UNSHAKABLE (Able Series Book 4)

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UNSHAKABLE (Able Series Book 4) Page 12

by Aceves, Gigi

  I momentarily close my eyes to regain some sort of control. “Can you please move?” She squints at me, and I reward her with a glare. “I can chew whoever’s ass I want to.”

  “We’ve already established that, Mr. Bulldog! How about you bite my ass instead? You know, some foreplay before hitting third base.”

  “Sophia, don’t.”

  To my horror, she grabs my dick and gives it a few strokes, varying between hard and gentle as she stands on her tippy toes giving me a scorching kiss that makes my already hard dick, even harder. Her tongue battles with mine, retreating teasingly and advancing boldly, brushing hers with mine.

  “You’re making this hard for me,” I groan pulling her hand off me.

  “Love the pun, babe.”

  “I want to do this right, please.” I hear the pleading inflection clearly in my voice.

  “But I want to do this for you, please let me.”

  I’m just a man, with needs. Control has never been an issue, but with her it’s becoming one. She literally leads me by my dick inside her room, pushes me on the bed, climbs over me, and resumes her attack on my mouth while unbuttoning my dress shirt. Without too much fight from me, she undresses me, unbuckles my belt, and unzips my pants.

  “Babe . . .” A loud half moan, half groan expels from my mouth while her hand continues stroking me. “Stop . . . fu-ck!” I grip her hand over my dick effectively stopping her, only for her to leave my lips and suck on my earlobe.

  She whispers, “I want you in my mouth.”

  Her voice is my undoing. My mind goes completely blank, except for the image of her sucking me off. Sensing my inability to move or even think, my girl moves quicker than I’ve ever seen her. In seconds, all I can feel is her tongue brushing over my head. Gone is my timid girl and is replaced by a seductress. How she manages to change in seconds is a mystery I don’t even think I want to unravel because frankly, it excites the shit out of me.

  “Go—-d!” My fingers spear through her hair wanting to see her eyes.

  She licks my length using my veins as her guide, then stops only to swirl her tongue along my slit. My hips jerk forward feeling the heat of her mouth taking me in, though not entirely, but compensating for it with her hand on my base. Her head bobs up and down, alternately sucking gently then eagerly while massaging my balls, causing my eyes to roll back into my head, and my hand to pull on her hair. Her grip on me with her lips sucking me off, her tongue swirling around me, and I’m about ready to blow.

  “I’m coming!” I yank her hair, wanting her to let go and not unload in her mouth.

  Instead she tightens her grip on me, squeezing me with her lips as a sensual moan escapes vibrating around my dick, and it’s game over. I let go. My back arches, hips thrust forward as the most powerful orgasm depletes everything in me. My girl cleans me up good. Then she crawls her way over me, leaving small wet kisses wherever her lips land. All the while she looks at me holding my eyes captive.

  I love this girl so much. I don’t have the right words so I just hold her closer to me, leaving kisses on her forehead while I thank God silently for blessing me with such a gift. I don’t know if I’m surprised to see such an intense reaction from her or because I feel the same intensity when I’m with her, but to question it is futile at this point. She’s the only one who gets me, who revs me up from zero to a hundred in a split second. Clearly I do the same for her, and I’m fine with that.

  I roll us over, her thighs hugging my hips as she runs her fingers along my back relaxing me.

  “I’ve waited and prayed for you for so long, at times I gave up but here you are with me. I must’ve done something good in the past to be rewarded with your love. If having you forever means I have to give something up, I’ll willingly do it because a life without you isn’t a life worth living. I’ll do anything as long as I’m promised a forever with you, I’m good with it. I’m good with you. I once heard my sister’s husband say ‘his life for hers’. I’ve understood that concept, but everything changed because of you.” I shake my head fighting the concept I’ve adhered to for so long, only to abandon it because of her. “I don’t want to give up my life to be apart from yours. I’d die trying to live to be with you. So, when a point in time comes that I have to defend us, please don’t second guess my actions.”

  I don’t know why I say this. The fear of the unknown has never scared me until now. It’s my job to protect her father, but it’s also my job to be her forever. I need forever with this girl . . . I crave it . . . every fiber of my being demands it.

