The Devil's Revenge (The Devil's Eyes)

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The Devil's Revenge (The Devil's Eyes) Page 10

by Loren, Jennifer

  “She lied to me, Kayla. You know how much I hate that.”

  “She feared telling you that your biggest enemy is her brother. Can you blame her?” I ask him.

  “Yes! I don’t like to be lied to!” He yells, but immediately feels guilty and begins to calm.

  I wait for his final big exhale before taking another approach. “You know, Nick has been insane over you two dating. Drives him crazy. You should have seen his face when you said you were getting married.” I laugh while I mock Nick’s expression until finally Brady laughs.

  “I have to say, that was kind of funny, now that I think about it,” Brady laughs even harder.

  “She is the same woman. She was scared. Don’t judge her, give her a chance like you did me. Who knows, maybe your reward will be finally getting back at your worst enemy. Think about it, Nick is going to hate every second of you being married to his sister, having children with her and building a happy, beautiful life together. I would say that is the biggest revenge there is … wouldn’t you?” I smile in his direction.

  “Well, I’m not hating the idea. I do love her, but I hate him.” Brady calmly takes another deep breath. “I’m not promising anything but your right. This is about her and me. I won’t give him the satisfaction of running me off.” I take his hand and ride back home with him. Lena runs to him as soon as we walk back in, apologizing and professing her love for him like a crazy woman in love.

  “Lena, let him go!” Nick yells, taking me in his arms to check me over as if I could have been harmed somehow.

  “Shut up Jayzon. This isn’t about you, this is about me and my fiancé.” Brady says, smiling back at Lena. “We need to talk honey.” Lena nods with tears in her eyes and a smile slowly forming on her face.

  “I am not allowing this!” Nick yells.

  “You don’t get a choice!” Brady points back at him. “Face it Jayzon … we are going to be brothers.” Brady says, taking Lena’s hand and leading her out of the house.

  The steam coming off Nick is ignitable. I know enough to leave him be for now, but after an hour goes by I feel confident enough to bring Nicky to him. Nick’s demeanor changes instantly. Nick will do anything for his son, even if that means lowering himself to playing a silly game. Something only I or Nicky will ever be privy to see. Nick briefly catches sight of me and smiles.

  “So Princess, are we going to have another son or ….”

  “I don’t care … I don’t care at all as long as we are all together.” Playing with Nick’s hair, I nudge him and smile with him as he shares a kiss with me. “You are going to have to get use to the idea of Brady you know?” He refuses to say anything. “Wow, a cop for a brother-in-law … hmm, I wonder if that could be useful somehow? Silly to think so, I’m sure.” I kiss him once again before shutting up and letting the seed I planted simmer in his head.

  Chapter 17


  Welch is determined to not let this case against Kayla go, causing my old connections and enemies to begin questioning my strength as their fears of me begin to fade. I have spent much time these last few days crafting the perfect game plan for putting us back on top and hopefully forcing Welch to back the fuck off. My plan became clear, there is only one way to regain our hold. Dwayne, Reginald and Ryan all meet me to talk about our next steps. They are eager and up for anything to relieve them of their current boredom. I roll out a map of the city on the table. “We can’t get to anyone without force and there is only one way to get that right now. Estrella is too strong for us to battle. We need to attack smaller and work our way up. I know him well, and he will begin to break down watching us come for him. We start with Coles, then Briggs and then after we turn their men to ours … we go after Ellis.”

  “Ellis? With what? Nick we …” Dwayne barks at me.

  “We will gain men as we go. By the time we get to him, we will be strong enough.” I insist with no signs of fear.

  “Nick, that sounds great, but I don’t think you are thinking about the big picture here. We need another tactful gun, another general, not another soldier.” Reginald sighs.

  “We have been able to do it before. We will find a way and make do until we can recruit someone new.” I say, dismissing all their sighs and grumblings.

