The vestal vanishes lmorb-12

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The vestal vanishes lmorb-12 Page 18

by Rosemary Rowe

  I stood between her and the doorway so that she couldn’t pass. She had come back of her own volition, but now that she was here I wanted her to help. ‘So how was it delivered to Paulinus and his wife? If you didn’t use Audelia’s mounted messenger?’

  Priscilla shrugged. ‘A boy with a donkey in the forum who was looking for a job. We had the directions to the house, Audelia gave us those…’

  ‘Or rather, the amanuensis told you that she had?’ I corrected.

  She ignored the interruption. ‘And the boy rode out with it. What else could we do? We don’t have a private messenger, and with such important people coming there was no house-slave to spare. Anyway, what difference did it make? Paulinus obviously got it — since he not only replied, but came the day that we had settled on.’

  I looked at her steadily. ‘Are you quite sure of that?’

  She still had not seen what I was driving at. ‘Of course he came here — I don’t know what you mean. Now if you’ll excuse-’

  I cut her off again. ‘But how can you be certain it was him at all? Suppose your letter was delivered somewhere else — for example to the rebels in the wood — you would not know the difference. You can’t even be certain what message it contained. The amanuensis might have written anything he liked, and addressed it to anyone at all — saying, for instance, that the Vestal’s relatives were due to stay with you and inviting the rebels to come and take their place. Had either of you ever seen Paulinus in your life before?’

  Trullius shook his head, quite stupefied at this. ‘Of course we hadn’t, citizen.’

  ‘But Audelia had,’ his wife put in, triumphantly. ‘Paulinus and his wife had visited the shrine to pray about their child. I told you that, before.’

  Even then I had to spell it out to them. ‘Supposing that it was really Audelia who arrived? Who in this household would have known her face? You and your wife had not set eyes on her before, neither had Lavinia or her nurse, or even the raedarius who was to drive her back.’

  Priscilla had suddenly seen the force of this and had turned deathly pale. ‘So she might have been an impostor too?’ She put her cooking-bowl down on a stool beside the door. ‘But what about the driver of the temple-coach in which she came to us? He would have known her, wouldn’t he?’

  It was Trullius himself who saw the flaw in that. ‘That might depend on when he saw her last. Obviously the true Audelia set off from the shrine, but she wore a cape and veil when she was travelling and I presume he always did as he did here — drop her where she was staying, together with her guard, and go to the temple to find a bed for himself. So if a false Audelia got into the coach one day, he might not notice until she spoke to him — and from what we witnessed she did not generally do that. The changeover might easily have taken place somewhere.’

  ‘But surely…’ his wife began.

  He shook his head. ‘Provided the substitute was roughly the same build, the coach-driver would see what he expected to, and what he had seen every other day. Why should he start to doubt? All you would need is a second set of robes — or something sufficiently similar to pass a casual glance. That would not be impossible to arrange. No one is going to go up close and start to scrutinize a Vestal Virgin’s clothes.’

  ‘You mean the murder might have taken place before they got to us at all?’ All at once the woman’s voice was bright with hope. ‘And the real Audelia’s headless body was already in the box?’ Her face fell suddenly. ‘But what about that giant horseman who was riding guard? He would have noticed if someone took her place. He’d been with her from the outset and he is not a fool.’

  ‘But he didn’t see Audelia after they got here!’ Trullius sounded quite excited now. ‘She was veiled when she arrived and didn’t stop to speak to anyone. You showed her to her room. He went off to the stable, just as he did tonight — and when she found the shoes were missing, she did not come down herself to tell him to go and find them the next day. She sent a message down, by that maidservant of hers.’

  ‘That’s right! The maidservant! What’s become of her? The one who overlooked the slippers when she packed the box? Puella, was she called?’ The landlady looked at me enquiringly. ‘She had been with Audelia all the way. She would have known if someone was impersonating her.’

