The Captives of Kaag

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The Captives of Kaag Page 5

by Joe Dever

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked.

  If your total score is now 0–5, turn to 32.

  If it is 6 or higher, turn to 51.


  Arrows fly past you on all sides, forcing you to a halt.

  ‘It's no good, Lone Wolf,’ shouts Banedon, as he watches the Drakkarim advancing along the passage, ‘we'll have to go back and take our chances in the pen.’

  Cursing your predicament, you turn around and hurry back towards the waiting ambush. You are expecting to be attacked by more archers, yet as soon as you set foot inside the pen you are confronted by something totally unexpected. A faint sound above makes you look up, and, to your horror, you see a weighted net falling from the ceiling directly onto your heads.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have Grand Huntmastery and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, add 3 to the number you have picked.

  If your total is now 0–4, turn to 27.

  If it is 5 or higher, turn to 262.


  Aided by your mastery, you traverse the tunnel without injury and reach the cooler section beyond. Here you happen upon a steep staircase, set into the right-hand wall, which ascends to a hall on the level above. This vault-like room contains a wealth of grim exhibits, hung upon the walls and displayed in glass-fronted cases. The skulls of rare creatures are displayed beside tanned hides and jewel-encrusted bones. One item in particular catches your eye: it is a Statuette, fashioned in the likeness of Darklord Zagarna.

  Illustration III—The skulls of rare creatures are displayed beside tanned hides, jewel-encrusted bones, and a Statuette of Darklord Zagarna.

  If you wish to keep this Statuette of Zagarna, mark it on your Action Chart as a Special Item. If you already carry your maximum quota, you must discard one item in its favour.

  To continue, turn to 209.


  The dingy stone staircase leads down to an empty torchlit chamber, its floor strewn with filthy straw. A dank tunnel extends from the chamber and you follow this for over a mile before you reach its end. There you discover an iron door, eaten by rust, its lock made useless by years of acidic corrosion. Using your Magnakai skill of Nexus you free the lock mechanism, and then lever the door open to reveal a short flight of steps which are almost unrecognizable beneath a carpet of moss and fungi.

  Cautiously you ascend, clearing the way ahead with your weapon before trusting it to your step. The stairs emerge at street level, in the midst of a once-grand building which now lies in ruins. Through one of its shattered windows you look out upon a concourse littered with more than a dozen Giak dead. Their posture, and the nature of their wounds, tell of a savage street battle fought here within the last few hours. Perched on nearby rooftops are a flock of vulture-like birds, cawing delightedly, their bellies distended by a feast of Giak meat.

  The distant clang and clash of steel tell you that the fighting is not over; it has simply moved on. The noise prompts you to stay crouched in the ruins whilst you consider your next course of action. From this position you survey the street and notice a narrow stairway, directly opposite, which leads down to a crypt door. You focus on the dark portal and sense at once that it is open and unguarded.

  If you wish to cross the street and investigate the crypt, turn to 228.

  If you choose to ignore the crypt, turn to 303.


  Talons spring from the creature's forepaws and its sharp teeth glint like polished knives as it comes leaping through the air towards you.


  If you win this combat, turn to 150.


  As the last of the handlers falls to your deadly blows, his sword falls from his grasp and you notice a glint of polished metal, unusually bright, radiating from a chain bracelet dangling at his wrist. The source of the glint is a polished key fixed to the chain. (If you wish to keep this Brass Key, record it as a Backpack Item on your Action Chart.)

  With the angry yelps of the Akataz echoing in your ears, you leap over the bodies of the slain handlers and sprint along the passage that leads away from the pen.

  Turn to 304.


  You try to avoid being impaled upon the runaway log by diving between the spinning staves. You succeed in avoiding death, but one of the sharpened steel spikes gouges your leg, leaving a deep wound: lose 6 ENDURANCE points.

  Adjust your Action Chart before turning to 213.


  You have only just re-entered the chamber when a second bolt slams into the floor of the tunnel. The blast and concussion throw you forwards, but you manage to recover your balance and stay on your feet.

  The sound of the explosion revives Banedon and, although he is still far too weak to speak or walk, he manages to open his eyes and communicate with you telepathically.

  I know this chamber … he says, … I have been here before. Look there, at the statue opposite. You'll find a lever concealed at its side. It opens a hidden door. Hurry …

  Guided by Banedon's messages you discover that there is indeed a lever as he described. You pull it and a panel in the stone wall glides open to reveal a secret alcove and flight of steps leading downwards. The sound of running feet warns you that the enemy are approaching along both passages, and so, without hesitation, you shoulder your friend once more and slip into the alcove to avoid them.

  Turn to 220.


  After several abortive attempts to open the lock, you decide to abandon the door and leave the chamber by means of the narrow staircase. An unwholesome smell fills this dark spiralling stairwell and, as you descend, you are forced to cling to the wall to prevent yourself slipping on the uneven, slime-smeared steps.

