The Zombie Rule Book: A Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide

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The Zombie Rule Book: A Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide Page 4

by Tony Newton

  This will become tiresome but make it a part of everyday, something you have to do like brush your teeth. Take turns at different hours, it works much better the more people there are in the group. Who knows, the late night shift might not come around again for a good few days.

  Rule # 133

  Power nap regularly

  Change your regular sleep pattern and take twenty-minute power naps, ideally every three hours. Power naps are great and after you’ve used them for a while you will get used to them. When you get a chance you can even have a few hours’ sleep and still power nap.

  Rule # 134


  Hygiene is a must, wash every chance you get (at least daily). You can’t afford to let your hygiene go.

  Rule # 135

  Always Travel with a partner

  Try to travel with a partner, even if you are nipping out to get some tools. Get used to doing this.

  Rule # 136

  Be persistent

  You will always get a persistent zombie who will not go down; I like to call them zombienators. Keep going for it, he/she will go down eventually.

  Rule # 137

  Get ready to Run

  Be ready to run, expect to run, this is going to happen. You will have to run from the undead and other survivors.

  Rule # 138

  Get some Vitamin C

  Get some vitamin C. This has many uses, from preventing scurvy to boosting your immune system.

  Rule # 139

  Slow and steady doesn’t win the race

  They usually say slow and steady wins the race, but not when running from zombies. Remember this.

  Rule # 140

  Carry a torch

  Always carry a torch. Even if you go out in daylight you never know when you might get stuck and have to hide for a while before making your way back. Carry it ideally in your vest.

  Rule # 141

  Keep quiet

  Always keep quiet; learn to keep quiet, being loud could get you killed.

  Rule # 142

  Be careful when swimming

  Be extra careful when swimming, zombies won’t drown. They can’t swim but they may be lurking deep in the water, be aware.

  Rule # 143

  Learn how to use a gun safely

  It is important to learn how to use a gun properly, practice using it every day.

  Rule # 144

  Check the safety is off

  This is one thing, one little thing that could save your life. When you are not using your gun always keep the safety on. When you get ready to shoot always make sure you check that it is off.

  Rule # 145

  Always be confident

  Be confident in whatever you do. Be confident in the fact that you will get out alive, and when meeting new survivors.

  Rule # 146

  Acquire a Swiss army knife

  This is a great piece of kit. Carry a Swiss army knife with you at all times, you cannot be without one.

  Rule # 147

  Practice first-aid training

  Keep a small, well-stocked, first-aid kit that you can carry on your person with all the essentials, band aids, plasters, a bandage and sanitary wipes at the very least. Always practice, be prepared for injuries such as broken limbs and cuts or even worse.

  Rule # 148

  Keep calm and fight zombies

  Try to keep your cool and stay calm when fighting. You will have more chance of killing the zombies.

  Rule # 149

  Always close gates and doors

  Always close gates and doors behind you. This will hopefully keep out unwanted zombies and survivors.

  Rule # 150

  Acquire some handcuffs

  Handcuffs are a great idea and can be very useful to keep unwanted survivors away from you and can also be used as bait with something attached to them.

  Rule # 151

  Go vegetarian

  A zombie apocalypse is probably not the best time to be eating random meats. You don’t have to go veggie, you can still eat pre-cooked tinned meats but stay away from fresh meat. Don’t trust anyone who offers you any so-called steak, it’s probably their evil stepmother.

  Rule # 152

  Never let the zombies win

  Never let a zombie get the better of you, you are smarter and wiser and have more skill.

  Rule # 153

  Never, never, never, give up

  Never give up, keep fighting. Keep being a survivor.

  Rule # 154

  Drink alcohol in moderation

  If you are going to drink alcohol, drink it in moderation. Don’t get hammered, you can’t fight zombies with a hangover, you need to be alert at all times.

  Rule # 155

  Keep in touch with other survivors

  It is important to try to keep in touch with other survivors if you can. That way you can share information and knowledge and learn from each other, having a better chance of survival.

  Rule # 156

  Disable smoke detectors or alarm systems

  It may be an idea to disable any smoke alarms throughout the house; as if they go off they will attract zombies. If you still need to use them, cover them with a shower cap; this will block out some of the sound.