  “Recruit someone? Even if we find someone, how the hell are we going to be able to trust him with such responsibility? Nick, we are a man short no matter what we manage before we take on Ellis. Perhaps we should consider stepping back before we get to Ellis. That should be more than enough.” Dwayne tries to persuade me.

  “No, I want Ellis. We will find a way.” I insist.

  “Nick sweetheart, you need to listen to them. You need another general.” Kayla gracefully enters the room, already trying to evoke her will on me.

  This marriage has become a battle of wills since I have gotten back. I never knew her power could rival that of mine, not that it would have mattered. The woman had me from the moment I breathed the air near her. “Kayla, please listen to the whole conversation before you start making decisions.”

  “I would have, if someone would have thought to invite me to the meeting. Must have missed your note that I am sure you left for me.” Kayla walks to me with a smile and pushes back on my chest with both hands. “Now Nick, I am going to say this once and only once, and you better understand me. I am your other general. You better believe there is no way I am going to let you go out there undermanned. I don’t have to be in the middle of the battles, but I can certainly direct them. I can do this, and if you have any doubts you can ask the gentlemen behind me. They have seen me in action. I am a deadly shot, Nick.” Kayla winks at me but I am still not going to consider letting my pregnant wife enter into this battle.

  “Nick , she scares the hell out of me.” Dwayne says, causing Ryan to laugh.

  “She is a better shot than you I think, Nick.” Ryan admits, putting his arm around her shoulders, “You should see her right hook, too. Deadly!” Ryan shivers with a laugh.

  “Better than me? Well let’s not get crazy here.” Kayla’s smile only grows wider as she believes she is winning this argument. “No, don’t you smile. This is not happening. You need to stay here. I am not having you out and available to be a target. You’re in enough trouble as it is. Besides, you have proven that you are incapable of listening to me and doing what I tell you too.”

  “You are right, I don’t always do what you tell me to do. So, why do you think I will do it now?” Kayla asks.

  “Motherfucker! ” The brawny men step back from me as my petite wife steps forward to meet me eye to eye. “Kayla, I swear! No!” I yell, walking away from her glare.” The argument continues as she follows me throughout the house all day and night. All I want is sex and she is still trying to argue with me. She is exhausting. The next day, our team assembles to go over the details for our first attack, and my wife sits right in the middle of it.

  Chapter 18


  Malcolm Coles, originally a street con artist with his fancy tricks and quick hands, began running money back and forth for a boss before figuring out that he could be more profitable on his own. Coles is a master at turning a single dollar into several thousand. He is called ‘The Magician’ because he can make money appear as if out of nowhere. It isn’t magic, but it is drugs (and a lot of it), that for some reason no one can find until the pushers show up with it in their hands. I have always wondered how he did it, but right now I have to know how he does it. With the police watching our every move, I need to be able to pull off a few tricks of my own.

  Coles was on his way to becoming a major power until he angered the wrong woman. While he was screwing his girlfriend’s sister one night, she decided to get even by setting fire to them both. The sister died. Coles barely survived and ended up losing an arm. He is always covered head-to-toe to cover the scars and his remaining arm. He thinks his dressings hide his weakness and makes him look more menacing. However, he has become addicted to his pain me
dication. His addiction has only caused his paranoia to increase as well as make him more self-conscious. So much so, he has killed more people the last few years for doing nothing more than happening to look in the general direction of his missing arm. He is a loose cannon and a coke addict, which makes him an easy target. In addition to Coles’ magic tricks, I want his man Terrence Donovan. Donovan is smart and skilled at negotiations, and a big part of the magic.

  It has been awhile since I have been in this position, building an empire. I’m anxious but controlled and surprisingly, so is Kayla. She is dressed to kill in her dark, tight pants and matching top that highlights her full breasts perfectly. No one would look past her body. “Are you ready?” I ask her and she smiles wickedly, causing me to have to adjust my dick and try to calm down.

