Bowles, Jan - Master of Submission [Masters of Submission 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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Bowles, Jan - Master of Submission [Masters of Submission 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 2

by Jan Bowles

  Emma nodded politely. This was going to be the scariest and most bizarre night of her entire adult life.

  Chapter Two

  Zane Anders glanced around the club. From his position at the bar he had an uninterrupted view of the entire room. Decorated in deep, seductive golds and reds, the subdued lighting helped enhance his mood. A couple danced on the raised platform, their gyrations extremely provocative and arousing. But that was the whole point. That was why he was here. After a failed marriage, he’d finally given in to his inner desires. A successful and extremely wealthy businessman by day, his appearance was that of a regular, stand-up guy. But by night it was a different story entirely. He could finally allow his dick to rule his brain, rather than the other way around. His inner cravings could be unleashed and satisfied right here at Submission.

  He considered himself to be the ultimate Master of the female body. It was his duty to extract every last cry and whimper of sexual satisfaction from his subs—all in a controlled manner, of course. There was no point in rushing something, which he considered to be an art form.

  The private club had already given him many nights of unbridled pleasure. He was sure tonight would be no exception. He sighed contentedly. Club Submission was the only place he ever felt truly relaxed.

  His senses came on high alert as Jessica walked past with a woman he hadn’t seen before. His gaze shifted to the stranger, tracing a line from the gorgeous mane of blonde hair that trailed down her back, all the way to her cute sexy butt, which ripened into a peach beneath her short, leather miniskirt. He glimpsed the soft underside of her bare round ass cheeks, squeezing succulently below the tight black leather. She wore a thong, or better still, even less. It would be fun finding out. Just the idea of no panties made his cock harden. With his curiosity piqued, he watched Jessica and the new woman sit at the bar and order a drink.

  The attractive blonde looked around nervously. He guessed it was her first time in a BDSM club. It was certainly the first time she’d visited Submission. He’d remember a woman who looked as good as she did. He wondered what had spurred her to try the lifestyle. Boredom? Lack of sexual fulfillment? Whatever it was, he’d make it his priority to keep an eye on her. He loved observing his prey, watching how they reacted to certain situations. It made his final conquest all the more satisfying. She seemed drawn to the scantily dressed couple, dancing provocatively on the revolving stage. He figured the idea of public exhibitionism turned her on. It certainly turned him on. Later on, he’d be more than willing to find out her sexual preferences. She was a real cutie.

  As he discreetly observed his prey, he noticed the sexy blonde’s gaze sweeping the club, taking everything and everyone in. Eventually her eyes settled on him. Sultry baby blues connected with his. Her exquisite, heart-shaped face was framed by wild blonde hair. He’d never seen a woman look more beautiful or more scared. A primal urge clenched in his gut and twisted like a knife. He had the overwhelming desire to protect this woman. Why? His mind hadn’t entertained a thought like that…not since he’d asked Veronica to be his wife. Yeah, and look where that got you, pal—a divorce settlement that cost you millions. He pushed the unwanted thought back down. Anyone entering Submission came of their own volition. They were after sexual excitement, just like he was. Nothing else mattered.

  * * * *

  Emma could barely concentrate as Jessica explained the rules of the club. Her mind was occupied with what was happening on the revolving stage. A couple in their late twenties or early thirties danced intimately together, their hips gyrating and grinding suggestively. The man had a large erection filling his pants, and he wasn’t shy about showing it off to the gathering crowd. He continually pressed it against his partner’s pussy, to her obvious delight. Her moans of sexual gratification grew louder, until she felt sure the woman was climaxing right there in front of her on the stage. Emma knew she blushed profusely, but she couldn’t drag her eyes away from the erotic scene. She didn’t like to admit it, even to herself, but her pussy was soaking wet. The woman’s head fell back, and the man instinctively ravished the base of her throat before lifting his head and swallowing the sounds of ecstasy that whimpered from her parted lips. Totally mesmerized, Emma felt both disgusted and aroused by such a public display of sexual promiscuity. How could this wanton woman orgasm with her clothes on? Surely it had to be impossible?

