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Protector Page 13

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “And you look–” He crooked his finger, beckoning me closer. “Too far away.”

  I grabbed my bag and joined him as I heard a noise down the hallway. “Okay, now that’s definitely my mother. She seriously doesn’t need to see you here in my bedroom–again.”

  His lips touched my cheek as he firmed his grip on my hand. “To school. The bell has likely rung by now.” Then we moved. The precision of his jump meant we arrived behind the trunk of the largest football field tree. The bell peeled loud and clear.

  “Let’s go,” Davio urged, pulling me around the grassy perimeter toward the mathematics block.

  There was Viv, upright and propped up outside our Calculus classroom with her dark locks clipped behind her ear as she chewed on the universal teenager’s wad of gum. She blew a purple bubble and popped her mouthful, pushing off the wall. She wore skinny black jeans and a white “I-heart-New Zealand” t-shirt.

  “Hey, don’t you think I’m starting to look the part?” Viv popped another bubble, acting as if she hadn’t held a blade to my neck the day before.

  Davio laughed. “I believe you are. I’m impressed.” Then his gaze narrowed. “Where’s Zac?”

  She touched her hip. “He’s not always glued to my side.” Then she peered over her shoulder through the classroom door’s square-glass window. We all spotted Zac standing behind his desk, his gaze on Viv. “As you can see Zac and Belle are inside. We’re only waiting for you guys and Silvie to show.”

  At that precise second, Silvie skidded around the corner, a blur of bright yellow and red as she sped toward us. How her iridescent yellow tank top and red mini skirt suited her pale complexion, I had no idea. She was simply one of those rare redheads who could wear any spectrum of color, and for her, the brighter the better.

  “Quick, let’s get a seat.” She snatched my wrist, dragging me into class. “Mr. Houghton is on my six. I don’t care for another detention slip right now.

  “But, I–”

  She yanked out a chair and dumped me in it.

  Behind me, I heard Davio’s groan. “Silvie was fast this time. I’ll sit further back with Belle. I’ll keep my distance so there’s no pain for us.”

  Silvie snapped her fingers in front of me. “Mr. Houghton is here.”

  Feeling a bump on the leg of my chair, I turned. In the seat behind me, Zac leaned forward. “Did you have a nice sleep?”

  Intending to growl him, I caught sight of Belle laying her hand on Davio’s forehead as he sat. I was on my feet. “Of all the damn nerve.”

  Zac stood, blocking my sight. “Belle is relaxing him. It’s her job, and it only takes a second.”

  I moved my head from side to side, attempting to peer over his shoulder. Man, the emotional swings of being mated were definitely crappy. I took a deep breath and sat.

  Mr. Houghton shut the door as the final student entered and handed him a pink late slip.

  Silvie knocked my arm with her elbow and set a pen in front of me. “You can thank me for that later.”

  I gave her a nod as I watched Mr. Houghton cross to his desk. He dropped a pile of papers on it and shuffled through the first few. Finding what he wanted, he looked out at the class. “Open your textbooks. I’ll put the page number on the board.” Heading to it with a black marker in hand, he scribbled across the board’s surface and the lesson began.

  I wriggled in my seat, because behind me Zac and Viv whispered. Then without turning my head, I extended my hearing toward where Davio sat. Except I halted as I caught two students’ conversation instead.

  “I seriously can’t believe how hot he is. Even the name Loveria is hot.” I spun on my bottom, seeing Lauren smack her glossy red lips together, one hand tossing about in her expensively bleached-blond hair.

  “Yeah, I’m so gonna get him into my bed,” Melanie Steeples hissed. She pressed her brightly painted pink fingernail against her plump lower lip. Oh boy, Melanie was the worst kind of bragger, not to mention she had the slumming reputation for sleeping with almost every guy she could get her well-manicured fingers on.

  I groaned and buried my head in my upturned palms, because I wasn’t going to make it through an hour of Calculus if I had to listen to those two pampered misses.

  Belle. I didn’t hesitate to open our telepathic link. We’re going to have to swap places. Now if you don’t mind.

  Oh? Frantic chair scraping from the back of the room. Why can I feel your distress so strongly?

