Dirty Biker (An MC Motorcycle Romance) (The Maxwell Family)

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Dirty Biker (An MC Motorcycle Romance) (The Maxwell Family) Page 38

by Alycia Taylor

  I giggled. I was on birth control and I trusted him. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be here having sex with him for the second time tonight. I nodded and without further ado, he bent his knees and pushed me slightly on my back. I leaned forward and held onto the wall as he slid into me. We both groaned and I pushed back against him. He wasn’t taking his time this time. He was pounding in and out of me and he slid his left hand down and as he was taking me with long, hard strokes, he put his fingers over my clit and began to rub it. I was out of my mind with lust and I was pushing back as hard as he was thrusting forward. His right hand still had one of my breasts clutched tightly and the combination of it all put me on the fast track to another orgasm. I felt it coming and he did too, because as soon as my muscles clenched tightly around his cock he started pounding me even harder. The orgasm took hold and he moved both hands up and held onto my breasts tightly as my muscles contracted and the orgasm washed through me.

  He kept slowly moving until I calmed down and was at least able to breathe before he pulled back and slipped his cock out of me. My legs were shaking as I came down from my high and I gripped the wall in front of me out of fear of falling over. My breaths were coming in short ragged gasps and I realized that he’d taken himself out of me so that he could hold me up. I felt him put one of his arms around my waist and the other around my shoulders. He held me like that and softly kissed my neck until I stopped shaking.

  “Are you okay, baby?” he whispered into my ear. His voice was so sexy when he did that. I could almost have an orgasm just at the sound of it.

  “I’m better than okay,” was my strangled reply.

  “Are you ready? I’m right there.”

  I nodded, but he waited a few more minutes before I felt him loosen his grip on me and he bent his knees again. He moved his hands to my hips and asked one more time, “You’re okay?”

  “I’m good.”

  With one long, deliberate thrust, he entered me again. He wasn’t taking his time anymore. I cried out as he drove into me over and over, pumping as fast and deep as he could go. It was incredible and almost a little frightening at the same time. My heart was hammering so hard I thought it might explode. I could hardly breathe and I was panting in time with his thrusts. He was moving his body weight against me now so fast and hard that I had to reach up and grab onto the top of the glass door with my right hand for more support. I used the other hand to push back against the wall and match his thrusts. He bent down over me and took a piece of my neck into his mouth. He was sucking on it while we fucked hard and fast and just before he was ready to cum inside of me for the first time, he bit down hard and then we both cried out. The neighbors were getting an audio show tonight.

  He held me again until we could both stand on our own legs and then he took the soap and washed himself up. He shampooed his hair quickly and then rinsed off. He slipped an arm around my waist and kissed me deeply and then said, “Take as long as you need. I’ll leave the towels and a T-shirt on the counter for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Thank you…you are something.”

  He stepped out and when he was gone I stood under the water with both of my hands pressed against the wall and my head down for a long time. I was exhausted, but it was exhaustion of the very best kind.

  After I dried off and dressed in his long T-shirt and a pair of really big shorts he left out for me, I brushed my wet hair and used his toothpaste and my finger to clean my teeth. I was a mess, but a happy one. I found him in the kitchen, devouring another slice of pizza. He had his mouth full when I walked over, but he handed me one on a plate.

  “I can’t believe I’m hungry enough to eat more, but I am. I was stuffed earlier.”

  “You worked out, twice,” he said with a smile. “Now you have to replace all those calories you burned.”

  “True. Maybe we should do that every day and I wouldn’t have to run. I don’t like running.”

  Ian took a big bite of pizza and after he chewed and swallowed it he said, “You can come by the gym sometime and I’ll show you some of my workouts.”


  “Yeah, really,” he said. “Why do you say it like that?”

  “I don’t know. The gym is like your thing. Your private sanctum…”

  He shook his head at me and said, “You’re funny. But yes, really. It is my “inner sanctum” when I’m doing my workouts. I get really intense and grumpy. But, I mean I can take you sometime just for you and I to work out together.”