  After several minutes your painfully slow progress is halted by a huge mound of rubble. At first your heart sinks with the fear that you have reached a dead end; then you glimpse a pinpoint of light filtering through the debris and at once your senses reveal that a chamber lies a few yards beyond. However, in order to gain access to this chamber you must first clear away some of the debris which blocks the stairs.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. Now subtract 1 from the number you have picked. The resultant score equals the number of ENDURANCE points lost due to fatigue. (If you picked 0 or 1, your score is zero.)

  To continue, turn to 100.


  You hurry along the corridor, down the steps, and along the alley to the street. When the coast is clear you cross the street and follow a passage which takes you further southwards, towards the centre of this hellish metropolis. Everywhere there is decay and dereliction. Once-grand buildings lie in ruins and every surface is beslimed with nameless refuse. Soon you happen upon a concourse littered with more than a dozen Giak dead. Their posture, and the nature of their wounds, tell of a savage street battle fought here within the last few hours. Perched on nearby rooftops are a flock of vulture-like birds, cawing delightedly, their bellies distended by a surfeit of Giak meat.

  The distant clang and clash of steel tell you that the fighting is not over; it has simply moved on. The noise prompts you to crouch in a darkened doorway for cover whilst you consider your next course of action. From this position you survey the street and notice a narrow stairway, directly opposite, which leads down to a crypt door. You focus on the dark portal and sense at once that it is open and unguarded.

  If you wish to cross the street and investigate the crypt, turn to 228.

  If you choose to ignore the crypt, turn to 303.


  The psychic assault rakes your mind, leaving you stunned and shaky: lose 5 ENDURANCE points. Your Magnakai psychic defences rally to repel the probe and the pain recedes, but upon the instant that the attack is repulsed, the two dragon-creatures raise their scaly paws and shoot forth a stream of flaming bolts, aimed directly at your head and body.

  If you
possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 211.

  If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 169.


  You sheathe your weapon and unshoulder your Bow as you run towards the stairs. Once there, you draw an Arrow and take aim at the advancing creature. It halts, snarling defiantly; then, to your utter amazement, its furry chest undergoes a rapid metamorphosis. What was fur only a few seconds ago is now a shiny steel-hard shell.

  If you wish to aim your Arrow at the creature's shell, turn to 11.

  If you choose to aim at its head, turn to 345.

  If you decide to abandon your shot altogether, you can shoulder your Bow by turning to 125.


  Row upon row of rough wooden bunks cover the floor of the hall below, more than two hundred in all, and racks of armour and weaponry line all four walls. You have entered a Drakkarim barracks house but, fortunately for you, the place is virtually deserted. You scan the cots and count fewer than a dozen warriors, most of whom are asleep. All wear clothing and armour which is predominantly orange in colour, and their shields are emblazoned with the mark of a bloodied scythe blade.

  You are anxious to leave this place but you are just as anxious to find clues to where Banedon is being held prisoner. Kaag is a vast city; it could take a lifetime to search every vault and chamber.

  If you wish to search for clues behind the black oak door, turn to 315.

  If you decide to leave this building and search elsewhere, turn to 80.


  As the Helghast closes for the kill it emits a wailing cry, sending a wave of psychic energy to assail your mind. Your Magnakai defences are more than sufficient to repel this weak attack and, to the creature's visible dismay, you remain unaffected by its initial assault. The Helghast's feral eyes blaze brightly and talons spring from its fingers as, with one last cry, it launches itself towards your chest.

  If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 162.

  If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 12.


  Wracked by fever, you slip reluctantly into a deep unconsciousness. Countless hours slip by while your body battles against the virus. It is a close fight but one that is eventually won thanks to your innate Kai healing skills.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. Now add 3 to the number you have picked. The resultant score is equivalent to the number of ENDURANCE points you have lost due to the infection.

  Once you have fully recovered, you pause to check your equipment before climbing the steps that lead out of this grim cellar.

  Turn to 172.


  The moment you strike your killing blow, the body of the Ice Dragon becomes transparent, as if it was made wholly of glass; then slowly this form melts away to a steamy vapour which quickly evaporates, leaving no trace of the creature's existence.

  A deathly silence fills the hall, broken only by the sound of Banedon's laboured breathing. Fearful of his condition, you climb the ivory staircase and rush to his side. However, you are prevented from touching your friend by the encircling wall of energy in which he is held prisoner. You sense that the power which keeps him here against his will is being generated by the crystal sphere which hangs suspended in the air directly above him. You gaze at this sphere and the thought occurs that if you could disrupt it in some way, by breaking or dislodging it, it might cause the power wall to fail.

  If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 245.

  If you possess Kai-alchemy and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, turn to 69.

  If you possess Magi-magic and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, turn to 108.

  If you do not wish to use a Bow, do not have any of the above skills, or have yet to reach the required Kai rank, turn instead to 338.


