Dirty Biker (An MC Motorcycle Romance) (The Maxwell Family)

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Dirty Biker (An MC Motorcycle Romance) (The Maxwell Family) Page 43

by Alycia Taylor

  Chapter Eleven


  "I think I better get in the shower,” I told her after we’d lain there for a long time and I was tempted to pounce on her again. I didn’t want her to think I was an incredible pervert, attacking her again so soon, although it was entirely her fault for being so sexy. I decided it might be better to take a quick shower and take care of it and then my head would be clear so we could talk about the important stuff.

  “Okay,” she said, “But then we can talk?” I kissed her pretty, swollen lips.

  “Yes, absolutely.” I had every intention of talking to her. I just couldn’t do that with an aching erection.

  I went in and fixed the water in the shower. I’d left the door cracked just a little. I wasn’t sure if it was wishful thinking that she’d join me or not…but I wasn’t going to complain if she did. I stepped in and stood under the warm spray for a few minutes. I took the soap and rubbed it over my chest. My cock was still throbbing. I wanted to take care of it, but I stood there trying not to touch it, hoping the water would make it go down. I wasn’t sure what she would think if she heard me in here getting off by myself right after I had her. She might think she didn’t satisfy me…but the truth was it was just the opposite. She made me crazy and I couldn’t stop thinking about sex when I was around her. Hell, I couldn’t stop even when I wasn’t around her. All I had to do was picture her face…or her body and there it was, standing at attention. I had my eyes closed and I was about to give in and just give it a stroke or two when I heard her voice from behind me.

  “Here, let me help you," I opened my eyes, shocked, to the beautiful sight of her stepping into the shower. She wrapped her arms around me and let her hands play in the soap I’d just rubbed across my chest and down low across my abdomen. I could feel her hard nipples pressing into my back and if I thought my cock was throbbing before, I hadn’t seen anything yet. She let her hands continue their descent down below my abdomen to the top of my pelvis and towards my cock. I felt my heart speed up and I had to gasp for breath as her fingers brushed against the head. I swear to God one of these days she was going to kill me. She wrapped one of her soaped up hands around it and she began to slide it up and down the length. It was so much better than if I had done it myself. My legs were shaking and I wasn’t sure they were going to hold me. Just about the time I thought I might cum, she let go of me and reached around me for the soap on the wall. She rubbed it between her palms and started washing my arms. She was thorough, washing all the way down to my hands and seductively running the soap between each of my fingers. Then she began on my upper thigh, sliding her hands around it and then down over my knee and my calf. She was in a crouch and I was tempted to turn around and have her take me into her mouth. I made myself be patient though as she washed up the other leg, ending with another small stroke of my aching cock when she reached the top. She soaped up again and then began washing and caressing my back. She worked her way down to my lower back and then down my right cheek and then my left, letting her hand brush in between softly on her way down and back up. I had to reach out and press my hands against the tile in front of me when she let her hand slide all the way down and took my sac in her hand. My eyes were rolling back into my head and I was making noises I’d never even heard before.

  “Rinse off,” she whispered against the side of my face. I shuddered, almost convulsively and reached up and took down the shower head and began rinsing. When I turned to face her, she took it out of my hand and finished. When I was all rinsed off, she lowered herself to her knees on the shower mat and took my cock back into her hand. She stroked it softly as she ran her tongue along the shaft of it and swirled the head of it with her tongue.

  “Oh Jesus, Alexa! You’re killing me; literally, my heart is going to explode.”

  She smiled and sucked it into her mouth. I guess she didn’t care, but the truth was, neither did I. What an amazing way to die. She kept stroking it while she bobbed her head up and down. I had my hands in her hair and I wanted to enjoy it…but it felt too good. I didn’t want this to end just yet…I gently pulled her head off of me and lifted her to her feet. I kissed her, feeling her slick body up against mine as I did.

  “Let me do you,” I told her when I broke the kiss. She grinned and handed me the soap. That wasn’t exactly what I was talking about, but I guess I owed her.

  “Turn around.”

  She turned with her back to me and I reached up for the shower head. I held it over her, letting I soak her hair and running one hand through it as I did. Then I put it down and pumped some shampoo into my hand. I rubbed it into her hair and she tipped her neck back and let her head rest on my chest as I lathered it up. I massaged her scalp and she groaned and I felt her wiggle up against my hard cock as it poked her in the small of the back. She moaned as I took the soap back in my hands and lathered up my palms. I started with her shoulders and washed down her arms like she had me. When I got to her hands, I would wash back up her belly and around the outside of her breasts. I reached around and did her back and then washed back down to her thighs. I massaged the soap down one and up the other, letting my fingers lightly brush between her legs.

  I wrapped my arms around her then and turned her around. I let my mouth cover hers and slid my tongue into her mouth. I let my soapy hands run down her back and across her ass cheeks as we kissed, and then I brought them around front and let them roam across her full breasts and swollen nipples. I used one hand to twist and tug on them, switching back and forth and I let the other hand drop down between her legs. My fingers found her engorged clit and she jerked.

  “Ian!” I moved my hand and she whimpered. Handing her the shower head I said, “You rinse off now baby.”