  Fate sometimes plays a dirty trick, but I’ve always seen it as a challenge. I’m confident that I’m bigger than the situation, stronger than the force, and braver than my enemy.

  Her love wipes away the fear that pokes at me. But her words come straight from the part of her that matches my own. They give me the strength to fight the fear. “If we ever get separated, my heart will still feel your love, my body will still feel the weight of your arms, and my mind will always remember how we were. I’ve never experienced a love so fierce before, and thank you for showing it to me . . . for making me feel it and making me live it. My heart will understand and not fail you. I will not fail us.”

  As her confession brings tears to my eyes, I ignore them and kiss the woman I love. I want to hide her from the world, to keep her in a bubble but unfortunately, that bubble will burst. If it does, whoever is planning the worst better prepare for my best.

  Trying to lighten the mood I ask, “Your mouth didn’t act like a virgin a moment ago. . . . care to explain?” I raise my brow at her.

  Even though I know it’ll drive me insane to hear the name of the fucker my Wildflower’s lips first touched, I need to know.

  She pulls back, resting on her elbow. “Being a virgin doesn’t mean I haven’t done anything else. I haven’t had sex, but I’ve done other things with my boyfriend in college. Plus, you know there are self-help books like ‘blowjobs for dummies’. Your sister told me so.” She winks at me as she giggles.

  “So, you’re saying you gave this turd a blowjob?” My calm voice belies what I’m truly feeling.

  “Just a hand job. Satisfied?”

  I move to kiss her, to start something that will lead her to the heaven I surrendered to a few minutes ago, but she shakes her head.

  “Your holding me is enough because everything you do, no matter how minute, is enough. What I’m feeling now is so new to me . . . so true . . . so clear; an orgasm by your mouth or fingers couldn’t make it any more beautiful.” I arch my brow at her. “I’m not saying making love to you won’t be amazing because I know it will, but you’ve never shared moments like this with anyone. I’d rather have this. Trust me; I love how we are right now.”

  I do trust her—I trust in her words.

  Safe—in my arms, she always will be. I long for that day when her safety will never be a problem. The Big Man knows all when He paired her with me. She needs protection, and I’m sure able to give it. I’m her shield from now until the bell rings . . . only when God hits it, because loving her means not quitting.

  Sound—the beat of her heart is more than just the rise and fall of her chest. It fires me up and gives me a purpose. A purpose with no end because loving her isn’t just my purpose in life, it is my life.


  WE’VE HIT OUR FIFTH MONTH! Yea for us. While we’ve hit a milestone, I’ve noticed a change in Damien. He’s more, I don’t know, vigilant . . . nervous. I can’t even pinpoint exactly what’s wrong, but something is off. He thinks he’s good at hiding it, but my body is so in tuned with his that a slight change in his demeanor is noticeable.

  It’s probably just the campaign. The stress of going city to city, state to state is actually more stressful on the Secret Service agents than on my parents and me. Even though he’s nervous, I’m excited that we’re in California. After a fundraising dinner last night in Los Angeles, we’re travelling north to San Francisco. We’re making a three day pit st
op at Big Sur. My mom insists because that’s where my dad proposed to her, and it’s where my grandparents lived until they both passed on.

  “Thanks for letting me tag along, Soph. You owe me after practicing twelve hours straight for the past week,” Mark quips as he lounges shirtless on the chaise.

  “Are you ready to meet the family?” Darcee asks as she walks toward the sliding glass doors overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

  “I’ve met them before, remember? I almost killed one of them.” I cringe at the thought. After all this time, it still brings a sense of shame when I think about it.

  “Do you get along with Roxy?” She seconds, and this time her eyes wander around the entire expanse of the Penthouse.

  “I do. We talk twice a week. His mom, I love her to death. She’s amazing.”

  Darcee giggles. “You know who I love? I love Neil! The couple of times I’ve talked to him, he almost made me pee my pants. If I had a dick, I’d tap that shit! He’s hilarious, not to mention easy on the eyes. Why he’s gay is beyond me. He’d make a killing being a dude, and I’d be first in line!”