  Coles lives on the east side of the city in a luxury brownstone that sits peacefully on a quiet end of the street. This afternoon it is even more quiet than usual, until some workers show up to take care of some sewer issues. Drilling the street to pieces, they cause an overwhelming noise throughout the peaceful neighborhood. Our car passes them and stops so Kayla can get out of the car. She rounds the corner, running past the workers as they whistle and make lewd comments at her. She faces Coles and his men halfway between his car and his home. Coles fidgets all the way up to his front door. When Kayla runs by him, by the snap of his head it is obvious that she caught his attention.

  “Hey baby, come here.” Coles yells at her. Kayla turns towards him, “yeah you, come here I got something for you.” He laughs, looking her up and down as she slowly walks towards him. Slowly Princess, wait for it. Within three feet of him, Kayla stops and watches as a semi rolls up and stops in front of them, blocking not just my view but the whole street’s view. Sliding out of the car, I adjust my gun smoothly under my jacket. Walking towards my crew, I am pleased to see Kayla standing strong with one man down and two others being taken out by Dwayne. Coles pushes his other man out of the way and runs. He runs fast but, unfortunately for him, he runs in the wrong direction. With his last breath, he catches sight of my smile … and dies. One shot to the head and I am able to walk past him and right into his house, taking note of everything I want … and don’t want. Taking out the drug addicts and the other deadbeats, I leave myself with seven men including Terrence Donovan. On their knees and disarmed, they are forced to listen to what I have to say. “Paid is always better than dead gentlemen, your choice.” Seven men pledge their lives to me, and I mark item one off our list.

  Donovan is brought in and already I can see the wheels turning in his head. “I hear you have been asking to speak with me, so what is it you want?” I ask as he enters my office.

  “Mr. Jayzon, I have long had a great respect for you and your organization. I assure you, I can be a much bigger help to you than merely as a hired gun. In addition to my high intelligence, I have a lot of skills. I can also offer you high levels of negotiations that will set your business in great standing. I know you are a person that recognizes great skill and high worth, and I promise you I can provide that.” Donovan continues. It takes a man with some major balls to demand to speak with me in person, to put himself in my direct line of fire. As I sit listening to him, he speaks professionally and confidently. I glance up and see Kayla raising her eyebrows, clearly she is impressed too.

  I stand up, interrupting Donovan. “I don’t mean to interrupt you, but I did go after your boss specifically to gain your services Terrance. So, while I appreciate you coming to me with your resume, I assure you I am well aware of every detail.” He stands with a slight shock, but is careful not to be thrown by my comments. Holding out my hand to him, I meet his eyes and welcome him.

  Chapter 19


  Jason Briggs is a disgusting whale of a man. If anyone ever taught him manners, he purposely goes against them just to disgust people. He has the roughnecks, and the explosive experts that Nick wants. They can get in and out of anywhere with ease, which has enabled him to take whatever he wants and resell it back to the owners. Sick bastard, but I have to give him credit. Anyone that makes people buy back their own property for twice what they originally paid has got some balls. He also has connections to let him know who is illegally buying items they shouldn’t. The rich want you to believe they are squeaky-clean, but they are just as liable to take advantage of someone’s loss as any criminal would be, making them a target for Briggs. You can’t claim a loss of something that was never yours to begin with. Plus, if you were desperate enough to go to such lengths to get it in the first place, you will pay to get it back and pay to keep it from disappearing again. The most disgusting man on earth is also an expert on art, jewelry, priceless cars, boats and other items that run six figures or higher.