  She did as I asked and it was my turn to drop down to my knees. She moved her legs apart and held onto the wall as I buried my face in between them and sucked her into my mouth.


  I left my mouth against her lips as I said, “What baby?”

  She sighed, “You’re just so good.”

  “We’re so good,” I told her and then I continued my assault on her clit. She let me go at it for several minutes before she said, “I want you back inside of me.” Her voice was strangled with desire.

  I stood up and kissed her lips again before telling her, “Turn around, baby. Hold on to the wall.” She did as I asked and arched her back towards me. I couldn’t help it; I slid back down again and put my tongue back inside of her. She groaned and wiggled her hips into my face as I let it slide in and out, slipping a finger in with it.

  “Oh fuck! Ian! Oh God!”

  “Feel good baby?”

  “Oh God, there are no words!” I slid another finger in and she continued to move her hips against my hand, but when I tried to touch her clit she pulled forward and said, “No, no baby. It’s too sensitive. I want your cock. I want to come with your cock.”

  I stood back up and grabbed hold of my throbbing cock. I lined it up and pushed into her slowly. She felt so fucking good. I leaned into her and just savored it for a few seconds. “Oh baby, you feel so good.”

  I started moving in and out of her and as I did, I reached down and let my fingers find her clit. She let out a loud grunt or groan when I touched it and as I began to rub, she continued to make noises. Finally, she said, “I’m gonna cum, Ian. Come with me, baby. I want to feel you cum with me.”

  I quickened the pace and pushed into her faster and deeper. I could feel myself hit bottom each time and I could feel her shaking underneath me. She shuddered once, violently and cried out my name. I knew she was coming and I was ready. I let myself go and for the second time in as many hours I had another intense, mind-blowing orgasm. We were both panting and gasping and I reached around her and held onto her tightly now, afraid that she was going to fall, she was shaking so hard.

  “Oh God, Ian. Oh wow!”

  “Yeah,” I said, breathlessly. “Wow.”

  I reached for a towel and handed it t
o her, then I got one for myself and we both dried off. We went into the bedroom then and snuggled up on the bed. If someone had asked me to describe how good I felt at that moment, I wouldn’t have been able to do it.

  “Do you have a pair of shorts I can borrow? Mine got a little…damp.”

  I laughed. “Yeah, top left dresser drawer. The T-shirts are in there too.” She kissed me.

  “Thank you,” she said. I finished drying off and went into the bedroom. She had on a pair of my boxers that hung almost to her knees and a T-shirt that covered most of it. “How do I look?” she asked.

  I smiled and kissed her. “Gorgeous,” I said, honestly.

  “Do you have a hair dryer?”

  Laughing I said, “Top left drawer in the bathroom. Are you hungry?”

  “Kind of, what did you have in mind?”

  “I thought I’d make us some dinner.”

  “You cook?”

  I laughed, “Yes, I cook. I’m a fabulous cook!”

  She raised an eyebrow and smiled, “I can’t wait,” she said. “But…while we eat, we’re going to talk, right?”

  “Right. We will, I promise.” I got dressed and left her drying her hair while I went out to make dinner.

  I looked into the refrigerator, hoping that I had something to make. I saw some strip steaks I’d thawed out a couple of days ago and never cooked. I took those out and some zucchini, green beans and Brussel sprouts. I plugged in the wok to heat up while I chopped and diced. When I finished, I mixed them with the strip steak and added some teriyaki sauce and ginger and mixed again. Then I dropped it all into the wok. It was flaring up when Alexa walked in.

  “Yum! It smells good.”

  “Thanks,” I told her, wrapping her up in a hug. “So do you. Good enough to eat.”

  She giggled and said, “You’ve already done that.”

  I pulled back and looked at her face. She was blushing. “After all of the things we just did, you’re going to blush over that?” She blushed deeper and said, “Want me to set the table?”

  “Sure, thanks.”

  While I finished dinner, she set the table. I liked this. It felt right. When dinner was ready, I fixed our plates and got us both a bottle of water. “Sorry, no fine wines around here to go with dinner. I might have a beer or two in there…”

  “Water is fine,” she said. She took a bite and I waited. She closed her eyes and said, “Wow, Ian! That is so good.”


  “Really,” she said, “I love it. I’m impressed.”

  I started eating then and she was right, it was really good if I did say so myself. We made small talk while we ate. We talked about my championship fight coming up and her trip to the mall a couple of days before. She asked me about the fight she came to watch saying,

  “Did you not like that guy you fought the other night…Billy?”

  “I don’t really know him. That was the first time I fought him. Why?”

  “You seemed really angry with him. I’ve never seen you like that before. Usually, it’s kind of funny to me how calm and pleasant you seem in the ring.”

  I was pissed that night, but not at Billy. I was obsessing over what her dad told me and I was missing her like crazy. I took it out on Billy. It was not about him. I wondered if I should tell her. If I didn’t, it would be just another thing that she’s going to find out and be angry with me for not talking to her about. I was lost in my thoughts about it when she said, “Ian?”


  “Can I ask you one more time what you were angry with me about…the other day here at the apartment and then at the fight and at the pizza parlor earlier?”

