Tammy's Men

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Tammy's Men Page 3

by Fawn Lowery

  The cock in her mouth began to move quicker. Wayne held her head, thrusting deeper into her mouth. The orgasm racing through her insides overrode everything else that was taking place with her body. She panted and thrust about until she was spent. Lyle released a loud groan and pumped into her cave, holding her buttocks in tight fingers. When she realized he had reached orgasm she stopped moving and stilled against the bed. Her limbs felt heavy, her muscles ached as though she had been running a marathon. When Wayne ejaculated in her mouth, she was vaguely aware of the hot spurt shooting down her throat. The urge to tell the men how much she enjoyed the orgasm rose inside her as Lyle stopped moving at her crotch and stretched out beside her. He coiled one arm around her waist and kissed her nape.

  Wayne pulled out of her mouth and bent to run his tongue along her breasts, nipping tenderly at her tight nipples. He stretched out beside her, slipping one arm beneath her shoulders.

  She felt loved and the notion made her open her eyes. Love? It can’t possibly be. She sighed and stared at the ceiling. Her heart raced against her ribs and her body felt so relaxed and peaceful it was almost surreal. She rolled her head and looked at the men cradling her body. She had wanted them just as long as they confessed to wanting her. A smile pulled her lips upward. Why had she waited so long to act on her feelings? Hell, she was a grown woman.

  Lyle moved at her side, fanned his fingers across her ribcage and traced the arc of her right breast. “You’re beautiful, Tammy.”

  “You are indeed, darling,” Wayne added. He skimmed one palm along her abdomen until his fingers entered her bush. “The orgasm was wonderful. Thank you.”

  A short giggle jumped from Tammy’s throat. “I’ve never been thanked before.”

  “Maybe you’ve never fucked anybody as horny as we are,” Lyle said. He raised his upper body on one elbow and looked down into her face. “I haven’t had sex since I shipped out to Iraq.”

  “Thanks for sharing,” Tammy quipped, then laughed out loud.

  “Me either,” Wayne added, laughing. “And it’s not funny, even though I’m laughing.” He raised his head and looked at Tammy. “Celibacy is a bitch.”

  “I’m sure you both were celibate,” Tammy voiced, her tone teasing. It was hard to imagine two handsome soldiers going without sex for four tours of duty overseas.

  “We were in Iraq to do a job, babe, not to fuck around,” Wayne said.

  “Sex was one of the things we didn’t think too much about,” Lyle confided. “We had to keep our minds on important things like staying alive.”

  Tammy’s senses jolted. Suddenly their conversation took a serious tone and it gripped her insides. She raised her arms and pulled the men into her embrace, holding them tightly. “I’m sorry. I really can’t imagine all you went through. I know the Special Forces is an elite group of soldiers who perform duties that excel all other soldiers—”

  “Shh, Tammy. Let’s not talk about it,” Wayne said. He pressed one finger gently against her lips, silencing her. “It’s best if we forget what went on over there.” He smiled slightly. “We were glad to hear we were being sent back to the States. I’m anxious to return to my life. I’ve missed a lot.”

  The tone of his voice went straight to her heart. Their mission into the war zone wasn’t something they sounded proud of and neither of them seemed boastful of what they had accomplished. She tightened her arms around them. “I’m glad you’re here,” she whispered. She turned her head and kissed each man. “And I’m glad you’re in my bed.”

  Chapter 8

  Tammy stood on the tarmac and watched the helicopter lift off. Two recruits were in the back seats of the chopper and she hoped they learned something from their first experience in the machine. Wayne and Lyle had been reluctant to take any of the recruits up until they completed at least twenty hours of class time. Studying the craft and learning the maneuvers it was capable of before taking command of it, was high on their lists for the young men.

  The chopper disappeared behind the hillside and Tammy turned back toward the hangar. Every time she watched one of the men take a bird into the sky, she silently hoped they would return safely. She shook her head. There was no reason for her to feel that way. Both Wayne and Lyle were more than capable of knowing what each recruit was skilled at before they allowed them in the helicopters.