  I had to confess how Puella had mysteriously disappeared, and had last been seen riding in a farmer’s cart towards Corinium — and that I had chosen not to search for her. A farmer, I thought, rather guiltily. Paulinus was supposed to have a farm not very far from here. Was that significant?

  Priscilla was not concerned with that. Her face was quite aglow. ‘You see? That maidservant was obviously a party to the plot. She left the wedding-shoes behind deliberately — on purpose so that the rider could be sent for them. And of course she made quite certain that he set off at first light, before the imitation Vestal had come down herself. So when the impostor got into the coach he wasn’t there, and… Dear Mars and Venus! We brought it down ourselves! The real Audelia was already murdered and headless in the box that you, husband, packed in next to her.’

  Trullius was frowning. ‘Another of your theories! What was the impostor going to do? Jump out of the raeda when it was going along?’

  Priscilla looked snubbed, but she said, with dignity, ‘Perhaps the first intention was that she should ride all the way and make her disappearance when they got to Glevum gate, but the citizen has just told us that the raeda stopped outside that basket-stall to let the troops go past — it’s obvious she seized the opportunity to slip out and escape.’

  ‘Dressed as a Vestal?’ Trullius put in.

  She was not deflected from her argument. ‘If she took off that long white cloak, she needn’t have been wearing Vestal garments underneath. Especially if she had a wig with her, to hide the bridal plaits — false hair would draw no attention, even out of town. Wigs are becoming very fashionable these days: even poor Secunda had one, if I am any judge. Or perhaps the Vestal hairdo was a clever wig itself! Either way the impostor could quickly change her looks. There would be other people waiting to let the soldiers pass. She could simply have disappeared unnoticed into the crowd and made her way back to the rebels in the wood.’ She turned to me. ‘You’ve solved it, citizen.’


  Of course, I had done nothing of the kind. This theory — which in any case was hers and not my own — was hardly more than guesswork, though I was forced to grant that there were elements of it which did seem plausible.

  ‘It’s a clever explanation,’ I agreed, putting the silver flask carefully into the pouch-purse at my waist. ‘And you may well be right. But remember, at the moment we are lacking any proof. In fact, at present, that line of reasoning raises problems of its own.’

  Now that she had found a version of events which satisfied her, though, she was unwilling to admit that there might be flaws in it. She leant back against the limewashed wall, her hands defiantly upon her hips. ‘Such as?’

  There were so many unanswered questions that I couldn’t voice them all. I seized on some at random. ‘Such as who put the poison in the flask, and what became of the original sleeping draught? To say nothing of whether Paulinus and his wife were really who they seemed and — above all — whether Lavinia is safe and how she disappeared. We are still only guessing that the rebel Druids had a hand in that.’

  The woman shook her head impatiently. ‘These are mere details, citizen. You have solved the central mystery, the one that you were sent here to investigate. You’ve managed to explain, and rationally too, how Audelia could appear to leave here in good health, ride to Glevum on a public road and end up beheaded in a box without anyone apparently noticing a thing. What’s more, you have lifted a big weight from my mind: you have shown me that this household was most likely not involved and you have demonstrated that it could all have been achieved without the use of sorcery. I shall sleep a great deal better for knowing that tonight. You have made such a good beginning, and in so little ti
me, I’m sure you’ll find the answers to your other questions soon.’ She picked up the cooking-bowl of oil and held it balanced against one ample hip. ‘I’ll take you to the market in the forum if you like, and locate the donkey-boy. He’ll take you to the farmstead where he took the writing-block and you can check if it is really the home of Audelia’s relatives.’

  I nodded. ‘That would be excellent. Perhaps, if I am quick about it, I can find the slave trader as well. He may have useful information to impart.’ If Paulinus knew about the mute maidservant in advance, I thought, it would indicate that he’d had previous dealings with the man. ‘But before we do that…’

  Priscilla had decided that I was now a friend. She gave a half-flirtatious little gasp. ‘I forget my duties, citizen. I do apologize. Of course, we must first arrange a meal for you. I was on my way to do so when I first got up, but I delayed to look in on the nurse.’ She was already leading the way back into the house, her buttocks waggling like rounded grinding stones under the tight blue fabric of her gown.

