Dangerous (Courting the Darkness Saga)

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Dangerous (Courting the Darkness Saga) Page 14

by Fuller, Karen

  Cedric grabbed a handful of hair and yanked her head up. “Stay with us, sweet cheeks.” Her eyes opened, then narrowed as she clenched her jaw and scowled. He flashed her a smile. “Still feisty, I see. I’m sure your spirit will break when you see your little kitten fall beneath the master. You don’t want to miss the show now, do you? We’re here.”

  Jason put the car in park and cut the engine.

  “I will kill you if it is the last thing I do.”

  He tilted his head. “Ah, but there in lies the kicker, sweet cheeks. You are only here as the bait. Once I devour your precious little kitten, Justin here has his own plans for you. I get to kill the boy and take pleasure in watching the anguish and grief consume that sorry father of ours, and Justin here…I’m not really sure what he has planned for you, but I rather doubt you’ll live long enough to attempt to kill me.”

  Her mouth gaped. “Our father?”

  “You look all too surprised to find out that that little whelp’s father is my father too.”

  “I’ve only met Caleb once. He was surprised to find out Mica was his child. He said he didn’t have any others.”

  “That fucking asshole didn’t stick around long enough after fucking my mother to find out, now did he?”

  “I’ve heard the story. Your pack nearly killed him for what he did to your mother.”

  “They would’ve finished the job, too, if that vamp hadn’t shown up and killed my mother’s husband, the pack’s alpha. After I was born my mother saw the resemblance to my true father and knew her dead mate hadn’t sired me. She cast me out of her home, cursing me as a bastard child. She said looking at me made her feel dirty and that I came from a bad seed. I was just a child and my own mother hated me because I looked like my father. I was forced to live on the dirty streets and beg for whatever scraps anyone would toss an outcast.

  “I showed her though. I grew up strong, despite her best efforts, and I formed my own pack. I am the alpha now, and I didn’t deem her fit to call her my mother. She begged for death by the time I was through with her. Now I’m moving on to the next ungrateful family member.”

  “Mica’s not responsible for anything Caleb did. He’s just a child. He’s your brother.”

  “Yeah, a little snot nosed kid that got everything that was denied to me. I took great pleasure in making sure he didn’t have a mother’s love either. Oh, and she begged for her life and his too. That bitch gave him everything my mother refused to give me—a mother’s love, plenty to eat, and a decent home. I couldn’t let her or the little brat live. It wasn’t fair to me. I was the firstborn. I deserved a better life more than he did. He was nothing but a traitor’s leftovers. What made him think he deserved a better life than me? I am an alpha. I am a king!

  “I knew what I had to do and the deed wasn’t hard either. It just took one swipe of these babies.” He wiggled his fingers in front of her face. “She died a little too easy. I wanted to make her suffer like I’d suffered over the years, but she just died. My own mama was harder to kill than that, I guess because she was a shifter too. I don’t know, but I struck that bitch again because it pissed me off when I realized I killed her before she gave him up. I figured he’d be hiding, so I set fire to the place. I had assumed he died when a little birdie whispered in my ear, telling me that he still lived. It’s taken me until now to find the little monster.”

  “He’s a sweet kid. He didn’t deserve what you did to him.”

  Cedric gripped her hair again, shoving her forward out of the car. “And you think I deserved what was done to me, bitch?”

  “No, of course not. No child deserves that. Your mother should have been horsewhipped.”

  “Yeah, yeah, says you,” he said as he shoved her forward again.

  Sherry stumbled, hitting her shoulder on a leaning light pole. “Shit!” She leaned heavily against the pole to regain her footing.

  Cedric pushed her again. “Stop stallin’ bitch.”

  Sherry trudged forward as she looked around. The other shifters flanked her on each side. Justin walked ahead in the lead. The cold February wind blew into the rip in her shirt, sending gooseflesh across her body.

