The Captives of Kaag

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The Captives of Kaag Page 18

by Joe Dever

  If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 134.

  If you wish to run straight through this magical barrier, turn to 241.

  If you choose to retreat down the stairs and rejoin your unconscious companion, turn to 15.


  Outside the window there is a covered courtyard. You crouch in the shadows while you wait for a group of Drakkarim stablehands to finish their duties here; then you cross to the far side, climb over a low wall, and make your escape into the ruins beyond.

  For over a mile you wend your way through derelict buildings before you happen upon an avenue which is surprisingly clear of debris and obstructions. You are conscious that perhaps it is too clear, offering you no cover at all from the tall buildings that line this route to the centre of Kaag.

  You decide to trust to the ruins rather than run the risk of being detected out in the open. However, within a matter of minutes you are confronted by a new hazard. The ground in this section of the city is unsafe. It is riddled with pot-holes and concealed cellars, covered by rotten wooden beams and slabs of paper-thin plaster. Suddenly one such section gives way beneath your feet and you find yourself falling headlong into coal-black darkness.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked.

  If your total score is now 0–5, turn to 32.

  If it is 6 or more, turn to 51.


  As you raise your enchanted weapon, the Helghast shrieks in alarm as it recognizes the power you wield. Immediately it breaks off its advance and staggers back towards the bridge, desperate to flee its nemesis. Determinedly you chase after this evil being and, as it reaches the drawbridge, you come to within a sword's length of its skull.

  ‘Die, foul spawn!’ you cry, and with one fell sweep of your arm, you send the creature tumbling from the bridge to be consumed by the hungry flames below. Open-mouthed, the two Drakkarim stumble to a halt and stare down into the moat. Nervously they glance at each other, fearful of suffering a similar fate; then they turn and run towards the open door. Determined not to let them escape, you give chase and catch up with them within a few yards of the entrance.


  If you win this combat, turn to 340.


  You leave the chamber by means of a passageway that leads to a circular hall. Here, a column of shimmering blue light descends from a hole in the middle of the roof and passes through a similar hole in the floor. Your senses tingle as you gaze at this column, for you immediately recognize its purpose. Within the confines of the light, gravity is greatly reduced. It is used as a means of transportation, an elevator that can take you to other levels of Kaag, either above or below. The last time you saw one of these devices was in Helgedad, the former principal stronghold of the Darklands.

  If you wish to step into the transporter beam, turn to 319.

  If you choose to ignore it, you can leave the chamber by means of a spiral staircase adjacent to its north wall. Turn to 115.


  The passage ends at an open door which leads to a covered courtyard. You wait for a group of Drakkarim stablehands to leave the yard; then you cross to the far side, climb over a low wall, and make your way into the ruins beyond.

  For over a mile you wend your way through derelict buildings before you happen upon an avenue which is surprisingly clear of debris and obstructions. You are conscious that perhaps it is too clear, offering you no cover at all from the tall buildings which line this route to the centre of Kaag.

  You decide to trust to the ruins rather than run the risk of being detected out in the open. However, within a matter of minutes you are confronted by a new hazard. The ground in this section of the city is unsafe. It is riddled with pot-holes and concealed cellars, covered by rotten wooden beams and slabs of paper-thin plaster. Suddenly one such section gives way beneath your feet and you find yourself falling headlong into coal-black darkness.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked.

  If your total score is now 0–5, turn to 32.

  If it is 6 or more, turn to 51.


  Your lightning-fast reflexes and your mastery of the Discipline of Grand Nexus saved you from being hit by the searing stream of liquid fire. Droplets splash on your tunic and it catches alight, but you quickly extinguish the flames before stepping forwards to engage the creature in mortal combat.

  Turn to 197.


  You release the straining bowstring but the speed of the war-dog's attack spoils your aim. The Arrow misses by a hair's breadth and shatters against the floor. An instant later the dog is upon you, knocking you down, its fang-filled jaws snapping within inches of your unprotected face.


  This hound is especially susceptible to psychic attack. If you can and wish to use a psychic attack during combat, double all bonuses to which you are entitled.

  If you win this combat in four rounds or less, turn to 13.

  If you win and combat lasts five rounds or longer, turn to 264.


  Steadily you draw an Arrow and take aim at the approaching beast. As the boar-thing comes bounding onto the drawbridge, you let fly your shaft at a point between its great curved tusks.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess the Discipline of Grand Weaponmastery with Bow, add 5 to the number you have picked.

  If your total score is now 5 or less, turn to 102.

  If it is 6–11, turn to 221.

  If it is 12 or more, turn to 34.