  Duh! Because you’re an empath. I snatched up my books and squeezed Silvie’s shoulder. “I gotta go and sit with my boyfriend before I kill Melanie and Lauren and bury their bodies in my backyard. I’ll explain later.”

  Silvie tapped her pen on my rear. “You are making less sense as every day passes. Go.”

  I did, breezing to the back as Davio focused his sight entirely on me.

  Ah, I could drown in his seriously hot stare.

  Only my moment of delight came to a halt as from my left, Melanie and Lauren’s chatter continued. Something about me swapping seats with Belle and how dare I? Only Davio stood and reached out, guiding me the rest of the way to Belle’s now vacated seat. I followed his lead and ignored the other girls’ vindictive words as I sat.

  He tugged my chair closer to his, sweeping an arm over the back of my shoulders. “Do not concern yourself over them.”

  “I wasn’t. I know how you go through withdrawals when not in my company. I couldn’t have you getting all explosive in class.” Peering to the front of the room, I checked on Mr. Houghton, finding his back still turned.

  I was in the clear.

  Rolling my shoulders, I tried to analyze my feelings. It seemed jealously was a very real emotion and one currently making me feel as if I were a love-sick fool. I couldn’t have that.

  “Hey, do you see that, Mel,” Lauren muttered in a tone I easily picked up. “You and I should have first dibs on him.”

  “Faith’s a slut. He hasn’t been here for long, and she’s already picked him up.”

  As he squeezed my hand, Davio actually grinned. “Watch Zac and Viv.”

  I peered in their direction, seeing them through the seated students. Viv ripped off a sheet of paper–as did Zac. A second later, they balled them up, and with the complete accuracy born of great marksmanship, the paper missiles flew and hit Melanie and Lauren directly in their foreheads.

  Beside me, Davio chuckled as Melanie and Lauren spluttered. Around us, other students laughed at them too. Mr. Houghton, with his head of gray hair and black-smudged fingertips turned around, attempting to see where the sudden amusement ringed from.

  The room quieted. Mr. Houghton shook his aged head, cleared his throat and returned to his cherished whiteboard.

  I looked at Davio. “Zac and Viv did that for me?”

  He leaned in and nuzzled my cheek. “They are protectors. None would sit idly by and listen to your name being slurred, no matter what has transpired. Just be grateful that they didn’t bring their side-daggers into school, otherwise it would have not been paper missiles.”

  To Davio it was such a simple explanation. But not to me. And side-daggers?

  “By all rights your esteemed protectors should be slaughtering me.”

  His chair scraped a little. “I will hear no more of that. I’ve made it clear to them you are mine. I adore you.” He gripped my hand.

  Silent seconds passed, ones where I looked deep into his eyes.

  Leaning forward, he kissed my cheek. “I said I adore you.”

  I nodded my head. “Trust me, I heard you.”

  His lips twitched. “No one will be able to make me as happy as you will.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Likely no one will provoke you and be as great a nuisance, either.”

  His eyes glittered at that declaration. “Nothing you say will drive me away from you.”

  I pulled my hand out of his and picked up my pen. “Stop chatting. I have a Calculus exam in less than three months, and I would appreciate being ab
le to pass it.”

  Nothing stopped him. He slid his elbows forward on his desk, his voice dropping lower. “Is it possible you feel guilt?”

  Not prepared to answer, I busied myself writing down Mr. Houghton’s calculations from the board.

  “Look at me.”

  “I’m not listening to you. Please, try and look busy. If we get caught talking, we’ll end up with pink slips. And trust me you don’t need an afterschool detention at a time when you need to leave for Peacio.”

  He leaned in closer. “Mr. Houghton is practically deaf otherwise we’d have already scored a handful of them. What have I said to upset you?”

  “Whoa. Mel look,” Lauren grumped.

  For heaven’s sake. It appeared our doings had again captured the attention of the two classroom vixens.

  I saw Lauren shove an elbow into Melanie’s side.

  “Oomph. I saw, Lauren. He’s clearly besotted with her and why, I have no freakin’ idea. Faith is too skinny and she has next to no boobs.”

