Big Sky Daddy (Montana Marriages #2)

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Big Sky Daddy (Montana Marriages #2) Page 3

by Linda Ford

  Lilly nodded her head in decision. “Let’s get to work.”

  “You’re gonna save her, aren’t you? She’s my dog. I want her to live.”

  They both jerked toward Teddy, who stood in the doorway. Without waiting for an answer, he hobbled toward them.

  Lilly’s eyes filled with pity.

  Caleb stiffened. Pity would not do Teddy any good. The specialist down east had promised to fit the boy with a brace that would teach the leg to work again. Or so the man had claimed. Caleb had long since lost his faith in doctors. “Let’s get started.”

  Lilly bent over the dog, but her hands didn’t move. He wondered what she thought about it all—Teddy, the dog, him. Well, he already knew what she thought of him. He worked for the Caldwells. That made him part of the wrong side in a land feud. Good thing she didn’t know his past or she’d have reason to think even more poorly of him.

  “You want me to get water?” he asked.

  She let out a gust of air and nodded. “There’s a bucket by the door and the pump is toward the house.”

  Caleb scrambled to his feet and then hesitated.

  She glanced up, a question in her eyes.

  “Is it all right if I leave him here?” He gestured with his head toward Teddy.

  She looked at his son and her mouth curved into a smile as warm as the morning sun on the horizon.

  His breath caught partway up his throat at her gentle, sweet regard for his boy, who had been hurt so badly. He closed his eyes against the rushing memories. The boy was without a mother because Caleb had been unable to save Amanda. He’d been away from home when the cowboys had entered, set on punishing him for interfering after he’d caught them tormenting the young man running his father’s store. If Caleb hadn’t come along, the pair would have helped themselves to whatever they liked from the shelves without paying. In hindsight, he should have known they were the sort who would want revenge, but he thought the incident was over with when he rode away. Later he’d arrived home and come face-to-face with their blazing guns. He’d shot the two men in self-defense after they’d murdered his wife, and he lived with the agony that he might have been the one who shot the bullet that injured Teddy. His hope, his prayer, was that he could make up for it by getting Teddy the best of care. God, let this doctor be one who can really help.

  He strode out to get water. He pumped with such vigor the water splashed out of the bucket, and he realized he was angry. What was the use of anger anyway? His energies would be better spent getting help for Teddy. And if that meant working for the Caldwells while seeking Lilly Bell’s care for the dog that Teddy had claimed as his own, well, so be it.

  He wouldn’t let a feud that meant nothing to him stand in the way.

  * * *

  Lilly smoothed the dog’s fur across the top of her head, which was about the only place that wasn’t soiled with dirt and blood. “Poor puppy. You’ll be okay now.” She’d do her best to make sure that was true.

  Teddy scooted closer and leaned over to put his face close to the dog’s. “You’re my dog and you ain’t gonna die. You hear?”

  The dog stuck out her tongue. It touched the tip of Teddy’s nose and the little boy laughed.

  Lilly wanted to pull both of them close and shelter them in her arms. Seemed life had been unfair and cruel to the pair. “I’ll do my best to make sure she gets better.”

  Teddy studied her so intently her lips twitched with a smile.

  “The man in town said you had a special way with sick animals. Do you?”

  She laughed. “If taking care of them means I do, then yes.”

  “But nothing special?”

  She studied him carefully. He was such a sweet-looking child. What had happened to his leg? She’d ask his father the first chance she got. If she or Ma could do anything to help... “I just use the skills my Ma taught me.”

  Caleb returned and set the bucket down. He squatted next to his son.

  She turned from the pair, dipped a rag in the cold water and began to sponge away the dirt and blood from the pup.

  “Can I help wash her?” Teddy asked.

  “If it’s okay with your papa.”

  After a moment of consideration, Caleb gently said, “It’s okay.”

  She handed Teddy a wet rag and showed him a place where it appeared only dirt had smudged the fur.

  “After all,” Teddy said as he dabbed at the spot, “she’s my dog. I should take care of her.” Teddy sounded so serious she ducked to hide her smile.

