Spiced and Iced (A Callie's Kitchen Mystery Book 2)

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Spiced and Iced (A Callie's Kitchen Mystery Book 2) Page 1

by Jenny Kales

  spiced and iced

  A Callie’s Kitchen Mystery – Book 2


  Copyright © 2016 by Jenny Kales

  Cover design by Renee Barratt, The Cover Counts.


  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Book Layout ©2013 BookDesignTemplates.com























  Twenty One

  Twenty Two

  Twenty Three

  Twenty Four

  Recipes from Callie’s Kitchen


  About the Author


  The holidays can be murder! Greek-American restaurateur Callie Costas finds herself on thin ice when a colleague is killed. Delicious recipes included!

  The season is bright when Calliope “Callie” Costas agrees to contribute her Greek snowball cookies to a December bridal shower in the scenic waterfront town of Crystal Bay, Wisconsin. But when Callie finds a colleague dead in frigid waters near The English Country Inn, she's sucked into another murder investigation, all while juggling her growing business and staggering holiday workload.

  As she reluctantly agrees to help the inn’s owner track the killer, Callie is soon up to her spiced Greek biscotti in difficulties. For one thing, the hotel staff is freezing her out as she tries to uncover information, helped by her feisty Grandma Viv and her sweet but nosy aunt who’s visiting from Greece. And then there’s her deepening relationship with the suave and mysterious Detective Sands, a British expat now living in Wisconsin, who seems to have a few secrets of his own.

  The icing on the cake is a host of simultaneous family mayhem including her father's surprising fixation on a real estate agent and her ex’s plans to move back to Crystal Bay. As the inn’s annual Christmas Tea approaches, things are heating up in Callie’s Kitchen, but she’s on thin ice! Will Christmas be a festive celebration this year – or will it be murder?

  *Turn to the end of the book for six delicious recipes, including Greek cookies and savories, plus traditional Midwestern holiday favorites!

  Books in The Callie’s Kitchen Mysteries by Jenny Kales:



  More to come!

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  To all of the people who inspired this series…you know who you are.

  Thanks for the stories.

  “There are some people who want to throw their arms round you simply because it is Christmas; there are other people who want to strangle you simply because it is Christmas.”


  “Christmas is a season not only of rejoicing but of reflection.”


  “Kala Christouyenna”



  “Why does anyone think it’s a good idea to have their bridal shower right before the holidays?” grumbled Natalie Underwood, her long red curls bouncing pertly as she rushed about the room. Her slim figure, decked out in a short, sleek dress and dark-colored tights seemed to bristle with consternation as she straightened silverware and adjusted the festive Christmas centerpieces in The English Country Inn’s waterfront dining room.

  “Because they enjoy making everyone as stressed out as they are?” Calliope Costas responded, but with a smile. Her friends and clients called her “Callie,” but her Greek father normally stuck with “Calliope.”

  As the proprietor of Callie’s Kitchen, a Mediterranean meets Midwest from-scratch meals business, she’d had her fair share of demanding clients. But customers were customers. Anyway, Callie knew she was more able to tolerate self-absorbed brides now than she used to, now that she had a new special someone in her own life.

  As the two women chatted, Callie was rushing alongside Natalie, placing mini boxes of her famous Greek snowball cookies, aka, kourabiethes, at each place. The inn had its own chef, but occasionally Callie contributed an extra sweet treat to events at the inn at the host’s request. To celebrate the season, Callie had spiced the treats with ouzo, the flavorful Greek liqueur, and had placed a fragrant clove in the center of each cookie. She wished that Natalie would eat a cookie – maybe the combination of booze and melt-in-your-mouth texture would cheer her up.

  “Okay, that just about does it.” Natalie straightened a final centerpiece and glanced out the huge expanse of windows overlooking Crystal Bay’s namesake waterfront. She leaned forward a bit, squinting at the view. Callie kept placing boxes of cookies at each place. If anyone was out there, it had to be a duck who had forgotten to migrate: who else would brave the 15-degree temperatures?

  The day was a bit overcast, but nothing unusual for Wisconsin in mid-December. The lake looked icy and gray, but even the lack of sun couldn’t take away from its beauty. So far the month was unusually cold, even for Crystal Bay. Unlike previous years when warm temperatures prevented the water from icing over completely, it looked like this year the bay and surrounding waterways were experiencing an early freeze. The ice fishermen and ice skaters would have a field day.

  Inside, the airy dining room glowed with soft Christmas lights and so many fresh pine boughs and tiny white fairy lights that it felt like walking through a winter forest. Large windows framed the pleasant vista of Crystal Bay. Delightful. Callie inhaled the pine-scented air deeply before turning to Natalie once more.

  “Anything else that I can do to help right now?” she asked.

