Mystery: Missing Rita: (Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Suspense Thriller Mystery)

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Mystery: Missing Rita: (Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Suspense Thriller Mystery) Page 10

by James Kipling

  “What has that got to do with me?”

  “You were Rita’s therapist. You know all her secrets and I am sure you know where she kept all the account details.”

  “But you have just said it was a joint account. Doesn’t that mean you have access to it?”

  “When we opened the account I was only 17 years of age and Rita got full control of it. I was supposed to also have access once I reached 18 but I totally forgot about it.”

  “So you think I know something about the account.”

  “I think you do,” Tracy said and leaned closer to him. “I think you either have all the information I want or you know someone who has the information I want.”

  “What is in it for me?”

  “Does that mean you have the information I want?”

  “Maybe,” Pieter said and sipped from his glass again. “I may have some information on the bank account.”

  “What do you want?”

  “To split of course,” he answered. “Fifty-fifty.”

  “80- 20,” Tracy said.

  “Okay, fair enough,” Peter chuckled. “God knows you need the money more than I.”

  “So when will I get the information?”

  “Patience, my love. I need to handle this discretely.”

  “Okay and I need a date.”

  “Next week, same time as this.”

  Tracy looked around the room before making a mental calculation.

  “Next week, Wednesday at 10:00pm?” she confirmed. “Where will we meet?”

  “Here.You can let yourself in the same way you did today.”

  Tracy got to her feet after getting the information she wanted and downed the contents of her glass. She then threw a dirty look Peter’s way and moved closer to him.

  “If you try to screw me up, I’m going to cut you,” she said. “I’m not as wicked as Rita, I am worse.”

  “I would totally find that hot if I were the least bit attracted to you,” Peter replied with an equally wicked look on his face but could feel the fear in him make his heart race faster. He watched as she walked out of the room and noticed her well-rounded behind. He listened carefully as she walked out the back door and waited a good fifteen minutes before he took out his cell phone and made a call.

  “What?” a voice on the other end of the receiver answered his call. “You had better have a good reason to call me this late in the night.”

  “She knows.”

  “She knows?”

  “Yes, she does.”

  “What do we do? Should we change the plan?”

  “No,” Peter answered. “We stick to the plan but solidify plan B.”

  He hung up the phone and went on to sip his scotch by himself in the living room. He got to his feet again and poured himself a second and third glass. The liquor finally got to his very tired body and he fell asleep in his seat.

  Chapter Four

  Sam sat in his bed that night watching a movie on his laptop while sipping a beer. He did not feel like working that night and decided to focus all his attention on himself that day. He had had an eventful day of moving from one courtroom to another with the state attorney and could feel the fatigue getting to him. He had switched off his cell phone but knew he would eventually need to switch it on and loved the idea of peace and quiet. The doorbell rang and he let out an angry curse underneath his breath before getting reluctantly to his feet and walking over to open it.

  He did not like who his eyes landed on when the door flew open. He wished he hadn’t opened up.

  “Hey, sweetie,” Ted said from the other side of the door before walking right past him and into the living room.

  “Hey,” he answered.

  “You do not look so happy to see me.”

  “Long day,” Sam replied before stretching his arms and letting out a loud yawn. He however knew Ted was right – he was not so happy to see him. He was feeling tired and was not in the mood for a demanding midnight romp.

  “That is a bummer,” he said before having a seat on the living room sofa. “I had the night planned out with very exciting games.”

  “I am sure you did, but look, I have had such a long day,” Sam started explaining but was interrupted by Ted’s angry tone.

  “You are so ungrateful, Ted.”

  “Here we go with all the drama,” Sam said and started walking away from the living room.

  “Don’t you walk away from me!”

  “I’ll do whatever the hell I want.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Damn right it is,” Sam said and stopped in his tracks. He turned his attention to Ted and looked him straight in the eye challengingly.

  Ted did not look offended. His anger slowly turned into laughter and he started making his way towards Sam. He had an evil look in his eye – the look that Sam loathed more than anything in his life.

  “Look who finally got his voice,” he said. “Sam.”

  “Yes, Ted.”

  “Yes, Ted?” Ted asked disgustedly. “Is that what we have now come to? You call me by my first name?”

  “But that’s what I’ve been calling you for quite some time now.”

  A sharp pain seared through his tummy and he took a few steps back from the blow that Ted had plunged into his stomach without warning. He placed both hands on his stomach and contemplated his next action before moving forward and returning the same blow in Ted’s stomach.

  Ted stumbled back too and had a look of disbelief on his face. He had not expected Sam to retaliate and he felt confused. The two looked at each other with pure hate in their eyes before Ted straightened up and gave Sam an equally murderous look. He then turned on his heel and said nothing before making his way slowly to the door. He could feel Sam’s gaze dig into his back as he turned the doorknob. He turned round and locked his gaze with him before letting out a deep breath and shaking his head.

  “You are going to regret this,” he said and walked out the door.