  “Teddy.” Caleb’s voice held warning. “You just found her. And she’s in pretty bad shape.”

  “But Miss Lilly can fix her. Can’t you? That man in town said you could.”

  She caught his hands and held them until he met her eyes. “Teddy, we will do our very best. Sometimes the best thing we can do is love our friend.”

  “I love her.”

  She felt the depth of his yearning in the pit of her stomach. He needed this dog. She prayed the injuries weren’t too bad and she’d survive. God, give me hands to heal and words to strengthen. She meant both the dog and his young owner.

  Grub padded in at that moment. The silly dog never noticed people coming, and usually barked a warning upon their going. But the big, clumsy, lop-eared dog was dearly loved by the entire family. Grub saw Caleb and Teddy and gave a halfhearted woof. He noticed the injured dog and ambled over to smell it. He then sat two feet away and watched.

  “This is Grub. He’s our dog.” She’d never tell a stranger how useless he was.

  Caleb snorted. “Johnny-come-lately, I’d say.”

  Lilly let the comment pass. “What’s your dog’s name?” she asked Teddy.

  “She’s a girl, right?”


  “A girl might not like being with two boys.”

  “Two boys?” Was there another one hiding in the wagon?

  “Me and Papa.”

  Caleb made a noise like he was holding back a laugh.

  Lilly dared not look at him for fear of revealing her own amusement and offending Teddy. “Oh, I see. I don’t think a girl dog will mind.”

  “That’s good. You know any good girls’ names?”

  “Well, let me think.” She continued to wash the dog as she talked, thankful she’d discovered nothing but cuts so far, though some of them were deep enough to make infection a real possibility. “My sisters are named Cora and Rose, but those aren’t very good names for a dog. The girls I know have names like Nancy and Katie. I know a little girl called Blossom.”

  Teddy nodded and smiled. “I like Blossom. It sounds like a pretty flower and my dog is as pretty as a flower. You like it, Papa?”

  “I like it fine.” He knelt beside Teddy and patted Blossom’s head gently, earning him a grateful swipe of the dog’s tongue.

  Lilly studied the man. He had dark brown hair, curly and tangled like it hadn’t seen a brush in several days. His dark brown eyes set off a face full of determination. She felt a flash of sympathy. No doubt he worried about his son. It was on the tip of her tongue to ask where Teddy’s mother was, but it didn’t matter to her except where it concerned the boy.

  Caleb met her gaze. “Blossom is a fine name for a dog who looks to be half collie and half bulldog, or something equally—”

  Afraid he’d say “ugly,” she quickly inserted her own word. “Strong.”

  He nodded and grinned.

  She blinked. My, how his eyes did darken and flood with warmth when he smiled. His whole face underwent such a transformation she was almost tempted to say he was handsome. Which had been her first thought when she’d seen him at the store. Good thing Rose hadn’t been there to take note of the way her cheeks had warmed as he brushed past with an apology.

  She thought about how stro
ng and kind he had been when he’d helped her calm the horse. Her feelings had been struck again with awareness of tenderness and strength when he took his son on his knee and drove from town.

  Despite all those wonderful virtues, he had so much working against him. He was obviously married, even if she’d seen no evidence of a wife. He worked for the Caldwells, which put a barrier as big as the Rocky Mountains between them. Not that any of that mattered, because she had no intention of ever again getting close to anyone outside her family.

  If you get close to people, you will just suffer more losses down the road.

  She’d help the dog. She’d even help Teddy if Caleb let her and if she could. But she would not let her heart be drawn to either one of them.

  She’d keep on repeating her vow every day if necessary.

  Chapter Three

  Blossom! Caleb had almost laughed at the name. The animal looked more like trash than a flower, but he would respect Teddy’s devotion and hope the boy wouldn’t end up with a broken heart.

  Lilly bent over a cut on the pup to examine it more closely, and then let out a sigh. “It’s not deep.”