  She had grown up in New Orleans and knew exactly where she was. They had brought her to the abandoned Six Flags theme park. The Katrina ravaged theme park was a testament to the horrors the city suffered in 2005. Debris littered the crumbling parking lot. The rollercoaster stood eerily in the distance, hauntingly still in its silence. Other rides were a mangled mess of broken parts and rust. Graffiti added to the desolation.

  It had to be close to midnight. She should have been attending her coronation and embracing her new life, not leading that sweet boy into an ambush. Her heart ached. She could very well be responsible for getting them all killed.

  Drake, I’m sorry. I never really told you that I loved you, but I do, she thought.

  I love you too, vixen.

  She caught her breath in surprise. Drake?

  We’re not far behind you, love.

  Her heart raced. No, don’t come, it’s a trap.

  I know. Your spell worked. I saw what happened.

  She looked over her shoulder and Cedric shoved her forward again.

  “Keep movin’, bitch.”

  You have to make sure little Mica stays behind. They’ll kill him.

  He insisted on coming, love.

  No, please. I couldn’t bear it if something happened to him. I love that kid, Drake.

  I know you do, but trust me, that kid has a big surprise in store for those men. He’s a brave kid and he’ll be okay, you’ll see.

  Drake, there’s something you need to know. Their leader, Cedric, he’s Caleb’s son.


  I thought you saw everything.

  I was able to see up to the point of the car speeding away…I thought that bastard looked remarkably like Caleb.

  That story Mica told about Caleb and his pack—Caleb got that woman pregnant. She shunned the child and this is what we ended up with—a cold-blooded killer.

  How did he get mixed up with the witch hunter?

  I don’t know, but when I asked him how he found out about Mica he said that not everyone is happy that I’m the new queen, and a little birdie from your group gave him the information.

  We have a traitor.

  Do you have any idea who it is?

  No, but the Fates said there would be a traitor and to trust no one.

  Be careful, Drake.

  You too, love. Just keep cooperating until I get there. I can sense your general direction. It would help speed things up if you can tell me exactly where you are.

  We’re at the abandoned Six Flags theme park.


  Justin led their group to the center of the theme park where the different sections split off to go to the different main attractions. He grabbed Sherry’s arm. “You’ll have your standoff here, boys. By now I’m sure they’re on their way to rescue our little queen here.”

  Cedric placed his hands on his hips, glaring at Justin. “Doesn’t someone need to make a phone call or somethin’ first?”

  Justin shook his head. “No need, boys. She’s been in contact with them from the beginning.”

  Cedric scratched his head. “Come again?”

  “It was a small matter of that little spell you said for me not to worry about because it didn’t work. She’s led them here to us—to you.”

  “You lyin’ sack of shit.”

  Justin shoved Sherry forward. “Tell them Queen Sherry.” She turned her head and glared back at Justin. He pushed her again. “Tell them.”

  Cedric crossed his arms over his chest. “Yes, Queenie, spill it.”

  She glared at them all, then raised her chin in the direction they came from. “There’s no use in lying to you because they’re already here.” The sound of screeching tires sounded in the distance, indicating their arrival.

  Cedric threw back his head and laughed, then clapped his hands together, r
ubbing them briskly in anticipation. “Excellent!”

  Justin yanked Sherry back again. “You have what you want. I’m taking the girl to fulfill my end.”

  Cedric leveled his gaze with Justin. “Just so you know, if you’ve double crossed me, I’ll hunt you down and feast on your heart.”

  Jason smiled, holding his hand up in salute. “Have a nice life. I’ll be able to retire after this transaction.” He yanked on her arm, dragging her to the back of the park by the rollercoaster.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “To your destiny. You see, Cedric isn’t the only one with an agenda. The money I’ll get from handing you over will set me and my daddy up for life.”

  She felt the laugh tickle the back of her throat as she tried unsuccessfully to hold it back. It erupted into a loud heartfelt belly laugh. Tears of mirth streamed down her face and she had to stop walking to catch her breath.

  Justin stopped and turned to her, and his expression had her laughing harder. “I find it strange for a woman to laugh when the people I turn her over to are probably going to kill her.”

  “They may try,” she choked out between bouts of laughter.

