Captain Awesome Takes a Dive

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Captain Awesome Takes a Dive Page 3

by Stan Kirby

  Eugene and Charlie offered a quick wave good-bye. There was no need for anything more, for they’d soon be seeing each other again at the Superhero Squad Sleepover.

  It was Friday, after all.

  Eugene slid into the backseat of his mom’s car. With a quick click of the seat belt, he was safe, secure, and ready to go home. Molly was already in her car seat, gnawing away at some poor doll’s head.

  Eugene felt happy. He sat back and closed his eyes. Bad guys, beware! Captain Awesome and Nacho Cheese Man had once again made Sunnyview safe! No villain was too bad! No pool was too deep! No Blobby Blob-Blob was too blobby!

  Only one thing could make this day even more perfect . . .

  Eugene’s mom closed her door, then reached between the seats and handed something to her son.

  “I got you another Super Dude Ice Poptacular since Molly ate yours . . . ”

  Eugene took the sugary treat and smiled.

  Fall. Who names a season after an accident? Are there other seasons called “Trip” or “Crash” or “Oops”?


  So why name it “fall”?

  Whatever the reason, it was certainly better than “Autumn.” I’ll bet no one even knows what that word means, Eugene thought.

  Fall was the most boring, BORING, BO-RING time of year between the start of the school year and winter break—a time when NOTHING happens.

  Oh sure, you can say that there’s Halloween, but that’s really only for one day and sometimes it rains. Thanksgiving? What really happens on Thanksgiving besides a lot of eating, falling asleep in front of the television and having to listen to wrinkly old relatives say, “Oh, my! Look how big so-and-so has gotten!”


  “OUCH!” cried Eugene, his thoughts now focused on things hitting his head.

  I’m under attack! Eugene thought and dove for cover behind a tree. But who could it be?!




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