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Protector Page 21

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “This is my private domain. Which means, I expect to see you.”

  I gritted my teeth. “One day at a time.”

  A low growl rumbled from his throat. “That’s all I’ve heard through your link with Belle these past days. I need to see you.”

  “Ah-hem.” Silas stood on the bank, Viv at his side.

  She took one look at me and held out a towel. “Come out of there. You’re turning blue.”

  I pushed my way toward her, shaking more as cold water trickled down my back. I took the white towel and wrapped it around me. “How fast can you move?”

  “I’ve got you covered.” She wrapped her hand around my wrist and we zipped from the chilly river to a brightly lit yellow bathroom.

  “Oh, this is perfect. Now, where am I?”

  “Silvie’s quarters. This is her bathroom.” She pointed to the yellow vanity top where I spotted Silvie’s hairbrush with strands of curly, red-gold hair twisted in it. Beside the brush were her favorite golden clips.

  My heart panged for I missed her.

  “Silvie’s at school. I’m sure you two have shared clothing before, and she’d want you to help yourself. Her bedroom adjoins this bathroom.”


  Viv backed up. “After you’re done, come to the rec room. We’ll be waiting for you.”

  I stood alone after she ’ported away, and because I couldn’t help myself, I focused on Davio.

  He remained on the sandy edge of the riverbank, a matching towel to mine covering his shoulders. “Faith will not commit. I haven’t seen her in days and she’s already said she’s leaving this afternoon.”

  Silas raised his hands. “Hey, I’m the last person to understand a woman. Particularly that one.”

  “Well, this I do understand. The longer my mate remains with Wincrest, the stronger her blood-bond with him grows.”

  My fists bunched, for I couldn’t be everywhere and all at once. How could he not see that?

  I unclenched and switched my forethought to Silvie, but as she came to me, I saw she sat in Physics class–where I should be, only not while I dripped all over her bathroom floor.

  I shut down the visual and flipped the shower’s lever to piping hot. With her favorite lilac soap, I scrubbed my skin until it was red and raw.

  In her bedroom, I pulled open drawers, finding a red button-down blouse that was mine. I teamed it with a pair of her dark blue jeans, and because I wanted to feel a touch glam, added three-inch fire-red heels.

  Refreshed, and with my hair dry and tucked behind one ear, I headed to the rec room, ’porting directly in.

  It was a massive space, fifty to sixty feet long and just as wide. Divided into two noticeable areas, the half where I stood had polished wooden flooring, a table tennis platform and a pool table. Behind me were pool cues hanging in a wooden frame and a game board to keep markings.

  On the eastern wall, there were square cut, wooden edged windows with soft draperies of caramel-cream tied off. Outside I saw a green garden with tall hedges.

  At the other end of the rec room, there was a sitting area where four separate white leather couches faced each other. Zac and Viv sat on one, Silas and Belle another and Davio opposite him. He stood.

  I met his gaze, soaking in the sight of him. He wore custom-fit black jeans and a paneled black and white shirt. Damp hair hung to his shoulders.

  “Hey. I’m feeling better.”

  He held out his hand. “Come and show me.”

  I zapped straight to him, my mind merging with his, for this would probably be the right time to warn him of my rising, which had clearly done a number on me, because it was either that or I losing myself. “I hope you didn’t have Warrick killed, and I hope I smell better.”

  He inhaled as he leaned over me. “You smell like lilacs, and Warrick still lives.”

  I sighed. “I heard what you said to Silas. So, I should warn you right now, my rising is close, and my emotions are swinging back and forth. And I’m just waiting for the tripling of my strength. Sounds swell.” I rolled my eyes upward. “Jeez, I can’t believe there’s a rising. I’m sure looking forward to when I completely lose it.”

  Silas laughed. “I thought you were always like this.”

  I snapped around and glared. “I am not normally this way.”

  Davio took my arms and backed me up. “Clearly your rising’s close. Which means you’ll be staying here for you’ll need those closest to you to get through this.” One hand came over my mouth. “Don’t argue that point with me. I won’t have you go through this anywhere else.”

  I tugged his hand away. “I have school.”

