Ice (Elite Forces #1)

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Ice (Elite Forces #1) Page 2

by Hilary Storm

  "There's nothing to discuss, Captain. I'm here to make sure this mission is carried out without a single chance of flaw. If I feel you're in a relationship that will hinder your ability to function in that manner, I must remove you from the mission."

  "It's not like that, Sir. It was just a..." I pause. How do I tell him it would have been just a quick fuck? That I'm horny and I need sex? Once I get my fill, I'll be ready to go for a while. I mean shit, there's so much stress and testosterone around me at all times, sometimes I just need to take it out on someone, then I'm good. My fingers can only do so much, for god’s sake.

  "Finish your sentence, Captain."

  I swallow. Here goes everything.

  "It would have just been a quick fuck, Sir. We won’t let it interfere with the mission." His eyes narrow as he leans against the wall, like he's taking it all in. He takes his time thinking. I watch the smug look on his face while he processes the situation. He has me and he knows it.

  I try my hardest not to look at the size of his arms bulging underneath his long sleeves.

  "I guess this takes us back to where we started." The look of confusion on my face causes him to continue. "On your knees, Captain."

  "How's that going to make all of this acceptable?" I ask while he pushes off the wall, slowly stalking toward me with a hunger in his eyes that almost equals the anger I'm fighting inside.

  "I'm willing to make an exception to the rule in this case." He stands proudly in front of me once again, his eyes piercing through my sensitive skin, chilling me to the bone.

  "Who's to say you won't out me, Sir?" I’m not dropping until he answers me.

  "You have my word. I mean, you are the best in the squad, on paper that is. I'll have to decide if that’s true for myself." It won’t take him long to see that. I am the best.

  My mind shifts back to the matter at hand. Why am I even considering? He's hot as fuck, so it's not like this will be complete torture; in fact, he has me wet just thinking about him using all that intensity on me. I can only imagine how passionately he fucks. The curiosity has me moving toward him. Step by step I watch his face. His tongue traces his lower lip, slowly, tempting me even further.

  "I can even promise your fuck buddy will not be punished for his actions in this."

  I watch him as I contemplate my move. Is this a test to him? Is he testing my dedication to this team and my career? Is he really willing to let me do this?

  I swallow my pride and begin to kneel before him. This won’t be for me. This is for Harris. He takes a slight step back and unzips his fatigues. He pulls out his very large cock, and I close my eyes, open my mouth, and I take him in as far as I can. He allows me to take my time for a few seconds before he takes a hold of my head and fucks my mouth with multiple precise thrusts, hitting the back of my throat each time.

  He pauses, lifting my chin so that our eyes meet.

  "Why did you go to your knees? I had such faith in you. With that record of yours, I didn't peg you for a little whore."

  With his cock still in my hands, I lean back, making sure he can see my mouth as the words leave it. "Don't forget who's in control right now." I squeeze his hard-on with both hands, because fuck if it doesn't take both to cover it. "Don't ever underestimate me, Commander. I'm not afraid to do the work to get through my mission." And right now my mission is to keep my ass out of trouble. “Don’t for once think I’m doing this for you.”

  His grin is challenging. "Get up." He lifts me up, faster than I intended, and has me turned around with my back flat against his chest. His hands move over my clothes, teasing my breasts, pinching my nipples along the way.

  "I'm not beneath fucking you to prove a point." His voice is even deeper now.

  "I'm not either." I try to stand strong, attempting to hide the nerves twisting through my body. He grips my neck with one hand, squeezing a little tighter than I'm prepared for, and I hate my body for loving that.

  He slides his fingers between the buttons of my shirt, letting them explore my sensitive nipples. They don't lie to him. Hell, they're practically begging for his touch.

  "You'll have me thinking about these bare tits every time I see you. I'd advise you to be more prepared the next time I see you."

  My body shifts with his statement. More prepared? How can anyone be prepared for something like this?

  He pulls my face to the side and grumbles near my cheek. "Address me when I talk to you."

  I force out a quiet "Sir, yes sir" before he releases the grip on my throat.