  Guided by instinct, you hurriedly retrieve the statuette from your Backpack and hold it high above your head. Instantly the flames subside and, as the terrible heat dissipates, you hear the voice boom out once more.

  Very well, loyal acolyte, it says, in an almost condescending tone, you may pass.

  With a hiss of escaping air, the solid, blue-green metal door slides open to reveal a dark tunnel leading away from the chamber. Eager to continue your search for your captive friend Banedon without further delay, you slip the statuette into your Backpack and hurry through the archway into the darkness beyond.

  Turn to 200.


  The street continues beyond the mound, heading due south towards the great citadel, the shadow of this edifice looming ever larger. Soon the street opens out to a wide concourse which encircles the citadel and offers access to its great Northern Door.

  The entire door is made of black iron, streaked with rust. Turrets jut from either side, on top of which you can see giant cannon-like weapons, similar to those once employed by the Darklords aboard their ironclad fleets. From the cover of a ruined house you watch the traffic of Giaks and Drakkarim, all clad in orange uniforms bearing the mark of a bloodied scythe. The more you stare at the citadel, the more you are sure that this is where Banedon is being held prisoner. However, entry into the citadel itself looks to be impossible, until, that is, an opportunity unexpectedly presents itself.

  Turn to 124.


  Using your weapon, you draw back your right hand and take aim at the sphere. For someone of your ability, it would be difficult to miss hitting this target with a thrown weapon. But will it strike with sufficient force to break or dislodge the sphere?

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have Grand Huntmastery, add 3 to the number you have picked.

  If your total score is 5 or less, turn to 97.

  If it is 6 or more, turn to 259.


  Mentally you recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell Mind Charm while you hold the Drakkar with your eyes. You say nothing, but within moments the brutish soldier breaks off his stare and stands aside, as if you had given him an acceptable answer. With exaggerated bravado, you thrust open the
heavy iron portal and stride into the corridor beyond. The door slams shut behind you with a dull boom.

  The corridor ends at a landing where a gallery overlooks the cavernous lower level. Nearby there is a staircase, leading down, and a black oak door set flush to the wall.

  Slowly you approach the gallery's railed parapet and look down at an unnerving sight.

  Turn to 47.


  Breathless from combat, you step away from the two dead Drakkarim, sheathe your weapon, and wipe your blood-spattered brow with the back of your hand. Then, in order to leave no trace, you drag both of the corpses to the edge of the moat and consign them, and their weapons, to the hungry flames.

  A narrow passage near the main door provides an exit from this hall. This leads into a wider tunnel which is flanked on both sides by cages, all empty but showing signs of having recently been occupied by war-dogs and the like. Beyond the cells you discover a chamber strewn with wooden boxes, trunks, sacks, and several oak casks. It, too, is empty, although in the far wall there is a stout door with a spy-hole drilled at its centre. Your keen Kai senses detect the faint sound of squealing coming from the other side of this door.

  If you wish to search this chamber, turn to 114.

  If you wish to peek through the spy-hole, turn to 224.


  You pull on the reins, hoping to steer the Zlanbeast higher in time to clear the whistling cloud of bolts, but the beast lacks the speed and strength to perform such an exacting manoeuvre.

  Suddenly a starburst of pain erupts in your head and the taste of blood fills your mouth. You have been hit in the skull by one of the iron-tipped missiles and death is instantaneous.

  Tragically, your life and your quest end here on the very threshold of victory.


  Your efforts to escape are rewarded but only after immense exertion: lose 3 ENDURANCE points. You catch hold of the archway and pull yourself to safety, yet your submersion has cost you your money pouch and one item from your Backpack, lost when you first fell into the dusty pool. Erase all your Gold Crowns, and the first item recorded on your Backpack Items list.

  As the effects of the spell wear off, you leave this sinister chamber and head off along the tunnel.

  Turn to 82.


  You follow the dank passage for over a mile before you reach its end. There you discover an iron door, eaten by rust, its lock made useless by years of acidic corrosion. Using your Magnakai skill of Nexus you free the lock mechanism, and then lever open the door to reveal a short flight of steps which are almost unrecognizable beneath a carpet of moss and fungi.

  Cautiously you ascend, clearing the way ahead with your weapon before trusting it to your step. The stairs emerge at street level, in the midst of a once-grand building which now lies in ruin. Through one of its shattered windows you look out upon a concourse littered with more than a dozen Giak dead. Their posture, and the nature of their wounds, tell of a savage street battle fought here within the last few hours. Perched on nearby rooftops are a flock of vulture-like birds, cawing delightedly, their bellies distended by a feast of Giak meat.