  He sat, pulling me with him. “Your need to attack others will become uncontrollable. What you have is me.”

  “No, what you have is me.” My heart raced and I leaned in, because in that instant, my mood jackknifed and I very much wanted him.

  He caught my wrists. “This is what we call uncontrollable.”

  I brushed up against him. “I want to drag you behind the bushes and show you what I call uncontrollable.”

  He let out a slow, stuttering breath. “There are others in the room so no, you won’t. Anger and desire are emotions. They go hand in hand. You’ll be unable to control either.”

  “Kiss me and prove it.”

  “As much as I’d like to, I can’t.”

  I looked at his lips and licked my own. “You want to explain why.”

  “As your rising escalates, the full force of it will hit. Giving into you now will only make things more difficult at the end. If it helps, during my rising I used to count. By around thirty you’ll find yourself able to breathe the tension away.”

  Zac piped up. “Counting aided me as well. During Viv’s rising, she experienced the same physical pull as to what you’re displaying. It’s worse if there’s been some length of time apart, and you two can’t deny you’ve had that.”

  I glanced at Viv. “You really controlled it?”

  She tilted her head. “I did, not that I cared for it.”

  I yanked my hands free of Davio’s and wrapped them around his neck. “It seems I don’t care for it either.” I leaned in and kissed him, actually devoured would be the more appropriate word for I wasn’t prepared to stop.

  And it was perfect, until my craving for him surged yet again.

  I retreated a bit, breathing fast. “We need–”

  Silas grabbed me, and in a heartbeat, lifted me away from the one I wanted. As he did, the most feral sound gained momentum in my chest until it rose up as a hissing spit. I kicked out at Silas and swiped my hand at him, nails drawing blood.

  “Calm down. You can’t control yourself, so this is the new how,” he bit out in my ear.

  “I don’t care for the new how. It hurts not to touch him.” It truly did, for the gulf Silas enforced had me slamming my elbows into his stomach.

  He grunted his hold tightening as he pulled me further away. “I’m doing this for your own good.”

  “I hate you, Silas.”

  “I got that.” He led me to the wall at the far end of the room.

  And I was too far away, my mind-merge shattering. I sobbed, grabbing my head between my hands. “Let go of me. I’ll leave if I’m not wanted here.”

  Davio growled, low and menacing, from across the room. “You’re wanted. It has to be this way until you can think more clearly.”

  I ground my teeth together, my vision darkening.

  Then I saw only black.

  I shut my eyes, my forewarning activating in the midst of such turmoil.

  And it was Guy Moyer, with his unmistakable midnight black hair and his pale, silver-blue swirling eyes. He traipsed through some kind of communal dining hall where dining protectors were seated at low wooden benches around wooden-slatted tables. There was a sword at his side, and a sharp dagger he stroked that rested half way up his sleeve. He blended in, at least to those around him.

  My eyes flew open, and I stared at Belle. �
�Is there a dining hall nearby? I see a lot of protectors eating together, maybe two-hundred of them.”

  Belle’s eyes widened. “Yes, in the village, five miles from here.”

  “Oh hell.” I grabbed both of Silas’s forearms. “I have to go and I swear no one can follow me. Don’t let it happen. My forewarning doesn’t include any of you.” It didn’t include me either, but someone had to stop Guy.

  Davio was a blur, his legs flying as he sprang toward me. “You’re not going anywhere.”

  I dived behind the pool table and rolled clear, pulling the image of the communal dining hall from my forewarning and zapping straight to it.

  There was a hive of activity, but I saw Guy in an instant. He patrolled, moving about the room with grace and purpose toward the table with the greatest number of protectors.

  What he was doing here? Was he on a suicide mission?

  Chapter 13

  Behind me the air stirred–they had all come–and Davio bolted toward me, whipping his right arm around my waist and hooking me back against him. He held me close. “Stop leaving me,” he breathed down my neck.

  I wriggled against him, edging closer and not away as I should. “You were forced from me first.” I looked through the crowd, finding Guy on the move.

