Seduced By Moonlight

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Seduced By Moonlight Page 3

by Lexie Davis

  She climbed in her bed and pulled the covers over her body, tucking them around her. She didn’t know what lay ahead, and he had no clue as to how else he could inform her. Max fisted his shirt in his hand and pulled it over his head. His body ached with need. Chloe watched his every move, hiding beneath the covers like a virgin on her first night with a man.

  “Will you try to do something for me?” he asked, his hands going to his zipper next. “You won't be able to shift fully but you might be able to partially. Can you try?”

  He lowered his pants, kicking them to the side before picking them up and folding them nicely. Her gaze burned his skin as he busied himself with folding his clothing. She didn’t say anything, but when he turned around, her wide eyes spoke volumes.

  “Come on, Chloe. Surly you’ve seen a cock before.” He came to the bed, pulling aside the comforter and slipping in between the sheets. “Like the night you spent with your boyfriend in the Mustang.”

  “He wasn’t that big.”

  Max held back a grin. “Take off your nightgown.”

  “Max, I don’t know about this,” she whispered. “My mind is telling me to run, calling the cops along the way. No woman in any state allows a man she doesn’t know into her bed. I’m so confused, and I don’t know what’s going on. Why is this happening to me?”

  He sat up and pulled the covers aside. Tears rolled down her cheeks, each one breaking his heart. With care, he wiped them away and gently bent to kiss her lips. “Stop thinking and feel for a minute. Listen to what your body needs. Tell me what it is.”

  Her breath blew soft puffs against his face as she exhaled. “I don’t know.”

  God, she was beautiful. He reached out and brushed her thigh. Her skin was soft and warm to the touch as his hand slid beneath the thin nightgown. He never looked away from her, keeping his eyes locked on hers. The nightgown slid over her hips and past her stomach, until he held the bunched fabric right beneath her breasts. Chloe’s throat visibly contracted as she swallowed. Max pulled his eyes from hers and finally looked down. Plain white panties covered her mound, the soft white cotton glowing in the light of the moon shining through her window.

  “Sit up,” he commanded, smoothing his thumb over her nipple. It beaded instantly at his touch as a soft gasp escaped from her lips. Without waiting for her to listen, he pulled her up and tugged the white garment over her head. Her hands immediately went to cover herself.

  Instead of demanding she move her hands, Max leaned in and kissed her. Her mouth was sweet like honey, warm and accepting. It took a little coaxing on his part, but she finally kissed him back, losing the shyness. He gently grasped her wrists in his hands and pulled them away from her body, taking his time to fully seduce her mind. She wanted this, he knew, but was afraid because of the circumstances. Finally, he pulled back and glanced down at the rosy tipped peaks of her breasts. With her, he was lost. He dipped his head and took one nipple into his mouth.

  Chloe moaned, falling back, nearly making it to the mattress before he caught her in his arms. She arched towards him and he teased her; swirling his tongue around her nipple before sucking it onto his mouth. Her legs widened and he crawled between them, putting himself at a better angle to have her body. She was luscious, her body primed for sex, begging for his cock. But he simply couldn’t take her yet.

  Reaching down, he fisted her panties and tugged. The thin cotton split as he ripped it away from her body. God, she was wet. Her scent filled the air as he touched her moisture with the tip of his finger. Her pussy lips were bare, slick and plump with her arousal. Surely she wasn’t going into the needing phase a day early? He leaned down, pushed her legs as wide as they would go and gave her one solid lick, from ass to clit.

  “Oh, Max.” Her fingers fisted in his hair.

  Max ignored her clit, using the tip of his tongue to tease her entrance before delving into her slick pussy. So sweet, he thought. He swirled his tongue, lapping at the creamy moisture. God, how long had it been since he fucked a woman? Four months? Six months? Too damn long, that he knew for sure.

