Longfellow Series: Books 1-4 (4-Book Bundle) (Erotic Romance - Vampire Romance)

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Longfellow Series: Books 1-4 (4-Book Bundle) (Erotic Romance - Vampire Romance) Page 4

by Hart, Melissa F.

  Sure enough, Sophia went straight to Longfellow Castle. Michelle guessed correctly that the man who opened the door was Sophia’s new boyfriend, Logan Longfellow, and she definitely saw the appeal. He looked to be about thirty years old. He was strikingly handsome, with a lean yet muscular build, pale blue eyes, and light blond hair that hung to his shoulders. The moonlight of the night sky played tricks on Michelle’s eyes, and made Logan’s skin appear so pale it looked deathly white, although she knew that was impossible. The townspeople always rumored that the residents of Longfellow Castle were vampires, but she knew it couldn’t really be true. Still, there was something about him that made her suspicious and so she crouched in the bushes of the garden just outside the door, waiting and watching in case Sophia needed her help.

  Michelle had waited in the chilly dark for hours for Sophia to come out. Then, shortly before dawn, a figure suddenly appeared in the garden. He had moved so quietly, it was as if he had materialized out of thin air. Michelle clasped her hands over her own mouth, stifling her startled scream of surprise to keep from alerting anyone in the castle that she was there.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you,” the strange man said in a calm and soothing voice. He was tall and lean, with features very much like Logan’s, right down to the blond hair and eyes that were such a pale shade of blue, they looked nearly dead. The only difference was he wore a thin goatee on his chin, which he stroked thoughtfully with the fingers of his left hand. “I saw you here in the garden and wondered if you lived here and had been accidentally locked out.”

  Michelle blushed furiously, mortified at having been caught trespassing and spying. She thought for a brief moment of lying, but decided that the truth was the only feasible thing she could say. “No, I’m waiting for my best friend. She’s inside on a date with the man who lives here, and I wanted to make sure she’d okay.”

  “That’s extremely thoughtful of you,” the man said. “Most friends aren’t so caring as to wait up all night in this cold air. My name is Peter Longfellow. This is my cousin’s house. I’ve come to pay him a surprise visit.”

  “My name is Michelle,” she said, taking the hand he had offered her in greeting. Instead of shaking it like she had expected, he raised her hand to his lips and gently kissed the back of it with a chivalrous smile. His lips were strangely cool, yet she felt the sensation of warm tingles running through her body and she giggled flirtatiously.

  They chatted for a few moments, and Peter explained that it had been many years since he’d last seen his cousin.

  “Our last visit was less than pleasant, and I am now ready to make amends,” Peter said, looking off into the distance, as if lost in some memory. Then suddenly he set his gaze squarely upon Michelle. “You must be freezing. Come closer and let me warm you.”

  He opened the flap of his wide, long jacket, which was nearly like a cape, inviting Michelle to wrap herself into the warmth of the garment beside him. She hesitated for a moment, sensing she should back away from him, but his gaze was so intense, she suddenly felt drawn to his embrace. Unable to resist him, she allowed him to envelop her into his arms.

  Suddenly, Peter began kissing her neck. No, he wasn’t kissing her; he was biting her! The pain was excruciating, and she tried to scream out for help, but no sound came from her lips and she realized that he was no longer biting her; he was draining the blood from the veins of her neck. Peter Longfellow was a vampire, and he was drinking her blood! Michelle felt herself growing weaker and gradually losing consciousness. She was dying. Then the world went black.

  Brief images of consciousness flickered in her memory after that. She remembered gasping for breath and Sophia hovering over her, performing the chest compression that had brought her back to life. She remembered being lifted into an ambulance as Sophia cried with relief. Now, she had awoken here, in the hospital, fully aware for the first time of what had happened to her.

  Peter Longfellow is a vampire! He drained my blood and killed me, so why am I not dead? Her body felt strange. Her heart was beating in her chest and her lungs were breathing in air, but her skin was growing paler instead of brighter. In fact, right now it was so white, she looked as if she were dead.

