Aeromancist: The Beginning

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Aeromancist: The Beginning Page 4

by Charmaine Pauls

  You’re missing a glove, Katherine. You know where to find it. 18h00 sharp. Don’t keep me waiting.

  The undertone of dominance and promised retribution in the message sent a shiver down her spine that wasn’t all unpleasant. Despite the afternoon heat, her skin broke out in goose bumps. This had to stop. Now.

  Without giving it another thought, she wrapped the book in the cloth and grabbed her purse. It was a short walk to the nearest metro, and after thirty minutes, changing lines once, she got off near the monastery. She marched the two blocks to its double arched doors, annoyance at Lann’s persistence fuelling her steps. If he hadn’t tried so hard to distract her, she’d be happily working now, darn it. The doors opened even before she pressed the button on the intercom. Kat glanced up at the security camera. No doubt, the infuriating Russian, or his security guard, had seen her coming. It was Alfonso who stood in the entrance.

  “Good afternoon, Miss,” he said, his face expressionless. “You’re early.”

  She shot him a look meant to have him cowering, but the butler didn’t falter when he turned and told her in a formal tone to follow him.

  He didn’t take her upstairs to Lann’s office, as she had expected, but to the library. A sense of dread and anticipation filled her at the thought of the conversation that had ended there the day before, but she pushed it from her mind and focused on her aggravation to give her courage.

  Alfonso opened the door, and when she entered, he closed it softly. For a moment, she thought she was alone, but then she caught a movement to the side, and her heart jerked when she saw him. Could she ever get used to how striking he was? He wore a white dress shirt, the first three buttons left undone, the sleeves rolled up, and tight, black jeans. His loose hair fell around the light table where he was bent over a book. Next to him stood a wooden box with a set of loupes. When he straightened and lifted his head, her breath caught at the obvious pleasure she saw in his eyes as he spotted her. He studied her from behind dark-rimmed Prada glasses while his lips curved into a smile. As he flattened his palms on the table, the muscles in his arms flexed.


  His accent made her name sound exotic, and he said it as if she was the most important person in his life. For a second she basked in the illusion, enjoying the sensation of being at the center of Lann’s world. But then a woman’s voice sounded from behind the alcove in the center of the hall.

  “Did you call for me, Lann?”

  A brunette peered around the arch. Kat recognized the pretty librarian.

  “Magda, you and Katherine know each other, don’t you?” Lann said, keeping his eyes on Kat.

  “Oh.” Magda seemed surprised. “Hi Kat.” She waved with a little frown, and then disappeared again.

  He rounded the table slowly and walked to her with leopard-like strides. His strange eyes held hers as he removed his gloves and took her hand. This time he pressed his lips to her skin.

  “I didn’t expect you until six. You have no idea how happy this makes me.”

  His words pulled her from her mesmerized state. “I came here to return this,” she said as she thrust the book at him, “and to tell you to stop sending me things. I can’t be bought.”

  He took the book and left it with a lazy movement on the display cabinet next to them. Then, in the next minute he bellowed, “Everyone out.”

  Kat jumped. She took a step back but he grabbed her hand.

  “Not you.” He frowned at her. “You stay.”

  She watched as a bewildered Magda and her five assistants appeared. They shot curious glances her way before filing through the door.

  When they were alone, he said, “I wanted you to have it.” The calmness was back in his voice, but his tone carried a note of steel. “I don’t buy women.”

  “Well, I won’t have it. Stop sending me gifts.”

  They challenged each other for a charged moment, until Kat realized she was all but gaping at him, transfixed by his latent strength and deceptive calm exterior.

  “I’m leaving.” Dammit! She sounded breathless.

  He crossed his arms. “No, you’re not.”

  She blinked. “Excuse me?”

  His gaze was steady. “This time, I’m not letting you get away so easily.”

  “You can’t keep me here against my will.”

  “That’s not my intention.” He took a step toward her.

  “Then what is?” She refused to back up. She wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of knowing he intimidated her.

  “This,” he said, reaching out and touching her hair. He rolled the strands between his thumb and forefinger.

  Kat could only stare at him like a bird who knew the snake was going to strike, but was paralyzed with fear. Her fear wasn’t for the man who faced her, because instinctively she knew he wouldn’t harm her, but for herself, for her inability to resist someone who would only play with her and leave her broken when the game was over.

  “And now, I’m going to kiss you, Katherine.”

  She looked up at him dumbly, feeling like a doll, unable to get her mind to focus or to push words past her mouth. He moved slowly, so that she had ample time to pull away, to run for the door, but she stood frozen to the spot. Lann removed his glasses, holding them in one hand while the other went to the back of her neck. He cupped her nape gently and brought his lips inches from hers. He waited, as if for a rejection of his touch, and when she still didn’t move, his long lashes closed over his eyes as he gave himself over to an expression that said he was going to enjoy a rare and favorite treat.