  Breakfast had been the last thing on my mind, but I was obliged to follow her. ‘I was about to say that before I leave the house, I would like to interview the slaves — including the one that you have locked up in the kiln,’ I called to her retreating form.

  ‘I’ll go and let him out,’ said a lugubrious voice behind me. It was Trullius, bringing up the rear. ‘I told her that the stable-boy had no part in what happened to the nurse — why would he stay there, if he’d poisoned her? — but my wife would not listen. She likes to have her way. And with your permission, citizen, I will instruct the other slaves that they may now continue with their early-morning chores. I ordered them to stay indoors and out of sight while you were out there searching in the court.’

  I nodded my assent. ‘By all means, provided I can speak to each of them.’ I realized that Priscilla had paused ahead of me and was now waiting in the passageway, poised like an actor depicting ‘patience’ on the stage. ‘Perhaps your wife will indicate a place where I can conduct my questioning.’

  ‘Use the dining-alcove,’ the woman said at once. ‘And if you start by talking to the kitchen-slave, you and your servants in the stable will be more quickly fed. Settle yourself, I’ll go and show her in.’

  I sat down at the table, and a few moments later the kitchen-maid arrived. She was small and skinny — not more than ten years old — and smelt of cooking-smoke. She was clearly terrified but desperate to help, though it seemed she genuinely knew nothing of any consequence and I soon let her go. It was the same with the other house-slaves and the stable-lads as well, all of whom the landlady had lined up at the door and who were officiously brought to me in turn.

  ‘I don’t know what you hope to learn from this,’ Priscilla muttered archly, showing in the final slave. ‘My servants don’t have any connection with the Druids. I would soon have them punished if I thought they did. However, this is the last of them — the boy who was supposed to guard the nurse last night. When you have finished, I’ll have your breakfast brought.’ She pushed him forward and swayed off herself.

  The stable boy was sullen and uncooperative, not at all grateful for my having had him freed — indeed he seemed to blame my presence for the whole affair. But his account of yesterday, when I extracted it from him, was much the same as I had heard from everybody else. Paulinus and Secunda were the first ones to arrive, and went straight to their room, because the lady wasn’t well, and they did not come down again until Audelia drove in, in the temple carriage which then drove off again. Then they came down to meet her — and it was very evident that they had met before.

  ‘And that’s all I can tell you, citizen. The household was excited that the Vestal Virgin came, but we did not have a lot to do with her, because she was always attended by her slave. I had to help to take the boxes up, that’s all — and jolly heavy they turned out to be.’

  ‘And later the raeda came from Glevum bringing Lavinia and her nurse?’

  A nod. ‘More confounded boxes that I had to carry up. Then I went back to the horses and don’t know any more.’

  ‘But naturally you heard what happened in the house? Servants always gossip.’

  He sighed, reluctantly. ‘They had a meal — all except the sick lady who couldn’t face the food — and afterwards they all went straight upstairs. The cousins shared a room and got on very well, from what I understand. There was a light in that window for a long time, anyway, and you could hear them whispering and laughing from the court. Then all of a sudden there was shouting from inside, and next thing there was a message to the stable-block, saying that the wedding slippers had been left behind and that the horseman was to set off at first light to try to get them back and take them to Glevum before the wedding-feast.’

  ‘And who brought down that message?’ It was vital that I checked.

  ‘Audelia’s personal slave. Crying like a waterfall, fearing she’d be whipped.’ Then he said, with sudden spirit, ‘Owners are all the same. Blame you for everything. The maid swore by all the gods that she had packed the shoes. Pretty little thing. I wish I’d had the chance to talk to her, but of course I didn’t, because she slept indoors — the very place where I was set to sleep last night. But I can sympathize. My mistress tried to blame me for what happened to the nurse, though I was no more guilty than a fly…’

  I cut off his protests. ‘You were telling me about Audelia’s maidservant. When the shoes were missing she seemed genuinely surprised?’

