Buried Lies (Hidden Truths)

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Buried Lies (Hidden Truths) Page 23

by Brittney Sahin

  Too many lies had been buried—it was time to reveal the truth. I scrounged up the energy deep inside to keep fighting. “Tell me one thing. Why me? I brought up the idea of using Declan, but you could have used the idea without me.”

  Blake didn’t say anything, and I didn’t know how to interpret his silence. Was he conflicted? I didn’t want to care, but perhaps I could switch him back to the right side of the law somehow. “Blake, we had something special,” I lied.

  That was the wrong choice of words, apparently. Blake’s blue eyes turned liquid cool. “You fucked Connor. Don’t try and play me, Olivia.” He shook his head and closed the gap between him and the cage.

  I took a small step back, all that the cage would afford, and noticed for the first time the true evil inside the man I’d once called my superior. Men like him were worse than Konstantin and Declan. Because they seemed good on the outside. “Answer my question, Blake. Tell me why you decided to ruin my life,” I said through gritted teeth, defiance blazing fast and furious through my body.

  Declan shook his head. “Tell her, Blake. Tell her she’s the reason why there’s a pile of bodies.”

  I stared at Blake, confusion capturing my face. What sick game were they playing? If the bars weren’t in between us, I’d grab him by his T-shirt and stab the son of a bitch. If only I had a knife. “What the hell are you talking about?” I growled.

  “As much as I’d love to stay and chat, I have a meeting to attend.” Declan was taunting me. He had no intention of telling me anything. He turned and started through the dimly lit basement. The music faded in and out above my head. And the second cage sat empty, waiting.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  “I thought I was meeting with your associates.” I held on to the steel briefcase and studied the three men who stood in front of the boxing ring with folded arms. Were they supposed to be intimidating? “These are the men you’re working with?” I asked in disbelief, eying Andrei and Oleg.

  “They work for him,” Declan answered.

  I already knew he was referring to Konstantin, but where the hell was he? As Declan closed in on me, my eyes shot to his knuckles. They were red and swollen. He’d been in a fight recently, and my stomach shrank at the possibility of it being with Olivia. No, he wouldn’t hit her. Would he?

  Declan gestured to the men to approach me. “They need to check you for wires if you don’t mind.”

  I lowered the case to the ground, reached into my pocket, and tossed Declan my phone. “It’s off. And I’m not armed.” I raised my hands up, allowing the men to scan me, and then pat me down.

  “He’s clear,” Andrei said, nodding at Declan.

  Declan slipped my phone into his pocket. “Is that the gun?” He started to reach for the case, but I lifted it and pulled it back.

  “You can see the weapon when you meet your end of the deal,” I snapped, my eyes narrowing on him.

  He whipped a quick smile to his face, smoothing it on for the sake of appearances. But we both knew better. I could see it in his eyes. He knew I had no intention of handing him the gun.

  “Where’s Olivia?” I wanted to charge him, to have him feel the weight of my knuckles as I broke his nose.

  Declan took a step back and glanced at Andrei out of the corner of his eye. “Vegas,” he said while looking back at me. His lips flattened like the line on a heart rate monitor.

  “Sure. And you’re not working with Alexander Konstantin. And these men aren’t hitmen.”

  He rubbed a hand over his jaw and held up a finger in front of me. “I’ve always liked your honesty. You’re far more respectable than your father was.”

  “Is that why you killed him?”

  “I have to say that I’m pleased we’re done acting. I was growing tired of it. It’s much easier when we just talk straight.”

  “How long have you known I had no intention of working with an asshole like yourself?” I stood my ground, and my fingers tightened on the handle.

  “Oh. I knew long before you took over the company.”

  “Do you always do business deals by threatening potential partners? I’m not sure if my father would have cared if you killed my mother, to be honest, but Olivia? That has me curious. I’ve been struggling to figure out how you think she fits into the picture.” I scratched my jaw but held firm in my stance. “Not unless you have inside information.”

  He turned away from me and waved his hand at the two Russians.