  Chloe was a slice of heaven. She writhed, whimpering her need until finally he latched onto her clit with his mouth. Her hips bucked. He sucked her, learning what she liked by the cues she gave him. Her breathing grew faster, the death grip she had on his hair tightening to the point of pain. Little moans left her lips when he added a finger to his play, sliding inside her then back out. Her hot pussy clinched around the digit, sucking him into her tight body.

  “Oh, that feels so good. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

  He wasn’t about to. He pumped his fingers inside her, adding another then another to the act. He curled them up so he stroked the magical spot within, taking her even higher.

  “I’m coming. Oh God am I coming!” Her back arched off the mattress as her pussy clenched around him. She shook with the intensity of it, crying out his name as pleasure washed over her.

  Max gentled his motions, letting her ride out the orgasm until the ripples completely stopped. He pulled away from her and kissed her belly before going back to his side of the bed. He tugged the covers around them again and gave her his back, trying his damnedest to ignore the throbbing hard-on between his legs.

  “Max?” Chloe whispered in the dark.


  “Are you…are you done…?”

  Max smiled to himself. “Rest up, Chloe. You’ll have me soon enough.”

  Hours upon hours of straight fucking. It was great, he’d never say it wasn’t or complain about it. But whether he liked it or not, it was damn tiring. And, he still had to teach her how to shift.

  “I just want you to know something,” she continued. “I’m not the kind of girl that sleeps around. And…and I don’t let a guy touch me without a condom.”

  He rolled to his back and arched an eyebrow at her in the dark. “Condoms are the last thing you’ll be thinking of a couple days from now.”

  “I’m not joking. With all the diseases out there and pregnancy, I don’t. I won’t.”

  He reached out to brush her cheek with his fingers. “Our kind don’t get those diseases. And the whole point of the needing phase is so you can get pregnant.”

  He saw the look of horror on her face, even in the dark. “I don’t want a baby.”

  It was going to be a long night. “Chloe, just get some sleep. Tomorrow, we’ll talk more about it.”

  He turned over and licked his lips, tasting her flavour on them. If his dick could get any harder, it just did. Was it possible to fuck yourself to death? Because he wanted to sink between Chloe’s thighs and never come back up. Maybe the needing phase wouldn’t be as tiring with her. He was a bit older, though his bloodlines were pure. He came here to help her and that was what he would do. Maybe for the first time ever, this job would actually bring him the kind of pleasure he wanted.

  Chapter Three

  “Okay, I need answers.” Chloe came downstairs at eight the next morning, freshly showered and dressed in jeans and a white tank. “And then I need to work.”

  “Work can wait. I need to teach you how to shift to see if we can mask your scent.”

  She looked at the bulge in his pants, and a shiver went through her. She’d wanted him last night. She’d been scared and excited and full of anticipation. Then he’d simply denied her. He’d rolled over after she came and went to sleep.

  “I can’t shift. I’m human.” She still didn’t believe his corny tale. She loved wolves, yes, but she wasn’t one of them. That much she knew.

  He huffed his annoyance. “Humour me then. Come here.”

  He stood in the middle of the open living room, holding out a hand for her. Chloe crossed the room and took it. He was warm against her skin, the slight calluses of his palm abrading as they touched. Without a word, he pulled her to him and started to un-tuck her shirt.

  “What are you doing?” Chloe jerked the hem down and stepped away from him.

  “Taking your clothes o
ff,” he said bluntly. He stepped forward, and she stepped back. “What’s the problem, Chloe?”

  “I’m not getting naked in front of you. Sorry, buster. You had your chance last night.”

  He curled a finger beneath her chin and forced her to look into his eyes. “Are you seriously that modest?”

  Chloe pursed her lips. There was a million and one things she needed to do, mainly make new art to send to the gallery. For whatever reason he wanted her naked, she couldn’t play along right now.

  “Look. In order to shift, you must be naked. Otherwise you’d rip your clothing. Do you want that?”

  “For the last time, people don’t shift.”

  Was she crazy for allowing him to stay at her house last night? He was clearly delusional. People aren’t werewolves. She wasn’t. And if he was right about people coming after her… She didn’t want to think about that.