  Unlike Coles, Briggs is a little trickier. He is smarter and harder to get to. We use our new man, Terrence Donovan. His smooth negotiating skills come in handy, and his stylish demeanor makes him believable as a wealthy art enthusiast. Briggs meets with him several times before he finally feels comfortable dealing with him. Donovan smoothly negotiates for what Nick wants. A yellow, fancy vivid stone that is a mere 77.12 carats, hanging flawlessly off a white diamond chain. The necklace is negotiated for an even ten million dollars. Something so pricey and delicate, Briggs will not let anyone but himself handle the transaction. The meeting place is one Briggs feels is safe, but his mistake is believing we didn’t anticipate his choice. Nick had us watch him for weeks, when his boys made transactions they each went to their own favorite places. When Briggs handles transactions, he goes to one of two places. The first being an open market, a crowded atmosphere of moms and organic food seekers. Not exactly a place a man would be willing to flash such an obviously expensive piece of jewelry. It could be a place for an exchange of artwork that a nonprofessional would not recognize, or even a trade off of some antique car, but not a huge diamond necklace. None of us believe the exchange would ever happen at such a place. Our bet is on his construction site. The slow-moving building site has multiple cranes, dump trucks and other large metal obstacles. Having multiple exits, it is over three miles off the main road, nowhere near another building. This makes it nearly impossible to setup where we can get a clear shot at him or corner him from escaping. He’s smart, but Nick is smarter. Briggs calls Donovan and gives him thirty minutes to meet him at the construction site.

  With Donovan and Kayla, Nick has us drive them to the meeting spot where we are ushered to the center of the first floor of the steel framed building. Donovan sets to exit the car but Nick glances his way with a soft shake of his head. We wait for five minutes before Briggs’ car finally shows up. He wobbles out in his usual disgraceful attire, seeming put off by having to wait for us to get out of the car. Stepping out from the front seat with a suitcase full of cash, I wait, as Donovan eases out of the back first before helping Kayla out. Nick follows, causing an instant grumbling from Briggs.

  “Jayzon.” He growls. “What’s this about?”

  “Nothing more than looking for something nice for my wife, Briggs. It’s hard to find something beautiful enough to suit her.” Nick says, holding Kayla’s hair from her neck and giving her a seductive kiss on the nape of her neck. “I like to see her happy you know, and I would certainly like to fuck her with nothing more on her body than that beautiful necklace you have in your hand. Call it a sexual fantasy of mine.” Nick smiles, causing Briggs to roll his eyes. “But if we are going to have a problem with that then I am certainly up for further negotiations?” Nick motions with his usual cool, ominous style.

  “If you got the money … then I got no problems.” Briggs’ rugged, dried voice spits out. I hold out the suitcase full of cash and open it for him. “Alright, enjoy …” He says, handing over the large elegance and dashing off to his car with the cash.

  Nick holds us up for a count of fifteen and then we scramble. Nick jumps in the car with Kayla as Donovan and I take the elevator up to the top floor. Our first team meets Briggs’ men
head on and attacks. Briggs’ car and two others back off and leave the others behind as they race for another exit, causing them to drive by the crane that Dwayne drops hard on the front car. The screeching sounds of the remaining cars echo around Donovan and me as they race around the building to reach the remaining exit. Donovan smiles in my direction, shocked the plan seems to be working. “Just aim and shoot.” I say to him, enjoying the accomplishment just as much. I take out the front car and Donovan takes out the back. We leave Briggs’ car to fight its way loose and dart around its own backup car. Maneuvering around another obstacle, Briggs races to the exit which leads to Nick giving a signal to have the dump truck released from the hill above. Flying down the hill, the truck crashes through everything in sight and takes out two cars hustling to try to come to their boss’s rescue. The truck strikes Briggs’ car, pushing it sideways until an opposing truck slams into the car from the other side. Trapped and far from his men, Briggs becomes an easy target. We watch as Nick drives down to the crushed vehicle, steps out of his car, and buttons his coat as the wind blows it up around him. He shifts and draws his gun before walking up the front of the crushed vehicle and kicking in the windshield. Reaching into the car, Nick grabs the suitcase and does Briggs a favor by shooting him in the head before tossing in a match. Jumping down off the car, Nick joins Kayla and signals to round up our new men and take off.

  Chapter 20


  After a long day and more action than I am use to seeing, I spend my night relaxing in a hot bath. My body feels so good, that when I finish I think the only thing that can make me feel any better is about ten million in diamonds. Naked and giddy with excitement, I begin searching our room and closet for the necklace. I was sure Nick had laid it out for me to try on later, only there is nothing to be found.


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