Actually Love - Jessie & Zach (The Crossroads Series)

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Actually Love - Jessie & Zach (The Crossroads Series) Page 22

by Melanie Shawn

  His mind knew that he shouldn’t do this. He was too raw. Too open. But his body disagreed. Strongly. His erection strained against the zipper of his slacks.

  Jessie’s eyes stayed fixed on his as she lifted up on her tiptoes. Touching her lips to his, she whispered against his mouth, “I’m here.”

  His hands moved to the sides of her hips as he rested his forehead against hers, trying to fight the desire crashing over him. Zach’s mind was swimming with so many reasons not to do this. The main one being how he’d just reacted. He already felt too much for the girl wrapped in his arms. That was exactly the reason he didn’t want this.

  Jessie’s fingers continued stroking the back of his neck, and she let out a little sigh as her hips tilted into his hardened groin. That was it. His mind and emotions had just been overruled by the judge in his pants.

  Without another thought in his head, his body just reacted and lifted her up onto her desk. Papers scattered across the surface and a container of pens crashed to the floor as he set her down. The moment her thighs hit the desktop, Zach’s large hands pushed her skirt up around her waist. As he did, Jessie’s nimble fingers were busy pulling at his tie and unbuttoning his shirt. They made quick work of his clothes as he shrugged off his shirt and stepped out of his pants. Reaching down, he grabbed a condom from his pocket, and when he stood, he saw that she was trying to wiggle out of her dress.

  “Leave it on,” he commanded harshly.

  Her hands froze, and she slowly lowered them to the desk. She attentively watched every move he made as he rolled the condom over the head of his dick and down his shaft. Stepping between her legs, his hands ran up and down her bare thighs.

  “No stockings tonight?” he asked as he felt her legs quiver under his touch.

  She slowly shook her head back and forth.

  “Good. That’s less in my way.”

  Firmly he slid his hands up her thighs and over her hips until he reached the hem of her dress and pulled it up over her head in one tug. Before her hands were even back at her sides, his mouth covered one of her full mounds as his hand enveloped the other. His tongue teased and licked the tight peak of her nipple, pulling into his suctioning open-mouthed kiss as he kneaded the full flesh of her other breast.

  Jessie’s hands slammed down on the desk behind her as her back bowed, thrusting her chest up as if she was seeking deeper contact with him. Desire and need raced through him as he alternated licking, biting and sucking Jessie’s breasts making sure to show each one equal attention.

  He felt like a starving man at a feast as he devoured Jessie’s heaving mounds. And maybe he was. After he’d gotten a taste of her when they’d spent the night together, his body had ached for her every second, of every minute, of every day. He felt an emptiness inside of him that only she could fill. Only touching her, kissing her, being inside of her could fill. Trying to remain in the confines of the friend zone had driven him insane with need for her.

  Over the rushing sound of his roaring blood and his pounding heartbeat, he heard her moans and exclamations growing louder as she ground her covered mound against his aching bulge. Zach loved the feeling of her swollen lips covered in soft, wet fabric as she rubbed her center up and down his straining shaft. Each pass caused him to throb in need and pleasure.

  “Please,” Jessie breathed sounding desperate.

  At her frustrated plea he quickly moved his hand down Jessie’s body and tugged her dampened panties to the side. Zach’s could feel his entire being shaking with the need to thrust into her feminine heat. Bury himself deep inside of her. But first he needed to take care of her.

  While his index finger held her panties out of his way he ran his middle finger up and down her slick folds before he slipped the tip of his finger between them. A soft, needy cry fell from her mouth as she reached up and grasped Zach’s shoulders. Pushing his finger farther into her heat, her body began pulsing around his thick digit.

  “I love how wet you get for me,” he said hoarsely, a groan ripped from his chest at how responsive she was to his touch.

  “Only for you,” she said through choppy breaths. “Only you make me this wet.”