  The young woman shook her head. “Not that I can think of.” Natalie was, by all accounts, exceptionally good at her job as the head of events at The English Country Inn, a Crystal Bay mainstay for the last 40 years. The midsized boutique hotel was situated directly on the water, making for charmingly picturesque views. The interior décor reflected its namesake with inviting floral sofas and wallpaper, plush carpet and warm paneling.

  The inn was also famous for a spectacular English-style Victorian tea service, presented only at Christmastime. Locals and tourists alike flocked to partake of the tender cucumber tea sandwiches, rich, flaky scones and spicy gingerbread. Callie had planned to attend the tea event with her grandmother, Viv and her 10-year-old daughter, Olivia. She was even toying with the idea of inviting the British-born detective she
was seeing. Would a detective enjoy a tea party?

  Callie glanced again at Natalie who appeared to be white with fatigue. “Natalie, come on. Let’s sit down for a minute. You look run off your feet.”

  “I can’t,” Natalie responded firmly. “You’re sweet to worry about me but there is just so much to do.”

  “Let me help you then. I need to go back to work soon, but I can stay a little longer. Why not take advantage?” Callie smiled.

  Natalie smiled back, but weakly, so it seemed to Callie. “Thanks,” she said with a sigh. “Maybe I will take a short break. This particular bride is not my favorite and I really can’t let my feelings show.”

  “Oh?” Callie asked, handing over one of the kourabiethes. Natalie dropped into a chair with another gusty sigh and munched glumly on the cookie.

  “I’m surprised you don’t know the story,” she said. “These are good by the way. A little spicy, but buttery.”

  Callie smiled. At least her kourabiethes hadn’t lost their ability to cheer people up. “Thanks. Now – what story are you talking about?”

  “Well, this is the second bridal shower I’ve planned for the bride. At the first one, she and some of her relatives got, shall we say, a little too argumentative and the groom ended up ditching her.”

  “I didn’t know that.” The bride, Lexy Dayton, was a regular customer at Callie’s Kitchen, and she had insisted that the Greek cookies be on the menu at her bridal shower. “That’s terrible. Poor Lexy!” Callie offered, reluctant to criticize a loyal client – and Greek cookie lover.

  Natalie rolled her eyes at Callie. “I can’t say I blame her ex. The Daytons appear to be ever-so-elegant on the surface, but they know how to wreck a party. Believe me. In any case, Lexy blames me for her relationship gone awry. Logic is not her strong suit.”

  “I’m inclined to agree. Why on earth would she have her bridal shower at the inn if she blames you for ruining her last engagement?” Callie asked, raising her dark eyebrows.

  Natalie finished her second cookie before answering. “The Daytons are loaded, so they really could afford to have the shower anywhere. Though, I suppose this setting makes sense to them. Apparently, Dayton brides have been fêted at The English Country Inn since forever and they are intent on keeping the tradition alive. I only hope that the groom doesn’t dump Lexy today. I could lose my job!”

  Natalie slumped back in her chair and frowned at her beautifully manicured fingernails. “To make matters worse, I went to high school with Nick Hawkins, Lexy’s new groom. He had a crush on me way back when, but I think he’s forgotten about it. Not Lexy, though. She’s probably got a spreadsheet of every woman that Nick ever glanced at.”

  Callie laughed. “Oh, Natalie. No wonder you’re tense today! Don’t worry so much. Everything looks beautiful, the food will be delicious and you can just cut them off early if they hit the bar too often. Hopefully, the Christmas Spirit will help too.”

  Natalie stood up, smoothing her navy dress, accented with a flowing scarf, tied into a loose bow. To Callie’s eyes, the dress looked like an expensive designer number that Callie had drooled over online. Was it Kate Spade? Either it was the real deal or a very convincing knock-off. Natalie must be doing well for herself if she could purchase that. Callie could only afford to dream of such clothing.

  “You’re probably right. And thanks for talking,” Natalie seemed a little more calm and some color had come back to her attractively freckled face. “If you’re sure you don’t mind, I think I will ask you to do something for me. Will you see if the coat check person is here? The guests are arriving any minute and I forgot to do something.”

  “Of course,” Callie agreed, inwardly relieved to be given such a minor task. She had been up early and was feeling tired.

  “Thanks for all of your help today,” Natalie smiled at Callie before lowering her voice to a near whisper. “I know you probably wouldn’t but, please, don’t repeat my story about the Daytons.”

  “No worries, here,” Callie responded. “We’ve all dealt with bridezillas.”

  Natalie giggled and started walking quickly down the hallway. “See you in a minute,” she called over her shoulder.

  Callie checked her watch and strode to the lobby to look for the coat check person. She didn’t see a soul, not even the concierge, Melody Cartwright.