  Justin placed his hands on his hips. “And you find that funny?”

  She shook her head, laughing harder. “No, it’s just…hahaha.”

  “It’s just what?” he spat impatiently.

  “Hahaha…I just had a visual of what you said…hahahaha…You living it up with your daddy…hahaha, that was just too funny.”

  “And how is my daddy and I living it up in the lap of luxury funny to you? You will probably be dead, and I would think that you should find that distressing, not funny.”

  “Have you seen your daddy lately, Justin? Hehehe.”

  “No, not in about a week.” He replied honestly. “He’ll turn up. He always does. He’s probably tracking your friend again.”

  “Hehe…he tracked my friend one too many times. She finally got tired of it and dealt with the problem.”

  Justin frowned. “What do you mean by that?”

  “Your daddy’s been a guest at the warehouse for the last two days, dummy.”

  “You’re lying. My daddy wouldn’t stay voluntarily with a bunch of bloodsuckers.”

  She stopped laughing and flashed him a smile. “Did I say guest? I’m sorry, I misspoke. His accommodations are a gilded cage of sorts. Your daddy is a hairy rat.”

  “Now I know you’re lying, bitch.”

  She looked up in the air as she thought. “We’ll just see who’s lying. Now how did that spell Desiree recited go again? Oh yeah, I remember now.” Her eyes narrowed and glared into his. “Come to me, spirit from the black of night. I call to thee with all my might. Curse this mortal who cowers before me. Curse him now so all might see. In his heart, he is a rat. Change his form to reflect that. Take him down to this concrete floor. Shrink him down forever more. Please grant this spell I ask of thee. I do so wish it. So mote it be!”

  Justin screamed, and to her surprise he shrunk down into a rat. She hadn’t really expected the spell to work. Instead, she had really expected him to laugh at her and take her captive again. She breathed in deeply and felt the surge of power flow through her. Hummm, she thought. She lifted her chin and yelled, “Fire!” The ropes binding her wrists burst into flames, falling away. She stretched the kinks out of her arms and shoulders, then ran back in the direction she had just come from.


  Drake, Mica, Desiree, Caleb and little Mica climbed out of the Hummer. Desiree placed her hands on the boy’s shoulders. “Mica, are you sure you’re up to this?”

  “Yes, ma’am. He killed my mama and now he has Aunt Sher. I can’t allow him to kill her too.”

  She squeezed his shoulders and kissed him on the cheek. “We’ll be right behind you, son. Save her for me.”

  The boy smiled. “I will.”

  Desiree smiled back. “May the gods smile on you tonight.” She turned to face the others. “Sherry’s strong. I know she’s alright. She won’t be cowering in a corner like a little lost child. She’ll find the power within herself and help us defeat them. Now, let’s stop this reign of terror so that we can all get back to our lives.”

  Desiree looked up at the sky churning above their heads and lightning flashed, causing her to smile. “There is some powerful magic brewing tonight. Let’s go.”

  The five strode across the parking lot and through the gate. Once past the gate the park was dark. The smell of mildew was strong in the air. Rusted metal creaked and groaned in the brisk breeze. Long shadows were cast behind them like growing giants in the light of the full moon.

  Drake pointed to the left. “Mica you take the left.” He turned, pointing in the other direction. “Caleb, you take the right. I’ll stay in the middle with Desiree and the boy to directly face the kidnappers.”

  Caleb looked between Mica and Drake as if undecided before he spoke. “Drake, shouldn’t I be the one in the middle, since it’s my kids involved?”

  Drake frowned. “No, Caleb. You need to stay out of sight as much as possible. If he sees you he may become unstable. He’s already a ticking bomb as it is. I’m sorry, but we need no misunderstandings. Your son, Cedric, will not survive this night. He can’t be allowed to live.”

  Caleb nodded. “I understand.”

  Drake lifted an eyebrow. “Do you?”


  “Have you ever lost a child before?”

  Caleb shook his head. “No, but—”

  “It will tear up your insides.”