  “I wasn’t angry with you Alexa, not at all. I need to tell you what was going on, but I don’t know how to explain it….”

  “Do you want to stop seeing me?”

  “Not even a little bit,” I said, honestly. “I let myself try to imagine that for a couple of days. It was not good. Part of why Billy got such an ass kicking was because of that.”

  “Will you make me a promise?”


  Not that my track record with them was any good lately. I already broke the one I made to her dad, and I was probably going to tell her that too.

  “Will you promise that if or when you do want to stop seeing me, you’ll tell me to my face?”

  “If I want to?” I clarified.


  “I doubt that’s going to happen, but okay, I promise.”

  “I have a hard time with people thinking it’s okay to just walk away. I guess because of my mom…”

  She put her fork down and wiped her lips. Her pretty face looked so sad when she mentioned her mom. I’d never asked about her. I figured she’d tell me when she was ready. She seemed like she needed to talk about it now.

  “What happened to your mom?” I asked her.

  “Nothing…as far as I know. When I was little, she cheated on my dad. She never told him; instead she just packed her things one day and left him…and me, a note.”

  “She ended her marriage…and walked out on her daughter in a note?”

  “Yeah, classy, right? I always thought she was such a coward after that. I hated her. That was twelve years ago and I still hate her. It doesn’t matter though, it’s not like I ever saw her again or ever will. She thought a man was more important than me or my dad. My dad never got over her and that makes me even angrier. He’s been single ever since. I know that he’s afraid of getting hurt again. I hate that he’s not living his life because of her.” Suddenly everything her father had told me made perfect sense. Alexa’s mom had ripped out his heart and he expected that I would do the same thing to his daughter. Shit!

  “That explains a lot,” I said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I have to tell you something, Alexa.”

  “Uh oh,” she said, “Sounds ominous.”

  “It is, kind of,” I said. I put my own fork down and said, “The reason I was so moody those days you asked me about was because I was trying to push you away.”

  She furrowed her brow and looked confused. “But you said you didn’t want to stop seeing me.”

  “I said I wanted you. I did and I do…but your dad told me that I should leave you alone. He’s afraid that I’m going to hurt you.”

  “What? My dad said that? He told you to leave me alone?” I suddenly began to regret that I told her. She looked really upset. What if she got pissed at me again? I should learn to keep my big mouth shut.

  “He was just worried about you. He wasn’t mean about it or anything. He’s afraid I’m going to hurt you…He said I hurt you already and I was afraid he was right.”

  “When did you see my dad?”

  “I went by your house the morning after you left here and told me you needed space…”

  “I was at the mall. He encouraged me to go and spend some time on me. What did you come by for?” she asked.

  “To tell you that I wanted you and I wanted to make this work.”

  “And he invited you in?”

  “Kind of,” I told her. “He said, ‘Come in’ and ‘Sit’. He expressed his sympathy about my sister again and then he said what he had to say about you and me. He said that you were miserable and I should leave you alone. He said I wasn’t good for you and I wasn’t helping you get over your grief.”

  “He makes me so mad when he does this!”

  “He’s done it before?” I know it’s silly but that made me feel a little better. I could tell myself that maybe it wasn’t just me.

  “He’s done it my whole life. I rarely dated at all in high school because when I did, he’d pull them aside at some point and tell them pretty much what he told you. Then he would point out all of their flaws to me every time he and I talked. He’s so messed up emotionally from my mother leaving that he can’t see that everyone is not a cheater and an abandon-er like her. I’m sorry, Ian.”

  Whew, she wasn’t mad at me at l
east. I didn’t like seeing her so upset with her dad though. I hated to be the cause of that. “Don’t be sorry. It’s really okay…now. I know his reason behind it and you and I are going to be okay…right?”

  She got up and came over to me. She sat herself down on my lap and kissed me. She tasted like teriyaki and ginger. “Right,” she said. She curled up against me and I held her like that. I didn’t envy her dad the conversation I was pretty sure she intended to have with him when she got home. But selfishly, right now, I was content.


  Chapter One


  Ian and I finished dinner which was really good. I was impressed with him.

  “So you taught yourself how to cook, really?”

  “Really. I read a cook-book or two…”

  I laughed, “You read a cook book?”

  “Yeah. What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing, it’s just the way you said that. It was like you actually sat down and read the cookbook.”

  “I did.”

  “The whole thing? I mean…you know that most people just take the recipes out…”

  “Go ahead and make fun of me. But, if you just take all the recipes out, you don’t learn how to glaze and douse and fricassee.”

  I had tears in my eyes by the time I stopped laughing. He was so different than I ever would have imagined he would be when I first met him…in a good way.

  I helped him clean up the kitchen and once I got past the cookbook thing I asked him, “Do you read a lot?”

  He nodded. “I missed out on a lot by not finishing school, or going to college. I read every chance I get. Come here, I want to show you something.”

  I followed him through the living room and down the short hall that led to his bedroom. He opened the doors there to what I assume was supposed to be a linen closet. The entire thing was filled with books. I stood there looking at them with awe. “Have you read all of these?”


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