  Her stomach growled. “I’m hungry and a little dizzy.”

  “Bacon and eggs are on the stove.” He turned back to the large window overlooking her back yard. “Do whatever you want. I need to clear my head.”

  Chloe watched as he opened her patio door and stepped outside. He wore faded denim jeans and a tight black T-shirt. He was barefoot. His chestnut brown hair was tussled from sleep and his warm blue eyes were full and alert. He glanced around the area and then started to strip.

  She watched in amazement as he lifted his shirt, revealing strong muscles beneath bronze skin. Her mouth watered as each muscle rippled with his movements. He tossed the garment aside and started working on his jeans. He’s crazy. Totally fucking crazy.

  Chloe swallowed when he tossed the jeans aside, and went into the kitchen to take in the rest of his naked body. Wide shoulders tapered into a narrow waist. And he had a butt so tight and firm she could have sunk her teeth into it just to make sure it was as hard and yummy as it looked. Damn. Chloe sagged against the kitchen counter. She must be crazy too.

  She scooped the food he’d made—several strips of bacon and scrambled eggs—onto a plate and sat at the work island in the middle of the kitchen to eat. He was right about keeping the illness at bay. The more meat she ate, the better her body felt. The pains in her body were still there but the headaches were gone. She felt dizzy every now and then, but that didn’t worry her as much as her pussy aching like never before. She woke up wet this morning. When she came down stairs and saw Max, her panties grew even more damp. And now, with him standing naked in front of her like it was the most natural thing in the world, she felt like the Amazon was running between her thighs. She all but screamed for him to take her.

  Chloe stood to pour herself a glass of orange juice and returned, glancing towards the back of the house. Max was gone. She set the glass down and went to the back door, stepping outside.

  “Max?” She glanced around, looking for the dangerously sexy naked man. “Max, where are you?”

  He wasn’t on the deck. Chloe glanced around and spotted a wolf standing in her back yard, licking his lips. He was beautiful, she thought, even as fear engulfed her. His coat was a blue-grey with a light sprinkling of black and white here and there. His body was large and definitely threatening to anything that came around. But his eyes…his eyes were a mesmerising blue just like… No.

  Her heartbeat sped up, every nerve in her body on alert to the danger the wolf provoked. In all the years she’d lived here, wolves came around but none came this close. Sometimes she took pictures to paint by, for inspiration. But never had they ever come a few feet away from her back deck.

  She sucked in a breath remembering what Max told her.


  “Max?” she whispered.

  The wolf ran away then, heading to the woods.

  Chloe wasn’t sure if she should be worried about him or not. If he was what he said, why didn’t he shift in front of her when she called his name? Because people don’t morph into animals.

  This had to be a hoax. So where did Max go? Naked in the middle of nowhere, he couldn’t have gone too far.

  What if a wolf attacked him? Maybe that’s why the animal came so close to the house. He attacked Max. Fear gripped her tighter than a vice. She grabbed his clothes and headed inside.

  Hours passed and Max still didn’t return. Her stomach clenched as a sudden wave of illness came about. There was too much to think about. Too much to do. She couldn’t get sick. Chloe sat on the couch before she lost her balance and fell in the floor. Her legs felt like Jell-O, with the rest of her body full of tension and pain. Her muscles burned within her if she even moved an inch.

  Nausea came over her. Chloe tried to stand, knowing she’d retch in the floor of her living room if she didn’t get to the bathroom soon. She didn’t make it. In her hallway, Chloe collapsed, her stomach heaving all that she’d eaten before.

  And that’s where he found her. Lying in the hallway too weak to move. Max came to her, lifting her into his arms and cradling her like she was the most precious thing on earth. He laid her on the couch and unfolded the afghan draped over the back. He wrapped it around her body, tucking her tight into the soft blanket.

  “Stay put,” he ordered.

  He disappeared into the kitchen and came back with a roll of paper towels. Chloe closed her eyes, tears leaking out the corners.

  A few minutes later, he asked, “Chloe, what’s wrong? What happened?”