  Andrei reached inside his blazer and produced a 9mm. The black barrel of the gun was a few feet away from me, but I didn’t flinch. I’d been expecting it.

  “Olivia’s the reason you’re here. Or I should say her past connection with you is what made everything possible.” He cocked his head, and I had to suppress my desire to attack. “Konstantin had been looking for a weapons company to make a deal, and when the Feds decided to go after him again, your little angel came up with a great plan to get to him through me.” He shrugged his shoulders and moved closer. “When I discovered her connection to Matthews Tech, a failing, and struggling weapons company, the plan made itself.”

  I couldn’t wait to rip the smug bastard’s face off. Tension rippled through my body, and I was prepared to blast him, but I had to be patient. His arrogance was revealing. “So, you threatened my father into making a deal with you, huh? Promised to kill my brother or I?”

  A disgusting grin smeared his face. “You’d be surprised.”

  “Why’d you kill him, though? He went behind your back to take you all down?” It was hard for me to believe. I’d thought my father was guilty of corporate bribery and hated the idea that he’d worked with such a snake. All this time, he’d been doing it not to save his company, but to save his family. “He knew he was going to die, didn’t he? That’s why he wrote those letters? He discovered that you found out what he and Tyson had been working on.”

  “Hell, he let my men right in the door. He refused to open the safe, but that was a bridge we could cross on another day.” Declan checked his watch and looked back at me.

  My father must have known Declan would come after Mason or I after he died, but he probably assumed I’d open his letter right away. What an idiot I had been.

  Another thought crossed my mind, and I couldn’t help but be curious. “So, tell me something. Why the games with me? Why not just pressure me the way you did my father?”

  “We would have threatened you, but you didn’t open the letter. You stuck the damn thing in your car!” He laughed. “So we developed a new idea—one that involved you making a deal with me, and Olivia pushing you to do it.” Declan reached into his pocket. He waved a white envelope before me—my letter. “This was an interesting read.”

  “Oh yeah? If you give me the key, I’d be happy to open the box.” I took a step closer to him, not the least bit intimidated by the goons. The briefcase would easily deflect a gunshot.

  I hoped it wouldn’t come to that, though. I needed information. Like where the hell was Olivia?

  “I honestly don’t care about the contents of that damn box. If you and Mason are out of the picture, there’ll be nobody to open it. So it remains inconsequential, don’t you think?”

  Was the man threatening to go after my kid brother? He had no idea who the hell he was dealing with. “Where’s Olivia?”

  “Why on Earth would I tell you that?”

  Standing in front of Declan now, I could feel his breath on my face. Neither of us would back down. “Take me to Olivia.” My face was burning as rage consumed me.

  “Why would I do that when you have the prototype here?” He nodded at the case I still clutched. “I had no intention of making any kind of deal with Matthews Tech. Just needed the prototype.”

  I shook my head, and a breath of air escaped from my lungs. I looked over at the assholes who’d killed my father, Tyson, and Jessie. I had every intention of making sure they either rotted in jail or in hell. I preferred the latter.

p; “You and I both know you’ll never get your hands on it until I see Olivia,” I responded as my eyes bore into him. “The case was designed by the best minds at MIT,” I lied. “If the wrong code is entered and my voice doesn’t activate the briefcase, then a chemical gas is released inside the case to erode and destroy the weapon.”

  He rolled his neck a little and sighed. “Fine. If you want to see your woman before she dies, then so be it. I made preparations just in case . . .” He motioned for Andrei and Oleg to follow.

  His two goons trailed behind me as we made our way to a dark Lincoln Navigator. The fact that Declan made no attempt to blindfold me meant that he didn’t anticipate I’d be leaving the next building alive.

  “Don’t take the normal route,” Declan instructed Andrei, who was in the driver seat, his tattooed hand resting on the wheel. “I’m assuming your FBI pal is watching us.”

  I glanced at Oleg, who sat next to me. “No, he’s not,” I replied. Jake had other plans.

  After about ten minutes of silence, as Andrei took turn after turn, Declan asked, “Do you love her?”

