Across the Distance

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Across the Distance Page 19

by Marie Meyer

  “Why aren’t you getting ready?”

  “I just got back from class.” I stood up and went to my closet, looking for something to wear.

  “Likely story,” she said brusquely. “But since you’re the birthday girl, I can’t give you too much shit.”

  I looked over my shoulder and saw her grinning widely. “Exactly.” I nodded.

  “You know what you’re wearing tonight?” Sarah asked, clicking through the hangers in her closet.

  “Not a clue. It would be a lot easier to find something to wear if you’d give me a hint as to where we are going?” I asked sweetly, hoping she’d eat it up.

  “Nope. Not gonna happen. Besides, you’re the designer; you’re supposed to be dressing me.”

  “If I don’t know where we’re going, it’s really hard to choose appropriate attire.” My shoulders sagged. Arguing with her was hopeless; she never relented.

  “Wear something fun…and sexy.” She glanced over her shoulder.

  “Um, Sarah? Why would I need to wear something ‘sexy’?” I asked, wondering what she had up her sleeve.

  She shrugged and looked back to her closet. “Or not. It’s your party. Wear whatever you want.”

  Oh, dear Lord. What did she plan? I was legitimately worried now.

  After several minutes of poring over her closet and my own, I pieced together two outfits that she deemed worthy, and went to get cleaned up.

  Two hours later, we were ready to leave for my unknown birthday destination. I had rainbow-colored hair and wore a hot pink dress that hugged my curves nicely. It wasn’t the sexiest dress I owned, but I loved the color. I pulled on my matching heels and looked at Sarah, “You ready?”

  She put in her last earring and contemplated her reflection in the mirror. “Are you sure these pants look all right?”

  “You look hot, Sarah.” She’d borrowed my metallic royal blue leggings and paired them with her black, shimmery off-the-shoulder tunic. I warned her that Brandon wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off of her.

  “It’s a little flashier than I’m used to,” she confessed.

  “You look great. I promise.”

  She turned away from the mirror and breathed. “All right, I’ll put my trust in the fashion guru. You ready?”

  “Yep.” I nodded, handing Sarah my car keys.

  She took them and smiled. “Let’s get this birthday started then!”

  * * *

  Within minutes she parked down the street from Brandon’s apartment. “Brandon’s?” I asked.

  “I had a little help,” she said, shutting the car door.

  Our heels clicked on the sidewalk as we approached the old brownstone that would soon be Sarah and Brandon’s home. The front porch was littered with coeds in various stages of drunkenness. I pushed my way through the sea of unknown faces and wondered how Brandon had billed this party. I could hear the conversation in my head: “Dude, I’m throwing a birthday party for my girlfriend’s roommate.”

  “Whose birthday?”

  “Jillian Lawson.”


  “Never mind. Just come over Friday night. I’ll have beer.”

  “Cool. I’ll be there.”

  I figured Brandon’s friends didn’t really care who the party was for as long as the alcohol was free and readily available.

  Weaving our way through the crowded house, Sarah held my hand, pulling me along behind her. We snaked our way through the living room on our way out to the back patio.

  “Hey, baby,” Sarah cooed when she spotted Brandon standing near one of the kegs. She let go of my hand in exchange for Brandon’s waist and wrapped her slender arms around his middle. Brandon pulled her closer. Sarah stretched up on her tiptoes and met Brandon halfway as he lowered his head to hers. Their lips touched and I looked away. I couldn’t watch their intimate embrace without missing Griffin even more than I already did. On the way over here, I’d tried texting him, but he hadn’t responded. He’d said earlier that he’d be busy most of the night.

  I stood next to Sarah taking in the throng of people who’d come out to celebrate my birthday…or better yet, the free beer.

  “Let me get the birthday girl a drink,” Brandon said, unwinding himself from Sarah. Brandon held a plastic cup under the tapper and passed it to me when it was full.

  I held it up and said, “Thanks.” Brandon turned back to the kegs and filled another glass, presumably for Sarah.

  “Do you know any of these people?” Sarah asked.

  “I know a total of…” I paused, making a show of counting the actual people I knew. “Two people: you and Brandon.”