  When his lips touched hers, it wasn’t rough and wild as she expected, but tender. At first, he kept still, giving her time to get used to the sensation. As he lightly brushed his mouth over hers, she gulped and realized she desperately wanted to taste more. Her tense body softened and arched to his as she searched for something more intense in his caress. As if sensing her need, he brought his mouth over hers with more pressure. He molded her lips to his will. His tongue teased her lips until she eagerly opened for him. She moaned under the skillful kiss. He infiltrated all of her senses. He smelled delicious, of citrus and cinnamon. Powerful chest muscles flexed under her palms. His body pressed up against hers, hard and lean, his erection growing against her stomach.

  Kat’s eyes flew open. Ashamed of her weak will, she pushed away from him. Lann didn’t contest. He let her go, allowing her to place two steps between them. He didn’t say anything, just stood there and watched her.

  Kat’s hand went to her lips. “I didn’t mean to ... I’m sorry.”

  He gave her a strained smile, as if he was fighting to contain himself. “Don’t be.”

  He replaced his glasses, assessing her with his observant eyes while Kat tried to calm her breathing.

  “It obviously was a mistake to come here.”

  “Katherine,” he said, unnaturally soft, “you’re torturing me.”

  She could only stare at him, at a loss for words.

  His tone softened. “What is holding you back? Is it that pathetic excuse of a boyfriend?”

  She gasped. “What do you know about Mac?”

  “Did he ever give you an orgasm? Did he know how to make you scream?” She shook her head to make him stop, but he was relentless. “Yes, I know he was your first and only lover, and although I’m angered by your self-degrading choice in a partner, I’m also happy that I’ll be the first to make you come undone, to claim your control, to hear your pleas for more. And I intend to give you all of it, everything you’re going to beg me for.”

  The blood shot from her heart up and down her body. Her cheeks burned while heat accumulated between her legs. Sensations that assaulted her reason exploded in her body parts.

  “I won’t keep you from your studies if that’s what you’re worried about,” he said in a low voice. “You said it’s important to you, and I respect that.”

  Kat couldn’t believe this conversation was taking place. He was the most forward, u
nusual man she had ever met. He could have anyone in the world. Any woman would fall down at his feet with the flick of his fingers.

  “Why me?” she whispered.

  “Because I want you more than I’ve ever wanted a woman before.” His eyes were so intense, Kat swore they turned a shade darker. “And because you move the air for me.”

  “Move the air?”

  “You touch me in a way that ... I never thought possible.”

  His declaration was a powerful aphrodisiac. It even boosted her ego. But this was all physical. And she was an emotional woman, especially where sex was concerned.

  Kat took a shaky breath. “You don’t know anything about me.”

  “Don’t I? I know you’ll like it in my bed, because making love is like flying, Katherine. You want it hot and wild, don’t you? You want to lose control. My bed is the one place where you don’t have to take control.”

  Her breasts hardened painfully. No man had ever been so direct with her regarding his sexual intentions. She was pulled between her desire for him and her mind urging her to run.

  “I’m not asking for your life,” he said, his patience all acting. Kat could see the tension in his body. “Give me thirty days. In return, I promise you pleasure like nothing you’ve ever experienced.”

  “You want to have sex with me for a month?”

  “Just a month. And then I’ll set you free.”

  A small tremor ran over her body.

  “When we’re together, you’ll be mine, in every sense of the word.” He closed the distance between them and smoothed his hands up and down her arms. “We need to talk about rules. If you agree, I will treat your verbal affirmation the same as any signed contract.”

  “Rules? What contract?”

  “For the duration of our agreement, starting today, you stay here, with me. Since our time is limited, I want you by my side day and night. You can work from here. I’ll bring in anything you need. I won’t keep you from your studies. On the contrary, you’ll have unlimited access to the library and my resources.” He paused, giving her time for his words to sink in. “I won’t do anything to your body without your permission. I expect your exclusivity. When you’re with me, you’re mine.” His fingers grasped her chin. “I won’t tolerate another man’s hands on you, or your touch on another man. Is that clear?”

  Kat nodded in his grip, and by doing so, realized with shock that she was making it seem as if she not only agreed to his proposal, but also to his rules. She tried to pull back, but this time he held fast.

  “I like to fuck, so I’ll claim you often, but I won’t do so if it’ll harm you in any physical way. All I ask is that you don’t deny me unnecessarily.” He brushed his thumb over her lower lip. “Lastly, I’ll provide you with medical reports dated yesterday, stating that I don’t have any sexually transmittable diseases.”

  The clinical statement pulled her back to reality and somewhat cooled the heat that surged through her. “I can’t do it.”

  “Why not? You want me. And don’t try to deny it.” She opened her mouth, but he didn’t give her time to make a snappy remark. “You’re not in a relationship. What’s there to lose?”

  Her heart. But she wasn’t going to admit to her fear of her emotions.

  At her prolonged silence, he said, “Don’t make this a battle of wills. I already know you’re a strong woman. You don’t have to prove it to me. You can fight me, but I’d hate to have to break your will.”

  All of what he said was true. She wanted him. She was resisting, not wanting to get burned. But he could break her will. Something told her it wouldn’t take much.

  “I’ve never done this before,” she said, her voice barely audible.

  “Neither have I. I’ve never been with a woman for more than one night.”