  The distant clang and clash of steel tell you that the fighting is not over; it has simply moved on. The noise prompts you to stay crouched in the ruins whilst you consider your next course of action. From this position you survey the street and notice a narrow stairway, directly opposite, which leads down to a crypt door. You focus on the dark portal and sense at once that it is open and unguarded.

  If you wish to cross the street and investigate the crypt, turn to 228.

  If you choose to ignore the crypt, turn to 303.


  Despite your hasty casting of the spell, your invisible shield protects you fully against the speeding crossbow bolts. The sight of you having survived such a rain of missiles leaves many of their number staring open-mouthed with shock. You seize the initiative and dodge through their line with ease, and by the time they realize that you have evaded them, and start to give chase, you have already passed the junction and begun to run along the street opposite.

  Turn to 266.


  You take aim at the point mid-way between the creature's feral eyes, and then release your straining bowstring.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Weaponmastery with Bow, add 5 to the number you have picked.

  If your total score is 6 or less, turn to 17.

  If your total score is 7 or more, turn to 305.


  Quickly you transfer your Bow to your left hand and raise your right, pointing it directly at the shimmering surface of the pool. The octopoid is within a few feet of the pool's edge when you shout out the power-words that trigger the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand. Immediately, a brilliant flash of blue-white light engulfs your palm and a bolt of flame shoots from your index finger towards the pool.

  Turn to 52.


  The guards see the approaching clouds of smoke and immediately raise the alarm. Aided by a passing group of Drakkarim and Giaks, the two silver-clad guardians come thundering along the corridor and skid to a halt outside the door. You hear them coughing and cursing; then the door flies open and two luckless Giaks are thrust into the smoky room with orders to put out the blaze.

  Utilizing your Magnakai camouflage skills, and helped by the smoke and confusion, you manage to slip past the Giaks and the others and hurry along the corridor towards the distant doors. To your surprise, the two massive portals open as you approach them. A purple glare blinds you momentarily, forcing you to raise your hand to shield your eyes, but still you keep running until you have passed through the doors.

  Turn to 186.


  In the face of this deadly trap you draw on all your skills and agility in order to save yourself from a grisly death. As the log falls upon you, you turn sideways and dive headlong between the spinning staves. You land heavily on the stone steps, bruising your hands (lose 1 ENDURANCE point), but you have successfully avoided being impaled upon the terrible steel spikes.

  Turn to 213.


  You climb across the shattered masonry and take cover near an empty window which overlooks the square. Minutes later you see a thin figure clad in red robes, accompanied by six grime-smeared Giaks, enter the square from an alley on the far side. At once you recognize the skeletal features of the robed one: it is a Vordak, an undead spawn of the Darklords.

  The Vordak raises a bony hand and immediately its companions halt. Then, with a sweep of its arm, it slowly scans the ruins bordering the square.

  If you possess the Discipline of Kai-screen and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, turn to 84.

  If you do not possess this skill or have yet to reach this level of Grand Mastery, turn to 129.


  Below you is the South Gate of Kaag. Its surface is covered by the hide of Nyxator, preserved by the Darklords as a trophy of Naar's evil power. Nyxator was the first servant of the God Kai to appear on Magnamund and the form he chose to adopt was that of a great dragon. He was the first recipient of Kai's wisdom, a wisdom he encapsulated in the Lorestones for the future good of all who follow the way of Kai.

  Illustration XX—Below is the South Gate of Kaag, its surface covered by the hide of Nyxator.

  You stare down at the face of your ancient ancestor and, for a fleeting moment, you detect the trace of a smile upon its fossilized lips. Then, in the next instant, you plunge into a bank of stormy grey cloud and the dread city of Kaag is lost to view.

  By the time you find your way back to the Skyrider, the storm has blown itself out. Your return is met with cheers and joyous celebration for your quest has been a great success. Lord Rimoah is especially pleased and he praises you warmly:

  ‘Against all odds,’ he says, his voice filled with pride, ‘you have rescued our friend from the nightmare fortress of Kaag and delivered him safely into the arms of his loya
l crew.’

  Congratulations, Grand Master Lone Wolf. You have triumphed once again, proving beyond doubt that you embody the ideals of the Kai. You have saved your closest friend from the clutches of the evil druid Cadak and confounded his plans.

  Yet the fight against Evil goes ever on. Soon your courage and skills will be put to the test again, this time in a far distant realm of Magnamund. The nature of the quest and the perils that await you can be found in the next Grand Master adventure entitled:

  The Darke Crusade

  Numbered Sections

  1-10: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  11-20: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

  21-30: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


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