  “Blossom sure likes me washing her.” Teddy wiped at the fur. Indeed, the dog opened her eyes and focused on Teddy, who leaned closer. “You’re so pretty. Prettier than any other dog I ever seen.”

  Caleb chuckled. The dog would likely grow into a good-sized animal with long silky hair like a collie. Her face, on the other hand, would probably look like she’d run into a train. “Beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder.”

  Lilly made a sound—half grunt, half sigh. “Seems to be true on many levels.”

  Caleb considered her at length. It sounded like she had personal experience with the old saying, but it couldn’t be on her own behalf. She was quite the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. “I met your twin this morning. What about your other sister? Is she older or younger?”

  “Cora. She’s two years older. She got married a short time ago and she and her husband, Wyatt, live on a small ranch not far from here.”

  “How old are you?” Teddy asked, the question so out of the blue and so inappropriate it shocked Caleb.

  “Son, we don’t ask personal questions.” He needed to give the boy some lessons on how to carry on a conversation with a woman. Not that he would mind knowing the answer. There was something about Lilly that made it impossible to guess her age. She had a twinkle in her eyes and a freshness about her that spoke of young innocence, but several times he’d glimpsed wisdom lurking in the depths of her gaze.

  Lilly chuckled. “It’s a perfectly natural question. I’m eighteen.”

  Teddy considered it a moment. “Mr. Frank said you and that girl you were with are twins. So your sister is eighteen, too?”

  “That’s correct.”

  “I’m five.”

  Caleb ducked his head to hide his smile at how Teddy delivered his announcement. As if it carried a huge amount of importance.

  “My pa is twenty-five. Isn’t that right, Papa?”

  Caleb didn’t know whether to laugh at his son’s audacity or to scold it. The boy had developed a sudden need to tell Lilly everything. Everything? He hoped not. He did not want Teddy informing Lilly that his mama had been murdered and his papa had shot two men. And worst of all, that his papa might have been the one to injure his leg. Perhaps he could distract the boy. “Blossom is watching you.”

  Teddy smiled at his dog and patted her back. “My mama was twenty-four when she died.” Teddy cocked his head as if thinking about Amanda’s death.

  Caleb held his breath. Teddy had refused to say a thing about the day of her murder ever since it happened. Please don’t start talking about it now. Not in front of a stranger. How would Caleb deal with the press of regrets and the weight of sorrow if he had to confront his past before this beautiful woman? He swallowed hard and gritted his teeth. He would not let his emotions escape into the open.

  “Papa, does that mean she’s still twenty-four?”

  His lungs relaxed and released the pent-up air. “I suppose it does.” Forever twenty-four. For some odd reason the notion gave him a measure of comfort.

  Lilly touched Teddy’s head. “I’m sorry about your mama.” She shifted her gaze to Caleb. It was soft, gentle, full of compassion. He tightened his jaw. Her expression would have shifted to horror if she’d known the details. Lilly rubbed Teddy’s back. “I’m so sorry, Teddy. I lost my own mama and papa when I was three.”

  He looked at her. “You did? I thought that man was your pa.” He was referring to Mr. Bell.

  “He is. He and my ma found us and adopted us.”

  Teddy studied her unblinkingly.

  Lilly met his look with a kind smile.

  Finally Teddy spoke. “I’ve never known anyone who was adopted. I found Blossom.” He turned to Caleb. “Can I adopt her?”

  Caleb chuckled. “I don’t think it’s called that when it’s an animal.” Teddy already had his heart set on keeping the dog. The animal wasn’t as sorry looking as she had been when they’d found her, but she still looked mighty poor. “How is she?” He directed his question at Lilly.

  She continued examining the dog. “There are some serious cuts, but nothing is broken that I can tell. She’s awfully tender over her ribs, though, so it could be some of them are broken. They’re certainly bruised. I’ll get some ointment to apply to the cuts. She needs to rest and get some proper food in her.”

  “Lilly, you have guests. I didn’t notice anyone drive up.” The sound of a new voice drew Caleb’s attention. Mr. Bell stood in the doorway.

