The Captives of Kaag

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The Captives of Kaag Page 8

by Joe Dever


  If you win this combat, turn to 247.


  The stream of flame catches you full in the face and knocks you sprawling to the ground. Unfortunately your Magnakai skill of Nexus is not effective enough to save you completely from the effects of this super-hot fire: lose 8 ENDURANCE points.

  If you have survived this wounding, you must face the creature; turn to 39.


  Expecting the unexpected, you enter a rubble-strewn alley which takes you deeper into the black heart of Kaag. A mile later you reach a broader street, partially submerged by brackish, ankle-deep slime. Beyond it, at a deserted square, you see a tangle of rusty iron pipes spilling out from a circular shaft in the ground. Jets of steam hiss skywards from a thousand tiny cracks in these corroded conduits. Nearby, in the ruins, a guttering fire casts an eerie yellow light over the area. Shadows play upon the surrounding walls, cast not only by the fire but also by the winged Kraan which swoop back and forth across this square, dousing themselves in the jets of scalding-hot steam.

  You are watching the Kraan diving and twisting above the rooftops when suddenly your Magnakai sense of Divination alerts you to imminent danger. You can sense the approach of a hostile creature, one which is using its psychic power to scan the surrounding area.

  If you wish to avoid this creature by entering one of the ruined buildings which border the square, turn to 349.

  If you decide to hurry away from this square, turn to 4.


  Aching with battle fatigue and the pain of your wounds, you stumble and fall to your knees before the mighty Zavaghar. Cadak laughs like a madman and screams for his creature to finish you off quickly. The beast rises up on its hind legs in readiness to strike you a killing blow, but suddenly, as it reaches its full height, its limbs and torso become stiff and its movements jerky.

  Slay the beast, Lone Wolf! whispers Banedon, the words forming in your mind. I cannot hold it for long.

  You glance to where your friend is lying and see that his trembling hand is stretched out towards the towering Zavaghar. Inspired by his courageousness, you shake off your fatigue and rush forwards to plunge your weapon deep into the exposed belly of the beast, striking it a mortal wound barely moments before Banedon's spell of Holding fails.

  Turn to 248.


  The temperature rises steadily the deeper you descend this flight of stairs, causing you to give thanks to your Magnakai Discipline of Nexus which is sparing you any pain or discomfort. The stairs end at a chamber constructed of stones which radiate a deep purplish light. It is furnished with tables, chairs, draperies, and carpets, all of a similar hue.

  You are crossing the floor on your way towards a tunnel-like exit on the far side, when suddenly a secret panel opens in the wall and from out of the darkness step two horny-skinned creatures which you recognize immediately. They are Xaghash, brutish lesser Darklords, implacable servants of the evil God Naar.

  They are busily arguing with each other as they lumber into this chamber, and both of them fail to see you at first. But suddenly their senses detect the presence of your pure spirit, and it stirs them to a fearful fury. With frightening ease they hurl aside heavy furniture in their eagerness to attack you.

  If you possess a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 62.

  If you do not, turn to 263.


  Your Magnakai senses warn you that the left road leads to a dead end. Without hesitation, you turn right and take off along the street at a steady pace.

  Although the Death Knights are hot on your heels, you are confident that you will soon outrun them. However, your confidence is severely shaken when you see that the way ahead is blocked by a hill of rubble, the remains of a collapsed watchtower.

  If you have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian in the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, turn to 22.

  If you have yet to reach this level of Kai Grand Mastery, turn to 232.


  You move back a few feet from the power wall then look up and focus all your attention upon the sphere. Silently you mouth the words of the Elder Magi battle-spell Splinter and, with a blink of your eyes, you project its energy at the centre of the glassy orb.

  If your current ENDURANCE points score is 14 or less, turn to 23.

  If your score is 15 or more, turn to 296.


  Your Kai skills keep you safe from detection and enable you to cross the Akataz pen unseen. Quietly you enter the deserted passage beyond and press on with your search for Banedon.

  Turn to 304.


  As you sprint towards the beckoning safety of the cooler tunnel section, you trip and stumble headlong to the floor. Your hands and knees are burnt by rough contact with the red-hot metal, leaving them badly blistered: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

  When finally you reach the cooler section, you happen upon a steep staircase, set into the right-hand wall, which ascends to a hall on the level above. This vault-like room contains a wealth of grim exhibits, hung upon the walls and displayed in glass-fronted cases. The skulls of rare creatures are displayed beside tanned hides and jewel-encrusted bones. One item in particular catches your eye: it is a statuette, fashioned in the likeness of Darklord Zagarna.

  If you wish to keep this Statuette of Zagarna, mark it on your Action Chart as a Special Item. If you already carry your maximum quota, you must discard one item in its favour.

  To continue, turn to 209.


