delicious lassitude. Masculine, work-roughened hands coasted up her arms, down her sweat-dotted back and over her ass, again and again, inducing a sort of hypnotic state of pleasure. Everywhere he touched, small ripples of electricity shot along her skin, prolonging her orgasmic bliss.

  It took a few minutes for her brain to catch up with the fact that Lucky had stopped talking and now wore an unreadable, but not satisfied expression. An almost…lost and shattered look had entered his eyes and while it appeared he was staring at her, she was sure he wasn’t actually seeing anything.

  “Hey.” She scraped a thumbnail over his flat masculine nipple, eliciting a jolt from him. After a few blinks, his dark gaze seemed to come back into focus. “I think I lost you for a second there. Where’d you go?”

  “Sorry, baby.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Just thinking about some club issues.”

  “So all that wasn’t enough to relax your mind?”

  He snorted. “Babe, that was enough to melt my mind. I’m sorry.” A heavy sigh escaped. “There’s just a bit of troubling shit going down now and it snuck in for a moment. Nothing for you to be worried about though, okay?”

  No, not okay, but she didn’t say that. She’d need to learn to be okay with it. A few minutes ago she’d agreed to move in with the man. This was how MC life worked. Club business stayed within the club whether she liked it or not. Hopefully, he’d come to her in his own time if he needed a sounding board. She had to trust in that. In the meantime, there were plenty of other things she still needed to learn about him. “So, how did you get involved with the club?”

  “Oh, Christ.” While he spoke, he rolled to his back and propped his head on a few pillows, taking her with him. As though she weighed nothing, he positioned her across his warm chest. She settled in with her legs between his and her chin resting on her stacked palms. It gave her the perfect view of his face as he shared his story.


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