  The enchanter stopped twenty feet away, his gaze on me as let out a low snarl. I’m here for Loveria, and I know you hear me through your forethought. His thoughts flew freely, easy to catch.

  Which meant Guy wanted this. He wanted his own demise, and I couldn’t let him have the one he was after.

  “Who is that man?” Davio ground out.

  I had to make a decision and fast.

  “Wait for me somewhere and we will speak,” I yelled to Guy.

  He lifted his middle finger and shoved it at Davio, before stepping in behind another protector in the crowd and disappearing from my sight.

  “Obviously he’s not one of yours.”

  He swung me around. “You knew the warrior was here. Give me his name.”

  “He’s gone.” Only he hadn’t gone as far as I’d hoped, or so my forethought showed me. Guy waited in a field of green grass, and behind him, high on a rise, was Loveria Castle.

  Which meant I had to go to him, for I had no idea how long my order would stick.

  Davio shook me. “Answer me.”

  I fisted my hands deep in his fine black and white shirt and dragged him to me. I kissed him until my skin heated and so did his. I pulled back, breathing deeply. “I don’t have time for an argument right now.” I pushed him away and dropped, sweeping one leg out and tumbling him in a move that had my mouth opening. Oh, this had to be the start of my tripling in strength. I should not have been able to do that.

  I brushed my hands off and ’ported out of the room arriving in the center of the frigidly cold river, one I’d already over-acquainted myself with this day.

  I heard shouts behind me, and holding my breath I dived deep, nipping straight to the field Guy waited in.

  Water flooded to my feet.

  “About time.” His jaw clenched. “What the hell are you doing with Loveria? Does Donaldo allow our own to consort with theirs now?”

  “No, he doesn’t, but Alexo does.” Knowing lies would only dig me into a deeper hole, I chose the truth. “You know I’m Alexo’s daughter and that he brought me here from Earth. Loveria’s cousin, Silvie, was schooled in the same town as me. We’re best friends and I met Davio through her, or it was something close to that. Davio and I are mated–that whole soul-bound thing.”

  He slid one foot forward. “Hell. What’s Alexo say about this?”

  I wiped at my damp face with my wet sleeve, hoping I didn’t look so much like a drowned rat, but rather like someone who knew what she was about.

  “That Donaldo can’t know. Alexo reveres the mated bond and accepts I’m here with Davio. But if you wish, I’ll work hard on finding your father and our other imprisoned warriors if you promise not to breathe a word of this, to anyone.”

  His eyebrows pinched together, and then slowly flattened out. “You would keep your word?”

  “Yes. None of our men should have to be caged behind steel. Although I need time, and you need to give me sufficient space to find them and get them freed. Do we have a deal?”

  He sauntered closer. “I’ll give you your time and keep your secret, but I want updates.” He halted, his gaze lifting to look over my head. “That castle up on the hill is a stronghold that must fall. We don’t imprison their protectors–we don’t need them behind the safety of our dome.”

  I followed his line of sight, seeing blue sky over a gray-stone castle that would compare to one of rural England’s finest. “Davio is my mate and this war is not mine, but I fully agree there should be no prisoners.”

  He drew his sword, pressing it into my hands. “Then this is for you. You’re Dralion’s princess and I will not leave you unarmed, mated to Loveria or not. Make sure you find my father. If you need my aid–just ask.”

  I took it, curling my fingers around the burnished handle as Guy blinked away.

  My fingers and toes tingled, and I closed my eyes, hearing the lightest of hums. I smiled, stroking the hilt, over and over. There was a sweet song, as if it were in my very blood and it resonated from the blade.

  Around me the air moved, chilling my moist skin.

  I lifted my sword arm and held it steady.

  Davio appeared, and beside him Silas who held onto Belle.

  “Damn it. Who told you about using a water source?” Davio was dripping wet, from head to foot.

  Turning the blade in my hands over, I watched it shimmer in the sunlight. “My father.” I tracked a finger slowly down its length, whistling in appreciation. “I take it Carlisio told you where I was?”

  “Yes, and where is that dark-haired warrior he saw you with?”