  Jessica’s soft voice broke her bubble. “I can see you’re interested in what’s happening on the stage, sweetie. That’s Master Hunter, with his latest sub. The guy is ex-military.”

  Emma studied the tall, stocky man with short blond hair. His bare arms were strong and well defined with muscle. They sported tribal tattoos that swept down his biceps and forearms. Could he be Orion?

  Jessica continued. “It’s early yet, so not everyone is here.” She pointed across the room. “Those two guys sitting together over in the corner are Master Matthew and Master Ethan. They’re the Strong brothers. They own the club. Whatever they say goes. If someone gets out of hand, they deal with it. They’re a real pair of kick-ass guys. Nobody fucks with them.”

  Emma glanced across the room. Both men appeared in their midthirties. One wore his dark hair short. His face was rugged, with deep lines etched either side of his mouth. The other, similar in looks, had slightly longer hair which fell about the collar of his tight leather shirt. They were big, powerful men. A woman on her own wouldn’t stand a chance. Was one or both of them the mysterious Orion?

  Jessica leaned in close and whispered in her ear, “Listen up, sweetie, at the end of the bar is Master Zane. The guy’s a real stallion. He’s always in demand, but he’s also very choosy. He’s a real man. A guy that can stretch your limits in ways you’d never believed possible.”

  Emma felt her heart thumping in her chest as she looked across at the man Jessica was breathily describing. At that precise moment Master Zane turned and stared right back at her. His deep blue eyes pierced her inner tranquility. It was as if he’d stripped away her very soul. God, he had a rugged beauty that was breathtaking. Aged about forty, his muscular body and short dark hair demanded her attention. Master Zane wore a white shirt open to his waist. She could clearly see his athletic chest and abs for herself. Could this be Orion? If any man could turn Chloe’s head, it was him.

  Master Zane nodded in their direction. A slight smile to his lips. “Jessica, you must introduce me to your new friend.”

  “This is Emma, Master Zane. It’s her first time here.”

  “Good to meet you, Emma. Let me get you a drink.”

  Feeling compromised, Emma nervously replied, “No, thank you. I–I’m perfectly all right.” If she accepted a drink, he might want something in exchange.

  “I insist, we’re all friends here.” He waved the barman over. “Todd, get these ladies whatever they want, and put it on my tab.”

  “Sure thing, Zane.”

  Feeling overwhelmed by this beautiful man’s attention, Emma finally relented. “Just freshly squeezed orange juice topped up with a little lemonade, thank you.” Her whole body thrummed, and she visibly squirmed in her seat. Sitting at the other end of the bar, she felt his penetrating eyes intimately exploring her. A blush of heat burned its way from her breasts, up her neck, until it reached her face. If the floor opened up and swallowed her whole, she’d be truly grateful. She flicked him a quick look. To her horror he was still absorbing everything about her, including her surreptitious glance in his direction.

  He burst out laughing, and walked across to her. She felt like a small child sitting at her desk waiting for the teacher to admonish her. He leaned down and whispered close to her ear, “No need to be scared.” She felt his hot breath tracing across her skin. “It’s only a drink.” He tenderly tilted her chin and turned her to look at him. His fingers glanced across her skin, sending molten heat surging through her veins. What the hell was wrong with her? She was a qualified lawyer, for Christ’s sake. She could drop the most hardened criminal to his knees wit
h just a few choice words. When she raised her eyes to his, he seemed to overwhelm her. “We’ll talk later, when you’re a little more relaxed.”

  Unable to speak, Emma nodded dumbly. She needed to pull herself together. He was just a man, nothing more. As a lawyer, she needed to remain objective at all times. It was the only way she could amass the evidence that might lead her to Chloe. It would be foolish to turn down his friendly invitation. Besides, Master Zane was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen. “Okay,” she finally managed to blurt out.

  “Excellent, until then, I’ll leave you in Jessica’s capable hands.” He turned and strode away, heading for a door that lead to who knew where.

  Jessica sighed. “Oh, he’s so adorable when he’s being nice.”


  “You really are a naïve little thing, aren’t you, sweetie? He can be extremely loving, but he can also administer corrective punishment as and when required.”

