All is Lost (All Series, Book 2)

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All is Lost (All Series, Book 2) Page 10

by Marie Wathen

  Before we have time to think about Breesan’s odd reaction my cell begins ringing from the back pocket of my jeans. I roll over and retrieve it from under me and read the caller ID. The screen flashes “Mom” and I hesitate answering, knowing that there could be any number of reasons for her to call. It has been several weeks since we've spoken. She and my father arrived back home two days ago and as usual neither of them have tried to contact me.

  “Go ahead and answer whoever it is calling.” Rhys say, leaving the room. “We're done for now.”

  I snort, giving a dismissive response. “Alright, but it's my mother. There's no damn telling what she could want.” I glance at Sam as I answer the call.

  “Hello Mom.”

  Kole and Raithe quickly make an exit as well, leaving me and Sam with Breesan. Switching to speakerphone, I allow Sam to hear the conversation.

  “Marcus, have you seen your brother?” Mom blurts out.

  Shaking her head, Sam rolls her eyes. Of course mom's concern is with Morgan. She never calls to talk about anything that doesn’t include Morgan.

  “No mom. I didn't see Morgan at Tristan's party. I was told he left before all the shooting began. Why are you so worried about him?”

  Out of respect for my mother I keep my voice low and controlled, hoping that she doesn’t become upset. Breesan's body stiffens suddenly and she crawls in closer against me. Smelling her cherry scented lotion soothes my irritation, but Breesan being out like this is really scaring the shit out of me. With the mention of Anna’s name earlier and now Tristan, she becomes agitated. My mind spins through the recent events and I'm growing more certain that everything that has been going on may really tie back to the woman lying practically catatonic in my arms. I don't want to believe it, but fuck I can't deny all the evidence pointing in Breesan’s direction. Mom is explaining her reasons for worrying about Morgan, but being distracted with worry about Breesan I don't really hear her. I do pick up the last couple of sentences.

  “…Morgan went with some friends down to that club in the city where the Gothic people hangout” Mom’s voice is nearly a snarl before she takes a breath and says, “No one has seen him since and I’m worried. Find him Marcus. We have family issues and he needs to be here for the family.”

  “Why mom?” Fearing the worst, I stammer, “Is it…is Tristan okay?”

  “You're not listening again.” My mother snaps, “No it's not Tristan. It's Elise. I said she has been at the hospital for hours waiting on Morgan. He knew she would be meeting today for brunch, but he never showed. She has been calling…we've all been calling, but he's not answering. It is not like Morgan to ignore my calls. Pull whatever strings you and your sister have and find him. Now!” She pauses briefly then calmly adds, “Please Marcus. Just for once, stop being selfish and think about your brother and this family. We need Morgan here.”

  She cuts me deep with these words, knowing how proud I am of my family heritage and she uses it against me at every opportunity. Not wanting to argue with her I give in to her irrational demands.

  “I'll be in touch mom.” I say, wanting to end the conversation. Without another word, she disconnects our call. “Fucking Morgan,” I growl angrily, through gritted teeth.

  “Mom seriously has the worst timing. Although it's pointless I can't believe you didn't tell her what you were thinking. I saw Morgan on the yacht in the very early morning hours, while staking out the harbor for signs of Dr. A.” She sighs, “You know as well as I do that he's out there fooling around with some girl, trying to impress her with his big vessel.” She smiles and rolls her eyes at her stupid joke.

  Her laughing breaks up some of my tension until I hear a small voice softly murmuring my name. Pulling away from the tight grip I have on Breesan, I look at her face, seeing sorrowful liquid pools of gray looking at me. Finally, I let out a long breath and tenderly kiss Breesan’s forehead. Sam silently slips out of the room giving us privacy. Her sadness stirs my soul and all I want is to soothe it.

  “Baby?” I hear the quiet plea in my tone. “Talk to me, please.”

