Mona's Honeymoon Fantasy (Delta of Venus Inc.)

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Mona's Honeymoon Fantasy (Delta of Venus Inc.) Page 1

by Vincent, Verena

  Copyright and Disclaimer

  Copyright © June 2014, Verena Vincent

  Produced in Canada

  Published by Verena Vincent

  Mona’s Honeymoon Fantasy (Book 3 – Delta of Venus Inc.) is a work of fiction and the characters, events and dialogue found within the story are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, either living or deceased, is completely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or shared in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including but not limited to digital copying, file sharing, audio recording, email and printing without permission in writing from the author.

  Mona's Honeymoon Fantasy

  (Book 3 - Delta of Venus Inc.)

  By Verena Vincent


  “I know this is going to sound like a complete cliché,” Mona Porter said with a shrug and a rueful half-smile. “But I really am a 40-year-old virgin. Just like the movie. Except I don’t need to wax my chest.” Her tone was filled with laughter but her gaze was direct and unapologetic. This was clearly a woman who wasn’t ashamed or embarrassed about her unusual state of chastity. Or if she was, she was hiding it remarkably well.

  Elizabeth Bright, Vice President of Delta of Venus Inc., stared across her desk at the poised woman who’d just uttered such an unbelievable statement. She tried very hard not to snort with disbelief and was almost successful in hiding her incredulity, except for a tell-tale quirking of her full lips. After a few awkward moments of waiting for her latest client to start laughing at her own lame attempt at humour, Elizabeth realized that Miss Porter was serious. Alarm bells immediately started going off in her head. Obviously the attractive woman before her had issues if she felt she had to pretend to be a virgin to get what she wanted from a fantasy fulfillment agency. Granting women their darkest desires was, after all, their business.

  Trying to salvage the serious tone of their interview Elizabeth leaned forward, laid a hand on her own chest and spoke with uncharacteristic gentleness to Mona. “Miss Porter. You realize that I’m not here to judge you in any way. You’re sexual history is of no interest to me. My company is here to fulfill your honeymoon fantasy. That’s our purpose and our function. Whether you’re a virgin or a porn star, it’s irrelevant to us as long as the appropriate precautions are utilized. So there’s really no reason to exaggerate your, um, status, shall we say?”

  Mona sighed. “I really wish I was exaggerating but I’m not. I am an actual technical virgin. And no, I’m not a former nun and no; I don’t suffer from any kind of debilitating germ or social phobias. My situation is nothing like that.” She shrugged. “I just never met the right guy and now that I’m forty it’s pretty unlikely that I will meet someone halfway normal who isn’t freaked out by my inexperience. So, I figure, why not do this right and have the honeymoon I’ve always dreamed of, deflowering and all? With a man who knows what he’s doing and won’t be intimidated by the fact that I’m a complete novice. Then, maybe I can move on and find someone without worrying about them judging me once they learn my secret.”

  Elizabeth studied Mona carefully as she spoke, watching for some sign of deception but there wasn’t anything about her client’s manner to indicate she spoke anything less than the truth. Elizabeth felt herself growing curious for the first time in a very long time. She dealt with frustrated, lonely women on a daily basis and very little about Mona struck her as lonely or frustrated.

  For one thing, she was lovely. Middle-aged spinsters didn’t usually look like they’d just stepped off the cover of a fitness magazine, did they? But that’s exactly what Mona Porter looked like. In her mint-green, sleeveless blouse and black, tailored skirt it was obvious she spent a lot of time at the gym. There was true definition in her arms and her waist was positively tiny. Somehow, despite her toned figure, she remained femininely curved and downright sexy.

  So how exactly did a beautiful woman like this manage to avoid romantic entanglements? Was there something wrong with her that wasn’t obvious? Or did she speak the truth? Had she actually managed to get through twenty-some years of adulthood totally ignoring her libido? It was incredible but it would seem that she was dealing with an actual 40-year-old virgin. Now, how was she going to convince one of her guys to take on the role of devirginator?