  She was beginning to develop real feelings for the two and it puzzled her a little. At first she thought it was just sexual attraction since both men were extremely handsome, but as she got to know them a little better and spent more time off-base with them, she realized she was forming a real attachment to them. She glanced over her shoulder where she had last seen the helicopter. The noise of its engine still sounded.

  Returning to her desk, she resumed the paperwork piled on its corner. A number of supply orders had to be signed and posted. She took a red pen from the pencil can and began initialing the pages, stacking them in the OUT box to be mailed to headquarters. It was a mundane routine and one that had to be done in order to keep the garage running smoothly. Parts for the helicopters had to be kept on hand so the mechanics could work nonstop whenever a problem arose. She grimaced. She wouldn’t miss that aspect of the job when she finally got discharged. Keeping on top of supplies was tedious at times. When she was first assigned to the post, she spent the first two weeks studying the list of supplies the hangar kept ready for repairs, vowing that as long as she was in charge, there would be no mishaps.

  It was almost quitting time when she heard the helicopter returning to the hangar. She glanced out the front of the building, suddenly aware that she was holding her breath as the chopper began descending. The craft wobbled from side to side, then leveled out and sat down. Tammy released the pent-up breath and pinned her eyes on the man at the helm. Damn! A recruit is piloting!

  She forced herself to remain inside the hangar while the helicopter unloaded. When she saw Lyle slide from the back seat, she quickly began searching for Wayne. She spied his large form as he opened the passenger door and stepped to the tarmac. The four men gathered in front of the helicopter and she watched Wayne gesture with both arms. Had everything gone alright? Or was he pissed? She watched and tried to figure out how the flight had gone.

  Lyle shook his head and strode toward the hangar. Tammy bit her lip. Wayne remained with the two recruits near the helicopter. She watched Lyle come toward the building, anxious to question him about the flight. Checking her watch, she realized they had been gone for almost an hour. Usually the flights weren’t that long.

  “Is everything all right?”

  Lyle smiled and cocked his head. “You weren’t worried about us, were you, hon?”

  He walked toward her with that long loose gait and she fought the urge to throw herself into his arms and kiss him. “Yes, I was worried. You were gone a long time.”

  He laughed. “Knowing you care makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.”

  Tammy laughed. “I thought that was a female thing.”

  Lyle shrugged. “Hell. It might be. I don’t know. I used to hear soldiers say they felt warm and fuzzy inside whenever they received a package from home.”

  Realization bloomed inside Tammy. She rose from her desk and reached out to him, tugging him into her arms. He smelled like exhaust fumes and motor oil, but he was warm and when his arms wrapped around her waist, she leaned her body into his. “You can feel warm and fuzzy if you want to, darling. As long as you’re safe.” She tipped her head and met his descending mouth.

  Lyle traced his hands across her back, lowered them to clutch her buttocks and pressed her crotch into his abdomen.

  Heat rose inside Tammy. It would be heaven to take off her clothes and have sex with Lyle right there, on the desk, in broad daylight. That’s impossible. She broke the embrace, reluctantly stepping out of his arms and walked around the desk.

  “I have paperwork to do. I better get busy or I’ll be here all night.”

  “Don’t we have a date tonight?” Lyle
perched on the corner of her desk.

  Tammy met his blue gaze. Her pulse jumped. Every time she looked into his eyes, she was reminded of just how dear he was becoming. She reached out one hand and touched his cheek. “It’s the end of the month and I have reports to get in. I might have to cancel.”

  Lyle caught her hand and brought it to his mouth. He kissed her palm, then ran the tip of his tongue across her wrist. “If we can’t be together tonight, maybe we can have dinner instead.”

  “Could I have a rain check?” She pointed at the stack of manila folders on the desk. “I have about twenty recruits to report on. Did Wayne finish the grading on the written exams?”

  “Last night.”

  “How did the two recruits do you just took up?” She bit her tongue, aware that she broke her promise not to be nosy.

  Lyle grimaced. “We weren’t too fucking pleased with one guy.” He rose from the desk. “But that’s nothing you need to worry about, Tammy. We can take care of the training and deciding who is capable of being shipped out to the chopper unit.” He smiled. “Contain your worry to your job. We can handle everything else.” He winked. “And that includes you, babe.”