  Brandon joined us, handing Sarah a plastic yellow cup. “Here, babe.”

  Sarah took it and drank liberally. “Thanks.”

  “Thanks for all of this, you two.” I tapped my cup to Sarah’s and said, “It’s my birthday, damn it! Let’s party!” I threw back the contents of my cup, chugging until I reached the dregs. It wasn’t the smartest idea, but I had every intention of getting wasted tonight. Maybe it would dull the sting of missing Griffin.

  “Woo!” Sarah cheered. Sarah downed her beer, too. “Thatta girl!”

  “Want another?” Brandon laughed.

  I nodded and went to refill my cup.

  “It’s cold out here, guys. Let’s go in.” Sarah said, her teeth chattering.

  Brandon led the way, and Sarah and I followed. Inside, Brandon had transformed his basement into a dance hall; he’d even hired a pretty decent DJ. I couldn’t believe he’d gone through all the trouble of planning a party of this magnitude just for my birthday. But there didn’t seem to be any other occasion piggybacking on my day, so the sentiment wasn’t lost on me.

  “Let’s dance!” I shouted over the pounding music. Sarah nodded her head and set her beer down on a small table. I did the same, and we made our way to the front of the grinding crowd. It felt amazing to throw my hands up and let go.

  My hips dipped low, side to side. My personal bubble of space was popped by other people grinding their bodies on the makeshift dance floor.

  “Jillian!” Sarah shouted over the music.

  “What?” I didn’t want to stop dancing. If I stopped, I would feel Griffin’s void. The alcohol hadn’t made me numb enough yet.

  I needed more to drink.

  Sarah smiled and pointed to Brandon, making his way through the crowd. “Look what I found for the Birthday Girl,” he sang, holding up the answer to my problem. Tequila.


  Brandon handed Sarah and I shot glasses and filled them up. “Now this is what I’m talking about.” I tossed back the unassuming clear liquid, ready for the burn. The second it touched my throat, I cringed and shook my head forcefully, swallowing fire. “God, that’s good!” I shouted.

  Brandon held up the bottle and smirked. “Want another?”

  “Hell yeah.” I grabbed the tequila from Brandon’s hand and poured myself another. “Thanks.”

  “No problem.” He nodded and put up his hands. Smart man, he knew better than to get in the way of a woman and her tequila.

  “I need another.” Sarah held her glass out, waiting for me to fill it up. “Thanks. I’ll be right back.”

  Brandon looked at her and asked, “Where are you going?”

  Without answering him, she turned with her drink in hand, and walked toward the DJ. She tapped his mic a couple of times, checking to see if it was live. Brandon gave me a quizzical look, but I was too interested in pouring myself another shot of tequila to wonder what Sarah was about to do.

  I tossed back my third shot and held my breath as the liquid burned a trail down my throat. I welcomed the fire warming my insides as a tingling sensation began to numb my lips and cheeks.

  “Everyone!” Sarah shouted. “Hello? Shhh!” Her eyes roamed over the crowd, and a peeved expression fell on her face. People danced, drank, and completely ignored her request for attention. “EVERYONE! SHUT THE FUCK UP!” she yelled.

  Everyone froze.

  Including me.

  “Thank you,” Sarah smiled sweetly. “Today’s a special day,” she continued. “We’re all here to celebrate my best friend’s birthday.” Sarah raised her glass. The rest of the crowd followed her lead, and the mass of people in Brandon’s basement all held their drinks up in honor of my birth.

  “Happy 19th, Jillian!” Sarah shouted into the mic. The crowd repeated her words and tossed back their drinks. I poured myself another shot and tossed it back as well. The DJ played a non-traditional birthday song that would have made my grandmother turn twenty shades of red.

  Sarah relinquished the DJ’s mic and skipped back over to where Brandon and I stood. “Are you ready for your present?” she crooned.

  “Present? I think you’ve done enough.” I gestured to the gathering of people I didn’t know.

  “Shut it! You only turn nineteen once.” She leaned in really close, “If you had one wish for your birthday, what would it be?” she whispered in my ear.

  I didn’t even have to think; I knew exactly what I’d wish for.