  His hand slides down the front of my body and into my pants, slowly going straight for the part of my body that's still sensitive. I'm practically crawling out of my skin with all the desire flowing through me. I want to not crave his touch. I want to not anticipate the moment when he will actually touch me there.

  He finally slides his fingers over my clit, putting the perfect pressure as he starts to unwind me, making me absolutely insane as I fight my orgasm. It's not like he's doing anything different than I can do to myself. His strong fingers have me moaning inside. However, it's in this moment that the anticipation is killing me. The waiting to see what he'll do has me at full attention with all of my senses on alert.

  "Look how quickly the control changes." My skin chills with his words. The depth of his voice continues to surprise me in the otherwise silent room. He has me on the edge with his touch, and I feel my body shift even closer to him, begging for that fall.

  "What would you do if I stopped?" I shake my head, hoping he doesn't punish me that way. The irony of me thinking he'd be harsh if he stopped when just a few minutes ago I felt the reprimand of forcing me to kneel to him was horrible, isn't lost on me.

  "Please, Sir."

  "Oh. Now you beg." He slips a finger inside me, pulling it out, and then sliding in two deep into my wet, hot core.

  "Yes, Sir." My reply drifts off because he thrusts his fingers inside me, rolling his hand deep to reach my G-spot. He holds his hand tight against me while his fingers move deep inside. I feel him exploring me, and I begin to crave so much more from him.

  "Pants off." I move fast at his command, fumbling, letting them fall to the ground at my feet. He pushes my back until I'm bent over the table, then moves my feet apart with a tap from one of his. I brace myself against the cold metal and files, my aching breasts sizzling when they meet the coolness of the desk. My body prepares for him, while the sound of the condom wrapper fills the room.

  Nothing could've prepared me for him though. His size is unlike anything I've had before. His rhythm is serious and demanding, and I love every fucking second of it. His grip on my hips will for sure bruise me, but in this moment, I'm ok with any marks he wants to leave on my body.

  He fucks me relentlessly. I orgasm twice before he grips my shoulders, pulling me even closer to him so he can pound into me hard enough to bring his own release.

  Exhaustion spreads through me. I've waited for this feeling for what seems like forever, and it was so fucking worth the wait.

  He slides out of me, steps back, and bends to pull up his pants. I edge my way off the surface of the desk and catch a glimpse of the tattoo on his leg. It's massive. He has me curious, but I don't dare ask.

  He straightens his clothes before he moves for the door. "Don't let me catch you fucking anyone else. Report for duty in the morning." Closing the door, he walks right out of the room, leaving me naked and confused all to hell.

  Chapter Two


  Oh my god. What the hell have I done? I just fucked my Commander. My warped mind let him strip me bare then fuck me hard. “Jesus, Jade,” I whisper, bending to snatch my t-shirt from the floor and quickly pulling it over my head. Doing the same with my fatigues and my boots, I scatter my eyes around the room, making sure I’ve left no signs of evidence behind whatsoever. I’m out the door mentally chastising myself all the way to my tent.

  “What the fuck happened?” Harris stands outside the entrance with his arms folded
firmly across his bulky chest. He looks pissed. 'Well, fuck you very much,' I desperately want to say. I don’t though; he has no idea what the hell I just did, and he never will if I can help it.

  “You don’t want to know.” I pull open my tent, letting the flap fall. For once, I’m thankful for the darkness all around me. I respect Harris, I truly do, but if he saw the look of disgust and disgrace I’m sure is plastered all over my face, he would know I’ve committed the worst kind of sin, broken every core commandment I’ve pledged.

  “Damn it, Jade. I do want to know. This isn’t just your life that may be drying up like piss in this desert. It’s mine too."

  I spin, ready to take my anger out on him, opening and closing my mouth several times before deciding to lie.

  “I told him he caught us right before we actually started to fuck.” Which in reality he did. Therefore, not really a lie. Harris is silent for the longest time. I know his eyes are slicing into mine. His stare is hard. Disbelief swarms the confines of my tent like a vulture swirling, circling before it swoops down to attack its already dead prey.