  “He returned home.” I pulled my gaze from the weapon, looking him in the eyes. “Guy holds the skill of enchantment and is the grandson of Gilles Moyer, the warrior who first spelled the dome containment field.” I offered the information because Davio could never get to Guy, and it didn’t matter that he knew.

  Davio fisted his hands at his side. “What are you doing with that sword?”

  I spun the piece around and balanced it over my two index fingers, one each end of the smooth metal.

  My heart pounded. “Guy gave it to me.” I pulled it back and clutched it to my chest. “I think you might have some competition–I swear I’m about to fall for this blade.”

  He flicked his fingers, motioning to Silas. “Merge your mind with mine. We don’t need you getting any more aggressive with what you have in hand. Obviously, your strength is increasing. Silas brought Belle to help calm you.”

  “No.” I straightened to attention, taking the hilt and gripping it in the palm of my hand. My brow rose as I stared at it. “Okay, I seriously love holding this weapon.”

  He groaned. “It’s the battle skill taking you. It comes into being once one fully touches a blade.”

  Silas whistled as he edged closer. “Yeah, it feels good, doesn’t it? Like the blade in your hand is singing to you.”

  I twirled around, lifting the sword and swinging it in a deadly arc, aiming it directly at Silas’s head. “I wouldn’t if I were you. We’ve already gotten off to a bad start, and you’re not getting this pretty thing from me.”

  “Hell.” Davio pushed a hand deep into his hair, tossing up the wet mess. “I should have guessed this would happen. Every Wincrest I know holds the battle skill. So why should you be any different.”

  Belle stepped forward, her gaze on me. “Hand it over. I’ll keep your weapon safe for you. You’ll need instruction but with a blunted sword, and not that one.”

  I narrowed my gaze, pointing it now at her. But she was right. I didn’t like it, but I saw the truth.

  Taking my time, I lowered the weapon, pressing the tip of the blade a few inches into the soil. Pulling my hand away, I watched the
hilt sway back and forth.

  Best to walk away from it.

  I left it behind, merging my mind with Davio’s as I advanced on him. “You are in a whole lot of trouble now. I have to have something in my hands.”

  His chest rose. “Take it easy. We’ll compromise.”

  I pressed my hands flat as I knocked into him. “What kind of compromise?”

  “You need to train in the battle skill so you can move fully through your rising. I’ll give you Warrick and Derick to battle with, but it’ll happen under strict guard. You’ll have triple the strength, and it’ll take both of them to wear you out.”

  “Ooo.” I taped his chest with my finger. “You are such a flirt.” I wanted nothing more than to come face to face with them.

  He eased a hand around my waist. “Those are your increased emotions talking.”

  “I like it. Now.”

  “I can see.” Then he glanced over my head, but I was too late to react.

  Silas snagged my arms from behind. “There should be dangerous pay now we have a Wincrest in our midst.”

  I scowled over my shoulder at him. “You take all the fun out of being mated.”

  He cocked a brow. “Does it look like I care? No.” To Davio, he said, “I’ll look after your mate and call Warrick and Derick. I can see this is going to be a long day.”

  “I’ll see you in the training hall. I’ll have Zac and Viv meet us there.” Davio reached for Belle, taking her with him as he flashed away.

  Silas came around in front. “Look, a word of warning. Davio watching over your battle training is not the best idea, particularly when these men will be raising weapons against you.” He hooked a finger into his belt. “You understand what I’m saying?”

  I mimicked his pose, lifting my chin. “Yeah, that I need to take care.”

  He glared. “You are worse than Silvie. Now four minutes remain. Go and see what you can find in her drawers.”

  I didn’t stick around.

  I nipped straight to her room and searched through her drawers, finding a pair of sky-blue shorts and two singlet tops in white and gray. I shook out the dust and dressed, tightening the string on the shorts and double layering both tops. I laced up sneakers and pulled my hair into a tight ponytail. In the training room, Warrick and Derick were ready and waiting as I returned, both dressed in full black ninja-like gear. They even had strips of black cloth tied around their foreheads. At over six feet in height and twice my size, I should have felt some form of unease, but I didn’t. The sight of them had me grinning, my blood racing through my veins at double the speed.


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