  Chapter Ten


  The day is growing darker and the thunder vibrating the windows, echoing in the room is the only sound I can hear except for our matched breathing. The chaos that the storm is stirring up outside reflects Breesan’s current woeful mannerisms and internal disaster. She attempts to speak several times, but her voice is thick with emotion and all she can manage is a sad moan. After the damn shooting last night, then finding out about Julia's involvement with Dr. A, she must be on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

  Scanning over her tiny body earlier and seeing all the injuries pains me. I reach over, take her into my arms again and hold her while she battles her demons. My hand methodically rubs over her arm until finally her breathing calms once again. One thing is for sure, whoever the motherfucker is that did this to my baby is going to pay with his ass. My heart is shredded, knowing that she was fighting for her life and I wasn't there for her.

  “M–M–Marcus, please…” Breesan stutters a few times, trying to say my name and finally she gets the words out after taking a deep breath. “Tell me you found them.”

  “We'll find them.” Glancing down at her begging eyes, I slide my hand from her arm, up to her head and resting in her hair I rub soothing circles with my thumb. You're safe here.” I stare deeply into her eyes, hoping to express that truth that I know she can read. “I promise you we will find the bastard that did this and I will make that motherfucker pay for hurting you.” I kiss her forehead and glance down again, stroking my thumb tenderly over her bruised cheek. “But please don't worry about him right now. Just try to relax a little and then later when you feel up to it we can talk.” My words do not soothe her.

  Instead, Breesan looks lost, and so confused.

  “No, no, no. Marcus.” She closes her eyes, and shakes her head as she sits up in the bed then moves to the edge. “It's Anna.” She opens her eyes, completely tear free now. Sadness has been replaced with a new emotion; she is scared.

  “What?” Her mood shift has me bolting up quickly, sitting next to her while panic rises in my chest. “What do you mean Breesan?”

  “They took Anna.” A shiver runs up her body. “And, Waverly was with us. They took her too Marcus. Those guys took them!” Anger causes her voice to rise and she repeats herself, “Anna and Waverly were at the hospital with me. Oh god, they could be hurt or worse!” My thoughts jumble with this new information. “Didn't Sam tell you they took them?”

  “Are you sure they took the girls Breesan?” I ask reaching for my cell.

  “Yes! Yes!” Choking on fear, she pants, “The girls couldn't have gotten away. Those men covered their mouths with something that knocked them out and took them.” Her voice softens. “I tried, but…I couldn't stop them.”

  “I need to let Rhys know.” I say, pressing her tightly against me before standing and pacing the room. I tap out a text message to Rhys, relaying the new information. Checking my watch I estimate that we have already lost an hour. Not good. On an island this size they could have the girls hidden anywhere. Distractedly running through possible motives for abducting Anna and Waverly, I didn’t notice Breesan leave the room. Anxiety forms a tight ball in my stomach noticing the empty bed. I spin around toward the bathroom and notice the door that was just open is now closed. I rush over and knock a little more forcefully than I mean.

  “Breesan!” Her failure to respond has me knocking harder intentionally this time. Waiting for any sound, I anxiously run my hand through my hair pulling roughly at it while a mixture of panic, fear and rage urges my tone to rise. “Breesan! Open the door.” I bang harder and repeatedly until finally there is a clicking sound, indicating she unlocked the door.

  With eyes downcast, Breesan reluctantly opens the bathroom door. Her gray eyes, typically bright are dull and swollen encased with thick wet lashes. Her cheeks are flushed and damp. She's changed out of the bloodstained clothes
into the ones that Sam left her.

  “Baby,” I say, struggling to breathe looking at the angel standing before me.

  Her white shirt fits tight across her voluptuous chest arousing a raw desire in me to remove that tiny scrap of material hiding them from me and cover them with my lingering kisses instead. The black yoga pants shape her firm legs and petite frame perfectly. Internally I battle an inappropriate lust for her, fighting to escape.

  “God, I was afraid…” I avert my eyes and take a deep breath. Pushing my hand through my hair, I glance away so that I don’t follow through with the need my body has seeing her like this. I desperately want to reach for her body, marking every inch as mine and then dare some piece of shit to touch my woman again. Possessiveness this strong is unlike anything I've ever felt before. Before looking at her again, I force myself to compose my expression. Studying her face beyond the bruises and scrapes, I freeze at the sight of her sweet pink pout and just want to kiss her so damn badly.