  “Bullshit.” His voice is low, dark, and threatening. This fuels my anger even more. I’ve been threatened enough tonight. No more. Fucking men. Right here, in this moment, I would give anything to hate them; however, the way my pussy is still on fire, clenching, trembling, and thanking me for quenching her thirst, there is no way I could.

  “Listen,” I say tentatively. Not because I’m afraid of Harris. I want him out of here. I need to think. I need to try to catch and hold on to every thought I can. My Commander, whose name I don’t even fucking know, has single-handedly reeled me into a scandal that could cost both of us our jobs, if not our lives. And the bad part is, I fucking loved it. I've never been fucked like that in my life, and I know I'll always want more of the kind of shit he just did to me. I've always wanted a man who's not afraid to fuck me. I mean, shit, I'm not a damn weak bitch who will break. I need fucked, leave the making love to the other bitches. I’ve never been in love with a man to know the damn difference anyway.

  “He chewed my ass out, basically called me a whore, and told me I was in jeopardy of a reduction in ranking. He went easy on me, Harris. Why? I don’t know. I’m sure as hell not going to question it, and speaking as your friend, I highly suggest you let it go.” His hand lightly caresses my face. I lean into him. His hand is warm, rough, and calloused.

  “I hope for both our sakes you're not lying to me, Elliott.” A chill runs down my spine, despite the dry desert night heat, when Harris removes his hand, his silhouette disappearing out of sight.

  “I’m lying, Harris, for both of our sakes.”

  I’ve been trained by the best to be a light sleeper, to always manage to be aware of what's happening around me. Sleep didn’t come to me at all last night. Fatigue mixed with exhaustion, anger blending with anticipation all makes a mean cocktail amongst my weary brain when I make my way from my tent to the dump, a horrific stench of a wooden box where we dump our waste. I may spend every waking moment with these men, demand they treat me like I belong here, but there is no way in hell I will take a shit or piss in front of them.

  I toss my bag onto the pile, hike my backpack onto my shoulders, turn, and face the desert sun. I close my eyes, letting the intensity of the giant sphere beat down showers of heat even this early in the morning. Thank you to the maker of sunglasses. Tipping my head back further, I soak the scorching temperature into my already bronzed skin.

  “Ma’am,” Army Specialist JJ McPherson acknowledges me when he approaches. I tilt my head upright to stare at the twenty-two-year-old young man who is smarter than anyone I have ever met. He’s a true leader, a sharp shooter like myself, and has been nothing but kind to me since my arrival. He stands at least two inches shorter than my five-foot-seven-inch frame. The little man can shoot a bullet straight through someone’s skull from a mile away, I swear to god. I have never seen a more perfect shot than his, not even mine. That in itself tells you how much respect I have for this man.

  JJ and I are the two snipers recruited for this mission; we’ve trained every day since we’ve been here. We’re experts and have the ability to train other members in our team. Our capabilities are endless when it comes to every weapon we use along with the weapons of our enemies.

  “Specialist.” I nod.

  “Apparently, our new Commander arrived last night. Came in without anyone knowing.” He speaks as if he’s excited to meet the prick. I could vomit my granola bar I ate while cleaning up this morning. I know all too well how our Commander “came” last night without anyone else knowing. The irony of those words have me laughing for the first time in days.

  “Captain,” nodding in my direction, our Commander makes his presence known. With a small tilt of his head, he acknowledges Specialist McPherson in the same professional way he addressed me. I shiver as the deep thud of his hard voice reverberates throughout my body. Standing tall, dead center of the doorway leading into the unobstructed tent where we sit to eat, visit, and hang out, is none other than our new Commander and the man I thought about fucking all night.

  “Sir.” We both stand at attention. Assertive posture, chin up, chest out, shoulders back, and stomach in, not that I have one. Head and eyes are always to be locked in a forward position. Without a shadow of a doubt, this is the first time I would love to flip a superior officer off when I raise my fingers in salute. Fuck me. And fuck him for making me feel this way.