  The Drakkar hits the cobblestones head-first, the impact leaving him stunned but not unconscious. Groaning loudly, he crawls around on all fours, fumbling to find a whistle that is dangling from a chain around his neck. You know you must do something to stop him; it will only be a matter of seconds before he locates it and raises the alarm.

  If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 159.

  If you do not or choose not to use it, turn to 25.


  You are struggling to recover your footing when you hear the metallic twang of a crossbow's drawstring, and feel something hard punch you squarely in the middle of your back. Fortunately, your Backpack has spared you from a fatal wound.

  Driven by fear, you recover your footing and force yourself to the top of the mound. Only when you crest the summit and slide down the far side do you realize that the bolt has damaged one of your Backpack Items beyond repair.

  Erase the item noted as No. 3 on your current list of Backpack Items.

  To continue, turn to 337.


  You have only just re-entered the chamber when a second bolt slams into the arch of the tunnel. The blast and concussion throws you off-balance and, together with Banedon, you crash headlong to the floor: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.

  The fall revives Banedon and, although he is still far too weak to speak or walk, he manages to open his eyes and communicate with you telepathically.

  I know this chamber … he says, … I have been here before. Look there, at the statue opposite. You'll find a lever concealed at its side. It opens a hidden door. Hurry …

  Guided by Banedon's messages you discover that there is indeed a lever as he described. You pull it and a panel in the stone wall glides open to reveal a secret alcove and a flight of steps leading down. The sound of running feet warns you that the enemy are approaching along both passages, and so, without hesitation, you shoulder your friend once more and hurry into the alcove to avoid them.

  Turn to 220.


  You pull a wooden bung from one of the casks and cautiously sniff the contents. It contains a strong, foul-smelling spirit that tightens your throat and makes your eyes water, prompting you to discard it as quickly as possible. The boxes and sacks yield little of value; however, in one trunk you find the following items which may be of some use during your quest:



  Silver Bowl


  Brass Key

  Black Key


  Enough food for 2 Meals

  If you wish to keep any of the above, remember to record them as Backpack Items on your Action Chart.

  To continue, turn to 224.


  The stairs seem to go on forever. You lose count of the number of levels through which you ascend and, after an hour of relentless climbing, you feel the need for rest and refreshment. Unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

  Eventually the stairs end at a tunnel which leads to a hall. However, you cannot enter this hall because it is blocked by a huge stone statue which has been tipped onto its side. The statue must have shattered on impact, for the tunnel exit is almost filled with large boulders. The thought of having to descend the stairs you have just laboured up fills you with dread, but in order to gain access to the hall beyond you must first clear away some of the heavy debris.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. Now subtract 1 from the number you have picked.

  The resultant score equals the number of ENDURANCE points lost due to fatigue. (If you picked 0 or 1, your score is zero.)

  To continue, turn to 100.


  At once you recognize the glassy orb which rests upon the altar. It is identical to the sphere you saw in the chamber of Arch Druid Cadak in Mogaruith, the sphere by which he communicated with the Master of all Evil — the evil God Naar. With dread, you look upon the surface of the orb and your blood runs cold; it is as if the eye of the Dark God himself were gazing upon you.

  If you wish to attempt to destroy this sphere, turn to 208.

  If you choose to flee from this temple as quickly as you can, turn to 86.


  You duck your head and the cube passes harmlessly over your shoulder to smash against the wall behind. On impact there is a tremendous flash and an explosion which releases a gout of searing flame. Needle-sharp slivers of stone pepper your back, but your quick reflexes have saved you from sustaining fatal injuries. Lose 4 ENDURANCE points.

  To continue, turn to 72.


  You swiftly catch up with the fleeing Vordak and draw your weapon in readiness to cut it down. The creature glances over its shoulder and, as you strike out at its skull-like head, it raises an iron mace in an attempt to parry the blow. It manages to deflect your attack, but you quickly raise your weapon to strike again.


  If you win this combat in three rounds or less, turn to 79.

  If you win and the combat lasts four rounds or longer, turn to 284.


  As the last of the Drakkarim falls to your deadly blows, his outstretched hand grabs at your tunic and holds on with a vice-like grip. In order to free yourself you are forced to prise back the fingers one by one, mindful all the while of the Drakkarim squad who are arming themselves in readiness to attack.

  As you disentangle the last two fingers you notice a chain bracelet dangling from the dead warrior's wrist. A polished key is fixed to this chain. (If you wish to keep this Brass Key, record it as a Backpack Item on your Action Chart.)

  With the angry screams of the Drakkarim echoing in your ears, you leap over the body of the slain warrior and sprint along the passage beyond.

  Turn to 304.


  Your spell causes the sphere to vibrate uncontrollably. Tiny cracks appear in its crystal surface; then, with a flash of sparks, it breaks cleanly in two. At once the shimmering wall of light which imprisons Banedon flickers, and then disappears completely.