  Sam was left to revel in the hollow silence he had left him in and wondered what he could possibly do to him. He looked at the door and walked towards it before turning the lock and heading back to his bedroom. He remembered his phone was off and switched it on before letting his body slump on his bed. He let his thoughts wander around to nothing in particular as he waited for the phone to switch on.

  As expected, he had a few voicemails and missed calls. Most were social calls but two were from his partner Lohan. Out of mere curiosity and worry, he dialed back and listened to it ring.

  “Finally,” Lohan’s voice echoed from the other side of the receiver. “I have been looking for you.”

  “Sorry, my handset had issues,” Sam lied.

  “Is it fixed now?”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “I need to see you right now.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes yes, I am fine,” Lohan answered. “It’s a work thing.”

  “Where are you?”

  “Club Whiskers.”

  “The strip club where your wife forbids you to go?”

  “One and only,” Lohan replied. “You coming?”

  “On my way,” Sam answered before hanging up the phone and sitting up on is bed. He had a feeling Lohan was not calling him for any work-related business but needed a night out anyway. He walked over to his mirror and took a look at his reflection in the mirror. He liked the faded blue jeans he had on and thought of matching it with a red T-shirt. He rummaged through his closet for the T-shirt in question and threw it on. He then walked out of his apartment and headed to his car, Ted’s last words echoing in his mind and making him slightly tense. He got into the driver’s seat and drove off into the night after pushing Ted’s words to the back of his head.

  Sam knew where the strip club was but had never gone in. He drove cautiously to it all the while adjusting his rear view mirror for fear of Ted or any other car trailing him. He got to the club and the energy that greeted him at the door was unbelievable. There were
half-naked women dancing all over the place and he spotted his partner in a corner receiving a lap dance from one of the skimpily dressed strippers.

  Lohan also spotted him walking over and gave him a wave, he seemed to be having a great time and he had a wide smile spread across his face.

  “Sam my man,” he greeted as Sam walked over and sat opposite him. “Sam, I would like you to meet Ginger.”

  “Hi,” the blonde lady on Lohan’s lap said and gave Sam a wink. She then turned her attention to Lohan and asked, “will your friend want a lap dance too?”

  “Let's give him a beginner’s pass, love,” he said and slightly gave Ginger a tap on her behind. “Why don’t you take a break?”

  Ginger got out of Lohan’s lap with a pleased smile on her face and skidded away. Lohan then turned his attention to Sam and continued smiling.

  “You look happy today,” Sam commented after observing the constant wide grin on Lohan’s face.

  “I am.”

  “Can I ask why?”

  “Long story,” Lohan said and brushed off his question. “Where are we with the case so far?”

  Sam looked at him confused and took in his surroundings before turning all his attention to Lohan.

  “Do you really want to discuss the case in a place like this?”

  “You are right,” Lohan said before getting to his feet. “Let’s step out.”

  They both walked out of the strip club with Lohan saying ‘hi’ to most of the waitresses and assuring them he would be back. They got to the parking lot and Lohan looked at Sam expectantly.

  “So?” he asked. “What is the latest update?”

  Sam looked at Lohan for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and shaking his head in disapproval.

  “First of all, I would like to know what is going on with you.”

  “What do you mean what is going on with me?” Lohan instantly became defensive and took a few steps back. “I am great, never been better.”

  “No, you’re not!”

  “What have you heard, Sam? Who have you been talking to?”

  “I have heard nothing and I have been talking to no-one,” Sam answered. “I have simply observed.”

  “What have you observed then, smart guy?”

  “Your disinterest in everything.”

  “What do you mean, Sam?”

  “There is something going on with you that is affecting your lifestyle,” Sam started to explain and hoped his partner would not feel he was overstepping his boundary. “I cannot really put a finger on it but I can tell it is eating you up inside.”

  Lohan took a few minutes to ponder the words that had come his way before taking a few steps back and combing his hand through his few hairs.

  “Has anyone ever told you, you chose the right profession?”

  “No,” Sam answered. “But I know of a grumpy old man who keeps complaining about my youth and determined young mind.”

  “That old man is jealous.”

  Sam was shocked by these words and looked at Lohan in utter bewilderment.

  “You do know the old man I am mentioning is a reference to you, right?”

  “Of course I know that. I am old, Sam, not slow.”

  Sam let out a slight chuckle as his mind raced back to the many facts he could give Lohan about old age and memory loss but decided not to.

  “So tell me,” he probed on. “What has been going on with you?”

  “What else?”

  “Gina?” Sam asked.


  He watched as Lohan let out a slight heave and walked to where he was. He placed a hand on his shoulder and looked straight into his eyes.

  “You know you can always talk to me.”

  “I know,” Lohan answered. “But I don’t think you would understand.”

  “Why not?”

  “You are not married, kid,” Lohan pointed out.

  “So what?”

  “So that means you cannot really understand what I am going through.”

  “But I can empathize,” Sam answered. “And I know it will make you feel much better once you talk about it.”