  Rule # 157

  Always check sheds and garages

  You should check sheds and garages for zombies and also food and weapons, take what you can.

  Rule # 158

  Vantage point

  At your base make sure you have a vantage point that you can look out from to see any zombies or survivors approaching.

  Rule # 159

  Eat little and often

  Try to eat little and regularly to refuel your body.

  Rule # 160

  The fast walk

  Learn to walk at a fast pace whenever possible, this will lessen the likelihood of being followed.

  Rule # 161

  Relocate to the country

  The country and other less-populated places will give you a greater chance of survival.

  Rule # 162

  There are no rules; there is no law in place. The only rules that matter are these rules:

  Survivors will kill, harm or attack you just for a bite of your favourite chocolate bar. They will be desperate to protect their family by any means possible.

  Rule # 163

  Don’t waste ammo

  Only shoot if it is a 100% necessary. Whatever you do, don’t waste your ammo. Your gun or guns will be rendered useless without ammo, so stock up and always keep ammo clean and dry.

  Rule # 164

  Learn calculus

  You may need this for a number of things, from bartering to counting the hordes of the undead that are coming straight towards you.

  Rule # 165

  Be sure to check vets practices for med supplies

  You would be surprised how many animal medical supplies can be used to treat humans. Always be careful when approaching places of high interest.

  Rule # 166

  Never punch a zombie

  A punch will not harm a zombie; they will be straight back up. Find a weapon that can kill it for good.

  Rule # 167

  You can live three + weeks without food

  You can survive without water for up to three days but last as long as 3 weeks without food. So if it’s a fair hike to re-stock your supplies, you will make it before you succumb to starvation. I would not recommend trying either though, this is information for the z-day apocalypse.

  Rule # 168

  The weak will not survive

  There is no place for the weak in the apocalypse, this is the real animal kingdom now.

  Rule # 169

  Be careful of babies giving you away

  Be careful of newborn babies giving you away to survivors or zombies. Their crying can put you in danger so try to soundproof the room as much as you can.

  Rule # 170

  Don’t panic

  Easier said than done
but this won’t help anything. When you panic you make mistakes, mistakes that just may cost you your life.

  Rule # 171


  Only use barricades if you have to. When there is no other option you can make barricades from barbed wire, broken wine bottles and many other things.

  Rule # 172

  Rig an alarm system

  Ok, you might not be great at electrical wiring, but anyone can make a great home alarm system using wire or rope with tin cans or bottles.

  Rule # 173

  Always be wary of other survivors

  Be aware that zombies are not the only ones who may be after your flesh. There may be other survivors who are not only after your belongings, food supplies and weapons but they may be after your flesh too, for a quick barbecue.

  Rule # 174

  Use anything at your disposal as a weapon

  Learn to use anything as a weapon. When push comes to shove you may be forced to use anything to hand as a weapon. Think vases, branches, fire or sand to throw in attacking survivors’ eyes. Think in terms of hammers, hatchets, pipes, wrenches, spades, rolling pins and kitchen knives.

  Rule # 175

  Make sure everyone in your group is prepared to kill

  This is a must. Ensure that everyone in your group knows how to and is prepared to kill zombies and other survivors.

  Rule # 176

  Be prepared for other disasters

  It’s bad enough the living dead are after you but just when you think it couldn’t get any worse, it could! Always be prepared for any natural disaster from earthquakes, floods, tsunamis and more. Trust me, floods and zombies would not be a good mix.

  Rule # 177

  Have a back-up, back-up plan

  You will need to have a back-up, back-up plan, as things can go wrong. The place you are heading for may be swamped with zombies so always have back-up plans.

  Rule # 178

  Don’t set fire to zombies

  This is a waste of time. It would take some time to cause any damage to the zombie and in the meantime it will still be coming for you on fire, so change your plan.

  Rule # 179

  Become an entrepreneur

  Bartering is key for survival. Think like an entrepreneur, this way you can acquire food, drink, medical supplies and much more.

  Rule # 180

  Collect items that you can barter with

  Never throw anything away, one man’s junk is another mans treasure.