  Turn to 188.


  As the Kraan glides towards the semicircular platform, you swing one leg over its neck and get ready to leap from the saddle the moment it lands. With cat-like agility, you jump the last remaining few feet onto the platform and run through the open archway. Two Drakkarim Kraan-handlers suddenly appear before you, but your quick wits and Kai camouflage skills keep you from being seen. As the handlers walk out onto the platform to tend to the screeching Kraan, you run towards the rear of the pen where a spiral staircase leads off to levels above and below.

  If you wish to ascend the stairs to the level above, turn to 31.

  If you choose to descend the stairs to the level below, turn to 217.


  You rejoin your physical body barely seconds before the creature attacks, but the suddenness of such a swift transition leaves you trembling with psychic shock: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

  Shakily you draw your weapon as the boar-thing comes bounding towards you, its mouth agape and its great curved tusks glinting evilly in the fire of the moat.


  If you win this combat, turn to 325.


  Skilfully you tail the group, using the cover of doorways and debris to hide your presence as you move through a maze of streets and alleyways. At length you reach a wide avenue bisected by a dead river of salty, acid water. The group cross this foul stream by a bridge, and then enter a two-storey, flat-roofed building which is guarded by other Giaks, wearing similar orange-patched uniforms. In the distance you can hear the faint sounds of battle.

  Patiently you observe the building and its Giak guards. The front door appears to be well defended, but there is another entrance, at the end of an alley which runs alongside the building, that looks to be unguarded. An iron stair ascends to this entrance on the upper floor.

  If you wish to investigate this second entrance, turn to 273.

  If you do not wish to approach this building, you can leave this section of Kaag by turning to 171.


  Directly across the street from where you are hiding, you see a square, flat-roofed tower, one of several which encircle the outer edge of the concourse. A flock of screeching Kraan are feeding on slabs of maggoty meat which have been left there by the Drakkarim guards. Once they have eaten their fill, they take to the air and return to their cave-like pens, located high up on the citadel's outer wall. Some of the returning Kraan are ridden by Drakkarim and other guards who steer their mounts towards landing platforms which jut like great steel tongues from the entrances to the pens.

  It occurs to you that if you were able to mount one of the feeding Kraan, you could attempt to enter the citadel by the very same route.

  Emboldened by your plan, you resolve to put it into action. Patiently you survey the feeding tower opposite and note that there are two ways to gain access to its roof. You could climb a staircase that runs directly from the street to the roof, or you could attempt to scale its wall.

  If you possess the Discipline of Grand Pathsmanship, turn to 237.

  If you do not possess this Discipline, turn to 149.


  Hurriedly you replace your Arrow and shoulder your Bow. Sensing victory within its grasp, the creature emits a gurgling shriek and comes bounding forwards. You get ready to meet its advance but, when it is only ten feet away, it suddenly opens its mouth wide and spews forth a stream of white-hot liquid fire.

  If you possess the Discipline of Grand Nexus, turn to 333.

  If you do not possess this Grand Master Discipline, turn to 287.


  The further you explore along this tunnel, so the sense of impending doom becomes greater. Although the plain grey walls, ceiling, and floor of this passage appear featureless and ordinary, you are soon brought to a halt by the overwhelming presentiment of danger. Instinctively you reach for your weapon, but before your hand tightens around it, a slick syrupy sound draws your eyes to the arched ceiling above.

  Fear stabs like an ice-cold spike in your heart when you see three jelly-like discs peel away from the roof and come plummeting down towards your head. Each of the rubbery discs has two sets of snake-like fangs which trail sticky yellow venom. At once you recognize these deadly creatures: they are Plaak, live instrumen
ts of assassination employed by the Nadziranim.

  Desperate to avoid their venomous fangs, you hurl yourself backwards and crash heavily to the ground. Breathlessly you unsheathe your weapon and get ready to defend yourself as the loathsome Plaak bounce off the floor and come arcing through the air towards your chest.


  These creatures are immune to all forms of psychic attack.

  You may evade this combat after three rounds by turning to 138.

  If you win the combat, turn to 285.


  You step warily into the glimmering column of light and immediately feel yourself begin to rise. Bands of darkness flick past with growing rapidity, each one marking a passing level of this mountainous citadel. Then you feel yourself slowing to a halt. The column fades and you find yourself standing on a metal dais in the centre of a domed chamber. Ahead you see a great door, forged of Kagonite, and beside it there is a narrow staircase leading downwards.

  As you approach the door, you notice the lock which secures it. It is inlaid with a series of numbers and, at once, you recognize that they are component parts of a combination lock. One number in the sequence is missing. By tapping the correct number upon the blank square, you will cause the lock to disengage.


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