  Lohan simmered on his partner’s words for a few more minutes and reflected on the scene he had just walked into when he got home earlier on. He shook his head in disbelief before looking Sam in the eye.

  “Do not get offended, kid but I am not that kind of guy.”

  “I understand,” Sam said after seeing the stubborn look on his face. “Will you find your solace with Ginger in your lap?”

  “Yes, I just might,” he said excitedly.

  “I take it you didn’t call me here for work then.”

  “No I did not, I needed the company. I was bored as hell.”

  “Okay, I can buy you one more beer before I head back to bed,” Sam said and started walking towards the bar.

  “Now that’s what I’m talking about!”

  “But you have to promise me one thing.”


  “Fix your mess with Gina.”

  “I will.”

  They both walked into the bar in a jovial mood. Sam’s mind however kept on racing back to Ted’s last words and he slowly started to succumb to his fear. He had known Ted for only a few months and there was no telling what he was capable of. He decided to push the thought to the back of his mind and concentrate on the night at hand. He however would look over his shoulder from time to time in search of him. He felt slightly rattled but nevertheless kept a straight face. The future held its fears and the thought of it made him uncomfortable.


  “How many people do you expect to show up, Mr. Sutter?” she asked. She waited for him to respond but he remained silent. That was the third time that day he had drifted off into his own world. She let him have his own moment and remembered she had another meeting to get to and could not afford to wait on him.

  “Mr. Sutter,” she called out.

  “Yes, sorry,” he apologized. “What was the question again?’

  “I was asking how many people you think will show up for the memorial.”

  Ryan was lost in his world again and stared at her before saying, “I honestly do not know.”

  “Can you give me a rough estimate?”

  “To be honest with you Rita was not really a people’s person,” Ryan answered. “I am actually afraid they will show up to dance at her grave rather than to mourn and celebrate her.”

  She listened to him and knew it would take longer than she had expected. She closed the files spread in front of her before looking Ryan in the eye.

  “Mr. Sutter,” she called out. “I know this is very hard for you to do but you have to pull yourself together. Can I come back later? Or is there perhaps a friend who would be willing to take care of this for you instead?”

  Ryan’s mind thought of the two likely candidates who would be willing to help out. He thought of Tracy before thinking of Yvonne and looked at the mortician who had paid him a personal visit to his home.

  “I will keep in touch,” he said. “I think I have someone who will be willing to help me out.”

  “Ok, please have him or her call me in due time,” she said before getting to her feet and placing the folders underneath her arm. “We need to get this ball rolling if you want the memorial to take place on the date set.”

  “Ok, thank you,” Ryan said and watched as she made her way to the front door. She was a short curvaceous woman who would have turned him on any other day but not today. He relaxed more in his seat once he was sure she had left the room and heard her start her car from a distance.

  He looked around the room and wondered if what he was about to do was the right thing. The police had not found any leads to the missing body and the kid s needed closure. They were still away with his mother which gave him time to plan events and invite people to the memorial. He was lost in his own world for the thousandth time that day but was slightly startled by the ring of the doorbell.

me in,” he shouted reluctantly. He was not in the mood for any guests and hoped he or she would not take much of his time.

  The doorbell rung a second time and he had to get on his feet to go answer it. He wished it was a girl scout selling cookies or an insurance salesman, that way he would easily be able to send them away.

  He swung the door open and was disappointed when his expectations were not met.

  “You again,” he said and left the door open before walking away from it.

  “Is that how you welcome your ex-lover?” Tracy asked and walked in after him. He headed to the living sofa and she was right behind him.

  “What do you want?”

  Ryan asked from the living room sofa and took a sip from his usual glass of everyday scotch.

  “I wanted to check up on you,” she answered. “See how you are faring.”

  “I ask again,” Ryan replied.“What do you want?”

  “Come on, do not be like that, is it wrong to check up on you?” Tracy asked and moved closer to him. She placed a hand on his thigh and Ryan for the first time had a close look at her. She had made a great effort to look pretty that day. She had on a tight-fitting black dress that showed off curves Ryan had doubted she still had. She wore a light shade of makeup, had neatly pulled-back hair and stud earrings.

  Tracy moved closer to him when she was sure she’d gotten his full attention and rubbed his thigh gently. The much-expected reaction could not be missed as Ryan got a visible erection right in front of her. She took advantage of this and moved closer to him, her lips met his before both indulged in a passionate kiss. Ryan did not know how much his flesh had been craving sexual attention until Tracy made her advances. He wanted to resist her but could not and before he knew it he had stripped off her clothes.

  The starved animal in him came alive and he made her lie on her back before parting her legs apart and thrusting deep and hard into her.

  “I missed you, Ryan,” Tracy moaned.

  Ryan wanted to reply but was not sure if he’d missed her too. He could tell by the tightness of her vaginal lining that she had not had sex in a long time. He tightened his grip on her thigh as he was about to climax and exploded inside her. The familiar convulsions that made his body vibrate made him feel he was in Heaven. He let his body collapse on her after the session and could not bring himself to look into her eyes.


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