  Rule # 181

  Text slang speech is dead

  Text slang will become obsolete, no lol, m8, cul8r, only the good old Queen’s English. I suppose the zombie apocalypse brings some good news.

  Rule # 182

  Fashion is dead

  Don’t worry about fashion trends, this is the last thing to worry about. Choose practical clothing all the way.

  Rule # 183

  Make sure it’s a zombie

  By this I mean if someone is walking towards you covered in blood don’t out right attack. It may be another survivor who has had to defend themselves.

  Rule # 184

  Prepare to prepare

  Always prepare to prepare, make checklists then double check again.

  Rule # 185

  Don’t follow the crowd

  Don’t follow crowds. As soon as the z-apocalypse hits stay away from crowds, in fact go the opposite way if you have to.

  Rule # 186

  Stay away from sewers and subways

  Stay away from sewers and subways. They will be dark, leaving you vulnerable to attacks from zombies and survivors

  Rule # 187

  Make the most of natural daylight

  Make the most of the daylight hours. Only travel in the daylight, even if this means setting out mega early.

  Rule # 188

  Know where you’re sleeping before it’s dark

  Always know where you will be spending the night before the sun goes down. This is very important.

  Rule # 189

  Don’t dawdle

  Don’t wait around and be vulnerable. Once you have left your home you must keep moving until you find a safe place to stay.

  Rule # 190

  Avoid pubs and bars

  Avoid all pubs, clubs and bars as they will be full of unsavoury survivors and most probably zombies. Don’t risk it just for a shot of your favorite beverage, you may end up getting shot or eaten.

  Rule # 191

  Buddy up

  If you are alone, buddy up. Try to get a friend who is a killer shot and the zombies’ worst nightmare.

  Rule # 192

  Self-defense is the best defense

  Be used to fighting, practice with friends, learn how to fight and train hard.

  Rule # 193

  Don’t swing low

  If you are using a baseball bat hit high, never swing low. Only go for the head all the time.

  Rule # 194

  Give it all you’ve got

  When fighting, hitting or shooting give it all you’ve got every time, your life will depend on it.

  Rule # 195

  Never feed the zombies

  You’re not at the zoo; don’t throw a piece of your newly dead best friend at one of the zombies. Just don’t do it!

  Rule # 196

  Always keep knives sharp

  Make sure you always keep your knives clean and sharp, you can’t afford for your weapons to let you down.

  Rule # 197

  Learn to be light on your feet

  Learn to be really light on your feet and be able to creep around undetected if you have to.

  Rule # 198

  Keep your eyes peeled

  Always be on the look out for traps laid out by other survivors. Look out for everything from trip wires to nets and more.

  Rule # 199

  Use buckets as toilets

  You can use buckets as toilets. Just use carrier bags then dispose of the waste safely, it’s odds on that the water won’t be working to flush toilets.

  Rule # 200

  Nowhere is safe

  If you think that nowhere is safe you won’t go far wrong. Expect the unexpected at all times.

  Rule # 201

  Knives, machetes and baseball bats don’t need to be reloaded

  Weapons that don’t require reloading can be great tools. Reloading your weapon can take precious time whereas the weapons above allow repetitive use without stopping to reload.

  Rule # 202

  Zombies don’t sleep

  Zombies don’t sleep and are always alert to sound and smells twenty-four seven.

  Rule # 203

  Be aware of wild animals

  The world has been overtaken by zombies but you still need to be aware of animals in the wild, protect yourself and remember that animals may be infected.

  Rule # 204

  Holy water

  Holy water is useless against zombies. Don’t waste your time; you may as well just spray them with water. Don’t throw water over the zombies either because any water you are lucky enough to have will feel like holy water to you anyway.

  Rule # 205

  Learn to make traps

  Learn how to make traps and how best to use these to your advantage. Dig holes and cover with loose sticks, twigs and branches.

  Rule # 206

  Learn Morse code

  It is important to learn Morse code. You will have to use it along the way, learn it today.

  Rule # 207

  Have a secret code between your group

  Have a secret code between yourself and the other members of the group. This way if you are captured by another group of survivors you will still be able to communicate without giving away your plans to your enemies.

  Rule # 208


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