  Her statement caused every ounce of his possessive nature to roar inside of Zach as he pressed his finger in then pulled it out of her tight passage. Her inner walls gripped him and his dick throbbed with aching need, knowing just how good it would feel once he entered her.

  “Yes, yes, Zach,” she softly moaned his name as her hips rocked against his hand.

  His other hand was spread on her back, holding her up as her body began trembling uncontrollably. His finger worked in and out of her as he brushed his thumb over her clit, causing her body to clench around his finger. At the intimate contact, she cried out as her body convulsed against him.

  When her body finally relaxed, and she melted against him, he removed his finger and positioned the head of his shaft at the neediest part of her. Even through the latex he could feel her moist heat on his sensitive engorged tip. As she recovered from her release, Zach held himself firmly and stroked the head of his dick up and down the slit of her opening until he felt her core begin to pulse against him.

  “I want to feel you. I need you inside of me,” Jessie’s seductive voice drifted into Zach’s lust fogged brain.

  Her statement broke the thin thread of control he’d been hanging on by, and he gripped her hips as he drove himself into her. Taking her. Claiming her.

  * * *

  Jessie’s head fell back, lost in ecstasy, as Zach entered her in one swift motion. Her sensitive body came alive again with sensation as he filled her completely. A moan ripped from her as his powerful body began moving in and out of her in deep thrusts. Her hands clenched as she held on to the strength of his shoulders.

  The feel of his powerful muscles bunching beneath her touch sent chills down her spine. Jessie luxuriated in the erotic feel of stinging pressure as Zach’s fingertips firmly gripped the soft flesh on her hips. With him inside of her, holding her, she felt completely and totally…his.

  Zach possessed her with an unwavering authority that Jessie never knew existed and now craved like an addict. Strength radiated off of him in waves, and she knew, deep in her soul, that he would take care of her. He had her. She trusted him completely with her body and her body’s needs.

  Wanting to watch where their bodies were intimately joined as he drove inside of her, Jessie lifted her heavy head. When she did, she saw Zach’s emerald green eyes were trained on her chest. Intently glued to her, as he watched the motion of her full breasts jiggling each time he pounded into her. She loved the hungry look in his eye as he stared at her body.

  Seeing the predatory way he looked at her made her inner walls clamp down around his thick erection. At her body’s response, Zach’s jaw tightened as he sucked in an audible hiss. Jessie gasped as his manhood grew even larger inside of her. She felt her body quickly building towards a powerful release.

  Seeking what she knew would be dizzying gratification, she attempted to scoot closer to him. To take more of him into her tight sheath. Her body wanted all of him. But she couldn’t get any traction. Her bare skin slid against the smooth surface of her desk.

  “Wrap your legs around me,” he gruffly instructed.

  She did as he said and was instantly rewarded for her obedience. The new position enabled him to go deeper, faster, harder. His large hands covered her backside, his strong fingers kneading her firm flesh as he drove into her in a ravenous assault. Her sensitive, hardened nipples brushed against his firm chest as her body moved up and down his. With each pump Jessie grew increasingly mindless with pleasure.

  Before Zach, Jessie had never been with someone she could completely let go of all her inhibitions with. She’d always been in control in the bedroom. Always taken the lead.

  With Zach, she didn’t have to think. Didn’t have to even be aware of what was going on. All she had to do was feel. Each time he thrust into her tight passage, her inner
walls milked his thick length. In and out, he plunged into her swollen sex, increasing the almost unbearable pleasure building rapidly inside of her.

  As she held onto him, anchoring herself to his strength, she saw their reflection in her large office window. The sight nearly sent her over the edge. Zach’s frame was so large, so dominating. The muscles on his powerful back rippled with every thrust of his hips. Her eyes continued down to her delicate ankles locked around his v-shaped waist, his firm ass cheeks clenching as he relentlessly drove into her.

  A blinding, heated rush of sensation spread through Jessie. Closing her eyes she gave herself over completely to its power. Losing herself in the sweet shock of bliss that spread through her, as every one of her feminine nerve endings tingled with delight at his possessive strokes.