  Although she was well aware that Submission was a BDSM club, she still felt a little shocked by Jessica’s casual comments. “And has he punished you?”

  “Sure he has, sweetie. All the Masters have.” Jessica looked proud of herself as she explained, “Sometimes I act like a spoilt brat just to catch the Master’s eye.” She hugged her arms around herself. “Umm, it’s so sexy. There’s nothing quite like having their attention focused solely on you, be it punishment or praise. I just adore being flogged naked by a sexy Dom. It’s why I come here. How about you? What’s your kink?”

  “Kink?” Emma swallowed hard. If she’d been taking a sip of her drink, she’d have choked on it. “I don’t have a kink. A girlfriend of mine recommended I came here. She said I’d enjoy it.” That’s it, play it cool. I knew I’d eventually get around to bringing up the subject of Chloe.

  “What’s your friend’s name? I probably know her if she’s a regular here.”

  “Chloe, Chloe Watts.”

  Jessica frowned, and shook her head. “No, sorry. I don’t know any Chloe. If she comes here, she may use a scene name. Many people do. What does she look like? Describe her to me.”

  Before Emma had a chance to respond, Jessica waved enthusiastically at someone across the room. She squeezed her hand. “Gotta go, sweetie. Master Cole needs me, he’s just arrived and won’t tolerate being ignored.”

  Left alone, Emma had far more questions than answers. She thought for a moment. In the messages, Orion had referred to Chloe by name. He had her e-mail address. She obviously trusted him.

  Totally lost in thought, it took her a while to realize that someone had sat down next to her. When she turned, it wasn’t Jessica’s smiling face she saw, but a man she’d yet to be introduced to. His chin wore a five-o’clock shadow, and his ruddy complexion led her to believe he’d been drinking heavily before he arrived. Club Submission only served alcohol on certain evenings, such as special events and private parties, and tonight was not one of them.

  He casually tossed a handful of peanuts into his mouth as he stared intently at her. “I’m Aiden.”

  His poor manners didn’t endear him to her. “Should I be impressed by that?”

  “Care to join me in the Hot Zone?”

  Emma shook her head. She felt her body turn rigid when she smelt the stench of alcohol on his breath. “I’m happy here.” In blissful, unenlightened ignorance.

  “That’s not very friendly now, is it?” His hand snaked around her wrist. “I don’t take no for an answer, lady. You and I are gonna get better acquainted. Makes no difference to me whether you like me or not.” He began pulling her from her seat.

  Events were starting to get out of hand. Panic began to creep into the corners of her mind. Could this obnoxious, drunken man really be Orion? How the hell had she got herself into this situation?

  Chapter Three

  When Zane heard a feminine scream coming from the bar area, he knew without doubt that Emma was in trouble. He sprinted across to her. With no time to waste he locked his arm around Aiden’s neck. Using his other hand, he released Aiden’s hold from Emma, twisting his arm hard behind his back until the big guy cried out in pain. He’d never really liked Aiden. He’d always thought he was an abusive prick. The guy simply had no understanding of women. They steered clear of him as best they could.

  Aiden cried out as he dragged him off Emma, “You’re breaking my fucking arm, Zane. Get the fuck off me.”

  “No chance, Aiden. What the hell is going on? Has this prick hurt you, Emma?” he demanded as Matthew and Ethan quickly joined them. Emma looked a little shocked, but otherwise okay.

  Unable to speak, she just shook her head. Her hand repeatedly patted her throat as she fought for breath. “No…I think…I’m okay,” she finally managed to say in a strangled voice.

  Ethan spoke, his eyes blazing angrily. “I’ve warned you before about this sort of thing, Aiden. You’re banned.”

  They all knew Aiden’s wife had left him and his two kids, to shack up with a female Domme. He felt sure he was feeling pretty bruised and battered emotionally, but there was no excuse for his behavior. Safety of club members was of paramount importance, especially new members and subs. If they didn’t feel they were in a safe environment, then they wouldn’t come back. Of course, that knowledge didn’t help Emma. He saw her visibly shaking.