  I froze at their comment, my gaze lowering. Sure, I was a B cup, and unlike them, I hadn’t had my breasts surgically enhanced to their backbreaking DD’s.

  While that thought ran through my mind, two missiles of white-balled paper zoomed from the front. Melanie and Lauren squeaked as the projectiles hit them fair and square in their heads.

  Davio chuckled. “Just ignore them. Zac and Viv are dealing with it. My protectors are still wound up after last night and those girls...” He paused, taking a second to clear his throat. “They clearly have no idea what they speak of.”

  “Thank you.” I smiled. “For those nice words, I’ll go so far as admitting I admire and trust you.”

  “Only admire?”

  I lifted a brow. “Yep.” I picked up my blue pen and tapped his nose. “You have a big enough head without me giving you anymore compliments.”

  The corner of his lips lifted and his eyes crinkled. “You like the size of my head?”

  I didn’t give in to answering. Instead, I focused on Mr. Houghton’s droning voice, and tipped up my textbook. Page one-hundred and one. Paragraph four.

  I sighed. Oh how boring.

  Chapter 8

  As I made my way down the hallway, I heard Davio’s low growl first. It came from the direction of Belle’s dining room. Zac and Viv were supposedly with him while Belle had told me she and Silvie were collecting supplies for the weekend.

  As my forewarning activated I stilled. A wavering vision of Davio and his two protectors appeared before my eyes. Shocked, I closed my eyes focusing only on the vision and immediately noticed a fourth person standing slightly to the side. He was unknown to me–a young man with short, springy red-gold hair.

  Slowly the short-lived vision melted away.

  Wow, my forewarning, my ability to see what was to come had definitely advanced. But why had I been forewarned about there being another man in the house?

  I waited, hoping for more, recalling Alexo’s solemn words. “Your skills grow fast. They are cementing and strengthening just as your powerful lineage demands.”

  It seemed the more I used them the stronger they would become.

  That thought thrilled me since I was eager to experience what Alexo had shown me of his skill.

  Loud complaints came from ahead as Viv strode down the hallway toward me, blocking my passage.

  “I was coming. I only needed a moment,” I assured her. “There’s another man here and I had a warning. Who is he?”

  “It’s Silas. Silvie and Belle will be back in a minute, and you mustn’t dally, not when there is still much to do this day.”

  “Has something happened?” I already knew I should be quick.

  “Silas is here and ready to ensure Davio’s return. We should have left. The protectors in Peacio have been called together and are awaiting us. We have spies to find,” she reminded me.

  “Then let’s go.”

  “Make your goodbyes fast, Faith. Silas has never been one to dawdle.”

  Ah, finally I was to meet the ominous Silas.

  Stepping past her, I entered the wide-open space of the dining room, spotting Davio at the eight-seater oak table. His gaze veered immediately to mine and he stood, holding out his hand toward me.

  “Come, Faith, and meet my esteemed cousin, Silas, since there is a second.” Silas and Zac joined him in standing as I crossed the room to his side. To Silas, he said, “I’d like to introduce Faith Stryker to you.”

  His cousin inclined his red-gold head rather respectfully. “It’s a pleasure to meet you at last. Davio has obviously spoken of you.”

  I inhaled slowly as I took in the man who Davio called his right hand, his family, the one I’d viewed just seconds before in my forewarning. He towered in height, standing with his legs planted firmly apart and a sword belted on his right hip. It glinted against the dark leather pants he wore.

  Then I stiffened.

  “Hold on, I’ve seen you before.” And I meant before, before.

  There was a flittering image–a memory from just a few short weeks ago. Silas had been in Silvie’s home, in the hallway just outside her bedroom door when I’d popped around before school, although this man had seemingly disappeared right before my eyes. I’d believed myself to have imagined the entire episode.

  Davio secured his arm firmly around my waist, reinforcing his complete presence. “This is Silas, Faith. You can’t have seen him before.”

  “B-but…” I stumbled to a stop, turning my disturbed gaze to Davio’s.

  What was the truth?

  I hadn’t known Davio back then when I’d thought to have first seen Silas.