  “Trust me, you’d be the first to know if I change teams, sugar,” Neil chimes in.

  Giggling and snorting comes from behind me. I’m surprised to see Neil standing beside Roxy whose neck is being smothered by kisses from her husband, Cody. Trish and Tami are admiring Mark’s sprawled out semi nakedness on the chaise. When Jake notices, he stands directly in front of Trish and kisses the shit out of her, making Tami blush. Brian walks Tami backward, planting her body against the wall and violates her lips.

  “Pardon my friends, Sophia, they’ve graduated from PDA and now enjoy exhibitionism as their past time,” Neil bellows as he rolls his eyes.

  I’m still dumbfounded by the expression of love in front of me when my feet suddenly leave the floor, and I’m in Damien’s arms. His lips lock with mine. “Hey,” he murmurs.

  “Oh, God!” Neil slaps his palms together raising his hands to the heavens. “Please do not forgive my friends for they know what they’re doing and have now moved up the ranks to orgy!” Neil says dramatically.

  Damien’s mouth on me drowns out Neil’s objections. “Need help cleaning you up?”

  “Always,” I answer breathlessly.

  “Rain check, baby. Wheels up in thirty. Will you be ready in ten?”

  “One more kiss then I’ll take a shower.”

  After a well-deserved kiss, my lips are satisfied and my girly part is protesting while my ass gets a good swat. I playfully give him the stink eye as I rub my now red behind, walking straight to the bathroom. Ten minutes later, I’m out of the bathroom wearing yoga pants, black tank top and a matching jacket with my hair pulled back in a bun sans make-up. Once Damien sees me, we’re whisked away straight to my surprise.

  He’s awfully quiet the whole ride. Apparently, my surprise has something to do with facing my fears, including the fears of the women inside my well protected SUV, minus Darcee and Mark.

  “Sky diving?” Roxy squeaks. “My uterus isn’t prepared for that!”

  Cody grumbles, “Take it like a woman, love. How do you want to land by the way, ‘stand-up’ or ‘butt-landing’?” Cody stops then shrugs his shoulders. “Scratch that. Butt-landing, it’ll be punishment for what you did to my dick with the toothpaste.” His little tirade earns him a glare from Roxy, but he ends it with a kiss on her lips.

  “I should’ve kissed the quads more before we left,” Trish worriedly says to Jake who pulls her closer to him. His lips land on her forehead then he says, “Want to play fast five?”

  “Fast five? How about fast and the furious? That’s how my heart is beating right now!” Neil groans.

  “That’s okay,” Tami breathes out. “I’ll be yelling ‘forever with no end’!”

  Brian declares, “I love you forever with no end, even when you’re screaming enough to burst my eardrums.”

  I turn to face Damien who’s gripping my hand. “Why’d you plan this, again? I’m scared of heights, you know that! I can’t believe my dad agreed to this. You’re gonna get fired, like seriously. You’ll be jobless before my feet touch the ground and you’ll be my sex slave forever, chained to the bed.” I babble.

  Cody whistles, “Damn! How many times have you seen Fifty? Have you done that scene where he bites her toast? Well, my love and I over here made that scene come to life, except we didn’t use toast, we used my dick. I only allowed her mouth inches toward the family jewels after I checked it for any toothpaste contraband.”

  “Cody!” The three girls yell out then hit his head and shoulders, simultaneously.

  “Toothpaste?” Luke questions.

  “Don’t ask, man. If you don’t want to lose the stiffy, stay away from the minty . . . that’s all I’m gonna say on that one.”

  Cody’s craziness calms me some, but the closer we get to our destination the sweatier my palms get. Even the thought of Damien jumping with me doesn’t calm my nerves. Heights and I don’t mix—ever. Twenty-five minutes later, we arrive at the airfield and I’m close to ordering Luke to drive us back.

  On board the plane that’ll takes us to our deaths, Damien triple checks the contraption attached to me even though Luke already has checked it twice.