  But I’m not dead. I’m hungry. I’m so hungry I’ve got to have something to eat right now!

  Just then a nurse walked into the room. She smiled at Michelle. “How are you feeling? My goodness, you’re pale. Let me check your vitals.”

  The nurse grabbed Michelle gently by the wrist and started to take her pulse. Michelle saw the arteries in the nurse’s throat pulsing with the flow of her blood being pumped through her body and her mouth began to salivate. Michelle was instantly overcome with an unquenchable desire to bite the nurse’s throat and drink her blood. Unable to stop herself, she leaned forward, lunging for the one thing she desired.

  Chapter Two

  “I must warn you that she will be very different than the friend you cherish,” Logan Longfellow said gently as he and Sophia Marshall hurried through the halls of the hospital toward the room where they were keeping Michelle. He gave Sophia’s hand a tender squeeze for support.

  “In what way?” Sophia asked, squeezing his hand back in return, and looking up at him with eyes filled with concern.

  “The first night after a victim has been bitten by a vampire, but not killed, they experience a transformation from being fully human to becoming a vampire themselves. The process can be quite painful and will not be complete until she drinks the blood of a living creature for the first time. Instinct will give her a natural hunger for it, and her desire for blood will become overwhelming. I still remember when it happened to me, even though centuries have passed since then. The urge for blood is so overpowering, not even love or friendship can stand in the way of it.”

  “You mean she might attack me and try and drink my blood?” Sophia asked, utterly horrified.

  “She won’t be able to stop herself, but I will protect you. Just remember, it isn’t your friend behaving that way. It is the instincts of the vampire. I will teach her how to manage and control them, and she will once again be able to be your friend if she chooses.”

  They approached the door to Michelle’s room, but just before they opened it they heard a scream and a noisy crash from within. Logan burst through the door just in time to see the nurse cowering behind the overturned hospital bed as Michelle lunged toward her again, wild with anger that her prey had escaped.

  With lightening quick reflexes, Logan grabbed Michelle by the wrists and wrestled her to the ground. Michelle screamed in rage, revealing her razor-sharp fangs. She kicked and flailed about wildly in an effort to escape, but she was no match for Logan’s strength.

  “She’s a vampire!” the nurse gasped in terror.

  “It’s just a medical reaction to the bite she suffered,” Sophia soothed the nurse. The words weren’t a lie, yet she hoped they would dispel talk of vampires. “We’ll take care of her. You should lay down in the nurse’s lounge and rest.”

  Dazed and trembling, the nurse left the room and Sophia returned her attention to Logan and Michelle.

  Logan had brought a small vile of blood in his coat pocket from the farm animals he kept at the castle and offered it to Michelle to soothe her. She drank it greedily and sighed with relief, closing her eyes as if in ecstasy.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, feeling much calmer. As she regained her composure, Michelle opened her eyes and took in Logan’s appearance with a startled expression.

  “Who are you? You look almost exactly like the man who did this to me, except you don’t have a beard!” Michelle cried out.

  “That would be my cousin, Peter Longfellow. I am Logan, Sophia’s boyfriend, and I will help through this transition and teach you how to live with what has happened to you peacefully. First, we must get out here. The nurse is undoubtedly summoning the police.”

  Sophia peered out the door and saw the nurse talking to group of police officers. She pointed do
wn the hallway, indicating Michelle’s room. The officers pulled their guns from their holsters and started moving down the hall.

  “You’re right! The police are coming! They’ll be here in seconds!” Sophia cried, slamming the door shut.

  “Then we’d better not be! Lock the door while I look for a way out of here!” Logan said.

  Sophia searched frantically for a lock on the doorknob, but found none. Quickly, she grabbed a nearby chair and wedged it under the doorknob to keep the door from opening just as the officers tried to burst in. The chair squeaked under the strain, but held fast, effectively locking the officers outside, but as they slammed their weight repeatedly against the door, she knew the chair would soon give way.

  Logan grabbed Sophia and Michelle both by the hand and pulled them hurriedly toward the window, which he had opened, letting in the cool night air.