  Matthew had obviously taken in the situation, too, because he said, “Emma, as the newest member of our club, please accept our apologies. This isn’t typical of what happens at Club Submission.”

  “I’ll have to take your word for it,” she answered breathlessly.

  “Zane, take Emma to the Chill-out Zone. Ethan and I will deal with Aiden.” Grabbing an arm each, they both roughly hauled him away.

  “Guys, I’m no threat to nobody.” Aiden protested as the club-owning brothers dragged him unceremoniously outside. Matthew and Ethan had become good friends with Zane over the years. There was a mutual respect between them all. They treated everyone fairly, although they clearly wouldn’t take any shit when club members disrespected the rules. He knew Aiden wouldn’t be allowed in the club again. Good. He was a sad, pathetic prick at the best of times.

  He heard Matthew speak in a strong, angry voice. “Aiden, fuck off and don’t come back. You’re not welcome here any longer.”

  Zane turned his attention to Emma. He noticed her shivering. He put his arm around her shoulder and guided her toward the Chill-out Zone. It was a small, enclosed area of around three hundred square feet, which provided comfortable seating and soft, intimate lighting. It was the perfect place to get to know her better. After a few steps, she stiffened beneath his fingertips.

  “No, wait. Stop. Where are you taking me? I’m not comfortable with this.”

  “It’s okay, Emma. I’m taking you to the Chill-out Zone. You’ll be perfectly safe with me. Trust me, I won’t let anything or anyone harm you.”

  “I thought I was safe by the bar.”

  He detected a hint of sarcasm and smiled down at her. Her cheeks were flushed, and her pretty lips parted. Her innocent charm aroused him. He made a promise to himself that he would claim that beautiful, sensual mouth before the night ended. “The Chill-out Zone is an area you can relax in. No one will bother you there.” He pointed to several inviting sofas and armchairs, in a roped off area. “When you’re sitting here, everyone knows you want to be left alone. They will respect your wishes. If they don’t, they will never see the inside of the club again. Matthew and Ethan will see to that. You can just sit here and observe, until you feel ready to rejoin the scene.”

  “Okay, Zane. I’m going to trust you, until you give me a reason not to.”

  Her perfect enunciation intrigued him. When they were finally seated together on a large, brown leather sofa, he asked, “That accent. You’re not from Boston or anywhere else in the States, are you?”

  She smiled sweetly, showing perfect white teeth. “Is it that obvious? I’m from England. I was born and grew up in Oxfordshire.” Now that she didn’
t perceive him as a threat, it was amazing how relaxed she became. Emma leaned back and let her hands rest openly in her lap. The short leather skirt she wore barely covered her thighs, revealing plenty of soft, feminine flesh. Flesh he wanted to explore slowly, inch by inch, with his fingers and lips. He wanted this woman. At this precise moment he wanted her more than anything else in the world. He longed to run his tongue along her feminine slit and taste her sweet, wet cunt.

  “So you’re an Englishwoman.” The idea amused him, and truth be known it turned him on, too. He couldn’t stop a smile forming on his face.

  She held his gaze. “And just what exactly is wrong with being English?” She was almost teasing him.

  Zane raised his hands, palm up to placate her. “Believe me, nothing. Nothing at all from where I’m sitting. I just have this idea in my head that all English ladies spend their day sipping tea with the local vicar,” he quipped, knowing full well it wasn’t true. The idea of having a well-spoken English rose with a cut-glass accent as his sub was a real turn-on.

  Emma smiled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “I believe you’ve been watching too much Miss Marple on the TV, Zane. We don’t all sit around eating jam and scones.”

  “No. I guess not, if you’re here.”

  She opened her mouth as though she were going to speak, and then closed it again on a simple sigh.

  He prompted. “You were about to say.”

  “Nothing really. I was just curious. Is Zane your real name? Or is it a scene name like a number of club members seem to use?”

  “No, Zane is my real name.” He didn’t shout from the rooftops that he frequented a BDSM club. He had a business to run, and he needed to keep his personal and private life separate from each other. But he certainly wasn’t ashamed of his involvement with Submission. Far from it.


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