  His statement surprised her. It even pleased her. Every cell in her body was throbbing in need. Still, her body wasn’t supposed to rule her mind.

  “Lann, this is crazy.”

  “You’re a passionate woman, Katherine. Don’t be frightened to take what you want.”

  Could she? Wasn’t this her fantasy? Already she felt her resistance sliding as practical questions started taking over in her mind. “So, if I agree to your proposal, you’ll need me to have tests done?”

  “That won’t be necessary. I’ve already seen your medical records.”

  Nothing Lann said should have shocked her, but it did.

  “Any questions?” He released her chin.

  Was she seriously going to have a relationship with Lann Dréan, the most evasive man on the continent, maybe in the world, for thirty days? Her body already told her yes, even as her mind questioned her sanity. A month in his bed... She had never had as much as a one-night stand. Her life was ruled by control, by order, not by impulsive decisions or lustful choices. And suddenly, as she looked back on her dull and uneventful life, she knew she was going to do it. For once, she was going to throw caution to the wind, and maybe even control. Even Mac had been a decision based on logic, and look where that had left her. Another thought hit her. Since she had broken up with Mac, she hadn’t been on the pill.

  “What about birth control?” she said, her cheeks growing warm with a feeling of awkwardness.

  “You don’t need to worry about that. I’m infertile.” He said it like it didn’t matter to him, his face impossible to read.

  “Oh,” she said, not knowing what else to say. “Good, I guess. I mean, not for you,” she added hastily. “We’re both clean, but would you want to use condoms?”

  “No. What would be the point? In Russia we say using a condom is like smelling a flower with a gasmask.” He cocked his brow. “Wouldn’t you agree?”

  Her cheeks burned hotter. If anyone had told her this morning that she would be standing here discussing a month-long physical relationship in clinical detail with Lann Dréan, she would have laughed in his face. When Diana learned of this, she would never hear the end of it.

  “If I ... agree to do this, I have to tell my roommate. She’ll want to know why I’m moving out for a month.”

  “You can tell her that you’re staying here. Nothing more.” His voice held a warning when he said, “I don’t like talking out of the bedroom.”

  Fair enough. She wasn’t the kind who liked to share intimate experiences with her friends, anyway.

  “What is your answer, Katherine? Think carefully. I’ll hold you to your decision.”

  She took a deep breath. Before she could change her mind, she blurted, “Yes.”

  “After thirty days, you will walk away, and never look back. Can you do that for me?”

  He was asking for a physical affair. No emotions, no love. He couldn’t have made himself any clearer.

  “I understand.”

  He took both her hands and kissed them. His eyes were so heated she thought he might do more, a lot more, but Lann stepped away from her and checked his watch. “It’s only five. Do you care to join me in finishing my evaluation of this book?” He motioned to the table where he had been standing when she entered. “We’ll get you settled in before dinner.”

  Kat’s stomach summersaulted. If she had a wise bone in her body, she’d be running right now. But instead of running, she took the hand he offered, and allowed him to pull her next to him, his arms and thighs brushing against her from time to time as he explained the content of the book, quoting Latin phrases, and showing her what needed repair.

  After a grueling hour of his proximity, his deep, calm voice doing nothing to relax her, he finally put the book away, and turned to her.

  “Come, Katherine.”

  If the smile he gave her was meant to be soothing, it had the opposite effect. Her body was as tight as a string. He took her hand and led her outside. Kat looked around, wondering where the librarian and everyone else had gone.

  “Where are Magda and the others?” she said.

  “They get off at five.”

  They walked down the hallway and up t
he stairs to the end of the landing. He opened the second to the last door and pulled her inside.

  Kat was too aware of the fact that he had closed the door to inspect the room in which she found herself. She glanced back at him, her heart pounding.

  Lann’s expression was warm, affectionate even. He crossed his arms. “Do you like your new room?”

  Her room? Now Kat paid attention. There was a big bed in the center of the floor, a living area facing a balcony, and two doors on opposite sides. It was a handsome room, masculine, with dark wood furniture and finishes in tones of burnt orange.

  “Will this do?” Lann said.

  Realizing his question didn’t require an answer, she remained silent.

  “Good,” he said. “Now, krasavitsa, take off your clothes for me.”

  Chapter Three

  This was not what Kat had expected. At least, not like this. She stared at Lann with wide eyes. “What do you mean?”

  “You heard me,” he said softly.

  “I ... this is awkward.”

  “You’re like a string ready to snap. Let’s just get this part over with so you can relax and enjoy the rest of the evening.”

  Kat bit her lip. “Aren’t you supposed to ... uh ... seduce me or something?”

  “I want you to come to me freely. If I have to seduce you, it’ll mean you’re not compliant.”

  She swallowed. “I don’t think I can do it. Not like this.”

  “Why not? You have the face of an angel, the body of a goddess.” He stepped up to her and caressed her cheek. “You have all the reasons in the world to be confident, Katherine. Don’t you know you’ll have me on my knees at the drop of your dress?” His palms brushed over her shoulders. “So, let me show you what you can do to me.”


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