  “Come on, we must jump!” Logan urged, stepping onto the window ledge. Michelle joined him readily, but Sophia took one look out the window and shrank back in fear.

  “We’re five stories up! We’ll die if we jump!” Sophia cried out, trembling. Behind her, she could hear the officers shoving against the creaking chair and knew it would only be a matter of moments before they broke into the room and arrested the two people she cared about most in the world, or perhaps even killed them!

  “It will be okay,” Michelle said calmly, acting on an instinct she didn’t fully understand yet. She held her hand out to Sophia, who still wasn’t sure.

  Logan held his hand out to her too and looked deep into her eyes with such reassurance and love that it overcame her fears. Trembling, Sophia grasped Logan’s hand with her right hand, and Michelle’s hand with her left.

  “At the count of three, we’ll jump together,” Logan instructed, and the two young women both nodded in consent.

  “One… two… three!” Logan said and the three of them leapt from the window.

  Sophia screamed in fright and shut her eyes tightly closed, fully expecting to fall the five stories to her death on the sidewalk. Instead, she felt the most incredible sensation of flying, and opened her eyes to see that it was true.

  Michelle and Logan were both flying through the sky, carrying her with them as they went. Michelle was beaming with joy at her new ability and Logan smiled proudly at his knew protégé.

  The only one not smiling was Peter Longfellow, who stood on the ground, glaring up at the escaping trio. His attempt to turn Michelle into an evil vampire and then use her to destroy Logan was temporarily foiled, but he wasn’t one to give up so easily.

  “This isn’t over yet, dear cousin,” he vowed darkly.

  Chapter Three

  Sophia stared in awe at the town far below, marveling at how small everything looked. Logan guided them to the roof of Longfellow Castle, where Michelle landed clumsily, and he had to grasp Sophia with both hands to keep her from falling off the roof completely.

  “Sorry,” Michelle said, and Sophia knew that if she’d had any color in her skin she would have been blushing furiously. “It’s my first time flying.”

  “Do not fear,” Logan said, comfortingly. “I will teach you everything you need to know about being a vampire, and it will all become easy over time. You will find time is something you have much of now, for being a vampire will allow you to live hundreds of years if you are careful.”

  “Great, now I’ll have centuries to suffer this curse,” Michelle moaned.

  Logan put a comforting arm around her shoulder. “Being a vampire is far from a curse; it is the greatest of gifts. I have much to teach you, but first you must rest. It has been a full day for you, and the transformation takes a great physical toll.”

  He lifted a secret hidden door on the roof and climbed down it, into the attic of the house. Michelle and Sophia followed him, and he led them to a secret room filled with coffins.

  “This one was my grandfather’s,” he said with pride. “This one was my mother’s, and the one beside it was my father’s. These belonged to my aunts, uncles, and cousins. You may choose any one that you desire.”

  The sight of Michelle climbing into various coffins and trying them out was too much for Sophia and she excused herself to wait in Logan’s bedroom down the hall.

  After a long while, Logan appeared and sat beside her on the bed with an exhausted smile. “She’s resting. It’s what she needs now. She won’t awake again until sunset tomorrow, and I’ll begin her lessons. Are you all right?”

  “I’m okay; it’s just kind of creepy that my best friend is now sleeping in a coffin in a hidden room of my boyfriend’s house,” Sophia said.

  “Don’t worry. I am a man of honor. I won’t try and take advantage of her,” Logan vowed. “Besides, my heart belongs only to you.”

  Sophia giggled. “I know that. I don’t mean it’s creepy like I think you would cheat with her. I mean it’s creepy that she’s sleeping in a coffin!”

  Logan smiled with chagrin and said charmingly, “You mean that’s not normal?”

  “No. Most people sleep in a bed like this one.” Sophia lay across his bed seductively. “Doesn’t this look much more comfortable?”

  “I don’t know. Let me try it out,” Logan teased, lying on his back on the bed beside her. With a mock frown, he shook his head playfully. “I don’t think I could sleep on something like this. It’s so uncomfortable and cold!”

  Sophia draped herself him, covering him like a blanket. “Let me warm you up.”