  “At ease,” he commands. His demeanor gives nothing away to the fact we’ve most definitely met before. “May I have a word, Captain?” I shift to the at ease position and nod gratefully to Specialist McPherson, recognizing his dismissal.

  “Follow me.” He leads and I follow. My vision begins to explore his gorgeous form and Christ almighty, the wetness forming between my legs has nothing to do with how hot it is outside. It has everything to do with how hot this man actually is, and I’ve barely seen the front of him. I’m talking about his backside.

  His shoulders are extremely wide, and I can see the definition in his back through the shirt he's wearing. Tattoos align the back of his arms, and I start to work hard at not staring at his ass while he's leading me. His t-shirt seems to be struggling to hold him in, and I can practically daydream an image of him ripping the material from his body in this scorching desert heat. Images of sweat dripping from toned muscle and who knows what else he's hiding under there have me preoccupied.

  Quickly and without warning, he suddenly stops. My hands instinctively fly up, gripping his shoulders firmly. The ache between my legs increases, and I swear I'm at risk of my pussy exploding with the need for this man. It constricts, pulses to my very core. The heat radiating off him magnifies and sears into my hands.

  God help me. I don’t even know him, and here I stand with my hands wanting to dig into his muscular shoulders, slide them down the bulge of his back, and grip powerfully onto his tight ass.

  Fucking hell. I’ve lost it. I need to be insanely medically discharged. It’s not like me to want someone I don’t even know. I sure as hell shouldn’t crave him like I've never craved anything before. Then again, who could blame me after last night?

  I step back. I need to clear my head. He can't know he has this kind of power over me. I will not yield. That’s a mantra I’ve repeated many times over in my head. Never yielding to the enemy is engrained into our souls, practically tattooed on our brains. I need to treat him as my enemy. That’s it, he’s my personal enemy.

  “Did you fuck him after I left you last night?” His voice is low. We’re standing out in the open where people can see us. Is he fucking nuts?

  “What the hell are you talking about? And shut your fucking mouth.” He rotates on me. This man far exceeds the word handsome. He’s beautiful. I’ve never seen anyone look as perfect as he does right now, all demanding and pissed off. I let his words sink in, and my insides shift immediately.

  This is the last time he’ll make me feel li
ke a whore. I’m far from one, and I don’t give two shits if he’s my Commander, or not anymore. Not when it comes to this. He needs to shove those words straight up his ass.

  Curiosity pulls its tight strings, rapidly firing away at my brain to find out this man’s name too. My gaze lowers to his sand-colored t-shirt. There are no brightly-lit name plates displayed on our uniforms out here, ones that glisten off the reflection from the sun, making us an easy target for the enemy. Dog tags are tucked away under the confines of our shirts. No jewelry. We protect ourselves at any and all cost.

  Therefore, names and ranks are engraved onto our shirts. We leave home to live in these foreign lands with very few personal items at all. Our entire life changes. When you cross a boarder into enemy territory, you live a new life. Some have new identities, while others lose their lives altogether.

  CDR Kaleb Maverick. Interesting name. Mulling it over for a few short seconds, my head snaps back to the arrogant aroma radiating off of him.

  His dark brown beard pulls my attention to his lips. I squeeze my legs together at the thought of what that would feel like between my thighs. He runs the tip of his tongue across his bottom lip as I'm staring. Fuck me.

  “I asked you a question. Answer me.” He smiles, those lips sending mixed signals. I wonder if he’s ever been bitch-slapped. His arrogance speaks volumes. If he talks to women like this, I’m sure he’s been slapped, but never by a bigger bitch than me. If we were anywhere but standing here in the middle of this unit, I would knock him clean on his sexy, tight ass.

  “Fuck you,” I snarl, my expression mirroring his. I smile. My attitude gives nothing away about the fact that I want to beat his fucking ass, except I want him to know one thing. The shit we did last night will never happen again. Seriously? My little inner devil voice screams at me. One little—or should I say BIG—taste is all I get?” I roll my eyes at her and him under my sunglasses.


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