  When they were joined like this, he owned her. Completely. That knowledge sent a thrill scattering through her as she felt her body going up and over the peak. She jerked against him, her body shaking from the wickedly forceful tidal wave of ecstasy flowing through her.

  Just as she was floating back from erotic oblivion, she felt him bury himself into her once more as his arms held her tight to his chest. She felt his rock-hard length twitch inside of her as his muscular thighs tensed in release. His breathing was shallow as his hands flexed against her backside.

  Jessie held on to Zach tightly, wishing they could stay like this forever. Wishing she could be in his arms forever. That he would never let her go. When she was in his arms, she didn’t have to think. Her mind was quiet. She could just be.

  Slowly she began to feel the tension draining out of his arms as he held her. Too soon for her liking, he stepped away from her. Zach removed the condom, wrapping it in a tissue he must have gotten from her desk, and disposed of it in one quick movement. Jessie tried not to think about the fact that his nickname was “Playboy.” She tried not to dwell on how many women he’d probably been with. Especially, since she was definitely benefiting from his experience. But moments like those shined a bright light on the fact that this wasn’t his first time at the rodeo. She might have just popped her sex-in-the-office cherry, but most likely, Zach had a whole sex-in-the-office cherry tree.

  After sitting down on her chair, Zach pulled her off the desk and placed her on his lap so she was sitting sideways on his large, muscular thighs. He leaned his head against her shoulder as his arms enveloped her. Lifting her hand, she ran her fingers through his hair while both of their breathing started returning to normal.

  “I’m sorry I freaked out,” he said quietly.

  “I’m not,” she said. Then, realizing how it had sounded, she quickly clarified, “I mean, I’m sorry that I scared you, but I’m not sorry about the end result. That was hot.”

  As he leaned back against the high-backed leather chair, his lips turned up into a wide smile. “Yeah, it was.”

  “Are you okay? Really?” Jessie was truly worried about him. The look of sheer panic she’d seen in his eyes had broken her heart.

  Earlier this week, Jessie had visited Anna to bring her dresses to try on for Haley and Eddie’s wedding since the ‘M’ sisters had struck again and gone and gotten themselves invited to another family event. Anna had talked a little bit about what it had been like those first few years when Zach was still in high school. She’d been in and out of the hospital. Zach had worked two jobs just to make sure they didn’t get evicted and he still graduated with honors. Anna had also told her about time when she’d collapsed and Zach had found her unconscious.

  Jessie couldn’t even imagine what she would do if she’d been in Zach’s shoes. He amazed her. Not just with what he’d done as a child, but also the man that he was. His successful career aside, although that was impressive in and of itself, he was kind and generous. He didn’t seem to have a chip on his shoulder or hold any resentment for the hardships he’d faced.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asked, looking far too serious.

  It wasn’t that Jessie had any problem telling Zach what was on her mind; he was the one person in the world she would tell anything to. But the pain she saw when she looked into his emerald green eyes told her that he would not want to talk about the past.

  So she decided to walk down Sexy Time Lane instead of Memory Lane.

  “I was wondering if we could sleep in your bed tonight.” She grinned. “It’s a lot more comfortable than mine.”

  Still looking far too serious, he asked, “Just tonight?”

  “Welllll…” She rested her hand on his chest. Her finger traced the line of his muscular pecs as she continued, trying to lighten the mood. “I actually had a proposal for you to amend our current agreement. Would you like to be roommates with benefits?”

  “Roommates with benefits?” he repeated.

  “Yep.” She nodded in confirmation.

  “Meaning what?” he asked, his expression unreadable.

  Butterflies flittered in her stomach as the thought hit her that she might have read their relationship wrong. Maybe this past week when he’d been treating her like a good-buddy-ol’-pal, it had been because he really wasn’t interested in her and this had just been a fluke. An aberration.

  Zach stared at her expectantly, but once again, Jessie found herself in the odd position of wanting to speak and having no idea what to say.