  She pressed her warm soft lips to his and kissed him, gently at first, then more urgently. Their mouths opened and their tongues intertwined, and Sophia could feel his passion growing by the hardness pressing against her hip.

  Slowly, she kissed her way down his torso, removing his shirt as she went, until she came to the waistband of his trousers. Then she removed them too, allowing his rigid manhood to spring free. She stroked him with her hands, wanting to do more, but not quite sure how. Sophia had never given a man oral sex before, but she desperately wanted to please Logan in that way now. Hesitantly, she put her lips to the head of his organ and kissed him there. A deep sigh of pleasure escaped Logan’s mouth and encouraged her to keep going.

  She kissed and licked the length of his hard organ then opened her lips and took him inside her hot, wet mouth. It thrilled and excited Sophia in ways she never would have expected to make love to him in that way.

  Logan could hardly believe that just a few days ago she had been a virgin. He groaned loudly and gently pushed her away for fear that he would climax too soon.

  “You’re getting me too hot,” he explained, and Sophia blushed, understanding for the first time that she had the power to make him orgasm so easily. Logan gently pulled the clothes from her body. “Now it’s my turn to pleasure you.”

  Sophia lay back on the bed, completely naked, and luxuriated under the expert touch of Logan’s hands, fingers, lips, and tongue. He massaged her breasts, needing them in his strong hands, and then tenderly suckled her nipples until they became hard nubs. She moaned and sighed as he kissed his way down her bare stomach to the triangle of her sex and spread her creamy white thighs. The folds of her flower were already wet with the juices of her arousal, and he stroked her with his fingers until she was panting and moaning for him to enter her.

  Logan lay down in the center of the bed then. “I want to teach you something new. Climb on top of me.”

  Sophia straddled Logan’s pelvis, and he guided her on top of him. Sophia had never done anything so daring before and found the new position awkward and difficult to obtain. Logan was patient and kind however, and within moments she felt their bodies align and sighed with pleasure as her folds enveloped his throbbing organ and he sank deeply into her with a satisfying thrust.

  “Oh, you feel so good when you’re inside me,” Sophia sighed, but Logan knew it was about to get even better yet.

  Holding her by the waist to keep her steady, he said, “Now move on top of me as fast or slow as you like. Try le
aning forward or leaning backward. Find the angle and speed that feels best to you. Maximize your own pleasure, and you’ll maximize mine too.”

  Sophia didn’t know what to do at first. Logan had always been on top before, but then suddenly she felt a thrill more powerful than any she’d felt before and it encouraged her to attempt the same move again. Harder and faster, Sophia thrust her body atop Logan’s hard shaft, bringing her body to greater heights of pleasure with each stroke.

  Soon she was sweating and trembling, and Logan knew she was about to climax. He took her breasts into his hands and buried his face in them, kissing and suckling her nipples as she rode him with feverish lust. The sensation pushed her over the edge and she orgasmed powerfully atop of him. Feeling the muscles of her body rippling around him caused Logan to lose control, and he orgasmed along with her, the two of them climaxing together as one before collapsing into each other’s arms.

  “That was amazing,” Sophia sighed contentedly, as they lay cuddling afterwards. “I’m glad you taught me how to be on top. I can’t wait to do it again.”

  “I have much more to teach you.” Logan smiled and kissed her lips. Suddenly, they both realized the time and knew that dawn would soon be approaching. Sophia dressed quickly and headed for home, but it was a much more unpleasant journey than usual.

  Normally she enjoyed strolling home from Logan’s castle under the glowing pink sky of the dawn. She used it as a time to reflect and think, usually about her love for Logan. This time, however, the journey was tedious and weighed on her heavily. She knew that she was going home to an empty apartment, where she would no longer see Michelle and be able to confide her secrets to her best friend. Worse than that, she kept hearing Logan’s words echoing in her mind.

  He had said he had much to teach Michelle, who now lived in his castle with him. Then he had told Sophia that he had much to teach her, in reference to sex. Was Logan secretly plotting to have sex with Michelle or was he plotting to turn Sophia into a vampire?


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