  “I’d like that,” I told him. I felt like that was a huge deal because the gym was such a huge deal to him. I took another bite of my pizza and realized he was staring at me. I was self-conscious with wet hair and no make-up and shorts that I had to tie down. “Stop staring at me. I’m a mess.”

  He stepped closer and put his lips right over mine and said, “You’re the hottest mess I’ve ever seen.” He gave me a soft kiss and said, “I have to use the restroom. I’ll be right back.” He started down the hall and there was a knock on the front door. “Can you get that for me?”

  I looked down at myself again. I looked like a clown. Oh well, I thought with a smile, Ian said I was a “hot-mess.” I was still smiling when I pulled open the door. It faded fast. There was a woman standing there. She was tall and slim except for some massive tits that seemed to be pointing straight at me. She had long brown hair and it as well as her makeup and her clothes were perfect. He ran her eyes over me and with a cocked eyebrow she said, “Where is Ian?”

  “In the restroom,” I said, before she pushed past me and breezed in smelling like two hundred dollar an ounce perfume. “I’m sorry, who are you?” I didn’t close the door just in case I need to shove her bodily out.

  I was pretty sure already who she was before she said, “Kristie, Ian’s girlfriend. Who are you?”

  “Alexa.” I didn’t add, “The woman he just fucked,” but I wanted to.

  She smirked and said, “Oh God please tell me he’s not this desperate. It looks like I got here just in time.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “Oh come on, look at you. You’re not good enough for him. It’s so obvious. If he fucked you honey it’s just because he and I have been having a few problems. We always work them out and end up back together though, so don’t get your hopes up.”

  “Who the hell do you….?”

  “Hey babe, who was at the door?” The last word came out of Ian’s mouth as he stepped from the hall into the living room and saw the two us looking at him. He looked at the door and I got the impression he was thinking about running out. I closed it and waited to see what he was going to say.


  Chapter One


  I was standing there, looking at Kristie and Alexa’s faces. Kristie looked like she was having fun. She probably was. She lived for this drama shit. Alexa was definitely not having fun.

  “Kristie, you need to go.”

  “You don’t even know what I came by for.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I want you to go. You’re not welcome here and you need to stay away from me.”

  Kristie looked over at Alexa who was shooting fire out of her green eyes at the other woman. Kristie smirked. “Oh, I get it,” she said in a conspiratorial tone. “Your new little fling wasn’t supposed to know about us.”

  “Jesus, Kristie! There’s nothing to know. Now get the hell out before I get really pissed off!”

  She was going to make Alexa think we did something. Shit! I should have told Alexa I had dinner with her. This was going to be something else that made it look like I had something to hide.

  “I’ll go,” she said, “but you’ll be calling me and begging me to take you back. Like you did the other night.”

  “It’s not going to happen, Kristie. You and I are through. Get out!”

  With a smile and a wink in Alexa’s direction she said, “That’s not what he said last night.”<
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  “Out!” I said again. She went out the door and Alexa and I both stood there just looking after her for a few seconds. Finally, Alexa turned to me and said,

  “What did she mean by that last comment? Did you see her last night? Did you call her and tell her you wanted her back?”

  “Yes, I saw her, but never said I wanted her back. It’s not what you think, and it’s not what she made it sound like. Can we sit?”

  Alexa looked like she was going to bolt. She wasn’t even really dressed, but she was eyeing the door. All I could think was that she was going to take off and never want to see me again. I screwed up…again.