  Internally, she mentally flipped through her roster of Scene Facilitators and frowned. Not a single one of them seemed likely to want to take on this particular fantasy. Not because they wouldn’t be attracted to Mona. Each and every one of the men employed by Delta of Venus Inc., would be delighted to spend an exotic weekend on a tropical island with the curvaceous Miss Porter.

  The problem was that despite being part-time prostitutes, all the men she employed would balk at taking a woman’s virginity. They did what they did because they loved sex and enjoyed giving women pleasure more than anything, not because they were without ethics. Of a sort.

  But initiating a woman into sex was different: messier and more emotional. Being paid to take a woman’s innocence would definitely go against the moral compass of her guys. Damn it. Why did she have to employ gigolos with such high standards anyway? Sometimes it would be useful to have at least one morally ambiguous stud to help out with awkward situations like this.

  Elizabeth shook her head and made a heroic effort to stay focused on the conversation rather than her doubts regarding her ability to fulfill Mona’s fantasy. She would bribe, threaten or persuade one of them if required. Right now she needed information. “You said you were a technical virgin. What does that mean exactly? Not to be intrusive but your future fantasy bridegroom should probably know what to expect.”

  Mona sighed. “Well, it means that I had a boyfriend in high school. We did everything. Except actual sex.”

  “So, no penetration?”

  Mona shook her head once from side to side. “Nope. You see, I was pretty much terrified of getting pregnant. My mom had me at fifteen and really struggled to survive. She made it sound like a nightmare. Her family abandoned her and she had to quit school. So when I turned twelve she began harping on abstinence. By the time I was 17 I was so paranoid about continuing the whole teen pregnancy family tradition that there was no way I was taking any chances. My boyfriend claimed he spent his entire senior year with blue balls.” Her lips turned up in a fond smile at this admission.

  Elizabeth raised an eyebrow in surprise. “Poor guy. He must have really loved you.”

  Mona’s smile widened. “He did. That was part of the problem. He made it hard for other guys to measure up. He was so patient and determined to put my fears to rest.” She fiddled with the sparkly black bangles at her wrist and then stared out the massive window behind Elizabeth for a long moment. “He was sexy as hell but I just couldn’t get past it. When we finally broke up, I never found anyone who made me feel like that again. And since I never had sex with Joe, it felt wrong to do it with someone I didn’t want nearly as much.”

  Elizabeth made a small notation on Mona’s application and nodded. “This is starting to make a bit more sense now. Are you still terrified of getting pregnant?”

  “Not at all.” Mona looked a bit sheepish. “Ironically, I would love to become pregnant now. I’m financially secure and adore children. That’s part of the reason I’m here.”

  Elizabeth shook her head. “Miss Porter, I don’t know what you’ve been told, but we don’t actually provide stud service here.”

  Mona chuckled. “I realize that,” she said dryly. “What I meant was that I’d like to get this whole virginity thing out of the way, so I can pursu
e a real relationship and maybe even have a child someday soon. Before it’s too late. And I need some experience to be able to move forward with that.”

  “Hold on. Don’t you think most men would love to be with a virgin? Isn’t there a plethora of porno movies dedicated to just that premise?”

  “Sex with an eighteen-year-old virgin cheerleader, maybe. A forty-year-old one, however, is just plain scary to most guys. Or at least that’s been my experience.”

  “How so?”

  Mona shrugged. “Well, one guy I dated briefly a few years ago practically ran when I told him I was a virgin. He said he couldn’t take the pressure. According to him I must have totally unrealistic expectations about sex because I’ve waited so long.”

  “And do you? Have unrealistic expectations?”

  Mona chuckled again. “Probably. I’ve read about a million romance novels and I think they may have compounded my high expectations. So yes, I do expect sex to be fantastic. And your company guarantees I won’t be disappointed. Correct?”

  Elizabeth drew back from her desk and gave Mona a hard look. She couldn’t help it. She was disappointed. She’d liked this woman. Until it became obvious that she was looking for a free ride. Literally. Occasionally women like her requested an impossible fantasy hoping to enjoy their services without having to pay the ten thousand dollar fantasy fulfillment fee. None of these women had ever walked away unsatisfied. Well, except for that one time, but she wasn’t going to think about that.