  Sarah backed away from me with a gigantic grin on her face and before I could question her actions there was a voice whispering in my other ear. “Happy birthday, Jillibean.”

  My reflexes were mired in alcohol, so my reactions were stuck on slow-motion. I turned around Matrix-style to see Griffin standing inches from my face. His dark eyes gleamed wickedly, lashing through the shroud of tequila covering my brain. I was suddenly hyperaware. My body zinged with electricity. He blinked and the corners of his mouth pulled up in a sinful smirk. I yearned to touch his gloriously masculine face, to run my fingers over the contours of his sharp cheek bones, over the scruff lining his jaw. His sex appeal was like gravity pulling me into him. Unable to resist his force, I stepped into his arms and gave myself a birthday present; I pulled his face onto mine and kissed him like he was my oxygen.

  Now it was a happy birthday.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  I couldn’t believe he was actually standing in front of me, even though I was wrapped securely in his arms. “How did I not know about this?” We rested our foreheads together, looking into each other’s eyes while we swayed to the song flowing from the sound system.

  “Sarah swore me to secrecy,” he said.

  “So she’s the mastermind?” I smiled and pulled my head away from his; I wanted to take in all of my birthday present. “How did you get away?”

  “I told the guys I couldn’t miss your birthday. Thor said he’d keep things going for the weekend.”

  I wrapped my arms back around his neck and brought him close. “Remind me to thank Thor.”

  Griffin smiled and bent down to kiss me.

  We continued to get reacquainted with one another. I rotated my body so that my back was pressed firmly against his sculpted abdomen. Our bodies melted together, swaying and dipping as the music pounded around us.

  Heat radiated through me. It could have been the dancing, the copious amounts of alcohol I’d consumed, or the fact that Griffin currently trailed sultry kisses down my neck. I was pretty sure Griffin’s lips on my skin raised my internal temperature to combustible levels. When his hands moved over the curve of my hips and brushed lightly across my ass, I feared an explosion was entirely possible. Every nerve ending in my body was seared by the all-consuming heat we generated together.

  “Griffin,” I sighed, turning around in his arms.

  His hands never left me and now he had even better access to my backside. He took advantage of the new position and cupped each of my cheeks in the palms of his hands and lifted up ever so slightly, pushing me up, closer to his mouth.

  My body responded to his every touch. The second his lips touched mine, everyone else ceased to exist. It was only us.

  Griffin pressed his strong lips to mine, giving me a couple of soft, tiny kisses before he latched on with the third kiss. Our lips fully connected and his tongue pushed into my mouth, begging to be met by mine. The deeper his tongue slid, the more he pushed me up with his hands. I was tempted to wrap my legs around his waist and make him hold me just so we could be closer.

  I gripped his shoulders and ran my hands up his neck and into his hair, anchoring him to my face. I pushed my tongue against his, nipping at his lower lip. Our moans blended together as air escaped our lungs in short bursts of ecstasy.

  I slid my lips to the corner of his mouth…his stubbled jaw…his neck. My tongue played at his lips, tasting him as I moved my way over his face and neck. His hands kneaded the cheeks of my ass, pulling me into him; I could feel how much he wanted me.

  “Jillibean,” he breathed in my ear. I worked my lips back to his. I wanted to taste my name on his lips. “Jillian,” he said, pulling up my chin with his fingertips.

  I stopped kissing him and stared into his eyes; desire poured from them and I couldn’t comprehend why he’d stopped kissing me. “Hmm,” I responded.

  “Do you want to go?” he asked. His voice was raspy and deep.

  I nodded.

  He wrapped his arms around my waist and we made our way through the crowded dance floor. I hadn’t realized how many people were still down here. Alcohol had bolstered my confidence to the point that I didn’t really care who’d just seen me attack my boyfriend. Now all I wanted to do was get him alone.

  Griffin and I made our way up the stairs. I saw Sarah and Brandon standing in the corner of the living room with cups in their hands, talking. “Sarah!” I called over the loud music. She didn’t hear me so I called again. “Sarah!”

  I looked over my shoulder and smiled at Griffin as we weaved through the living room toward my friends. Griffin smiled back and gave my hand a gentle squeeze. He seemed ready to leave, too.