  Chapter 9

  “Hey, are you busy?”

  Tammy glanced around, spying Lyle at the door of the hangar. “I’m just getting ready to grab a bite of lunch.”

  “Come with me,” he said, reaching for her hand.

  Tammy laughed and allowed him to grab her hand. He pulled her out the door and started sprinting across the tarmac toward a helicopter. The chopper’s blades were beginning to turn and Wayne sat in the pilot’s seat.

  “Hurry, babe,” Lyle yelled, he wound one arm around her waist and pushed her toward the passenger door of the copter.

  “I can’t leave base, Lyle.” Her protest fell on deaf ears as she was pushed into the chopper and ordered to buckle up. “Where are we going?”

  “Lunch,” Wayne announced, revving the engine and preparing to lift off.

  The helicopter vibrated then lifted into the air. Tammy pressed back against the seat and watched the tarmac disappear. Wayne took the copter up and veered west, heading toward a wooded area along the interstate.

  “You two are nuts,” Tammy yelled.

  “We think you’ve been working too hard and need a little break. We’re going for a picnic.” Wayne glanced at her. “You like picnics, don’t you?”

  Tammy glanced at Wayne, then Lyle in the back seat. “I haven’t been on a picnic since I was a little girl.”

  “Oh, babe. That’s entirely too long to go without eating lunch and fighting bugs in the great outdoors,” Lyle yelled over the noise of the motor. He held up a paper sack. “We have fried chicken and potato salad.”

  “No beer,” Wayne added.

  Tammy laughed. All morning long she had been trying to get her work caught up and just as she thought she was on the verge of being finished, Lyle arrived to take her off on an adventure. She turned her gaze out the side door when she felt the copter descending. A stand of tall pine trees flanked a wide grassy opening. With ease, Wayne descended and set the copter in the clearing.

  “That was so smooth,” Tammy remarked, smiling at him.

  Wayne winked and shut off the motor. “Let’s eat.”

  They left the helicopter and walked into the trees. The fragrance of pine was refreshing. Tammy glanced overhead. The trees were towering, lending their shade to soothe the heat of the day. Finding a clearing beneath one of the trees, she turned to help spread the blanket Lyle brought from the copter. When the blanket was smoothed across the ground and they were seated, Wayne unpacked the bag of food.

  “I’m suddenly very hungry,” Tammy announced.

  “I’m glad we kidnapped you from that dreary office,” Wayne said, handing her a Styrofoam box and napkin.

  “I am, too,” she admitted. Opening the box, she hurried to pick up a piece of chicken. “I adore surprises.” She took a bite of chicken and looked at the men. “Thanks, guys. I’ll never forget this day.”

  Wayne and Lyle exchanged glances.

  “Are you going somewhere, babe?” Lyle asked.

  Tammy shrugged. “Not for a few weeks.”

  “Where’s home, hon?” Wayne asked.

  “San Diego,” Tammy replied. “But I might go visit my sister for a few weeks after I’m discharged. I haven’t made up my mind yet.” She took another bite of chicken.

  They were noticeably quiet and Tammy paused her eating and looked at the men. They were devouring the contents of their lunch boxes, but she sensed there was something more to their silence. She waited, hoping that one or both would offer a clue, but neither did.

  When they finished eating, they stowed the empty containers in the sack, picked up the blanket and returned to the helicopter. Tammy was a bit surprised. Though she had enjoyed the picnic and spending time with them, she had wondered whether they were secreting her away for a bit of afternoon sex. She refrained from telling them she felt a little disappointed that neither made a pass at her, other than Lyle stroking her left thigh and Wayne pulling her into his arms and kissing her passionately.

  The ride back to the hangar was short and ended all too soon. As Wayne set the chopper down on the tarmac, Tammy watched his capable hands. They were steady and the big machine touched the ground without the slightest waver. She smiled and caught his gaze. Her heart swelled with pride.

  “If recruits weren’t watching us, I’d kiss you both,” she said.