  “Go to hell!” I rubbed my free hand against my jeans as my fingers wrapped tighter around the handle of the case. I couldn’t wait to clobber the prick.

  “I’m just curious how much you’re willing to do for her. I had hoped you and Olivia would reconnect, but you made me a little nervous out in Vegas. I was worried you were too pissed, that I’d have to use your brother instead.”

  I kept my mouth shut, trying to put a temporary cap on my rage as it grew with each passing moment.

  “Poor, star-crossed lovers.” Declan laughed. “You two probably worked it all out between the sheets.” He tapped my letter against his knee and peered at me from over his shoulder. “Your father sure was a grade-A asshole.”

  I had no clue what he was talking about.

  Declan pulled a folded white sheet from the envelope and switched on the light above his seat. “Are you as bored as I am, Connor? Maybe this will cheer you up.”

  He fixed his gaze down on my father’s fluid handwriting, a smirk lighting his cheek as he began to read, “Connor, I’m so sorry for everything. I can’t imagine what you must be going through right now, but I chose you to carry this burden because I know you can handle it.” Declan’s high-pitched sing-song voice had my nerves on edge. “I’m going to die. Today or maybe tomorrow. It’s my life or yours. And your brother’s.” Declan paused for a moment, his eyes reading me. Then he dived back in. “I’m dying with the hope that you’ll live. I know that I can trust you to use this information to take down the bastards who have been threatening our family. Yadda yadda yadda, passcodes and security box numbers.” He grinned and cleared his throat.

  “I regret so many things in life, but none of them more than what I did to separate you and Olivia.”

  Oleg was staring at me now, and Andrei shot me a quick look in the rearview mirror. Repulsed, I looked away from everyone and out the window.

  “Ready for more?” Declan loved every second of this. “Let me be very clear, son. Olivia Scott, your ex-girlfriend, did not have an abortion.”

  My gaze landed back on Declan, and the smile that met his eyes had me lunging at him.

  Oleg was on me in an instant, pulling me back, and Andrei slammed on the brakes.

  “Calm down, Connor,” Oleg warned.

  “Your father was a shitty guy—allowing you to believe all these years your girlfriend had an abortion when in fact she’d had a miscarriage.”

  Hearing the truth from Declan’s tongue was more than I could stand. I started for him again, but the tip of Oleg’s gun pressed against my temple.

  I would be no good to Olivia if I were dead.

  “Where was I?” Declan’s brows slanted as he refocused on the letter.

  I leaned back in my seat and placed my forehead in my hand, worried I’d lose my shit again hearing my father’s words from Declan’s mouth.

  “The hospital called after Olivia lost the baby. You were at my house at the time, and I answered your phone when you weren’t in the room. I went to the hospital, paid the bill, and told Olivia you wanted to end it. I’m so sorry I lied to you both, but at the time, I thought it was for the best.”

  “We’re here,” Andrei announced as we pulled into an alley.

  Declan tucked the letter back into the envelope. “Guess you don’t need to know the rest. Inconsequential now, don’t you think?”

  Olivia had a miscarriage. I wasn’t surprised—not anymore. I’d started to suspect that my father had lied after Olivia and I had slept together the other night.

  How could I have believed my father’s lies, though? I’d loved Olivia so much, and yet, when he showed me the hospital paperwork and the bill . . .

  “Connor?” Declan’s voice was in my ear.

  Andrei stood outside the open door, waiting for me.

  I forced the memories from my mind, but when I saw where we were, I had to fight every damn part of me not to go after Declan again.

  The blood rushed from my face as we made our way through the club where Olivia and I had first met, where Jessie had died.

  I followed behind Declan, and Andrei and Oleg trailed closely behind me. We made our way to the back area down a set of stairs.

  When I rounded the corner and saw Olivia, my entire body tensed up. I couldn’t help but reel my arm back and pound my fist into Declan’s face.



  “Connor,” I cried out as Andrei, Oleg, and Blake drew their weapons.

  Connor stormed Declan again. His face was beet red as he attacked him, his fists swinging.