  “Drake, you really don’t know me. I think—”

  “I lost the only child I will ever have three hundred years ago. My unborn son died in childbirth along with my wife. I know what you will feel to lose a child. Even though you’ve never met the child, he’s still a part of you. You will see yourself in him. Do not let this cloud your judgment.”

  Caleb exchanged a look with Mica. “He’s right, Caleb, you need to stay hidden until it’s time.”

  “Fine, agreed.”

  “Come out, come out, wherever you are,” echoed throughout the empty park.

  Desiree ran her hand over the boy’s shoulders. “It appears we’ve lost the element of surprise.”

  Drake’s jaw clenched. “We will win this night.”

  “Agreed,” the others responded.

  The boy splayed his hands. “What are we waiting for? Let’s go get Aunt Sher.”

  Drake ruffled the boy’s hair, then clapped him on the back. “I agree. Let’s go.”

  The three made their way through the road in the center while Mica and Caleb skirted the buildings on opposite sides to stay hidden. The boy was in the center leading the way when they stepped out into the open hub of the park.

  Drake noted Cedric leisurely sitting on top of a low building with his arm draped casually across a knee. He watched him stand and jump down as they approached the center. He scanned the area. The others remained hidden.

  Drake crossed his arms over his broad chest. “You have my mate. Where is she?”

  A cocky smile played across Cedric’s face, and he shrugged, splaying his hands. “Do you see your mate anywhere, sire?” He threw back his head and laughed. “More than likely she’s meeting her end as we speak.”

  “No!” the boy cried out and took a forward step. Drake placed a staying hand on his shoulder.

  “Not yet,” he spoke in a low tone to the boy. He spoke louder. “You do realize that you’ve signed your own death warrant. None of you are going to make it out of here alive.”

  The smile left Cedric’s face. “It is you and your group who will not live.” He pointed an accusing finger at the boy. “I’ve hunted for him long enough. I will get my revenge. He will die tonight as will you all.”

  The boy clenched his fists at his sides. “What did I ever do to you?”

  Cedric looked bored as he replied, “You took your first breath.”


  “You l
ive, boy, isn’t that enough?”

  “You hate me because I was born? You murdered my mother because she gave birth to me?”

  Cedric tilted his head. “Essentially, yes.”


  Drake, I’m here.

  Drake looked up and saw Sherry standing on top of the building Cedric had just vacated. He nodded slightly. It’s good to see you, vixen.

  She smiled broadly. It’s good to be seen again.


  Her smile grew. He’s met the same fate as his father.

  Drake nudged Desiree. When she glanced his way he indicated with his eyes to look on top of the building.

  She kept the smile from her face and said “good” under her breath.

  Let’s finish this, vixen.

  She jumped down from the building. Gladly.


  The four shifters appeared from the shadows to flank their leader.

  The boy raised his chin a notch. “You’ve taken everything from me for no reason at all.”

  “You are his son. That’s reason enough.”

  “You are too.”

  Cedric’s eyes widened. “You know who I am?”

  “Sure. You’re my brother, and a psychotic son of a bitch with no redeeming qualities. I feel cursed to even be related to you.”

  Caleb stepped out of the shadows to stand behind the boy. He placed his hands on the boy’s shoulders to stand united.

  Cedric scowled, pointing an accusing finger at Caleb. “So, the mighty Caleb Jenkins finally makes an appearance, the ever elusive father. Hello, Father, it took you long enough. I’ve hunted you for the last two hundred and fifty years.”

  “Then you suck as a tracker, because I’ve been right here in New Orleans. I’ve never felt a need to hide.”

  Cedric’s scowl deepened at the insult, then he grinned evilly. “Ever wonder why a lot of your ladies just disappeared and never called you back?” Caleb narrowed his eyes. “I see we understand each other. I was making sure you didn’t populate the earth.” His grin broadened when he saw his father scowl. “But for some reason that bitch Celia slipped my notice. Maybe it was because you didn’t pick her up randomly in some bar like you did the rest. Imagine my surprise when I discovered he existed.”


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