  My gaze switched back and forth between the two, Silas to Davio, Davio to Silas, Silas to Davio. My shock continued to unravel images within my mind. Numbly, I pushed away to stand on my own, to understand what the dated memory in my mind was. “Exactly who are you, Silas? And how do you know Silvie?”

  With his solid build and broad shoulders, he was not someone to forget.

  Then the knowledge came to me, harshly with its truthfulness. “I can’t believe this. I know I’ve seen you at Silvie’s–and I mean her house–outside her bedroom door.”

  I pressed a hand to my forehead, demanding my forethought bring me a visual of that time as I knew it could do with past memories.

  Within a half-second, I staggered under the weight of a pressing feed so similar to Alexo’s in all its full and absolute glory. I’d done it.

  I fell to the floor, landing on my bottom with a punishing slap as the images unraveled and brought the memory to life.

  I heard Davio kneel behind me. “Don’t touch her,” he suddenly warned over the top of my head. “Let’s take care. This is one of her first. Let her experience it to the fullest.” He carefully moved around to face me.

  I scuttled back to the wall as the path cleared, keeping out of everyone’s reach as images assailed me. I saw Silas stepping from Silvie’s bedroom. Me, stopping bluntly at the sight of him exiting her room, only by the time I recovered, Silas was gone. Gone in an instant. Gone into virtual thin air.

  When I confronted her, Silvie had acted as she’d not known what I babbled about. “A man in my bedroom? You must have imagined it,” she’d said.

  I squeezed my eyes shut and reopened them. Why had she blatantly lied?

  Silvie and Silas.

  Fear and anger slammed into me. “You’re sleeping with Silvie?” I ground out, finally locating my backbone and pushing up to my feet.

  “What?” Silas practically shrieked; he most definitely paled.

  “What?” Davio parroted his protest, his horrified gaze swinging from his cousin to me. “Faith, no, there is simply no way Silas is sleeping with his sister.”

  “His sister?” I know I screeched, right before I lost all breath.

  Davio pulled me to him.

  “Silvie doesn’t have a brother, Davio,” I mumbled like a lost child. “It’s her and Seriah, like my mother and me.
” My hands shook. “An only child.”

  A frightening barrage of thoughts swelled in my head for I saw through our mated bond he’d told the truth. Silas was Silvie’s brother. Which meant my best friend had lied.

  Davio’s wide eyes were filled with unease. “Silvie and Silas are twins. They were born prematurely in Peacio eighteen years and two months ago to my mother’s beloved older sister, Seriah.” He lowered his stress-laced voice. “Silvie was going to privately confess it to you this weekend. It was a necessary deception, one we all knew of but couldn’t speak. It was for your well-being that you not know.”

  So it was all deceit and lies. Silvie had never been of Earth.

  My heart bumped out of rhythm at the magnitude of her dishonesty, then broke. Shattered into a million pieces.

  I closed my eyes and shoved Davio away. I glared at Silas and the last straw snapped. “You have the same hair, the same blue eyes, the same damn freckles even.”

  Now it hurt to look at him.

  That was when it dawned on me.

  Silvie had been by my side my entire life.

  Which meant that this unending deceit went back eighteen shocking years, not just to the time of Belle’s arrival.

  Silvie was no friend at all. What we had meant nothing to her. That made my heart rip in two.

  Eighteen years of lies. Everything that I’d known and shared with her–all the worst kind of lies.

  Shame rolled through me, and anger…so cutting and painfully deep.

  A wracked gasp to my left rent the air.

  Silvie froze in the doorway, hands to her mouth, eyes bugged wide. Belle stood behind her. “Silas.” Silvie stared at her brother. “W-what are you doing here?” Then her tormented gaze swung to me. “Faith? Don’t move. I can explain.”

  I sucked in a fast breath and turned on her, storming over to where she stood. “Lies, Silvie. Since we were children,” I ground out, never more furious in my entire life.

  “I’m so sorry, Faith.” She tried to reach for me, but I struck her hand away. “I didn’t know how to tell you I had a twin brother, not with everything that’s gone down since your strength skills were born. But I was going to tell you. I promise I was going to tell you.”


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