  Perhaps Melody wasn’t working today – she was the type to have a lot of irons in the fire. Besides working part time at the inn, the forty-something Melody ran a tea party business for children and was about to have her first book published – it would include tea party tips and recipes. Callie thought the book sounded wonderful. There was even talk of her being a guest on a national talk show. Melody was Crystal Bay’s closest thing to a celebrity these days.

  “Melody!” Callie called, but no one answered. She headed back near the coat check area and was relieved to see a young woman standing behind the half-door.

  “Oh. Hi there. I’m helping out today for the Dayton shower and Natalie Underwood just wanted me to check to see that you’d arrived,” Callie explained.

  The young woman nodded and smiled. “Well, let her know I’m here and I’m ready when the guests are.” She smoothed her long blond hair back from her face. “Is everything okay? Natalie usually checks in with me personally before an event.”

  “Oh yes, everything’s fine,” Callie said, relieved that her tasks were nearly finished. Her assistant, Max, was working but she needed to get back to her shop for a pile of food prep. “Natalie is just really busy today. I’m Callie Costas, by the way.”

  “Kayla Hall,” the coat check girl said, extending her hand. “I know you – you run the Greek food business downtown. It’s really good.”

  “Thanks!” Callie felt herself blush a little at the praise. “You look familiar to me, too. I hope you can come to Callie’s Kitchen again soon. We’ve got some great Christmas goodies. I even decided to do Kringle this year.”

  Kayla’s eyes lit up at the mention of the classic Danish pastry, a Wisconsin Christmas tradition. Callie was about to elaborate but stopped when she noticed that Kayla suddenly looked strained, a forced smile painted on her face.

  “Welcome to The English Country Inn,” Kayla said perkily to someone who stood just behind Callie. “May I check your coat?”

  Callie stepped aside for a tall, model-thin woman in her mid-fifties with a short, chic gray haircut. Without a glance at Callie, she handed a fur coat across the door to Kayla. She didn’t look as if she ate much Christmas Kringle but looks could be deceiving. Callie had learned that sometimes the thinnest people had the best appetites.

  “Thank you,” the woman addressed Kayla in a brisk tone. Her voice was deep and resonant, like a newscaster. She was wearing a bright red jacket and matching pencil skirt that set off her athletic build. Her Christmassy outfit was set off with dangling earrings in the shape of small, sparkly snowflakes.

  Abruptly, she turned to Callie. “Are you working the Dayton bridal shower? I need to speak to someone about the seating.”

  Ah. The famous Dayton mother of the bride. She certainly appeared to be elegant and put together. Callie tried to imagine her in the type of family brawl that Natalie had described and failed.

  “I’m not the event planner, if that’s what you mean,” Callie began, but the other woman cut her off.

  “I know that. Natalie Underwood is the event manager.” The Dayton woman took a step closer, enveloping Callie in a cloud of expensive perfume that smelled like the La Vie Est Belle Callie’s best friend Sam had gifted to her at her last birthday. Life Is Beautiful.

  However, this woman appeared to be thinking just the opposite about life, at least at the moment. She glared at Callie and started tapping her foot. “Do you work for Natalie? I need to go over a few things. But perhaps Natalie would be the best person for me to deal with.”

  Anxious to get back to her own place of business, Callie decided the best thing to do was be gracious. “I’m sure she
would be able to assist you. I just provided a few treats from my food business, Callie’s Kitchen. Your daughter may have told you.”

  “Oh yes, Callie’s Kitchen.” She didn’t look as if she thought much of her daughter’s taste in food providers. “All right, then. Please see if you can find Natalie. The guests should be here in half an hour and I want everything to be perfect.”

  Getting a sympathetic glance from Kayla, Callie attempted to soothe the nervous mother of the bride. “Of course you do. I’ll go look for her right now.”

  Grateful for an excuse to leave this woman’s towering and intimidating presence, Callie scooted off in the direction she’d last seen Natalie. There was no one in sight but a few housekeeping workers and they had no idea where Natalie – or Melody Cartwright, the concierge – had disappeared to.

  Callie started to sweat. The last thing she wanted was a confrontation with Mrs. Dayton who, despite her polished appearance, became somewhat overbearing once she spoke. Natalie was in for an interesting afternoon.

  Finally, one of the bellboys took pity on Callie and directed her to Natalie’s office, situated near the kitchen, where succulent odors of roast chicken were wafting through the doorway. Her stomach rumbled but this was no time for food.

  “Natalie,” Callie said, knocking on the closed office door. “The mother of the bride is looking for you and she seems a little tense.”

  The door swung open but instead of Natalie, it was Melody Cartwright who emerged from the office. “Hello, Callie,” she said. “I was looking for Natalie, too.”

  “Oh!” Callie was startled. “I wondered where you were. The Dayton party is arriving and you might want to get out there, pronto. The mother of the bride had some things to discuss with Natalie and she looks like she means business.”


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