  “I don’t want to sit,” she said. “I want to know why you keep saying there is nothing between you two yet the night we’re not together, you’re with her…”

  “It wasn’t like that, I swear. You were angry with me and I tried going to my parents’ because I really needed someone to talk to. They’re still so broken that it didn’t help. It only made me feel worse. Between the stuff that is constantly going on in my head about Emma and the fact that I was so torn up over what happened between us…I just needed someone to talk to Alexa. I was going crazy. She texted me and I did something that I hadn’t done in a very long time…I texted her back. I should have known it would turn out this way. I am guilty of being an idiot, but that’s all, I swear. We went out to dinner and the whole time I listened to her go on about stupid, superficial things, all I could think about was how much I wanted to be with you. I realized why I broke up with her and I can’t even imagine what I was doing with her in the first place. You’re the only one I feel comfortable talking to about Emma and beyond that, I love spending time with you. We have so much fun together…being with you is the only time I really feel whole again. I don’t want Kristie…I’m sorry….I never should have gone out with her….But please believe me, Alexa, nothing happened.”

  “I believe you,” she said at last.

  I was shocked. That wasn’t at all what I expected. Surely it wasn’t going to be this easy…..


  Okay, here we go, I knew there was going to be a but…

  “I’m not sure why I believe you; you probably wouldn’t have even told me you saw her if I hadn’t been here when she showed up. Omission is the same as lying, Ian. I thought we had cleared that up before…”

  “I know, and we did. I’m sorry. I was going to tell you about Kristie but the timing just hadn’t been right. Alexa please let me…”

  I reached out for her and she took a step back. I knew I was screwed. She was going to leave and I already felt like I couldn’t breathe. Damn it! I hated feeling this way. I hated it, and I loved it. It didn’t make any fucking sense. I’ve never really cared if a girl walked out before. It’s always been pretty easy to either get another one, or just be alone. Before Emma died, I was never afraid of being alone. Now, the thought of Alexa leaving and not coming back terrified me. I’d like to blame it all on grief, but the fact was that I simply wanted her.

  “I just need some time, Ian.”

  She was gathering up her stuff as she talked.

  “I need to wrap my head around all of this. So far, in the short time we’ve been seeing each other, things seem to be more “off” than they are “on”. I’m not sure I can do this roller-coaster thing….”

  “It won’t be roller-coaster. I won’t see her again, ever. I can promise you that…”

  “Ian, I’m not saying we’re over. I’m not mad. I just need to spend some time getting my thoughts together and figure out if…whatever this is between us is healthy for me. I’ll call you.” She went into the bedroom and finished getting dressed. I stood rooted to the spot I was in, wondering how I could possible keep screwing this up. When she came back, she looked at me sadly and said again, “I’ll call you, okay?”

  I think it was an unspoken, “Don’t call me.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said.

  “Don’t be sorry. I’m really not mad. This has just all happened so fast. Maybe we both need to put more thought into it. Do me a favor and spend your own time thinking about all of this too. We’ve been through a lot. At first it was okay that we were together because of Emma. We both desperately needed that. But now, I think we need to look at whether or not there are other reasons to be together, and if this is worth pursuing.” I just stood there looking at her like an idiot. I knew that this was worth pursuing. I didn’t have to think about it. I wasn’t sure why I felt differently about her than I ever had any other woman or girl…but I did. I watched her go without telling her that. I should have just told her…what did I really have to lose when she was already walking out the door? I dropped down onto the couch and wondered when my life would ever stop being one dramatic scene after the other.

  I finally pulled my ass up off the couch and got into the shower. The more I thought about Kristie’s perfect timing, the more pissed off I got. Yes, I should have told Alexa that I went out to dinner with her, but since that was all there was to it, I really hadn’t thought it was a big deal. Kristie showing up made it a big deal and I may have just lost Alexa because of it. How many things was she going to have to find out…things that I should have told her myself…before she gave up on me?

  I got dressed for the gym and threw my things in my bag. I needed to go work out or this anger was going to overwhelm me. I can’t get through this shit without Alexa. If it wasn’t for her…I’d probably be curled up in a corner somewhere…Shit! What the hell am I going to do now?