  “I’ve never worried about what people thought, babe,” Wayne replied, leaning toward her.

  “Me either,” Lyle added. He leaned over the back of Tammy’s seat and kissed her cheek.

  “Guys, people will talk!”

  “We’re not ashamed of our feelings for you, hon,” Lyle said. He pulled the latch on the back door and pushed it open.

  Tammy met Wayne’s lips for a quick kiss, then released her seatbelt and opened the door. “Thanks for a fun picnic.”

  Chapter 10

  Tammy poured coffee into three mugs and replaced the carafe. Saturday morning was always a laid back time for her. As she padded softly across the kitchen to the small breakfast bar, she smiled at Wayne and Lyle. They often slept over, especially after sex. Last night had been no exception.

  “You make good coffee, hon,” Wayne complimented, taking a sip and smiling at her.

  “We like everything you do, babe,” Lyle said, laughing. “And I’m not just talking about your cooking.”

  Tammy blushed and took a sip of her coffee. A few weeks ago, she would have questioned her feelings about the men, but having gotten to know them, she knew she was about to make a decision that would affect the rest of her life. She slid onto the center stool at the counter and raised the mug to her mouth.

  “We should move in together,” Wayne said, looking at Tammy. “Hell. We’re here most of the time anyway.”

  “You just don’t like being cramped up in that little room at the back of the barracks,” Tammy said, laughing. “I heard the talk among the recruits.”

  “Say what?”

  “Some of them say you snore,” Tammy remarked. “And I’m inclined to believe them.”

  Wayne laughed and looked at Lyle. “Have you been spreading bullshit about me?”

  Lyle laughed and shook his head. “Buddy, I’m on your side. I’m tired of living with those snot-nosed kids, too. I want to move in here with Tammy and let her take care of me.”

  Wayne slapped Tammy on the butt.”You hear that? He thinks like I do. How about it? Could we be roommates?”

  Tammy looked from Wayne to Lyle, then back to Wayne. “Are you serious?”

  “Hell yes.”

  “Yeah, hon. We’re serious.”

  “Look around you, guys. This dinky little apartment is barely big enough for me—let alone two burly soldiers who want sex at the drop of a hat.” Her cheeks flamed suddenly. She forced a smile and returned her attentions to the mug of coffee she held.

  “But, babe, we just want to be near you,” Wayne coaxed. He snaked one arm around her shoulders.

  Tammy’s stomach fluttered at the notion that they wanted to move in with her. She had been hoping they might broach the subject, but was taken aback nonetheless when they finally brought it up.

  “Are you sure this place is too little for the three of us?” Lyle asked, leaning his shoulder against hers.

  “Lyle, it’s a cubicle.”

  “Then let’s find a bigger place, babe,” Wayne suggested. He squeezed the point of her shoulder.

  “I second that motion,” Lyle agreed.

  Tammy sipped her coffee and thought about the idea. On one hand, she liked it, but they would all be discharged in a few weeks. And going our separate ways. A pang shot across her stomach. I don’t want to think about that. Living with the men might put too much of a strain on her emotions. She bit her lip, then forced herself to take control of her senses. She had tried not to let them know she was becoming too attached to them. As it stood now, she was aware that they knew she adored them, loved to have sex with them and worried whenever they took choppers up.

  “Babe, what do you think?” Wayne pressed.

  Tears sprang to her eyes. She took a gulp of coffee and began coughing. Wayne patted her back and Lyle took the mug from her hand.

  “What is it? Are you all right?” Lyle asked, his tone worried.

  Tammy tried to hide her tears, feigning a coughing spell. “I swallowed wrong,” she lied, patting her chest. She slid from the stool and hurried toward the bathroom. “I’ll be okay. Honest.”

  Inside the bathroom with the door locked and a tissue at her eyes, she released the tears she had been holding back. Her worst fear was on the verge of coming true. She sniffed and blew her nose. Damn! I need to get a grip. They’ll think I’m nuts. A laugh jumped from her throat. “I’m beginning to wonder about myself, too. Falling for two men.” She shook her head. “What have I been thinking?”

  A knock sounded on the door.


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