  Unable to hold back another moment, I rush in and take her in my arms. Her knees buckle so I scoop her legs up in my arms then cradle her body before she falls. I turn around and lean with my ass against the vanity before I make us both fall. She wraps her trembling arms around my neck and tucks her head down onto my chest, like she is holding on for dear life. Instantly, I feel her wet tears on my chest.

  “I’ve got you, Baby.” I whisper against her hair.

  I can't fucking stand to see her hurting this much. Mygod, I want to rip something apart with my bare hands, but I have got to keep my shit together so she will know that she can count on me. Breesan needs to feel that being in my arms is her safe place. No matter what I must do, I will be her shield against the chaos attacking her. Whatever the sacrifice, I will be her calm in this storm and all others that she will face. There is nothing I won’t do to keep Breesan safe and make her smile again. I need her smile.

  I smooth away stray hairs from her face and lift her chin with my hand. She drops her eyes to my chest again, snuggling closer. Her lingering cries caused her breathing to hitch. Taking in several ragged breaths, she struggles to speak, and then when she does talk all she can manage is to mumble their names against my chest.

  “I'm so sorry Breesan. What can I do?” Squeezing my eyes shut, I wish I could absorb her pain. I kiss the top of her head and draw her closer. There is no more space left between our bodies. “Please tell me what I can do to make this better.” I beg desperately.

  Inhaling sharply, she nods. Through broken words and more ragged breaths she finally tells me what she needs. “Find them Marcus. I need to find them.” Her rushed, sad words stab my already pained heart. “Please, can we go find Anna and Waverly, now?”

  Keeping my voice steady, I say, “We have the entire Willow police department looking for the car. Now that we know that Anna and Waverly were taken the case went from being an attempted to an actual abduction. The feds will take over soon.” Pausing, I shift her body, securing my hold on her. “You and I are waiting here for Rhys' instructions. He should be back soon and I promise you, we will get them back Breesan.” She nods, “But you have to stay here with me for now.” Tears prick my eyes as I take a deep breath then release it before revealing my fears. “Ah god, baby, someone tried to take you from me.”

  She squeezes her arms around my neck tightly, and I feel her desperation to hold on match mine. My voice grows hoarse as I continue. “I just found you, and now some asshole out there is trying to take what's mine.” I place a kiss against her forehead. “I'm never going to give you up. And I swear to you, I will never let anything happen to you ever again Breesan.”

  Long moments pass before I can breathe normally again, and her hitching finally stops altogether. Carefully, I allow her to slide down the front of me, gently putting her feet on the floor. Scanning over her, I notice she has minor cuts on her hands, but it is the bruises on her cheeks that crush my heart.

  Carefully, I tilt her chin up with a finger under it so she is looking at me. Breesan peeks at me from under her dark eyelashes, but quickly shifts her gaze, scanning over my face. I tenderly slide a hand up, cupping her cheek, and she nestles her face against it.

  With my other hand I smooth away the hair from her face then lightly stroke the pad of my thumb over her cheek bone. Pulling my hand away from her cheek, she drags it to her lips, placing a kiss in my palm. I run my other hand through her hair, tangling my fingers into the silky strands. She leaves my hand resting against her mouth with her eyes downcast as she takes several deep breaths. After more several long minutes she is better, calmer now, but nowhere near alright. Opening her eyes again, she looks up at me.

  “I'll do whatever you need me to do,” Releasing a heavy breath, she adds, “but we have to find them soon. I'm scared. The bastard that tried taking me is the same guy you fought at the gym to protect me.”

  “Unbelievable.” Fury rips through me and I have definitely reached my boiling point after hearing her say it was that big mother fucker that put his hands on her. Reaching up and clasping my arms, she pulls them away as she steps back. I growl low and deep. “This is fucking unbelievable.” Aggravated, I run a hand across my forehead repeatedly as I stomp out of the bathroom. I yell into the hallway for Sam. Turning back around, I see tension marring her delicate features. “Breesan, tell me exactly what happened. And please don't leave out any details.”