  “Back away from Declan or she dies,” Andrei warned as he focused his weapon at me.

  Connor faltered. His hands dropped to his sides.

  Declan wound back his hand, and he struck a blow to the side of Connor’s head. “You piece of shit,” Declan rasped.

  Connor ignored the pain. He charged across the room. “Olivia. Are you okay?” He pressed his palms to the cage and, for the first time, I felt safe. I knew Connor probably couldn’t help me—he was down here with me now—but part of me had to believe we’d get out of this alive.

  “I’m so sorry I dragged you into this mess.” His fingers covered mine, and I leaned my head forward, pressing it against the metal.

  “Get her out of here,” Connor roared, spinning around to face Declan.

  “Open the case.” Declan touched the blood at his lip.

  Andrei was behind him, holding a large metal briefcase. Was that the gun? Did Connor bring it with him? Oh God. Where was Konstantin?

  “I’m not opening the case until you take her out of there,” Connor demanded, stepping up to Declan.

  Declan waved his hand at me like Connor’s request was no big deal. It probably wasn’t. We were outnumbered. Blake appeared by my side with a key.

  The sound of the key in the lock was the sweetest noise. The second the door swung open, I dove at Blake, beating his chest. I ignored the pain shooting down the left side of my cheek as Blake gripped hold of my wrists. “You disgust me,” I screamed in his face.

  Connor’s hands were on my hips a second later, pulling me free. I buried my face in his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. “I won’t help you as long as you have her down here. She goes free or no deal.”

  I looked up to see Declan, Andrei, Oleg, and Blake standing side by side a few feet away. How were we going to get out of this? It didn’t seem possible.

  Declan removed his blazer and tossed it at Oleg. He started to roll his sleeves up to his elbows, exposing the cross and skull. “If you don’t open the case, she dies.”

  Connor was staring at the men, his body trembling against my skin. But not from fear, I had to assume. He was pissed. He glanced down at me in his arms and pulled me closer.

  Connor rattled off the numbers for the lock, and I flinched. Why would he do that? Once they had the weapon, they’d kill us. But the way his fingers
blazed up and down my back, comforting me, meant he wasn’t afraid.

  “I thought you said it required voice activation and—” Declan said as the case popped open.

  “I lied,” Connor said in a low, calm voice, his eyes focused.

  Declan held the gun in his hand, running his fingers over it. “A thing of beauty. I couldn’t believe that Matthews Tech was manufacturing this gun. What good fortune. Of course, you didn’t have the funds to make much headway on it. You would never have succeeded if we didn’t land the Saudi deal.” Declan approached Connor and me, holding the EMF gun in front of him, his team of idiots lining up behind him like a wall.

  “So the deal had nothing to do with helping the company—it was all to expedite the development of the weapon, so you could steal it and produce it yourself?” I was floored.

  “Smart, right? If Olivia hadn’t pushed her boss to join the case, Konstantin and I would have teamed up with some other tech company, and we may never have had this weapon. So,” Declan said, tilting his head and finding my one good eye, “thank you, Olivia.”

  Connor’s heart was beating slow in his chest. That was a good sign, right? If it was racing, that meant he was nervous. He appeared calm. He was my rock, and I clung to him.

  “It won’t work.” Connor took a step back, releasing his hold on me. “Go ahead. Try it out.”

  Declan studied the gun and played around with it. The muscles in his face grew taut, and he handed it over to Andrei. “What’s wrong with it? I thought it was finished?”

  “Oh, it is,” Connor answered. “But it’s useless without the chip. The chip has all of the technology in it.” He raised his hands in the air, palms up. “No chip. No weapon.”

  Declan looked over at me and back at Connor. “Where’s the chip?”

  Connor pulled me close to him again. “You honestly thought I’d just show up and hand you the weapon? I knew you had Olivia.”

  Declan’s eyes were on the concrete floor. “Are you prepared to die like your father—willing to exchange one life for another?” His dark eyes flashed as he reached behind his back and pulled out a handgun.


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