  “Does it mean that you sleep with me?” he asked.

  Not knowing what else to do, she nodded.

  “Shower with me?” His hand started roaming a little higher up her leg, and she felt a familiar poke in her hip, alerting her to his body’s response to where this conversation was headed.

  Whew. She nodded again.

  His large hand dipped between her thighs, and her core tingled as he ran his fingers gently up and down her sensitized sex. “Does it mean if I want to bend you over the table in the kitchen and take you from behind, I can?”

  Hell yes.

  She nodded again, this time a little harder.

  His hand stilled, and she held her breath.

  “Then I don’t care what you call it. Let’s go home, I have plans for you.” He swatted her playfully on her rear as he stood, setting her down and grabbing his clothes with purpose.

  Outside, she was trying to play it as cool as she could, considering she was smiling so hard her cheeks would probably be sore tomorrow. But inside, she was jumping up and down and screaming, Yay!

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “So things are going good with the fake-boyfriend roommate situation I take it?” Krista’s brows rose as she sat down next to Jessie.

  “Everything’s great.” Jessie gave her sister the same answer she’d given every other member of her family since she’d arrived at the chapel at Whisper Lake.

  This day was supposed to be about Haley and Eddie, not Jessie and Zach. Jessie had no idea why everyone was saying that—or a variation of that—the second they saw her. Even Anna had smiled and said that she was glad that Jessie and Zach were doing so well when they picked her up from Avalon this morning.

  The trip up to the lake had been as entertaining as the Thanksgiving trip to Harper’s Crossing. Jessie suspected that Margie and Mabel had enough stories to fill a cross-country road trip. Those two were a kick.

  As her cousins-in-law and Krista buzzed around the room getting ready, Jessie took a moment to just take this all in. She’d been to a lot of weddings over the past couple of years, since all five of her cousins had tied the knot. But Haley was the first of the Sloan girls to do the deed. It made Jessie feel like everything was really changing.

  Sure, she hated the nickname Quad Squad growing up, but that was only because she was an individual. She wanted to be seen and judged on her own merits, not lumped into a group with everyone liking and accepting her because of her last name. She often wondered if that was how celebrities and kids of celebrities felt. Like no one really saw them—they just had an idea of who they were because of their name.

  But the truth was, even though she hadn
’t lived close to home since she was in high school, Jessie still did identify herself as one of the Sloan girls. Haley, Krista, Jessie, and Becca, whether Jessie liked it or not, were the Quad Squad.

  Now, Haley wouldn’t even be a Sloan anymore. She’d be a Thomas. And in a few months, Krista would be Krista Malone. As happy as she was for her sisters, and she was happy, Jessie couldn’t help but feel a little sad at the changes this marriage represented.

  Husbands, kids, families. That’s what her sisters were going to have. Becca was still young, but Jessie knew that, as soon as she got through school, someone would put a ring on it. Her little sister was definitely the ‘settling down’ type. Jessie had always thought that she’d end up with her childhood friend, Brian. But those two had known each other since they were in pre-K and Becca swore that nothing had ever happened between them. They were just friends. It kind of irritated Jessie to think that she was wrong about Becca and Brian, since reading people was kind of her thing, but it looked like she was.

  The door opened, and as if summoned from her thoughts, Becca walked in. Just like Jessie and all the girls in the room, she was wearing a royal-blue, floor-length strapless gown. Her shiny, long dark hair fell around her shoulders, and around her neck was the same type of pendant that all the other girls were wearing. It had been their bridesmaid gift from Haley.

  “Hi.” Becca lifted her hand, looking a little frazzled. She’d flown in early this morning from California and drove straight here from the airport.

  Instead of waving back, Jessie stood as a rush of emotion washed over her and pulled her sister into a hug. Becca’s arms wrapped around her.

  “Are you okay, sissy?” Her baby sister’s voice was filled with worry.

  Jessie didn’t trust herself to speak without her voice cracking, so instead, she just nodded, still not letting her go.


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