  “You good?” He asks as his fingers busily pull on hooks and cables. I look anywhere other than at him wanting to show bravado, but inside I’m dying. Like I want to puke my guts out dying. “Eyes on me, baby,” he commands, and of course I oblige.

  “Do you know why I’m doing this? Why I want you to do this with me?”

  I huff in a not so lady like fashion. “I really don’t know, unless you want to see me pee my pants or puke my guts out.” I stop, realizing something. “Depends! I should’ve worn Depends!”

  He grins at me, then a quick peck on my lips, which turns into another then another, and before I know it my lips are devouring his. I’m like someone on death row demanding her last meal, except I’m demanding my last kiss from the last man I’ll ever love before I jump to my death.

  Releasing my lips as he rests his forehead on mine he explains, “I know you’re afraid of heights and by doing this with me it’ll teach you to trust and depend on me. I need you to pull from my strength and learn from it, so when the time comes that I’m away, when you can’t feel my body close to yours; you’ll remember how brave you are.”

  I pull him close to me, planting my face into his neck as tears of joy and contentment rain down my face wetting his skin. This man completes me in every way. His strengths cover my weaknesses and his love overpowers mine, taking us to new and higher heights that no one can reach.

  “It’s only us up here. Think that way when I’m not around, because I think that way when we’re apart. Now, tell me how much you love me.”

  “I love you so much—too much.”

  His eyes never leave mine, a silent communication that speaks volumes makes me giddy and the happiest I’ve been, forgetting I’m about to jump thousands of feet above the ground. His love makes me forget the bad and remember the good . . . always the good. With his bluish green eyes holding mine captive, I don’t realize we’re walking closer to the open door to meet the clouds floating around us.

  I hear a voice in the distance counting down as I watch with my own eyes. Trish securely attached to Jake jumps off followed by Roxy and Cody, then Tami and Brian. I look behind us seeing Neil attached to an instructor with his eyes closed and his hands clasp tightly together as if he’s praying. Well, I think he is.

  Damien nudges me taking two small steps forward when I ask, “How long again?” Then Jared jumps out. “God, please don’t let him die!” I exclaim.

  Damien chuckles behind me. “Up to sixty seconds of freefall, then about five to seven minutes with the parachute.”

  Clearing my throat I croak out. “Sixty seconds. A lot can happen in sixty seconds. . . . up-chucking can happen in sixty seconds. Oh, God.” He kisses my neck which momentarily calms me, but the roaring of
the plane’s engine jump starts my nerves again.

  Luke jumps off as he gives me a salute.

  It’s our turn, and I can’t feel my legs. I can only hear the loud thudding of my heart about ready to jump out of my chest. Before he pushes us over, his lips land on my ears. “Enjoy the ride with me. Open your eyes and spread your arms . . . no fear, just us. You with me?”


  Then he pushes us over, and I do what he asks of me. I open my eyes to see what’s ahead and spread my arms so wide, conquering my fears with him.

  Free—I never knew freedom could feel like this. Though I could never experience it without facing my fears.

  Falling—As scary as it seems, the freedom gained is immeasurable and doing it with the person I fear losing the most is indescribable.


  I enjoy sky diving so much I want to stay up here far longer than I should. But at this moment, I want to touch the ground as soon as I push us over . . .

  As I’m flanked by the people I trust the most, I feel content, calm, and in control. I check my sky diving watch. Once I see the right altitude, I yank the string, releasing the parachute forcing us higher. I wait for a loud scream to escape her, but when it doesn’t a sense of satisfaction spreads across my chest knowing that even through her fear, her confidence in us rises above it.

  Gliding our way down, I feel her fear expel from her body while apprehension seizes mine. I keep telling myself once I’m on solid ground, my heart will take over my nerves, and the words will just pour out of me giving me the freedom my heart demands.

  As the images on the ground start to take shape, I look around us only to see my brothers with their own precious cargos descending way ahead of me. Jake’s orange parachute is marked with ‘My Big J vs. Cancer = TKO’, Cody’s says ‘My life 4 hers’, and Brian’s says ‘We <3 baby Dominic’. Reading each of their sayings as if they’re thanking the good Lord for their blessings makes me excited for Sophia to read what ours says.


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