  “Hey, guys,” I said, pushing through the throng.

  “Hey, you two,” Sarah sang, winking at me very conspicuously. “Did you enjoy your birthday present?”

  Oh, I plan to. But I needed to get out of here first. “I still can’t believe you two didn’t tell me.” I playfully punched Sarah in the arm and smirked at Griffin. He pulled me to his side and kissed the top of my head.

  “It wouldn’t have been much of a surprise if you’d known I was visiting.” Griffin pinched my side, and I squirmed beneath his hand.

  I took a few steps closer to Sarah, just to make sure she heard me over the music. “We’re going to bail,” I said.

  “Okay.” She winked. “Happy birthday, Jillian.” She tossed her arms around me and nearly knocked me over. With our arms locked around each other, we giggled like little girls as we wobbled on our heels. I felt Griffin’s hand at the small of my back, steadying me as we righted ourselves. “I’m spending the night here,” Sarah whispered in my ear. “So the room is all yours.” She held my shoulders and pulled back, giving me a conspiratorial smile and a wink.

  “Thank you, Sarah. For all of this.” I swept my hand around, implying the entire party.

  “No problem. I wanted you to have a good birthday.” She hugged me again, but sweetly this time.

  “I did. Thank you.”

  I turned to Brandon, ready to thank him, too. “Brandon, thank you for everything.”

  “Sure thing, Jillian.” He patted my back a little too enthusiastically, and again I teetered on my heels. “Whoa, there.” Brandon clamped a hand on my shoulder and steadied me. “Hey, man,” Brandon said, looking at Griffin. “You’d better get her home. It looks like she’s enjoyed her birthday a little too much.”

  “I did enjoy my party, but I am fine.” I giggled. “I am not drunk.” I was determined to make them believe me, but it was difficult when the giggles kept bubbling out of me.

  Griffin reached around me and extended his hand toward Brandon. “That’s my plan,” Griffin replied with a smile. Brandon shook his hand and Griffin thanked him. “Thanks for having Jillian’s party, man.”

  “It’s cool,” Brandon said, patting Griffin’s shoulder.

  I gave both guys a dir
ty look for implying that I was drunk when I clearly wasn’t. I thought I’d like to see them try and stand in four-inch heels.

  There was one more round of hugs and handshakes before Griffin and I finally made it out of the apartment. Griffin wrapped his arm around my waist and we walked toward my car as I dug in my purse for the keys. “Damn it!”

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Sarah has my keys,” I said, turning around to go back to Brandon’s.

  “Whoa, wait up a minute.” Griffin grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him. “Sarah will bring your car back to the dorm in the morning. I have Ren’s car.”

  “Ren’s?” Her name came out of my mouth along with a hiccup.

  “A thousand miles, and January air doesn’t make for a very pleasant trip on a bike. Ren let me borrow her car.”

  “Oh. Okay,” I shrugged.

  “I’m parked over here.” Griffin led me down a couple of sidewalks before he punched the locks and the car chirped to life. “I had to make sure I parked far enough away so you wouldn’t recognize her car,” he said, opening my door.

  When Griffin shut my door, I leaned my head on the headrest and closed my eyes. The cold New England air wrapped my alcohol-numbed body in a welcome embrace. It had been really hot in Brandon’s apartment. I inhaled large gulps of frozen air and ignored the rumbling in my stomach; there was no way in hell that I was going to let myself get sick. I exhaled slowly, hoping the growing nausea would pass.

  “Bean, you all right?” Griffin asked.

  “Mm-hmm,” I nodded, making sure to keep my eyes closed.

  Griffin laid his hand on my leg and squeezed. “We’ll be back to the dorm in just a minute,” he whispered.

  True to his word, we were. I felt the car come to a stop and opened my eyes. Without a word, Griffin got out of the car and walked around to my side. The door opened and a whoosh of cold air swirled my hair onto my face. I didn’t have the strength to lift my hand to push it off. I didn’t even think I had the strength to lift my head from the head rest. I didn’t feel very good.

  “Come on, Jillibean,” Griffin said softly, extending his hand for me to grab onto.


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