  He shrugged. ‘Surprised? She was aghast and terrified. She was still upset next morning when the coach set off. I helped her get up with the driver at the front. She was more than pleased to be there, because her mistress was still furious with her. But I couldn’t stop to chat because I had to go and help them to bring down Audelia’s box — and dreadfully heavy it turned out to be. No wonder if the driver’s story turns out to be true, and it had a headless body in it at the time! We were told that there were extra gifts inside, and of course we didn’t doubt it. Vestals never lie.’

  He paused, evidently hoping that I’d confirm the tale, but I hadn’t finished extracting his account. ‘And then all the other guests came down to see the bride-to-be, and crowded round the raeda until the time it left?’

  ‘Everyone except that girl, Lavinia. Someone said that she was already at her prayers — though I thought I saw her at the window looking down to wave.’ He saw my startled look. ‘Is it important?’

  If true, it might be pivotal, but I didn’t tell him that. What if Lavinia had seen something significant in the court? Something which meant she must be hustled off — or permanently silenced — before she talked too much? Yet what could she have seen? The landlady had also been looking from above and she had clearly seen nothing whatever untoward. ‘I don’t know,’ I answered, truthfully, ‘but thank you anyway. This is at least a detail that I hadn’t heard before.’

  He looked at me slyly. ‘Worth an as or two?’

  But I had no tip to give him and he was scowling again as he stomped out of the room, almost colliding with the little kitchen-maid who was hovering at the doorway to bring in my breakfast tray. She brought it at my signal and began to set the contents on the tabletop: two pears, a pot of strong-smelling cheese-curds, and a hunk of bread, with a small dish of salt and olive oil to dip it in. Quite a little feast. This was going to cost Publius a few sestertii.

  ‘The mistress wants to know if you want watered wine as well, or if you’d rather just have water from the well?’ She gave a timid smile. ‘And she’s very sorry that it is baker’s bread — we’d made our own loaf freshly yesterday, but you and your servants ate the last of it last night and we’d raked out the fire that heats the clay-oven, so there was no chance to bake another batch in time.’

  I waved all these domestic apologies away and indicated that fresh water would suit me very well. I did not add that I would much have preferred a couple of hot oatcakes from a street-vendor to any of the Roman dainties set i
n front of me. I picked up a piece of fruit. ‘I am not very hungry, anyway, but there’s one thing that I’ve heard which I would like to check with you. Did you see Lavinia at the window-space when the raeda left?’

  The slave-girl paused in the act of taking out the tray. ‘I didn’t, citizen. We house-slaves were busy with our duties by that time. Audelia had us carrying cushions to and fro, but I didn’t see her leave — or any of the other guests for that matter. We aren’t allowed to stop and watch visitors depart.’ She flashed that timid smile. ‘Although, I would not be surprised if Lavinia did look out and wave. I know that she wanted to come down and say goodbye.’

  ‘Then why didn’t she? I thought Lavinia generally got her wish?’

  ‘That was Audelia’s doing, citizen.’ She smiled at my surprise. ‘I heard them talking when I took the child’s washing-water up. The girl was begging to be allowed to come downstairs and wave, but her cousin told her that it wasn’t fitting for a Vestal candidate. “Much better that you stay here in the dry”, I heard her say. “Fast and pray and purify yourself, ready for the wonderful new life which lies ahea…”,’ She broke off as her mistress came into the room, dressed now for outdoors in a handsome cloak.

  Priscilla rounded on the kitchen-slave at once. ‘What are you doing loitering in here? Get back to work at once. And bring the citizen a drink as you were told to do.’ Then, as the servant hastened to obey, she turned to me. ‘I’m sorry, citizen. The girl has no business to interrupt your meal.’


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