  Within seconds Sam rushes through the bedroom door, panting she glances from me to Breesan. “What the hell happened?”

  Breesan tells us everything that happened from the time she stepped off the hospital parking elevator, and ending with Sam putting her on the back of the motorcycle. My jaw tightens and twitches as she paces the room, recounting every damn detail. Barely containing my rage thinking about her going through that trauma alone, I have to remind myself several times that I instructed her to tell me everything. However, when she tries taking the blame for Anna and Waverly’s abduction a loud roar begins deep in my chest then erupts like a fucking grizzly bear’s battle cry.

  “No!” I shake my head. “I won't have you blaming yourself. Those bastards did this shit and no matter what the reasons are YOU ARE NOT TO BLAME!”

  “Oh my god, Marcus, I'm just saying that I think with everything that has happened to me…” Digging her hands through her hair, she fearlessly walks over to me. Hands on her hips and her chin raised high, she continues. “Don’t’ you think it's all too coincidental? Clearly there is something going on that directly involves me. Forgive me, but I happen to be pissed off at the moment too. Pissed, that it has taken this damn long for me to put it all together.” Staring deep into my eyes, Breesan begs for understanding and I nod.

  She turns away, pacing the room again while sorting through the events that led us here. Sam and I lock gazes at each other from across the room. Silently we acknowledge where her train of thought is leading. She's narrowing in on the conclusions our team has already reached. She continues to explain and clarity shines in her eyes, but neither of us interrupts her discovery process. As she continues I consider convincing her that she's not at the center of the recent attacks, but at this point she won't accept it. Even so, I won't let her take all the blame when I am certain that it belongs to her stepmother and Dr. A.

  “Everything,” Breesan says, “starting with the night of Morgan's party, I got this strange sensation that someone was watching me. I thought it was just my stupid anxiety that was causing it.” She winces at that unexpected bit of information, like she didn’t want me to know. “But after scanning the room I spotted Waverly with some older guy and they were staring back at me. I didn't recognize him and didn’t know why he would be watching me with such an odd glare. It was like he was upset with seeing me.” She stops pacing, glances at me and softly adds, “I understand Waverly's reasons now. She was jealous about Morgan.” She smiles innocently. “Then there was the black sedan following me on more than one occasion. I never saw the driver.” She freezes momentarily
, thinking and then she shouts, “The day of the big storm I passed it leaving my house. Julia was home but she never mentioned someone coming to visit, not that I would really expect her to share anything with me. Then the second time was the night you were in the hospital, Marcus.” She frowns. “It was parked along the curb of the street near the exit ramp and pulled out behind me when I drove off.”

  She abruptly stops talking I can see it in her eyes that her mind is somewhere other than this room. After just a moment she visibly shudders at her thoughts. Lifting her eyes, she pierces me with a painful stare.

  “What is it?” I ask with growing concern.

  She shakes her head very slowly, still not ready to reveal everything yet. Then her eyes drift around the room, hauntingly. Not staring at anything in particular, she turns a slow circle facing away from me then spots something on the bookshelf.

  “Your fight,” she whispers running her hand up the side of the bookcase, “my drug overdose, or rather attempted murder, last night’s shooting and now…Anna.” She reaches for and lifts a baseball from its holder. Focusing her eyes on it she grips it tight in her hand and continues with a calmer tone

  “Marcus someone is trying to kill me.” She says. I swallow down my stress unable to acknowledge the truth.

  Sam walks over and stands directly in front of Breesan, placing a hand on her shoulder. “What else, Breesan? I can see there's more that you want to tell us.” Breesan nods her head, worriedly biting down on her bottom lip. Her eyebrows are arched up in a painful looking expression. She turns her back toward me, and I make a move, wanting to comfort her, but Sam holds up a hand and mouth's the words, “Not yet.”

  Breesan sighs, “I got three random text messages from an unknown caller. At first they didn't make sense, but now I'm thinking I was very wrong.”


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