  “Delta of Venus Inc., does, in fact, promise complete satisfaction, but you must admit your circumstance is very unique and one that we’ve never encountered before.” Elizabeth shook her elegant blonde head and closed the folder on her desk. “I’m sorry, but I’m not sure if we can honour our money back guarantee when your experience with us is bound to involve some awkwardness, maybe even pain, through no fault of our Scene Facilitator. The truth is that you are bound to be disappointed. And as much as I’d like to help you, this is a business and we do not fulfill women’s fantasies pro bono.” She stood up and smiled coolly down at Mona. “Now, best of luck with your deflowering. I’m sure you’ll find a man who is more than happy to help you with your situation.” She stepped out from behind her massive marble-topped desk and began walking towards the door, already thinking about her lunch appointment with her brother.

  Mona, however, wasn’t ready to be dismissed. She stayed put and stared out the window at the awe-inspiring view of downtown Vancouver. It was a clear day, for once, and the snowy peaks of the Rocky Mountains were visible above the roofs of the smaller surrounding buildings.

  “Miss Porter?” Elizabeth turned back when she realized her client wasn’t following her to the lobby

  “I’m sorry. I think that came out wrong.” Mona said softly, looking down at the emerald green clutch in her lap. “I didn’t mean to imply that I expected losing my virginity to be without some discomfort. I realize that’s impossible. Multiple orgasms the first time out only happens in bodice ripper novels. I’m aware of that.” She turned her head and gave Elizabeth a beseeching look. “But what you can provide is an experience which is as close to every woman’s fairy tale honeymoon fantasy as possible. I want some gorgeous, incredibly sexy guy to pretend he’s crazy about me. But more than that, I don’t want the person I’m with to treat my virginity like a disease. Is that too much to ask? Can you help me?”

  Elizabeth felt herself softening. Perhaps Mona wasn`t looking to take advantage of DOV`s generous guarantee after all.

  She slowly walked back to her desk and re-opened Mona’s folder. “No. I don’t think that’s too much to ask. But you understand my position? I really can’t promise this won’t be a huge disappointment to you. The odds are that you will walk away feeling cheated somehow. As a result, I can’t in good conscience guarantee your complete satisfaction. Our Scene Facilitators are excellent at what they do but they aren’t magicians. Do you understand what I’m telling you?”

  Mona nodded eagerly. “Yes. You’re saying that there won’t be any refunds if this is a complete disaster.”


  “Will it? Be a disaster, do you think?”

  Elizabeth sat back down and studied Mona carefully. “Well, no, I don’t think it will be disastrous in the slightest. Provided you commit to the fantasy and stay in character.” She flipped a page and read for a moment. “You’ll be playing a bride in love with her new husband, escaping to the island of Maui to consummate your marriage. Is that correct?”

  Mona nodded eagerly. “Yes, that’s it exactly. I’ve waited a long time for this and I want it to be as close to ideal as possible.”

  “No special requests?”

  “Like what?”

  Elizabeth shrugged one slim shoulder. “Well, we can provide pretty much anything. After your initiation into the carnal arts you’ll have a few days to enjoy the island and explore your sexuality. Or were you expecting your fantasy to end as soon as your purpose is fulfilled?”

  Mona’s frowned. “I hadn’t really thought about that. Can we leave my options open?”

  “Of course. It’s completely up to you. Your Scene Facilitator can make a hasty exit or he can stay and explore the scenario further if you’d like. The resort we use offers complete privacy and is accustomed to our more outlandish requests. From something as mundane as a couples massage to a volcano virgin sacrifice, we can make your darkest wish a reality.”

  Mona’s eyes widened in disbelief. “A volcano sacrifice? Seriously? Who would want that?”

  Elizabeth chuckled at Mona’s shocked expression. “Well, in that particular case the client wasn’t an actual virgin. And the fantasy culminated with her having sex with several brawny natives instead of being thrown into the volcano, but you get the idea.”