  I grabbed my bag and my keys and headed out. By the time I got to the car I realized that I couldn’t just let this go. I had to try and do something to convince her I was worth taking a risk on. Things have just been so screwed up since Emma died…but they would get better, as long as we worked through it together. I understand why she would need some time. I planned on giving that to her. But, then somehow, I’m going to make things right. Somehow, I’m going to fix this. I’d give her a day…or two, and then I would go talk to her and tell her how I feel.

  Chapter Two


  I drove home from Ian’s with my head spinning. I was growing so tired of being pulled in so many different directions. My best friend is dead. I met a guy who I really, really like…and I just can’t seem to make it work with him. Ian’s not a bad guy. He’s just the opposite as a matter of fact. He’s kind of an enigma. He spends a lot of time alone, yet he’s perfectly comfortable around people. He rebelled a lot when he was a kid…yet he has a great relationship with his parents. He’s an animal in the octagon. Yet he’s sweet and gentle in bed. He says he wants nothing to do with his ex-girlfriend and yet she keeps popping up in our lives. Since I’d started seeing him he’s provoked so many different emotions inside of me, more than anyone else ever had. I’m sure it has a lot to do with the way we came together, already in emotional turmoil. We were both dealing with our grief and it just seemed so much easier to deal with it together instead…maybe that’s where we went wrong. Maybe we should have done that separately before we got together and then dating would be going more smoothly. Maybe there are too many emotions tangled up and maybe it was going to be impossible to untangle them and decide where grief began and our feelings for each other started. Or maybe there are no real feelings for each other. Maybe it’s our minds’ ways of trying to compensate for the alternative…the emotional hell of remembering that Emma was dead every minute of the day.

  By the time I got out of the car and headed into the house I was beginning to wonder if maybe it would be easier to straighten my head out if I just concentrated on me for a while. Maybe I should go out and do something fun that had nothing to do with Ian or anyone else. Maybe I should have stayed at school.

  I walked in the front door and Dad said, “Is that you, Alexa?” I almost laughed. I’m not sure who else he thought it might be, and it reinforced that maybe I should have gone back to school. Since I’d been home it was almost like mine and Dad’s relationship ha
d reverted back to what it was when I was a teenager.

  “Yeah Dad, it’s me.”

  “Come on in the kitchen, I was just making a sandwich. Do you want one?”

  I went into the kitchen. He had out almost every condiment we owned as well as all of the lunchmeat, a head of lettuce, tomato, onion and avocado. I smiled, “What kind of sandwich are you making?”

  “It’s my version of the club…minus the bacon, unfortunately. I forgot to buy some when I went grocery shopping. But that’s okay. I have several different kinds of meat here.”

  I wish I could care about the meat on a club sandwich. If I did, that would mean that things were back to normal. I’m not even sure what that was anymore. I sat down at the table and he asked me where I’d been.

  “Hanging out with Ian,” I said. He made a face, but he didn’t say anything. I guess it was different from when I was in high school. Back then, he never would have missed an opportunity to tell me what was wrong with the guy I was dating. I think it was what made me be more judgmental than I should be. I was always looking for something to be wrong. In spite of that, I wondered if I should talk to him and see what his take was on everything that had been going on. I thought maybe I already knew what he was going to say. He was going to tell me that I should stay away from Ian. He would give me a list of reasons why and tell me all of the things that were wrong with him and then he would say, “It’s not that I don’t like him, it’s just that he’s not what I want for you.”

  “Dad, I really like Ian.” I told him. I was goading him, sort of. I wanted his advice and yet I didn’t. What I really wanted was for him to say, “Oh, Ian! He’s a great guy!” I knew that was never going to happen, but it sure would make it easier for me to keep seeing him, which was what I think I really wanted.

  I watched his face and I could see the subtle change in it again. To his credit, he still didn’t say anything negative. He just didn’t say anything at all. I sat there for a while and watched him slathering things on the bread for his sandwich and I considered telling him how much I liked Ian.


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