  “Hi, Pa. You remember Mr. Caleb Craig and his son, Teddy? They found this dog and brought her to me for some care.”

  “Of course, the Caldwell cowboy.”

  The man’s voice revealed no emotion, but Caleb felt condemned by the statement.

  Mr. Bell rumpled Teddy’s hair. He knelt by the dog and ran his fingers through her fur. “Found her where?”

  Caleb answered the man. “Down the road about three miles.”

  Mr. Bell grunted. “Close to where the Bixbys live. He’s a man with no regard for God’s creation. Lets his animals suffer. Uses his land unwisely. What’s your verdict?” He asked the latter to Lilly and she repeated what she had told Caleb.

  Mr. Bell nodded. “He might benefit from Ma’s tonic. She gave me a shot of the stuff and I feel better already.” He chuckled. “Might be the nap and a hot drink of tea helped, too.”

  “I was going to ask her for some.”

  Mr. Bell planted a hand on Lilly’s shoulder. She smiled up at him. Their love was obvious. It seemed neither of them regretted finding the other.

  A found family full of tenderness and love. It was almost enough to give a man hope—

  He jerked his thoughts away from that trail.

  Mr. Bell headed for the open barn door and then paused. “Lilly, you need any help with the dog?”

  “I think I can manage on my own.”

  “Then I’ll be in my shop.” The man disappeared through the door.

  Lilly went to the neat room in the corner and returned with a jar and a roll of bandage. She looked from Caleb to Teddy.

  He felt her hesitation and wondered what she wanted. He didn’t have to wait long to find out.

  She knelt in front of Teddy and commanded his attention. “I am going to fix Blossom’s cuts.” She explained how the ointment would help the wounds heal. “Now Blossom might not like me touching them.” She let the information settle in Teddy’s brain.

  “Sometimes you gotta do what’s best, even if it’s hard.” The words seemed to come from a dark place inside Teddy.

  Feelings of pride and pain warred inside Caleb.

  Lilly squeezed Teddy’s hand. “You are exactly right. And very wise.�

  Teddy beamed.

  “Now here’s where you have to make a choice. Do you want to stay even if you have to see Blossom crying, or do you want to have your papa take you outside and wait until I’m done?”

  Caleb jerked forward. “May I speak to you?” He indicated that they should retreat to the tack room.

  She rose slowly. Leaving her supplies behind, she joined him, though she hovered just inside the door as if ready to take flight.

  “I don’t think he should have any choice in this. I’ll take him to the wagon or over to the pump for a cold drink of water.”

  She refused to meet his eyes. “I’m sorry I spoke out of turn. But I’ve already given him the choice.” She shot him a look of defiance.

  “Papa, Miss Lilly, I’ve made up my mind.”

  Caleb knew he wasn’t mistaken in thinking Lilly was relieved about the interruption. Maybe he was, too. He had no desire to engage in an argument with her about what was and was not appropriate for his son. All he wanted was assurance the dog Teddy had adopted on sight would live.

  Teddy sat up, his expression eager.

  “Son,” Caleb began, intending to warn the boy that they were leaving the barn, but Teddy had already started to talk.

  “I decided. Blossom is my dog. She wants me to stay.”

  Caleb jerked back. How could he disagree with that kind of conviction? “Very well. But you must be brave.”

  Teddy looked so determined that Caleb stifled a chuckle.

  “I can. I remember how. Mama told me.”

  Caleb stared. In the past nine months, Teddy had steadily refused to talk about Amanda’s death. Many had suggested it might help the boy if he did. Seems finding this dog had done something for Teddy that Caleb, the doctors and even Amanda’s parents had not been able to do.

  Lilly squeezed Teddy’s shoulder. “Blossom will be much happier with you here.”

  Teddy beamed.

  Another thought surfaced. Maybe Lilly had played a role as well, with her gentle kindness and direct way of talking to Teddy. If she and Blossom combined forces, could they help his son? He didn’t expect the pair could figure out what Teddy needed in order to walk again, but it seemed at least they might help him come to grips with Amanda’s death. That would be worth something.


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