  “Where were you?” she yelled instead of answering his questions. “I’ve been worried sick that you’ve been attacked or hurt.”

  He pulled her to him then, taking her spot on the couch with her in his arms. He pressed her head to his shoulder and soothed her while she cried against him. She didn’t understand her attraction to him, her need to be near him or her illness. And worse yet, she didn’t necessarily believe his explanations. From the moment he picked her up, she was wet. Through all the fear, through her illness, she found herself completely drenched with her juices. Nothing made sense to her.

  “Baby,” he said pressing his lips to her forehead. “Everything is okay now. I’m here.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. Her pussy throbbed with arousal the moment she pressed her hips against his cock. He was hard. He stayed hard. The need to have him burned inside her.

  His hands ran the length of her back, lightly caressing her skin through her thin tank top. He didn’t say anything as he lifted her. She wrapped her legs around him as he carried her up the stairs to her bedroom. He didn’t stop at the bed, like she thought he would. He carried her straight into the large bathroom, where he reached inside the shower for a brief moment to twist the water on.

  He set her on the vanity and began working on stripping her of her soiled clothing. This time, she didn’t stop him. The tank top was first. He tugged it over her head and threw it into the hamper with a perfected shot. Her nipples beaded into hard little points and grew even harder beneath his heated stare.

  Instead of working on her jeans, he started on his clothing, whipping his shirt over his head and shucking the very same jeans he’d worn earlier. He folded them nicely and set them on the toilet. When he came back to her, he lifted her off the counter and set her on her feet. His fingers worked deftly on her zipper before he used both hands to part the material. He cupped her naked behind in his palms for a brief second as he pushed the garment to her ankles. She stood before him in nothing but her plain white thong.

  “For you to be an artist, you sure do like white a lot.” The tip of his finger traced the edge of her panties.

  “How did you know I am an artist? I never told you that.”

  He smiled and slipped his fingers beneath the sides of her panties. “I’m psychic.”

  When she was naked, he lifted her again and stepped into the steam filled shower. The hot water pelted down on her aching muscles, feeling heavenly as it slowly eased the tension from her body. She wrapped her legs around him and dipped her head back, allowing the water to soak her hair.

  She clo
sed her eyes when Max’s hands slid up her back and held her. The soft wetness of his mouth latched on to one breast, sucking lightly at the sensitive peak. Her body shuddered.

  Chloe clutched his shoulders and dug her fingernails into the hard muscle. Her pussy rubbed against his flat stomach, smearing her slick moisture.

  “Max, please,” she whimpered.

  He let her breast go with a soft pop. “Please what? What do you need from me, baby?”

  “I need you inside me.” Her body was on fire, and it had nothing to do with the heat of the shower. She leaned back, gripping each side of the glass stall. “Please, Max.”

  He pulled back just a bit to position his cock at her entrance. In one hard thrust, he pushed forward. The water streamed down into her face when she arched her back, accepting him. Max took a few steps forward until the water fell against the point where they were connected.

  “Oh, God.”

  Max pulled out nearly all the way and thrust forward again, hitting every sensitive nerve ending within the slick depths of her pussy. Max’s groan reverberated over the sounds of the shower. The little sparks of desire that filled her body before now blazed into an inferno. Her heart thumped in her chest as she held on, laying her head back against the shower wall.

  With each slick thrust, Chloe’s pussy clinched around him. Her whole body shook with need as the water tapped down on her clit with a heady constancy. Max held her with one hand while the other reached between their bodies to fondle her clit.

  That simple notion was all it took. Chloe came undone, squeezing her thighs around Max’s waist as the contractions in her pussy gripped him hard. Max cursed as his thrusts came shorter, harder until he erupted inside her with a growl of pleasure.

  Chloe opened her eyes to see Max’s expression. Before her, the man who buried himself within, shifted slightly into that of a wolf. Fur covered his body in splotches. His jaw and nose extended into a muzzle. His teeth elongated into sharp canines.


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