  Mona blinked several times. “Wow. I had no idea. I confess, I really hadn’t thought of the aftermath. Am I crazy to be doing this, do you think? Should I just go back to dating and hope I find a guy who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about my stupid virginity?”

  “I don’t think you’re crazy at all, but just to play devil’s advocate, why come here? You’re very attractive and confident. I’m sure you could have a one-night stand with just about any single man you meet. Problem solved. Why go to all this trouble and expense?”

  Mona shrugged. “I’ve tried that. Well, sort of. But a part of me feels like I shouldn’t have to hide the fact that I’m a virgin. And that’s what I’d be doing if I slept with the first anonymous guy willing to spend the night with me. I’ve waited this long. It should be special, shouldn’t it? Even if I have to pay for it?”

  “Miss Porter, I’ll be honest with you. I think the best way of losing your virginity would be to find a man who loves you and doesn’t give a damn whether you’ve been completely chaste or an utter slut. Unfortunately, if you want to have biological children then the clock is ticking on that particular scenario. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  Mona nodded.

  “If you prefer, we can arrange for a wildly attractive man, who also happens to be an expert in pleasuring women, take care of this for you.” She paused dramatically as Mona considered this option. “So. You tell me, what is the more viable solution to your problem? Wait and see or live out your ultimate fantasy? It’s your decision.”

  Mona grinned. “Well, when you put it that way it seems silly not to take advantage of your service.”

  Miss Bright nodded. “Indeed. Now, what kind of traits were you looking for in your faux bridegroom?”

  “I guess I want what every woman wants.” Mona shrugged. “Someone kind and intelligent, with a sense of humour. And good personal grooming habits. I know it’s just for a weekend but I can’t see myself being comfortable around someone who doesn’t take care of himself. Slobs aren’t sexy.”

  “So what you’re telling me is that you don’t want a dirty jerk? That’s your fantasy man? You don’t set the bar very high, do you?”

  Mona gave her an exasperated
look. “I’ve been setting the bar way too high. That’s my problem. I just thought I would start with the deal breakers. How specific do women usually get when describing their fantasy man?”

  “Typically our clients bring in a picture of a celebrity crush or a male model to give me some idea what they’re looking for. One client brought in a romance novel and she wanted me to provide the hero from the book jacket.”

  Mona`s eyes widened in disbelief. “You mean one of those shirtless guys with the rippling abs and sinewy forearms? The ones that never actually leave the gym in real life?”

  “Well, a reasonable facsimile was provided, yes. All our SFs are in top physical condition but none of them spend an inordinate amount of time working out. They’re too busy for that.”

  Mona covered her mouth with one hand. “They service that many women?”

  Miss Bright smiled at Mona’s shocked expression. “No, most of them have jobs and lives. They’re well-rounded and educated men who also happen to enjoy many sports. We don’t keep them in a stud storage locker, you know.”

  Mona chewed on her lip. “So if I said I wanted a guy who looks like Superman, you have the Man of Steel tucked away somewhere?”

  “His Fortress of Solitude is just a phone call away. Blue tights and all. Is that what you’re looking for?”

  Mona gave a delighted laugh. “Hmmm…that is a tempting idea but to be honest, I’ve always found Clark Kent more appealing.”

  Miss Bright made another notation in Mona’s folder. “Interesting. You prefer the nerdy alter ego to the hero. That’s a new one. Anything else you can tell me? More deal breakers?”

  “Not really. I mean, I trust that your guys are all reasonably attractive and adept at this whole sex thing, so I really don’t know what else to request. Just someone sweet and genuine, I guess.”

  Miss Bright closed the folder and gave Mona a long, measuring look. “You think your fantasy man should be sweet?”

  Mona frowned and leaned back. “I don’t mean that he needs to recite poetry or throw flower petals at my feet. I’m not looking for some over-the-top romantic gestures. I just want him to be kind and gentle. Is that so wrong?”


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