  As you fall, you throw out your hands and manage to grab hold of a thick timber which lies across the gaping hole. Splinters of rotten wood dig deeply into your hands, causing you to cry out in pain (lose 2 ENDURANCE points), but the discomfort does not cause you to lose your grip. With grim determination, you haul yourself out of the hole and continue across these perilous ruins, taking more care than before as to where you tread.

  Eventually you clear this section of the city and find yourself in the midst of a once-grand building which now lies derelict. Through one of its shattered windows you look out upon a concourse littered with more than a dozen Giak dead. Their posture, and the nature of their wounds, tell of a savage street battle fought here within the last few hours. Perched on nearby rooftops are a flock of vulture-like birds, cawing delightedly, their bellies distended by a surfeit of Giak meat.

  The distant clang and clash of steel tell you that the fighting is not over; it has simply moved on. The noise prompts you to stay crouched in the ruins whilst you consider your next course of action. From this position you survey the street and notice a narrow stairway, directly opposite, which leads down to a crypt door. You focus on the dark portal and sense at once that it is open and unguarded.

  If you wish to cross the street and investigate the crypt, turn to 228.

  If you choose to ignore the crypt, turn to 303.


  The bolt strikes the pool and the inflammable liquid ignites with a deafening whoomph that knocks you flat on your back. For a few seconds the chamber is aglow with a blinding white light; then the glare fades to reveal the octopoid writhing on the floor, close to the blazing pool's edge, its loathsome body being consumed by a hungry mass of guttering yellow flames.

  Covering your mouth with your cloak, you skirt around the burning carcass and approach the archway through the thick smoke. The sheet of blue-green metal that once blocked this exit is no longer there; it has moved aside to reveal a dark tunnel leading away from the chamber. Eager to leave this smoke-filled hall and continue your search for your captive friend without further delay, you hurry through the archway into the darkness beyond.

  Turn to 200.


  You sprint across the street and bound up the tower stairs. You are halfway up when suddenly there is a loud clunk, and you look up to see a heavy wooden log, pierced by a criss-cross of metal staves sharpened at either end, come careering down the steps towards you. Frozen with horror, you can but stare at the brutal face of a Drakkar who is peering over the edge of the tower parapet. He guards this feeding tower and, with gleeful expectation, he watches as his ‘toy’, the great spiked log, bounces on the steps and spins straight towards its latest unsuspecting victim.

  Illustration IV—A heavy wooden log, pierced by a criss-cross of metal staves, comes careering down the steps towards you.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked.

  If your total score is now 3 or less, turn to 289.

  If it is 4–9 turn to 41.

  If it is 10 or more, turn to 348.


  ‘So we meet again, Lone Wolf.’

  The words, full of hatred, are spoken by a tall, ancient figure, whose gaunt face is framed by a shock of platinum hair. It is Arch Druid Cadak, ruler of Mogaruith, the leader of the Cener Druids of Ruel.

  ‘What is your purpose here, Cadak?’ you growl in reply, your weapon raised in case he or his minions should attempt to rush you.

  ‘I am ruler of this city now. After all, is it not fitting that I should inherit the legacy of the Darklords?’ Cadak's whimsical mood seems to change for the worse, a change reflected in his voice.

  ‘Your meddlesome intrusions have cost me dear, Kai Lord,’ he hisses. ‘We have a debt to settle and I intend to make you pay what you owe. I brought you here. It was my purpose. I have no interest in the inferior magic of this fool you call friend,’ he says, sneering at Banedon, ‘yet I knew he would be bait enough to lure you.’

  Slowly he steps towards the shadows and you tense yourself, fearing an imminent attack.

  ‘Now you will settle your debt
… ’ he says, almost in a whisper, ‘once and for all!’

  He snaps his fingers and you hear the creak of a heavy iron door slowly opening. Then a low, snorting noise echoes through the pen, stirring the caged Kraan and Zlanbeast to sudden frenzy. You steel yourself and cast your eyes around in a desperate attempt to see what it is that is responsible for this sudden uproar. Then the cause emerges into the light and your blood runs ice cold in your veins when you look upon its terrible face.

  Turn to 226.


  Beyond the west arch you discover a flight of stairs. Cautiously you ascend several levels of the citadel until the stairs emerge into a vast, frigid hall which is festooned with icy stalactites. In the dim distance you see the yellowy glow of a warmer chamber and you hurry towards it, taking care not to slip on the treacherous, frost-covered floor.

  You are near the centre of this chamber when the temperature drops dramatically. Unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Nexus, you lose 5 ENDURANCE points due to the extreme cold.

  To continue, turn to 133.


  The dingy stone staircase leads down to an empty torchlit chamber, its floor strewn with filthy straw. To the right there is a stout wooden door secured by a rusty bolt, and ahead you see a damp passage. Your Magnakai senses tell you that it heads due south.


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